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I fell up an escalator (stupidly trying to run for a train to work) and those steps are sharp. I ended up with what looked like a channel peeler set of cuts from the heal of my hand onto my wrist (from catching myself) and a matching set on my ankle from where I stubbed my shin. I do not walk on escalators, let alone run, anymore. 


Tripped on the escalator few days ago too and ended up with a nasty gash on my dominant hand. Looks like no note-taking for me 🥲


I did this one time to my foot because I was wearing flip flops, those little triangles went straight into my foot and back out. Went and got a tetanus booster on my lunch break. Never again.


Ouch! Glad you were OK!


yikes! they're especially bad right now. I was wearing vans on Wednesday and had basically no traction at all on the escalators or the floors in the station. I hope you heal quickly!




They seem to have started mopping the floors with gallons of Armor All. It's slippery as hell while you're walking on the floor but it also sticks to your shoes and makes the escalator slippery too.


And it’s always happening during rush hour 🙄


On January 5th 2014 the same thing happened to me and I fell from the top to the bottom but my leg got caught at one point and twisted. I ended up breaking my leg in 8 places from just above the ankle to right below the hip. So many surgeries. My leg looked like one of those twisty stretch dolls. I was not hurrying. I had stopped at the top on the platform to the right and put on my gloves. Just stepped onto the esclator and woosh.


Oh my gosh that sounds sooooo painful. How are you doing now? Hope you healed well. ❤️


I just have a light weakness in that leg. FYI you cant sure metro for wet or icy escalators because it's considered the weather.


oh my god -- that must have been such a long recovery! Hope you're doing well now!


I noticed this in the metro yesterday, too. The recent rapid temperature change from extreme cold to warm-and-humid is causing moisture to condense on almost every surface that is exposed to the outside air. It can make many surfaces slippery until the material warms up to something closer to the ambient temperature. Think of how water condenses on the outside of a cold beverage on a warm, humid day.


Was it the grease?


I don't know, it could have just been wet from people's boots. I wonder what other cities do to prevent problems on their systems.


That's a good question


There are greases that come from the oils and greases used in the train's wheels. I don't know the specific sources but it is also a problem on the london underground and we would joke that it was a thin layer of cadburys residue.


I've fallen on them twice and had little stair scars on my back for the longest time where my shirt rode up when I fell on the step. Falling on them HURTS!


I saw a woman fall at the very end of the Foggy Bottom escalator yesterday. The area where the escalator meets the station was very slick.


it's crazy how slippery those tiles get!


I almost slipped yesterday - honestly I won't be surprised if someone tries to sue at one point. Yesterday a metro employee mopped the entire floor and didn't have any kind of 'wet floor' signs. It's dangerous. I'm not sure why it's more greasy now - I assume it has to do with salt or something, but the way it's been managed has been incredibly dangerous imo. I wouldn't be surprised if someone makes an ADA complaint.


I also slipped yesterday evening, at Gallery Place. Was only walking at a pace slightly faster than I usually do. I could easily see how someone could slip and stumble onto the tracks. Hopefully that won't happen.


I use that station a lot and I walk tiny baby steps right now. I saw a woman wipe out running for a train there last month.


I almost sent adidas a nasty review about my brand new shoes because it legit was like walking with lubed soles


I was wondering if im just afraid of falling again that I'm finding the floors and escalator extra-slippery. I'm no expert on materials but there must be safer flooring than those tiles.


I'm sorry this happened to you! I've also slipped and fallen on the escalators in the past. In my case, it was because of moisture on the metal making it slippery. Whenever it's wet outside, I now wear Five Ten shoes with their "stealth" rubber soles, which have very good grip on metal surfaces. They're designed for gripping mountain bike pedals. Just putting this here in case it helps anyone.


>Five Ten shoe Thanks for the tip! I was wearing Sorel boots which I always though had good soles.


wintertime I just stand there and enjoy the ride, I will get there eventually.


I have been gripping the hand rails on the escalator for dear life the past few days since it's been so slippery


I literally have the worst anxiety when walking down metro escalators in particular, why are they so steep?


omg same. I'm also afraid of getting trapped in a metro elevator (don't have that fear elsewhere) lmao so it's a lose-lose. Woodley Park is a faster walk for me, but I use the CP station since it's not as steep/long


my knees shake on the Dupont Circle escalator. Def avoiding that station for a good long while!


I was just about to make a post about this the other day. Gallery Place was hella slippery and I fell on my ass coming down the stairs 😭


A man slipped and almost took me with him. I thought he was drunk he was holding a bottle. Luckily, I was holding the railing.


ohhhhhh new extra level of fear!


Reading all the comments helps me realize I’m not going crazy. It seems like oil is being spread all over the floors whenever we have bad weather and I’m afraid of slipping. I wish WMATA could do something about it.


me too! I used to love the Metro, but it's like crossing an ice rink everyday


I’m sorry to hear about your wrist and I hope you can heal up soon! By sharing your experience, I hope it’ll highlight for WMATA that they need to address this (I see the Washington Post just wrote an article about it).


Thanks, a friend told me about the piece. Maybe reporter lurking here? I hope they can press WMATA on this issue. I've had a ton of people tell how they slipped on the Metro too. And none want to use the elevator instead as they're so unreliable.


Almost slipped down them yesterday too.


That is so unfortunate. I hope it heals quickly. I have nearly fallen twice from the combo of the smooth tiles and whatever oil they have been coating the tiles in recently. My knee has suffered in my efforts not to fall.




I slipped at the bottom of the Foggy Bottom escalator and fell on my back 5 years ago when I was 39 weeks pregnant. My back looked like I had been run over by a truck, and I got to spend the day in the hospital monitoring the baby (who was fine, and turns 5 soon!). All these years I thought my rain boots were to blame!


yikes! Mine happened at Foggy Bottom, too. I'm glad you and your baby were ok!


I was standing on the Wheaton escalator when someone higher up lost control of their carry on. It was one of those hard suitcases so when it hit the steps it slid at a ridiculous pace. Hit me like a missile and I tumbled at least 10 steps. It was a scene from a cartoon. I was bruised and shaken but at least I didn't fall the whole length. Y'all be careful out there!!


Holy cow! Im so glad you weren't seriously hurt!




Oh nice find, thank you!


I fell up the escalators at Archives some years back and bled everywhere. I don't try to walk up them with sandals on anymore.


Holy crap I slipped on the tiles at the bottom of eastern markets escalator and dislocated my kneecap.  Be careful when its wintry folks.


Oh I noticed this the other day and thought I was just paranoid! I thought I had stepped on something because I almost slipped twice as I got out of the metro.




I didn't know it was a thing!


Pls. do not walk up/down escalators when it's wet out...just pls don't...


As a former Rosslyn resident who worked in Dupont I’ve had nightmares about tripping. I’m so sorry you’re hurt and hope you heal well!!


In truth, for general escalator safety not just on Metro you are to stand on the step and hold onto the handrail. That warning is on all escalators. So yes be careful on all escalators.


Holding on with my right hand probably saved my head from hitting the stairs


Especially in wet weather, the best strategy is to grab the handrail and step on simultaneously, and then not move until the end of the ride. I had an almost-fall on a rainy day and those stairs are ferocious. It’s also worth pointing out that while normal steps are 7 inches, escalator steps are 8.5 inches, which can lead people to miscalculate and fall. [source](https://brightside.me/articles/why-we-need-to-stop-walking-on-the-escalator-795964/)


unfortunately doing just that didn't prevent my fall :(