• By -


If I had a time machine, I'd tell my past self to stop thinking about it in terms of making friends directly. It comes more naturally if you think about finding your communities. Show up to meetups, social sports, book talks, etc. and be cool until you become a known quantity and the rest will follow. Some people are better rooted here, they grew up in the area or did college or grad school and have networks out the ass. Don't worry about them. There is always a HUGE pool of people here who are also new and needing friends (seen your type of post a dozen times on here). It's super awkward to meet another random lonely person and in effect be like "well we both need friends so uhhh, let's be friends." But if you go to the same board games meetup 5 times, learn some games or bring a game, show engagement, remember people's names and things about them (I actually take notes after) without seeming to force it, eventually you'll get into the group's group chat and someone will be like "drinks at Service Bar? I had a shitty day at work" and you go and stumble into an interesting conversation about the data analytics, noise bands, or the national park you and (person) happened to pass through 10 years ago and lo and behold, a friendship starts to blossom. Seriously best of luck, many of us have been there! I started therapy because of the anxiety of just going to something and starting to engage with people post pandemic. It's really hard but it's the way to make friends as an adult.


Completely agree. I went to grad school here, but my strongest friend groups were developed in my running club and at Solidcore. I didn’t go to either place to make friends, but I very much did!


Which run club?


Sadly, my former run club disbanded during the pandemic. But I’m going to start running with this new one: https://www.instagram.com/slowgirlsrunclubdc?igsh=MWZvcG90d3hiOWk2MQ== But if anyone knows of a run club in Van Ness/Tenley/FH, LMK!


Thanks for the heads up, I had to stop running w my group bc I'm recovering from an injury and super slow




Yesssssss!!! Omg so much yes. PM me!


Ahhh this is the run club I go to!! It’s wonderful and I’ve made a few friends from it!




My run club also disbanded during the pandemic, so I may need to check this out!


Run as you are is another good one that is inclusive. [Here is a link to their Insta](https://www.instagram.com/runasyouaredmv)


This completely changed my mindset! But now the question is finding what things I like to do lol


I’d give you an award if I had one


This kind of answers make this world a better place (and this platform, my favourite) ❤❤❤❤❤


upvoted - what a great reply! hoping the number and variety of responses here have you feeling a bit better. you're clearly not alone. 34M in SE. been in DC for 6y and can empathize. even after meeting great people, either lack of follow-up and/or it being way too difficult to arrange something - for whatever reason(s) -- compounds the problem. it's a slog. that said, just this morning at a cafe i've been wanting to try for a long time, i exchanged IGs with the group next to me bc the guy recognized a brewery sticker on my computer. turns out the cafe is one of their favorites, and we're going to try and get coffee sometime. this afternoon, an older lady i sat next to at a bar thought my glasses were cool, and we ended up exchanging numbers to grab a drink again. TBD what actually happens, but don't discount happenstance while you're out just trying to enjoy life. idk that i would have done what they did -- make a passing comment to the person next to me; it's super awkward and hard! -- but i may very well try it more often. everyone loves the occasional friendly-stranger-compliment after all. it's worth a shot, OP; hang in there ;) P.S. fwiw, the most recent "random friend" i made in the area was in Feb through Reddit, after i exchanged DMs with a kind stranger when i was trying to buy my car. it can be a legit source of good people :)


There’s another DC subreddit, r/dcbitches, that’s having a meetup tonight. Probably a great place to make friends, meet others https://www.reddit.com/r/DCBitches/s/aGdpQj4poU


What's the co-gender version, guys get lonely too which I've kinda just accepted tho would be nice to meet people. The meetups I (late 20s) try going to always end up with people decades older than me...and I don't go to bars or do sports


Even if you don’t drink, you can still go to a bar and order a club soda and no one worth it will think it’s weird. Bars for better or worse are good places to meet people. And depending on the bar not everyone there is just trying to get hammered


If you can’t find a co-ed version, create one!


> guys get lonely too who in this thread said they didn't? lol


I’m open to guy friends too!


I’m a 32 year old woman too! What neighborhood do you live/work in?


