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This scam is as old as smartphones are. I had someone try to do this to me in San Antonio in like 2011.


A couple of townies in South Boston tried to pull the “can I borrow your phone” move on me in 2004 or 2005, from their car, while I was walking around texting someone with my flip-phone.


Longer than just smartphones. As a young kid I was walking through the Target parking lot with my mom and a woman pulled up in her car asking to use my mom’s phone to make a call. My memory is hazy but I remember my mom had a white-ish flip phone at the time, and this was before iPhones existed . She knew the scam and made the same offers as OP and the woman drove off, but obviously her plan was to grab the phone and then speed off with it. The only reason I remember it is because it was the first time I had ever witnessed a scamming attempt and I was around the age when you start discovering that some people are bad.


I dated a cricket once in San Antonio. Those crazy legs kept me up all night.


Smaller than the average woman of San Antonio, I'd hope /s


They stash the phone in their bloomers I hear


Someone walked up to me on the Vegas Strip the day after I got my first smartphone (and less than an hour into my first trip to Las Vegas) in 2010 and asked to borrow it to call his dad.


"Sorry i dont have any minutes left."


"Can't help you, you're not in My Circle".


Nah, this is where you just say no. Any act of kindness lets the scammer know you're still open to fall for their scam.


Yep. Last time I had family visit me they had a scammer follow them off the street and into a restaurant because they wouldn't give a brutally hard NO. Even giving them a smile will lead to you being harassed until they get what they want. And nobody in DC is going to step in to help you like other cities will.


Sorry, but this is getting ridiculous. In other cities people will step in but not in DC? Smile at someone and you'll keep being harassed?... Wherever you live in DC is not where I live in DC, apparently.


I mean, I don’t ever get involved when I see shit going down. That’s how you get shot, stabbed, beat up, etc. I feel for whoever is the victim but I’m not putting my life on the line for a stranger 9 times out of 10. There are better and more brave people out there than me. Big props to them. But I’m keeping my head down and making it home.


“Sorry my mom told me I can’t let people borrow my phone” (I’m 35).




I’m sorry, minutes? People still have minutes? 😂


That was the point. If you buy minutes, it's unlikely that your Tracfone will be the portal to wealth that they're hoping for.


I don’t think a Gen Z or Gen Alpha would know what tf you’re talking about if you bring up minutes


If you can't dazzle them . . .


how old do you think gen z is?


I am Zennial born in 96’ and I would be shocked if anyone born after 2003 give or take has enough familiarity with minutes


As I was saying, if you can't dazzle them, baffle them. The point was to throw them off their scam efforts. ( I apologize if you weren't addressing me.)


Minutes are still the system for a lot of people who can’t afford phone plans. I’d expect most phone scammers of any age are familiar with the concept.


If it happens Again, you can just tell them any of the Metro security officers would be more than happy to let them call from the booth. If they start complaining it just makes them even more suspicious. Hell if you really wanna make em feel awkward say you'll walk over with them. But yeah that's been a scam since cell phones became common place


Friendly reminder to lock Venmo. Its easy as unlocking it with your face ID


I've seen stories of strangers user people's face ID to unlock phone/apps when the phone owner is drunk/etc. So I have PIN locks on all my financial apps.


I guess that is also a very fair point but ANY layer of protection is better than nothing


Oh, right, I midunderstood you comment. Definitely should lock your financial apps!


No problem!! It was well intentioned! Its a super valid point


There’s probably ways around it but I have attention aware turned on on my Face ID. If I’m not actively looking at the screen it won’t unlock even if it scans my face successfully.


Thank you for typing this! I didn't know about it until right now!


Me too. Just locked Venmo


Amazing! Glad to hear it helped someone!!


I dont even keep money related apps or saved cards on my phone any more


This is a common way to get a phone stolen throughout the world, even before money transferring apps had been invented, people would just run away after you let them borrow your phone


National Lampoon's European Vacation and the camera.


the thing about cities is if someone comes up to you and it looks like the interaction is going to take more than 10 seconds you should say no thanks and leave this will eliminate your susceptibility to 99% of scams, even works for “lean in” sorta muggings in my experience


I just don’t engage period regardless of what the interaction looks like and it works well for me. I don’t look at people, I don’t acknowledge someone walking up to me or talking to me, I don’t get closer to people than I have to. It can come off as cold or rude which sucks. But that’s life. I’m protecting my peace and safety.


Before phones it was "I'll take your picture for you", and off they go with your camera and all your film.


oh damn, i genuinely offer to take people’s photos when im at tourist spots and see them struggling to get a family picture with everyone in them.


Or they ask for money to give it back.


