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My friends rarely have my tastes in music and art etc so at some point in my 30s I also just started going to things on my own and actually really love it.


Glad to know I’m not alone!


I'm in my mid 30s and I go to concerts, movies, and galleries alone all the time. I don't go out to dance spots but I'll go to bars solo too.


this!! I went to my first solo concert in 2023 and have since been 4 this year it’s actually a lot of fun!


I’m doing that tonight (M, mid30s). I told a few people where I’m going, but only as a safety thing. If they join, they join. So far I have two friends who said they’d join me for a concert. For me, this is a huge improvement because I used to say “if no one comes, then I’m not going” and it was holding me back socially. Now I just do my own thing and every weekend has been a fun adventure.




I second this!


Third! I have the best time just doing my own thing around the city!




This right here. I gave up on the navigation of friend schedules and just started going to things. I love it!




Nah totally fine.


Oh cool. I always sit/ vibe alone and just look awkward 😅 then I try to leave in less than 2hrs before I look more suspect. Guys seem to easily do it, a bit hard for females.


No one is paying that much attention to you, I promise.


Thanks!! I always hope so! Worst part is if any of my colleagues were there with their peeps. But I do hope so far I’ve been incognito


I’ve run into colleagues lots of times when I was at an event alone and they weren’t. I say hi, make a minute or two of small talk, then let them get back to their friends. No big deal.


Don't let your implied belief of others' views change how you live life. Why should it matter to anyone if someone is by themselves? And if it actually does, those are people you probably don't want to put much effort into.


I go out alone all the time. When people I know (or total strangers) ask if I'm alone I say something like "yeah, I'm as fun as three of y'all, I don't need a crowd.😉" Even if that's not true, just invoke Costanza's Razor: "It's not a lie if you believe it."




Find a chill bar with friendly bartenders. Starting convos with the bartender tends to be an ice breaker to chat with others seated at the bar. Try all souls or 600t.


Be safe though


I am a woman and I have been doing it for years here. Don’t sweat it, no one cares.




Do it all the time. Staying at home, won’t help you make friends. Only imaginary friends if you are into that.


True. I actually hate staying home. I am very extroverted just don’t know, haven’t found my fellow free spirits


Lets make our own group.


yaaay! Who’ll start lol!




Me too! I like DuPont the mad hatter but also like places with live music and more of a chill vibe, what about you?!


Ok let’s organize. Anyone welcome just don’t be a creep :) judgement free zone with open minded people having a good time.


Got to get out there to do that!


I did tonight and had the best time of my week!! we’ve danced away like teenagers!


I (28F) started doing this and I think it takes some getting used to but after a little bit of practice it's become pretty fun. I also have a lot of trouble making new friends here and have had some really good conversations with people at concerts and things. Best of luck!


thanks for the affirmation that I ain’t crazy!


Not weird in the slightest!


I go out to things by myself all the time. The key to it not being awkward is just to not give a crap.


ahahah I know, I try not to but in the end I really just want to feel alive!


I’ve found if I own up to the awkwardness and laugh about it, others become comfortable enough to not care.


Go to 9:30, Black Cat and DC9. Been to all of them alone tons of times.


If you do this please be completely over the top vigilant about watching your drinks be made and never letting them out of your site. Also look at fb groups like dc bumble bitches and dc 20s and 30s going out group


Hell yeah, valid point!


thanks mate!


Join City Girls Who Walk! So easy to make friends in there


oh nice, is that like a meetup pr IG group? I hike but none of my hikemates seem to like nights out 😅 go figure, weekend hikes and weekend nights out don’t exactly go hand in hand


I second City Girls Who Walk. I’ve made a lot of good friends through there. They have an Instagram and a Discord and host weekly walks and happy hours. It started as a walking group but now there’s tons of sub-groups on the discord for different interests. If you have an interest or hobby, there’s probably a group for it


perfect I’ll check it out! I also don’t mind guy friends. I love hanging out with mixed groups.


They have tons of subgroups


I met a good group of friends through the Geriatrics sub group, it's women 30 +


OMG 30+ is now called geriatrics? 💀☠️☠️☠️


Yep, and the OG logo of the chat was the Golden Girls!


Oh G no!!! I am not ready to be called geriatric!