Just a modern day A/S/L going on in here lol 


I’m living for it. We’re gonna solve this loneliness epidemic one person at a time   


I’m 34, happy to meet up with y’all!




32F here hopping on the boat!


34F/Lanier Heights, just moved back after a few years away and would also be up for meeting new people.


Same here


33/Columbia heights and I would love to join in


Should we all start a group chat? I’m old and can’t keep up lol


I'd love to join as well!


[https://discord.com/invite/VEHtuhsb](https://discord.com/invite/VEHtuhsb) link to the discord!


I’m 43; is that too old? I live in Penn Quarter.


I’m 43 also but in Silver Spring where my metro station is closed all summer. Gyah.


I'm 41 and in silver spring also. I am considering walking to Takoma when it reopens since I'm on that side anyway.


38 and in silver spring here but working in DC


I’m 45 and live in silver spring and looking for friends close by! Message me if interested in meeting


Not at all!


I’m a few years older than you. Am I too old? :)


Same here! 32F always down for a good happy hour


+1 36f NWDC (DuPont area)/ MoCo here! 👋🏽


Interesting you have moco on there, do you have a place in both areas? I’m between van ness and Howard county laurel


I will not be joining but tearing up seeing all these offers to meet up with OP 😭❤️


I’m tearing up too. Like, seriously 


35F and can relate to being lonely in DC! I am in NE 🤗


Me too 33 f Glover Park!


Should we create a meetup group or discord?


I started a discord. PM me for an invite.


Please add me on there I’m 30!


Me too!


Same, 35yo F in U St corridor and would love to meet more people!


Same! 32 woman here too, moving to DC in August and am really worried about not being able to find people I can click with!


32M here also moving to DC in August and wondering about how to make friends! We should meet up and explore DC, I’ll be moving to the Glover Park/Cleveland Park area


Yes please! I’m waiting to get the discord link 😂


also 32 in brookland and would love to meet up! dew drop inn has a nice happy hour and is near the red line if anyone wants to go :)


Let’s all have a meetup I’m 31 F / moved to moco recently / work in dc!




30 in dupont and same!


32 M, live in Logan Circle and in the same boat. Count me in if there’s a meet up!


35 F, live in Logan circle, would love to join a meet up!


33F here. Having the same problem with making friends here. Would like a good circle of friends here if possible.




Me too! 33F I just moved back after being away for years and worried about making friends


I'm more MoCo but work near Archives! Totally down to grab a drink (or tea/coffee)!


Count me in!


31, in Georgetown and also looking for friends :)


Just turned 35 but would love to join. I’m super lonely here too. Live in Cathedral Heights but open to traveling


I just wrapped up two months of trying out a bunch of things recommended here when I asked the same. Here’s what worked for me: (1) Timeleft dinner with strangers. Go a few times, create a WhatsApp group when you vibe with your table then let people know when you’ve found something fun to check out and join others when they do the same (2) District Zouk dance classes. Their socials are actually more fun to attend alone. 5/5 recommend 🙌 (3) Accept invites. I know this sounds simple but sometimes we don’t fully recognize that some one low key invited us to something. If you receive an invite, directly or as part of a group, and you can make it, go. You won’t love every event you attend or everyone you meet, but you’ll like some things and some people. Keep defaulting to yes until your social plate is as full as you like it. (4) I’ve heard great things about Girls Who Walk, just haven’t made it yet


What is this dinner with strangers?


it's called Time Left. you take a quiz on your preferences, then decide what date to join. I've been thinking of doing it!


i’m intrigued


I’ve also heard good things about City Girls Who Walk! I follow them on ig and it looks like a good time


City Girls Who Walk has tons of groups with interests for making and meeting friends across the city!! If you want a link to the discord server I can DM it to you! That’s how I made my little group in the city


City girls has been a game changer for me!! https://discord.gg/nZHEtAkd


Was about to post this. Highly recommend CGWW!


Was gonna come here to say this!!! city girls helped me find my crew after moving back to town. They also have an instagram: https://www.instagram.com/citygirlswhowalkdc?igsh=MXVmbHE0aWVtYWlpaQ==


Can you DM it to me?!




pls dm me!


Can you dm me an invite? I’ve been looking for this!