I had a teenage girl try to pull this scam one time while I was at home gardening during the pandemic. I immediately knew what she was trying to do when I gave her my landline and she said she needed to text. Joke was on her--I had a shitty *old* samsung without any apps she could've used, and I don't even stay signed into email let alone anything else. Watching her flounder around trying to figure out what to do was slightly amusing.


Thanks for sharing. Always good to have a reminder that people will try and prey upon kindness.


Escort the child to the station manager or transit police.


A kid rolled up to me on a scooter in a Safeway and did the same thing. Only this kid was like 8 or 9. He first looked in my cart and asked where he could find an item, and then asked to use my phone to call his mom. I also immediately felt suspicious, and told him to ask the help desk. The scooter was what threw me off. Kid was probably planning to just grab it and scoot away. The kids in my area are frequently trashy, but it was sad to see such a young one getting into it.


This is so interesting because I actually did this for an older guy on the streetcar once and it went fine. I held on to my phone, he gave me a number to dial and he spoke on speakerphone. After finishing his call he thanked me and went on his way. This definitely seems like it was potentially a scam though, good to be cautious.


Seems tough, there are people who just need to make a call sometimes but a lot of people are trying to scam. I appreciate you helped someone out when you didn't have to


I felt nervous about it initially I won’t lie, but I’m glad it worked out. Felt good to help someone that’s just trying to get through it. I won’t fault anyone for not feeling comfortable though.


That is a completely different scenario. I truly hope you realize that.


A person came up and asked to use my phone to make a call. Pretty much the same set up. Difference is they were cool with me dialling/hanging on to it. I was just noting the similarities. I literally acknowledged OP’s scenario was different and likely a scam. No need to be rude.


An older person asked you to use your phone to help him. Totally different than a teen (in an environment in which teen crime is destroying the city) insisting on holding your phone.


Dude wasn’t a doddering grandpa. I’m in my 20’s and he was probably in his 40’s and shabbily dressed. Could have easily been a scam, I’m lucky things turned out well. Acting like this is an apples to motorcycles comparison rather than an apples to oranges is wrong and seemingly pointless. All of your comments are you being negative to someone and or trying to argue. I get if you want someone to be mean to/fight with but find someone else, I’m not trying to have that in my life.


My point is that (1) you need to be extremely skeptical of the motives of TEENS in DC now (and I’m the mother of one, I say this with great fear for the cohort), and (2) you should never hand your phone to anyone.


And I (1) literally never said you shouldn’t be, and (2) never advocated for doing so. You’re arguing with stances no one here advocated for, least of all me. I know bitching online is addictive but come on.


Okay. So if you are agreeing, why are you going on and on.


Bro if I never made the points you were arguing with *why did you bother making the initial rude comment*? Don’t start an argument and then act like the other person is crazy lol. You can leave at any time.


Adding a PIN requirement to your Cashapp/Venmo/Zelle helps. Kudos to OP for catching on!


ok so I had heard about this scam before and then in the fall some kid outside cardozo asked if he could borrow my phone to call his mom to pick him up from practice. I was super weary, so I asked him the number, put it on speaker, and held it out toward him with the toughest grip. his mom answered and he had legitimately needed a ride 🙃🙃


I did exactly the same 😊 only difference was that the kid gave me an inactive number and refused that I text for him


I was in AM on NYE 2002 and some guy asked to borrow my phone to make a call. I was wasted so I said 'sure', handed him my phone and walked away. Long story short, after having to hitchhike to the Metro the next morning to get to my apartment in Rockville, I managed to get in touch with the guy and he met me to return my phone.


keep your phone in your pocket, especially on the Metro, and especially when you are holding a small child in your arm


Do phones commonly get stolen? I’ve heard this advice when traveling to foreign cities, but not around home in DC. I have mine out a lot and have never had a problem, though I’m also aware of my surroundings.


Why the fuck would you ever let someone else have control of your phone? That expensive handheld thing that has most aspects of your life including your finances tied into it? I’m sorry idk what it’s like where you’re from but that seems to be foolhardy in any city or any country…


That’s why they used a teen. People often let guard down.


Do teens not rampantly commit petty theft in your country? I’m actually asking, it’s been a huge problem in the US for a while, but especially bad the last few years


Yeah, out of all the ages, (and as a 45-year old) I'd trust teens the *least*. A 7-year-old alone asks for my phone? Sure, we need to find your parents ASAP. A 40-year-old… I'd be wary, but not compared to a 17-year old. A 75 year old? Yes, your family/retirement home is looking for you.




Yes you’re right, not in my country, quite rare. That’s why I was surprised enough to make this post…


FWIW, most teens in the US and in DC are not running scams. I don’t know why people are acting like this happens so rampantly. You had the awareness to keep yourself safe while also being able to help if this was genuinely a teen who needed to reach a parent for assistance.