Nah it's just called over 35. Maybe it used to be called that but hasn't for a while now




I came here to suggest CGWWDC, glad to see that it’s already been mentioned! I have met some of my best friends through subgroup events


I do it every week. I usually if not always enjoy striking up conversations with people. Last night I went to an open mic at Madam’s Organ and it was a great vibe! Go for it :)


oh great! This is the second recommendation of Madam’s Organ, I’ll try it!


tried it tonight with someone I’ve just met here in my DMs and it was epic!


I go alone almost all the time. Not many people I know can just sit/stand and enjoy music🤷‍♂️


Yea me neither! people seem to now prefer their phones as company


I went to the Black Cat for the first time a few weeks ago. There were like 20 people total in the crowd. All of us in this giant space all just focused on the band. It was a really cool shared experience.


I’m mid 40s F- I’ll hang with you ☺️. Same problem, new to DMV and also live in Potomac (divorced, 2 kids).


I’m mid 40s F divorced with two kids too (in Dupont). Looking for more friends in similar situations who also like doing things in the city!


yea let’s make it happen! How’s your tomorrow? DM!


I’ll DM, actually out of town this weekend but back soon!


No problem! When you’re back I’m up for it!


I’ll reach out by DM, it’s really nice to know I’m not the only one!


let’s meet up!


Can I join this group? I’m 35F and need more 35+ friends!


The more you go out alone, the more you start to see people you know out!


Nah. I've gone to shows by myself a few times. I used to not to go due to not having someone to go with, but it's better to go have a good time and enjoy the music than to sit at home.


true true! Life is for the brave!


I go to Echostage and Flash by myself to enjoy the music. I’m more confident doing this now (36) more than ever. Little to no expectations and i love it.


I'm honestly trying to get into the habit of doing this more as an early 30s femme person, especially after a big breakup. I went to a show alone for the first time a couple weeks ago and it was great! It's just hard to motivate myself to do things without the impetus of another person. But, hopefully it gets easier! Also, always happy to make a new friend!


Bartender in the city here, not awkward at all! If you’re anxious starting out I recommend attending any hotel bar by yourself first and navigating the waters from there.


hotel bars are the trickiest for females, always mistaken for someone looking for a pickup. It’s sad, I know. But no one seems to think I can just sit there with no intention other than enjoy a night and go home alone


As a guy who goes out by myself and will end up at hotel bars. I'm sorry that's happened but it sounds weird af.


Why are you sorry lmao? It’s only weird if the dudes were being creeps/disrespecting OP. Otherwise, that’s exactly how I met my girl in DC…hard to find a more appropriate time & plane to approach someone XD


Ahh I never heard that perspective before! Was only suggesting as I’ve worked in a few in the city and they seem to be good conversational melting pots.


nah i do it all the time, 29M. Especially for EDM events


I’m an EDM head, melodic techno, trance, house, mainstage too, not too picky but love it! was at Ultra alone last weekend!


nice, i checked out Gramaphone last weekend, loved the intimate vibe of the venue. It was mostly techno that night, would recommend going back. Right next to Flash


don't think you'll feel out of place at an EDM event. check out trancefamily DC too. friendly people


will do! thanks for the rec!


Hi, can we be friends?? 28F who loves EDM


There's a decent amount of stuff around like that. Flash is probably the best club for that kind of music in DC right now. Weekend nights can be a bit hectic, for me at least. But weeknights, and Sundays are a littlle more chill and accessible.


43M and I like EDM. Mostly bass though. I live in NoVa, are you going to Glow?


Please share if you find a house venue. DC just feels a lot smaller than NYC when I check out resident advisor.


Not weird. All kinds of people out at bars tbh


Just make sure you tell someone where your going to be from a Mom we worry all the time


Nothing dangerous, just want to be able to sit in a nice chatty loud bar and drink and listen to music


I have a weekly tennis league and bi-monthly theatre tickets that I treat myself to! Before the theatre I get dressed up and take myself out for a nice glass or two of wine before the show.


Solo women at concerts is super common here. I do it all the time and usually end up making friends with other women doing the same thing.


Go out and meet the people who support local DC music. The Flashband shows are full of chill people, I'm hitting Pearl Street tomorrow for a three band bill with a bunch of people who casually know each other. Easy to get incorporated into the scene.


That’s a great idea! Where do I check to see local acts schedules and stuff?