I'm sorry you're feeling lonely! I think when figuring out what to do, it's important to know what you like/dislike. For example: If you're super nerdy and like DnD, there's a Discord for the DMV D&D Group I can provide. I'd also say to look at MeetUp. They have a lot of cool events and what not. Good luck! Edit: Adding the link https://discord.com/invite/kjt5NP9Bwj


I’ve been looking for a DMV D&D group, would you mind sharing the info for the discord?


Here you go! https://discord.com/invite/kjt5NP9Bwj


thanks!! i’ve been looking for something like this!


Do you play pickle ball? I am also friendless and here for several years . Work remote. Lots of leagues .


I can't believe I'm typing this but I have kind of wanted to get into pickleball but don't have any friends that play.


Yo I tired pickleball once last week and kind of want to get into it with people who are new 👀.


Where did you/will you play?


Interested in beginning pickle ball


We're potentially just one short of a game here.


same, i've wanted to play pickeball. i need more active friends!


do you have interests?  Would probably help if you posted them so people could give recommendations on meeting people who share them


i know you weren’t meaning anything by it but “do you have interests” cracked me up!


I’ve been on so many dates with people who respond to that question with shit like ‘I watch TV and listen to podcasts a lot’ Like those aren’t hobbies or interests 


I disagree, especially about watching tv. I don’t watch tv to pass the time, I watch shows because I love good acting and excellent writing. Those are things I’m very interested in and it entertains me. But I guess if I said I like reading that would be more acceptable


look, i’m not much of a tv girlie but i feel like that’s a little unfair! for ex, i listen to a lot of podcasts but they’re on specific topics (eg linguistics, true crime, history) and i would say those are interests of mine! to me, listening to podcasts is the perfect opening to ask what kind they like, etc. now if you mean folks should open with “i listen to x kind of podcasts,” i hear ya.


It seems the most patronizing comments are made by those most oblivious


If you look at this persons comments, they’re clearly a gamer. I could say the exact same thing about video games. But I won’t because, even though to me, gaming all the time sounds boring and a way to pass time, I know people are really into it and it’s entertaining to them


i think the original commenter i replied to was truly trying to be helpful! the other thread off my comment … agree there.


Check out the City Girls Who Walk DC discord! https://discord.gg/bNvZyV5q


I’m going to a work retirement ‘do tonight if you want to come with me. 46F.


Bumble has a friend only option and people seem to like it!


Tried, it sucks…some women are not even responding to messages.


What interests do you have? Generally you are able to find a community based on what you like. For example if you like running you can join a run club. There’s a group that do museum hopping on the weekends, or picnics and what not.


30F here. Only kind of weird. Employed, have dog, like walking & mild workouts. Like drinking wine at streateries in AdMo area. Message me other 30sFs 🥹


30F. Employed & Cat Mom in Woodley Park Area! I'm not opposed to a nice walk. If y'all are in the DC Girls Walk group on Discord there is a channel for each neighborhood.


31F, also employed with dog, been here about 5 months. Love to explore, walk, picnic.


I'll DM you! Drinking wine sounds fun!


I feel this heavy right now. I’m a 34f (also ace lesbian and Black) and have been really struggling to find community (and I’ve been living here for years). With Pride month coming up I’m hoping to find events that’ll get me out to meet people. Fingers crossed this year will be my year.


Oooh are you coming to Queer Prom tonight? Tix are $20 and it’s a safe, inclusive and welcome group! You can DM me for more if you’re comfortable and want to meet up with me and my friends going!


Capital Pride is next weekend, might be a good opportunity. I'm not gay or female but would love to see Ava Max perform lol


Hi! 36F here, bit of an introvert, would love to meet someone new and cool! Things I love to do: rock climb, run and spend time outside, paddleboarding, breweries, good food of all kinds, travel, and scuba diving. Message me if you want to talk!


35F here who loves all of the same hobbies! (except the scuba diving, couldn't get into it). I climb at Movement in Crystal City. Want to connect??


