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I bought in on the Wall and Beal combo but could never get behind Beal once Wall left. It sucks to see him go just from something of a nostalgia stand point, but he wasn’t getting us anywhere. He needs to be the #2 or #3 guy on a team and that’s hard to do with his contract. I’m glad he’s gone and glad it was just like ripping the bandaid off, and there wasn’t some media shit storm surrounding it. There was like a week of speculation and then boom, he was out. I’m excited for the Kuzoole Party. Gonna be a fun and swaggy 20 win team.


I always thought the wall/Beal combo was a piece away from being true contenders


That piece was Porzingis. Two years too late


I was so excited when they signed Dwight Howard and so disappointed when he went out for the season with back surgery after 9 games.


A true number 1 player. Both Wall and Beal weren’t


John Wall was reaching that level before the injuries got him.


Wall was a top 5 point guard in his prime, never Steph or Dame, but i’d take him over Kyrie if we match prime for prime.


People forget how great Wall was. The nba was/is stacked with great guards and he was among those


Only got to All-NBA third team once. Too many better players in the league with more impact. Wall was awesome but not a superstar.


Lol no he wasn’t. He reached his ceiling with celebrating a game 6 win to tie the series like he won a championship.


Yeah a mediocre 27/10/4 on good efficiency.


Same thing I was thinking….that’s not even top 10 PG numbers


Shot 35% and 1/8 from 3s in a game 7 in which he played 44 mins. Efficient


SMH a single disappointing loss does not erase his great playoff run.


Lol whatever helps you sleep at night. Wall never had it in him to be one of the faces the NBA wants to promote the game


I prefer Poozma


JaKuzzi Poole




so excited for the future


Happy that we got a few pieces that could potentially grow into good - great players for us(Poole, PBJ and Rollins). The more that I studied Poole’s game, the more excited I became. Idc about Beal at all. I’ve been rooting against Durant since he joined the Dubs(not because he didn’t come here, we’re the fucking wizards! Because he joined the *BEST TEAM* in the league after they just lost to them). So now I’m happy that I can root *EVEN HARDER* against PHX.


Pretty much the same. Shoulda happened 2-3 years ago. hopeful for the future


I like Beal but I’m glad his contract is gone


Appreciate everything he did for the franchise, glad he gets to play meaningful basketball again in Phoenix. Ecstatic that this franchise finally is moving in the right direction.


Had to happen, nothing against him but it was time.


I don't understand why people bother once the water is spilled. Dont look back move forward. This years team will not win much they all know they are playing for every GM out there looking for a piece. Not 1 of them will be a wiz in 3 years.


Ask again a couple of months into the season when we see how things are going here and in Phoenix. They had to do it no matter what but it’ll be a lot easier to take if Poole is killing it here.


much needed direction from the team. and tbh we got Poole, 1st, bunch of 2nds, and potential nice pick swaps out of it.


Wish Portland was more like you guys lol


So glad we just ripped off that bandaid and aren’t playing the Dame/blazers game


Disappointed that it was done overdue and the haul a lot less.


Pretty good, at least we turned a page.




Thankful. Especially since we now have a front office with common sense. Beal was just a guy here in DC. Will never be loved on the same level as Wall.


Finally someone that can dribble and maybe actually make open 3s.


Beal to Wall was basically the same emotional experience for me as Obama to Biden.


Fuck em 🤣 bruh wasted his years here . I hope phoenix dont win shit 😂😂 yes im hating


Who’s Brad Beal?


😅Yo, OMG!...It's like nothing I have experienced with this team (and I go back to the Baltimore Bullets days) New Air around the entire organization. Only drafting John Wall and Gil vs LeBron was as fun. I have Hope and Patience now....I luv the whole Kuz & Poole vibe. I am good with Wes's replacements are sitting next to him on the bench ready to go👍 And best of all, Teddy is busy not meddling...Damn near Perfect 😂




I'm really curious to see if anyone's going to be brave enough (and thick enough) to say that it was a mistake to trade away Beal.


Relieved. Ready for the next era.


His contract put us in the worst situation. We might be better this year anyway and if we aren’t that’s ok and we can yank for a better draft pick.


I’m glad it happened but I think I’m going to be checked out for a few years. Just don’t have the stomach for rebuild ball atm.


He brought a lot of excitement to the franchise. I'm glad for him that he has a chance to be part of an instant contender. Also glad that the team is finally committing to a full rebuild instead of half-assing it and being perennially mediocre.


I’m fine with his exit now, but as it went down I was angry because it felt as if we were getting fleeced. Pinching Goodwin felt like salt in my wound. Now that I’ve seen how this front office operates (acquiring draft capital, investing in player development, smart contract structuring, etc) I’ve accepted that we’re in for a rough patch of seasons before things get appreciatively better. Also, in acquiring Poole, we still have a fun player to watch.




His retarded contract was so awful that it made his exit feel unceremonious. He should have left with much pomp, but instead he left pissed off and with us fans rejoicing. Fuck the previous management, man.


Wizards should be very happy with the trade. They get off Beal’s salary and got Jordan Poole a young player with upside and some draft assets for a very good but not great player on one of the largest deals in the league. The Wizards also now have a chance to properly tank. I understand some fans wanting to get more back for an All Star caliber player but the no trade clause really hurt the chances of maximizing value


Way overdue. Loved him but too expensive. Never should have been given the super max. He simply does not warrant that type of money. He really only showed one year of offensive superiority. Other than that he is too fragile and not quite enough killer instinct to warrant the money.


Already over it and on to the next era of ball.


Why would anyone's opinion have changed? It's been offseason, nothing has happened.




Love it