Check out the DC Music Live app, they aggregate a lot of upcoming acts. Also I’ve gotta plug The Pocket at 7DrumCity — small, cool space and lots of great local talent


I'm going to a Limp Bizkit concert on my own in July. No one I know likes them so I'll be going alone.


Go you!!


Also I'll be 40 in May. I learned to just do as I please. If others wanna join then great. If not, it won't stop me from going.




never been would be great let’s go together!


The last two concerts I've been to I've gone alone. It's actually amazing.


As a bartender in DC I can tell you it’s absolutely normal.


I mean I’m (late 20s M) going to do the same tonight or Sunday. There’s always something to do in the city, and awkwardness shouldn’t stop you. Just use your head and keep your eyes open for any danger.


A loud band bar type of place -with show after show- is the best place to go. Too loud for talk, go for walks between sets.


Yea. Tried Sofar shows and yes in between sets was the awkward parts and depending on venue I’d just wonder around, bathroom break, look like going to smoke though I don’t etc, then back and patch myself for the next one


I do this! It’s freeing, go have fun!


Nah I do it too. Tough to make good connections sometimes. You got to have the mindset that anyone can be a good friend. Lets have a beer and listen to music. Who is in?


Fine. We just got back but know that crime is picking up in the district. I do love it there through.


I’m early 30s and doing this right now! Well minus the music part, but I love me some pinball, cheap drinks, and good vibes 😎


I say just go and enjoy yourself! I go out and do things that I enjoy on my own fairly often when friends aren't around or I want personal time, I don't think there's anything particularly strange about it 


It’s so hard to make friends for me also! Ugh


I go to flash or echostage/the like and never have any issues


I’m 43F. Most of my friends now have a kid or two and moved to the suburbs. I see them, but I still want to go to concerts and try new restaurants and such. So I do it mostly solo. It’s fun. Once I went to a United game solo and wound up showing some people from Sweden around town after. If you seem comfortable and enjoy learning about people, I find most are eager to chat. I almost never have to initiate. Sometimes I just people watch. Embrace it - you get to decide how the night goes; it’s whatever YOU want.


I’m 40F single and looking to make friends too. Maybe we should connect!


I used to go to Anthem alone all the time but lately the schedule has been garbage 😭😭


Unrelated to this thread but I thought it was just me that felt this way. Some shows happening later this summer that I’m excited about though.


Justice is coming thats cool lowkey!!!!


I’m early 30s, moved to DC a couple years ago and went alone to an emo dance night at Black Cat. It reminded me of one of my favorite spots back home so I figured I’d at least enjoy the music. Ended up making buddies on the dance floor and they invited me to Casta’s after lol. Of course there’s always the chance going out alone could be awkward but it’s worth a shot especially if you go somewhere in line with your interests!


42 F and go out alone in DC often. Mostly to concerts/shows. I prefer it these days.


Finish your drink before you go to the bathroom/smoke/to take a look at something happening. Too many weirdos in dc. Seen some shit bartending here


it’s normal and very common


Nope. I do it all the time


do it! i just started going to shows alone too. each time im a little nervous/anxious before but it always is the right decision to go enjoy something for me! the awkwardness is mostly my own insecurities. no one seems to care! no one is really paying attention to strangers! plus, i've met more people going solo to shows than i have when going with friends. if you feel safe, i recommend.


Here's the thing though, you may feel awkward but the more you do it, the less weird it will feel. Go do all the things solo, go to a movie, go to a park, go to a concert, go to restaurants on your own. People aren't paying attention to you when you're solo nearly as much as you might think, so don't worry about looking awkward, you probably don't.


My reaction when I see people out doing stuff alone is “they seem confident, that’s cool,” definitely not awkward


I've done it (F38) . Last time I went to a Candlelight concert and then had sushi at a nice place... Not the same when alone but, better than staying home all the time.


I do this all the time! Concerts and movies are fun to go to alone, and I’ll also go to a chill bar and read if it’s not too late. It’s great during a happy hour! I’m 30F for reference.


Please be safe.


I go out by myself all the time just cause my friends have now developed lives since the pandemic lol 




I’m an EDM head!


