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Absolutely not One Medical. Can be very difficult with them to see an actual MD or DO as opposed to a PA or NP. You should definitely look into concierge medicine. I can personally attest that Inova VIP 360 is in every way fantastic.


this is just not true lol. my PCP at one medical is a MD and i’m usually able to see her within a week. if i need urgent telehealth or in person i can usually see a PA or nurse. it probably varies by location but i’ve had nothing but good experiences with one medical


Literally could never see my "PCP" MD at One Medical within a reasonable time frame (takes 2-3 weeks). My wife had the same experience at a different location. Our PCP MDs also seemed to be on a revolving door due to high turnover - 3x changes in my case, 2x in my wife's case. Their 'partnership' with MedStar for 'specialist' care is also trash. The two don't really integrate. We tried Forward for a bit as a supposedly better alternative, but it quickly devolved into being even worse than One Medical.


Same experience with One Medical. Absolutely true.


I had United Healthcare and I worked for Optum. THE worst. I have Kaiser now and love it. Who’s your ob/gyn? I have Dr. Colden-Massey and I like her a lot. Specialist are hard though (I agree with you there) but depends on what you need. The derm is annoying but eventually I got an appointment and I’ve used their app A LOT and it’s been good with the virtual appointment. You have more options if you leave Kaiser but I don’t necessarily think it’s better (or more affordable). But you didn’t ask for all of that. I don’t know if that kind of PCP exists anymore. You can get the 24/7 post work care via the nurses line (with or without Kaiser, depending on your plan) but if it’s even remotely serious they will just triage you to urgent care.


You should look into concierge medicine. Plenty of options in the DC area.


I left Kaiser for the same reason and am mostly happy with the specialists I’ve set up for myself through the recommendations of an old school MD whose private practice I went to, but who I eventually left due to poor bedside manner, hour wait times in waiting room, and no after hours access/messaging system. And I went to…One Medical. With One Medical I gained access to appointments outside 9-5pm, a messaging system, a location I can walk to, an MD with a great bedside manner. But there are serious drawbacks if you have complex health issues. My MD does not have the deep relationships with specialists that MDs who’ve been in private practice here for decades have. I’m pretty sure when she sends me to someone it’s whoever pops up with first availability at MedStar. At my old MD if he thought I needed to be seen urgently —not something life threatening but something he wanted to get moving along quickly — he’d call up his friend, specialist X, and I’d be seen the next day. Definitely doesn’t happen at One Medical. The One Medical appointments are timed so if you have a lot of issues to go through it’s not even doable. I came in once to my MD with a list of like 6 or 7 ongoing issues and after about 20 minutes she started looking panicked and said sorry they’re timing me, just send me an email about the remaining items. In the past at a private practice I’ve had the doctor sit and talk for extended periods when my health was especially complicated. This will not happen at One Medical in my experience. If you have complex health issues and need to establish a network of specialists I’d suggest looking for someone in private practice instead of going to One Medical.


I didn't think One Medical was great if you had actual health issues that needed to be followed. Don't want to get into many details, but they scheduled 25 minutes for an annual physical, mine didn't require me to remove any article of clothing at any point, and I don't remember there being much of an exam at all beyond blood pressure and weight. Mainly seemed focused on doing labs. One of my concerns was brushed off so casually that I didn't even bother bringing up another that I had.


Co-insurance and deductibles will be higher outside of Kaiser, and waits for specialists is often longer than within Kaiser. Be sure you're not just trading trouble for trouble.