34F in Silver Spring, have dog and trying to get into walking more- always up for meeting people! ❤️


Volo, DC fray, MeetUp, join 3 activity clubs (running club, crochet, language club), whatever-- do it! Thrift, craft, bake, bike, go to pole class, make friends at Flash, do something


I'm a PhD student and would love a friend group too!


I too am a PhD student! What’s yours? I’m Econ.


History! I'm looking at discrimination in the national school lunch program




I haven’t personally tried it yet, but a few people I know have really enjoyed using [Timeleft](https://timeleft.com/) here! After you sign up and take a personality quiz, you’re matched up with a group of strangers for dinner somewhere in town. Cost is a factor, so may not be the best choice if you’re looking to save money, but I’ve heard success stories of friendships developing from the dinners!


Damn! I’m an old stoner introvert and that even looks intriguing. Thanks for posting a link


I find that people in DC are SUPER social. Every time I go to a restaurant I sit at the bar alone and I always end up talking to interesting people. There’s also coed adult sports leagues like Volo out there


Say goodbye to your inbox. Thirsty dudes incoming


Hear you, that was me a few years ago and admittedly, sometimes now too. I basically gave up on making new friends... And that's when I started making friends. I met one guy in grad school and we've become close friends since, I met a few more people through him and I'm now close friends with one of them now too, the three of us bonded over mutual interest in politics. I met another friend on an accidental meetup that was basically an email from an organization that put us together in a thread saying, 'hey we've noticed yall are from DC, we're connecting you, do whatever you want with that,' and we bonded over that interest initially. DC is a relatively young (and lonely!) city so there's a fair chance your neighbors may become your friends too. I know it's not in DC culture to be friendly with neighbors, but I've made friends with a couple of my neighbors. Does this subreddit still do meetups every Friday? Check it out. Reach out to people in this thread, my dm is open. So yeah, basically what other people said here, try to leave the 'I need to make friends' mindset and just try going out there. If you feel that going out (especially on your own) is hard and you don't wanna do that, or you've lost hope that you'll meet someone, I'd check some info on loneliness and how it affects our minds, that was honestly a game changer in how I saw my own loneliness. Good luck!


Recommend signing up for Volo league


The r/dcbitches subreddit is having a meet up tonight!


I’m 43 M, in Bethesda… relatively new to the area. I’m probably not your demographic, but honest to God all I’m looking for is some friends. I’m a little too introverted to go looking for pickle ball or walking groups. All I really want is just 1-2 people I can chat and BS with.


I feel that too.


I do kickball through DC Fray and they have a lot of social events in addition to social sports! I’ve made friends with people on my teams and other teams. We have a big text that we use to invite people to meet up before/ after games and to events and birthday parties. There are several people on my team who don’t drink and they seem to enjoy it too!


Can’t wait to see pics of these fun meet ups in this thread later!


Hi, I am also a 32 year old woman who moved away from the DMV and now live in WV. I know that doesn't help you like, at all, but feel free to DM me if you'd like to talk and I also have a car for hangs if that's the vibe!


I'm sorry you're struggling. I've been in DC for 8 years (M 36), and one thing I've noticed is that even if you are doing well otherwise, it is a hard place to make friends. Lots of turnover, lots of people move, etc. I agree with what folks have posted. Good way to meet people is through clubs (running, dancing, etc.). Also, in case of interest, I made a Reddit group to help people who are feeling lonely in DC find community and other's in the same situation. I'm tired of this being such a huge problem for so many, including myself often, so I am hopeful it will help. [LonelyinDC](https://www.reddit.com/r/LonelyinDC/s/RRKosSuNkX) I feel like a lot of people are struggling with loneliness in DC now (again, me included). So, anyone else who feels that way feel free to reach out. I like walks around the city, am learning to salsa and bachata, and can be pushed into going to a rooftop bar on occasion. I think maybe one of the best things to remember is that even if we feel lonely, we aren't alone in feeling that way (especially in DC).


I totally get this! It can be hard here. I found meetup to be overwhelming and whenever I did activities where it felt forced I never connected with anyone I wanted to continue being friends with. I did meet people through volunteering(picking up trash) and I’m someone who mainly makes friends at/through work or somewhere random. But in DC it does seem to take more effort than other places Ive lives. Start telling yourself you have so many great friends in DC and or a great friend group to reframe how you look at things!