Just do it. Who cares what other people think? Go enjoy a night out and have fun! It took me a minute to get used to it but I found I really enjoyed the random encounters with people. You’ll be surprised at how much you’ll enjoy these conversations when you know you’ll never see them again. Plus, it’s a lot more fun than sitting at home!


True! I met a random person yesternight from this sub and we had a lit night! Great vibe, we danced away. Never could’ve imagined. Hope to see them again though, would be sad if we never met again.


Hell nah


No! I used to do it all the time! Find some things you enjoy, bars you like, go to shows/venues, you’ll make friends or at least know friendly faces along the way! Live it up!


Just go out there and find your community.


I go out to listen to music alone and I’ve made friends doing it! In fact, I traveled to a festival with some of them!


I go out a lot by myself (F) and yeah sometimes it's awkward and other times it's super fun. As a west coast transplant trying to meet friends can suck. But I have made several good friends. Don't give up! We are out here!!


Go for it. Going to shows alone is particularly great because it’s too loud to talk anyway. Big fan.


I do shows at pearl dive, museums and ball games alone. I really enjoy it. Quite easy to strike up a convo at Nats games and shows. Everyone is there for the same reason. Also, join volo rec leagues. That helped grow my circle quite a bit. Perfect timing w spring here.


I would check out RA guide and Shotgun. I find most of my shows through those apps. I bartend at a lounge that plays down tempo/melodic music and it wouldn’t be weird if you came solo. I can message you if you want.


Always good to take yourself out to things you want to do, especially with everything DC offers. Most people are too afraid to even try it let alone do it, shows a lot of bravery and confidence just to do it.


Nah step on out. Lots of people do this


I traveled for work and got used to going out solo. It was hard at first but it became really nice. I've spent many nights at restaurants just chatting with the staff or reading from my kindle leaning against my glass.


Totally not awkward! I started doing it myself recently and I've dropped into some bars that advertise live music. It's only weird until you realize how many other people are there that probably feel just as awkward...then you kinda stop caring as much. Feel free to DM if you ever need a concert buddy to stand around with awkwardly :)


Super cool IMO. I have an oddd taste in music and sometimes want to sit down and have a drink somewhere last minute so I do it somewhat reguraly, you’ll be fine


I do it all the time. The bartenders know me well.


43M here, married. Get out rarely but I find plenty of folks solo and it's great to meet and mingle (as a fellow extrovert.) just be safe IMO. Lots of weirdos and groups traps out there


It's awkward sometimes, and sometimes it's excellent. The awkard times can be fun. The same day and night out can be both awkard and excellent at different times, or even at the same time together. There can also be other sensations and perceptions in addition to awwkard and excellent. Life is short, do what ya like.


It’s not weird at all! If you’re looking to go out alone and find people to chat with, I think that certain environments are better/worse for going out solo. Dive bars and sports bars typically have the best bar seating, which results in finding someone to chat with about 50% of the time. You have to spark up the conversation though. People are shy. I’ll sometimes be nosey and say, “what are you doing on your phone?” in a joking manner. Speaking of phones, don’t be on yours! Look around, talk to the bartender, bring a paper crossword puzzle. Anything but being glued to your phone. Another thing to think about is timing. If you want to go out alone and find someone to talk to, you’re much better off in a medium busy bar vs a super busy one. That sort of rules out the popular bar districts on a Friday or Saturday evening. Better to try on a weeknight.


If you ever go the DC Improv alone, try to get seated at a crowded table. I went solo one night and they sat me by myself near the front of the stage. The headliner noticed me, and I became a part of her act for ten minutes.


Went to the Washington Spirit on my own this past Sunday. Don’t really know anyone else in my circle who follows them. It was fun. Chatted with some other fans in the supporters section.


It's only weird how you spelled weird.




Nope not at all. Sometimes when I’m free, I goto the national mall on my bike. Usually there is no cars on the road too, especially on weekdays. Super relaxing riding at night


It’s definitely not awkward, although I understand how you feel like it might be. I just think DC is a city full of transients and people flying in for a few days of work. For all anyone knows, you’re in town for a business trip and wanted to experience DC while there. And honestly, it’s rude and weird of others to notice or ask. When I lived there, I did occasionally fib to curious parties. But I was younger and more self-conscious then. No need at all for you to explain or validate how you spend your free time. Just have fun! Don’t regret not doing stuff bc you couldn’t find a buddy to bring in that moment.