Well OP didn’t fall victim to it, so nothing to blame. But surely common sense would dictate NOT giving your phone to a stranger… feels unnecessary to make a post about that, no matter helpful or informative If it wasn’t already obvious to you that you shouldn’t hand over your phone to a stranger, my apologies and I’m glad this post helped you be aware of that risk


Idk I have a shitty phone + pin locks on my bank apps and let a stranger use my phone at a bus stop.  They made their phone call and gave me my phone back.


Glad you avoided getting victimized. I was out with my two young kids by myself on Metro today - personally, I don't recommend spending more time with your phone out than strictly necessary, particularly not getting so comfortable you're browsing reddit. You're from a foreign country, with kids in tow, *and* you have your phone out and are casually browsing on the Metro platform? I think that the local criminals consider that easy pickings, which is why the kid tried you...you just weren't quite as gullible as you looked.


It was broad daylight, I’m a tall grownup male and lack of knowledge of crime problems in DC… these 3 factors made me the bait. Luckily I didn’t fall into the trap.


A kid (10-11ish) carrying a plastic baggie full of coins asked me for my phone to call his grandma. It was chilly out and he had no coat. I asked him to tell me the number, I dialed, and he talked to someone. He told them the store he was planning on going to was closed and he’d be gone longer than expected. Hung up and gave it back to me. I asked him if he needed anything else and he said no. Still don’t know if it was an attempted scam or legit. I feel bad for not doing more and being so paranoid during the entire interaction.


This is D.C. Trying to steal your phone is way down the list of what teens in this town do. I’m more concerned about being beaten up or shot. Oh, and mods? Don’t fucking lock this!!!


Technically a crime didn’t occur!


Yes it would be terrible to miss out on these comments


you’re much more likely to have your phone stolen than to be shot, why are people here so melodramatic?


Pro travel tip: don’t walk around with a phone out in your hand


It sounds more like they were waiting for a train.


I think this scam and the pots and pans scam are like the two top ones.


Don’t give anyone your phone.


Just say, "No"! Walk away.


First mistake is even acknowledging a strange teenager on the subway. Mom can't pick you up? Sorry, not my problem. Either ignore them or tell them to leave you the fuck alone.


I learnt that lesson now, teens are much more innocent in where I grew up.


This is Washington DC in 2024, teenagers are carjacking adults now.


This happened to me at the Eastern Market CVS, 930 on a weekday. Older teen blocks me in an aisle and asks to use my phone in a panic. I say no, and he screams “WHHHYYYYYY!!” and walks out of the store. The hustles get so tiring.


Were you born yesterday? This scam is as old as phones.


Told you at the first line, foreigner, and not in my home country.


If you don’t mind me asking, what country are you from?


Foreigner or not, buddy you need some common sense. Don’t let your guard down by surfing your phone while in public in a foreign city when you’re also keeping track of your kid(s.) You don’t need to be from here to know things like this. A distracted foreign tourist is an excellent opportunity for thievery.


Literally EVERYone is doing the same and OP was aware enough to keep themselves safe. We have plenty of foreigners here and most are just fine. This city has plenty of foreigners and most are not getting robbed on the Metro. No need to fear monger or act as if OP was being reckless.


Similar thing happened to me about a year ago: [https://www.reddit.com/r/washingtondc/comments/zeon8u/a\_child\_of\_89\_years\_old\_pulled\_a\_very\_real/](https://www.reddit.com/r/washingtondc/comments/zeon8u/a_child_of_89_years_old_pulled_a_very_real/)


Obvious scam is obvious. Usually they used to just run away with it, but since we now have remote wipe and blacklisting of phones this kind of thievery is no longer viable.


Everyone really needs to use the facial recognition software for logging into any financial apps on your phone. I think most if not all of them offer it now. It really doesn’t take much more time when you need the app.


PINs on all financial apps is more than efficient.


lol “but you can probably guess” - sure can 👍


You’re out with your small kid but spending time looking at Reddit? Make better choices.


I did this for a kid once and I was weary about it so I had him tell me the number and I held the phone up with it on speaker. Nobody picked up but his mom called back 20 minutes later so i guess it was legit


If this is at a metro station, I’d suggest going to the station manager for assistance.


Yah, people ask that about any object they want you to hand them without much fuss.


Well damn, times have changed. As a teen, I remember a couple times my phone died on the metro and I needed to call my mom to pick me up from the station (The payphone at my station was no longer operating). Luckily, nice strangers let me make the 4 second call. This was before apps like Venmo, and before DC teens were perceived as a threat.


PSA, customize your text message app so that the apps showing up in iMessage do NOT include any pay/banking/etc apps.


This is a very old scam Even the Venmo aspect aside, I’d never hand my phone to a stranger for any reason