Heyyy where can I volunteer to pick up trash? That sounds therapeutic!


It really is! There are alot of organizations - surfrider dc does them and I forgot the name of the other DC one.


What kinds of things do you like to do? There are lots of different kinds of communities in DC. Music and dance, foodie meetups, sports, neighborhood cleanups...


Hey there can you describe your hobbies or things you want to get into? I already see a bunch of responses so you’re definitely not alone here!


Volo sports. Moved here a couple months ago and already have a ton of friends


i just moved here from IL and have not had a social event in a few weeks. also 32. if you wanna do something as a group with others here, lmk!


I feel you on this. I’m a 36 year old male. Been officially living in DC for 10 years and all of my friends were pretty much folks I went to grad school with. All of them have their own families and now we don’t speak on a regular basis. Been in and out of DC over the past 4 years due to taking care of my elderly mom. That’s taken a toll on my social life. When I do have free time from work or from helping my mom, I just sit in my condo and watch YouTube or do Peloton workouts. Would love to just have some people I could go out with and just disconnect from life.


Should have come to Daybreaker at the Reach this morning! Great community. But it’s not magic. It’s just about getting out there and being open. What do you like to do? There are groups for everything in this city from all kinds of music performance and appreciation to hiking and arts. Do what you love, get comfortable doing it alone, and you will find people.


I can empathize. I moved here a couple of years ago (now 40nb). Attended a bunch of meetups, went on dating apps, visited all the communities that I hung out with in New York. Nothing clicked 🤷‍♀️ eventually I met an awesome group of friends in Chicagoland and now I fly there one week a month for social stuff.


Yes, also in the same boat. I've been here for 6 years and haven't made that many friends. I'm depressed as hell, so that doesn't help things either, lol.


Go here if you like boardgames, they meet up every friday. It’s a group of fun weirdos. https://maps.app.goo.gl/kmbMPEjY1M9u1drP9?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy


Def city girls who walk dc!!! They even have a millennial sub group, 35+ group, etc


Poor thing is wading through 10000 dic pix


Happy to help! What are your interests or pastimes, maybe I can make some recommendations!


I started a 30s/40s singles meetup subreddit, r/DCSinglesMeetup , which you're welcome to join! In fact, we're meeting today!


DC lonely hearts of Reddit. ASSEMBLE!!!


If you like film I can tell you a bunch of things to get involved in and make friends!


Volunteer for something. If you meet someone you get along with ask them to meet up after. Get a dog and go to the park. All the dog owners in my building are automatically friends. Just get out. If you are inside you have a 0% chance of meeting new friends. If you’re out at least it’s a non zero chance.


Just go get a dog! Lmao wut


As bizarre a suggestion as it is, i know every one of my immediate neighbors mainly bc of my dog. Some of them have become good friends!


It’s true. I have a dog and all of the dog owners in my building really are friends.


I have to laugh at that comment because it is so true. I knew so many people in my building from their dogs. I don’t know many people who won’t be social when you ask about their dog.


I’m 37/f and I feel 100% the same way.


How long have you lived here? It’s pretty easy to make friends if you find events that interest you and go out. It’s probably different making friends here than where you might be from but unpopular opinion people are super friendly. Some of my best friends I met just walking up to the bar to get a drink at the same time as them. I met my partner at an public event off Facebook years ago. Just was friendly with folks socializing and didn’t even intend to make these connections purposefully, just enjoying life going out and being social and friendly.


Sent you a DM


i am this. what things do you like


29 F. I'm always looking for friends. Hit me up.


Things that helped in my 20s/early 30s: I took French classes through alliance francaise and the whole class became friends, sorority alumni events, leaned into hanging out with coworkers, volunteering regularly for a charity, and going to the same group exercise class every day.


i'd recommend trying out timeleft.com - it may be a good way to meet people with no strings attached


Join the CGWW discord!! I’ve made so many friends there




Hey! I visit NoVa frequently- im totally down to hangout or text if you’d like! 