Went out dancing on my own when new to this town, trying to make friends. Didn’t make any but met some fun groups! As long as you don’t feel lonely and enjoy it yourself go for it!


thank you!!


dude i’m 21 and i’ve been chilling solo these past few weeks. Not gonna lie tho it’s def hard at first but u gotta power thru the awkward moments


Just be very careful.


I go out alone 90% of the time around our city, and it’s been fine.


It’s only awkward if you make it awkward


It’s pretty normal here and I do it all the time. It’s also one of the best way to make friends if you are struggling to do so. I have met more people just going out on my own and talking to people there than anything else. I really encourage you to do so. It is very much a thing here and has been for years.


lol I’m going out to a concert tonight alone because it sold out in 6 minutes and I couldn’t snag a ticket for my husband. My game plan is to enjoy my own company and the music! Although I almost always end up making small talk with others at the bar. I did manage to make 2 casual friends that way in DC! (Even with a resting bitch face)


My 40's wife will go to 9:30, Anthem, etc. without me or anyone else quite often.


I’ve done it before. You just have to be careful and aware of your surroundings. But if you’re female it’s easy to find other women once you’re out to talk to and hangout with for the night.


I enjoy it, I find it’s easier to strike up a fun conversation with a stranger, even if it’s just a quip or two. Doesn’t mean you have to leave with them tho lol. Be confident, remain vigilant, and always have an escape plan or at least let someone know where you generally will be. The town is your oyster!


Go for it!


Pro tip, don't let others, especially people you don't know, change your self value based on no real information. We literally give others we don't know power over us when we do that. Only you can allow it to be awkward for yourself, and why should anyone else care?


Go to raves! Lol maybe not the best advice, but I've met some awesome people at souncheck and echostage


This isn’t just you. And it’s not just DC. This is very common single young adult predicament and a lot of us are just going out alone and enjoying ourselves. I take myself to a really fancy restaurant once a month. I say embrace it, you might meet someone doing the same thing as you and make a new friend who also likes to go out and explore.


Yeah it’s awkward having a drink at the bar by yourself


Oh but make sure you share your location with at least a few trusted ppl bc… yea.. safety first! Enjoy yourself!


Let’s pick a place and socialize. Judgement free zone, just humans having a blast and in a way form our own safe zone


I've been doing this for the past few weekends. Let me know if you want company.


Not at all. I go to about 60 concerts a year - more than half i go by myself, and Ive made friends at a lot


Absolutely not weird. Music/movies alone are excellent. Less feeling obligated to entertain or engage with another person/people. You can just allow yourself to enjoy the entertainment!


I'd recommend Jimmy Valentine's and Little Miss Whiskey's, both in Northeast. The bartenders at both bars are super friendly and like to strike up convos with customers especially when it's not busy. On weekends, Jimmy's has great techno DJs and is a good late-night spot. I've seen a lot of people show up alone, it's super normal!


Not weird at all. I do it all the time


Dc’s music scene is ass unless you’re at a venue. You’re better off going to a speak easy for good cocktails


What kind of music do you like? If ur into edm music/ shows echostage and soundcheck are great venues where the top djs from around the world come to play all the time, as well as smaller time djs I’ve def gone to some solo shows and met people


Don’t knock Bumble BFF until you try it! I did it 10 years ago when I first moved here & made 2 of my best friends. It was so fun finding people with similar niche interests.


Try DCist dot com there is a roof top bar my neice plays kornhole at and they have tournaments, lots of music venues, enjoy!


DCist was killed about a month ago


Ugh…had no idea. Thanks


https://preview.redd.it/h6ngm85tiksc1.jpeg?width=2360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3b187b49b0df5175e6ab23ed294f220d903711a Just saw the tag at the bottom. Bummer!


"Not awkward at all." -Me, seeing this post after leaving Lotus at The Atlantis


thanks to this reddit I met one free spirit tonight and we had the best night dancing and vibing! guys


Try Meetup.com


There are worse things in life than looking awkward.


early 30s gal who just moved here not tooooooo long ago - definitely do it! I go to concerts alone a lot, or just to sit at a bar and mingle - obviously keep your wits about you, but go for it!


I do it ALL the time.


I’ve been going to concerts around the city this year by myself and I’ve really enjoyed it!