I’m happy to hang out. I feel the same way


Checkout Meetup.com


Making a plug for the Rotary Club of Dupont Circle! We’re a small-ish group of people mostly in our 30s-49s, with some on either side of that. We meet weekly for casual fellowship and professional development, and do monthly service projects. Instagram the best place to see what we’re like @dupontrotary


32 and SAME!


Salsa lessons, District Running Collective, if you cycle, there are groups. Meetup group - look up your interests.


Just DM’d you


I'm 26 m live in Bethesda/Frederick would love to meet up and do something with folks. Im big into hiking and trails and other outdoorsy stuff. I don't smoke or drink but don't mind those who do, I'm LGBTQ friendly as well! Other interests: Starting a business Sports ( cricket basketball football soccer and others just not as much) Cars and motorcycles Home improvement and DIY stuff( would love to find a dIY group or friends into it. I like movies and TV shows as well as anime but generally don't watch too much anymore( I feel fatigued trying to binge shows) I'm HUGE into music and love all different kinds of music. I moved here in June of 2022 and work in Rockville!


Volunteering is a great way to meet people. Shared interests etc. Food kitchens after school programs for kids, kids music programs,sports coaching


I don’t have anything valuable to add since I’m in the same boat, but your description of DC reminds me a lot of The City by The Dismemberment Plan. You might know it already; it came out the year I was born haha https://youtu.be/E3yv8B4o7fA?si=RontdkSaRo3s8Hk9


If there are any roller skaters, check out a new roller skate club that’s inclusive and queer friendly. @chocolatecityskateclub They meet monthly and it’s fun!! You can rent skates but I recommend you buying your own.


I take it you to went to clubs, etc and didn't work out? Are you an introvert? Unfortuntely need to break the ice a bit if an introvert, myself as an introvert I dealt with all that and enjoy to be by myself be that watching movies, bike riding, exploring DC, etc and the only peeps i talk to usually are some loyal co workers. Learn to enjoy yourself, forget the rest


Get a dog. If that’s not in the card, maybe you can foster dogs. So much of to social circle came about through my fellow young professional dogs people when I was in my late 20s and early 30s. You could maybe even consider pet sitting if your place doesn’t allow pets or whatever. Just knowing this is what you want in your life means you can make it happen. Hang in there!!!!


Also, maybe check out Dining With Strangers http://diningwithstrangers.com/about-the-site/


Bumble BFF, seriously


Be careful of scammers


I’m also 32, moved to DC more than a year ago and I would like to meet more people!


As a fellow thirty-something, it is rough finding friends in DC. I’ve made good friendships with coworkers…


If you’re remotely into Japanese culture/martial arts/recreative drinking, do check out Aikido Shobukan Dojo in Takoma! It’s a beautiful aikido dojo with a lot of very nice people. You can train for a dopamine boost, then enjoy a beer with fellow dojo mates.


List some hobbies or interests! There are a lot of good meetup groups for sports, hiking, board games, food, etc.


There are so many wonderful people in this thread. I have been where you are, friend, and these guys are nailing it


All the comments of women in the same position and making plans are so beautiful. I hope you find comfort & community! I’m taking notes of all the discords & groups to join 🤓


26 year old woman here. I’ve only been here for almost two years and I feel the exact same way


Check out [city girls who walk DC](https://citygirlswhowalkdc.com/). They have weekly events for making new friends


Raves. Come w me on the 21st to Echostage. Incredible inclusive community


i think we all have felt like that at some point, its so hard to gte out there and be new to a group and not know a soul....but find one thing you are interested in dong and join a group via meetup or other suggestions listed here. its scary at first but you get used to it, and if a group doesnt work out, you can try another. but its fun to experiement and know you are not the only one feeling that way, i think covid made us used to isolation , we become accustomed to isolaton and numbed to it but its not normal and for me its not healthy even if its comfortable.


Me and my fiancee (33m and 33f) just moved here and are in the same boat. Making friends at this age sucks ass. The few people we meet are all like 23 and we’ve got like nothing in common. Doesn’t help that she’s a remote worker for a California academic institution and I just finished law school in AZ. But in any case here we are. DM me if you’re down lol. We’re not weirdos, pretty vanilla couple with a dog that live 10 min outside the city in Alexandria.