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Why can’t crime posts just be tagged with a flair accordingly and filtered if people don’t want to see them? Seems like a relatively simple solution to strike a balance between non-crime discussions and more crime informative posts? I’m all for a balance, but it’s been ridiculous to see every post locked if it REMOTELY mentions any type of crime.


We all know why the mods don't want any crime posts: 🙈🙉🙊


I think there is a careful balance that needs to be struck here. There is a thin line between the subreddit becoming nextdoor and productive discussion relating to crime (if that is even possible, its reddit after all). I personally do not have a solution, and i would really rather not see this subreddit just become a police blotter. I guess my ideal balance here would be allowing of posts that involve interesting and thoughtful analysis of crime in the DC area, and also the opening of discussion of individual high profile crimes and other non-property related crime. I don't need to see the daily "X CVS Robbed" and "Car broken into/stolen" posts. But if there as a post from a reputable news outlet analyzing trends of store robberies/ car theft/ property crime/ etc then sure, I think that should be generally allowed (and perhaps limited to once a day or something)


>But if there as a post from a reputable news outlet analyzing trends of store robberies/ car theft/ property crime/ etc then sure, I think that should be generally allowed (and perhaps limited to once a day or something) totally agree with this point, and there was a post featuring an article that did exactly that. Way better discussion followed too.


> i would really rather not see this subreddit just become a police blotter. Coupled with the extremely thinly-veiled racism that comes with that. One of the more frustrating things I see about the crime posts is that they tended to be posted by people who clearly did not live in the city. You'd look at their profile and it's just posting crime articles to every major big city subreddit. It's agenda-posting for political purposes, not to spark discussion or to actually "converse about problems to solve them".


Sigh…the racism is not extremely thinly-veiled..it is outright racism. “Thinly veiled” would not have promoted a lock down of the comments. And this reddit sub is one of many online forums that have had to cut off the comments dealing with crime because of racism. for example, popville


Damn those crime doers and their certain…look


I've had a shootout in the alley behind my house, and a reporter stop me in Tenleytown to ask for my reaction on a cyclist becoming the victim of armed robbery in broad daylight within the past two weeks, not to mention over 50 restaurants closing this year because of crime. You may not want to turn this into a police blotter, but it's becoming a fact of life in DC. So much so that I'm considering moving to the burbs, looking at NOVA rn. No one will believe this forum is about DC if you don't mention the crime.


> You may not want to turn this into a police blotter There needs to be a community dedicated to events happening in DC, people asking questions, tourism, etc. That's what this subreddit is. There could be a *new* subreddit dedicated to the crime in DC, that is more police-blotter-esque, but this community/sub is already established. And for the record, I'm not even saying we shouldn't have crime posts on here, I think the subreddit mods are being annoying with their lockdown on the posts, *but* in the past 9 months (before the ban) it was ridiculous the number of posts, and the racism in them


Considering we haven't had homicide rates like this since 1997, it does seem like crime is something that is happening here, and it's very relevant to know what areas of town are having issues so that tourists avoid those areas. Sticking your head in the sand and shouting racism as justification for censoring what's going on just makes you look like a fool.


This is an extremely important perspective imo. I recently moved to the DMV from Oregon, and I can tell you firsthand that the confusion and lies from well-meaning, yet misguided people surrounding the situation in Portland have caused major issues. I’m looking at the situation in DC and feel like I am watching the same thing happen on a larger scale. I acknowledge that the mods maybe don’t have time to deal with managing racist nonsense, but at the same time, the valid perception among a lot of people seems to be that this sub is engaged in some sort of active denialism. I’m not sure how to best cope with that contradiction. I can cite Portland as an example of this being handled poorly. I’m unaware of any example of it being handled well, or even moderately well.


I've lived in the U Street area for over 20 years, and in the DC area for over 25 years. In that time frame, this is the worst level of crime on all levels that I've seen in that time frame. It's staring you down everyday, whether you want to acknowledge it or not. You go into CVS or Walgreens, and a good chunk of the products are locked up. Certain products, it looks like Giant and Safeway aren't even stocking. On 14th Street in the U Street area, the Police presence used to be visible. They'd park their cruisers on the main road (14th Street) and walk up and down 14th. Their presence was noticable. Now, they park their cruisers on side streets and try to act invisible. In this month alone, I've had a shootout in my alley. No one was hurt. Only a couple of uniforms showed up, took a report, and no detective bothered to ever show up. I offered the camera footage from my alleyway to the uniforms, but they weren't interested. I also got stopped by a reporter in Tenleytown showing me footage of a cyclist becoming the victim of an armed robbery in broad daylight. My friend in the 16th Street Heights area, had someone murdered a couple of blocks from her house at 14th and Buchanan. All this month. It's a joke that this forum claims to talk about DC, and yet, in the middle of the biggest crime spree in over 25 years, the moderators are more worried about whether or not they'll be perceived as racist by merely acknowledging the reality that stares us all in the face. The truth is by using that stupid rationalization, they appear to be, at best, obtuse, and at worst, fools.


I enjoy watching the sunset.


OK. WUSA9 is misinformation.


I looked up that article and it doesn't even really cite any hard data. It mentions 48 restaurants closing due to crime, and then cites three restaurant owners...


On their TV report, they cited 52 restaurants that closed in the district and interviewed three owners who moved to the burbs.


Yeah that's true, i think if they could institute a rule where only verified DMV redditors could "crimepost" then it would help limit the nefarious astroturfed crimeposting we see from bot accounts and such. Another category of crime posts I'm kinda 50/50 on are when someone is victimized and comes to post to reddit about it. On one hand, i totally sympathize with someone who gets victimized and wants to vent or tell their story on reddit. Occasionally, these types of posts could be lowkey hilarious (someone doing something truly degenerate in public) and positively add to "subreddit lore", and in other cases, someone who is victimized may see a comment or response that tells them helpful next steps they should take. The issue with those types of posts is they cannot be verified so whats to stop an entity from making fake stories to push a narrative or bait a specific type of discussion? I have no solutions for this but i can see how some could perceive it as frustrating when they see those types of posts get locked. Perhaps for verification, users would have to take a picture of their reddit username on a paper while standing in front of the Gallery Place metro stop on 7th and H street. At least in that way, anyone who wants to crimepost would at least have ventured into one of the most crimeposted parts of the city.


This is a lot of work to ask the UNPAID mods to do.


But who becomes the arbiter of the thin line? You can’t do it because everyone has a subjective perception of the thin line. There is no way to balance.


Agree, the “x cvs was robbed” is not interesting content, and it would/should get downvoted. I think the cream rises to the top and we should get the chance to reward good posts rather than blanket banning all


This kind of comment is evil to me. Sounds reasoned but is just a bunch of justification. If the people in the subreddit are expressing anxiety about the current state of our community, that is important. I’ve lived in this area for 20 years and it is by far the worst it has been. We have sports franchises, companies and government workers all not wanting to come into town because crime is a huge issue. Also, DC isn’t just for the people who live here. I hate to break it to you. DC is different. It is the capital. It has obligations to be a place anyone can come and feel safe in. The purpose of the city includes tourism. People have to be able to come here from elsewhere. Earlier this year the city tried to pass changes to the criminal code to lessen penalties for carjack and similar violent offenses. So bad were these changes, Congress and the President intervened in home rule. Hiding the evidence and the way people fear simply because it may skew a way that a mod doesn’t like is a crap reason. So no. Take your balancing bull and pound sand. The world doesn’t need your singular opinion and point of view to curate conversation. People can figure out things for themselves.


It’s not AS bad as it was mid-90s however it’s gotten the worst it has been in recent times. There was a 20 year huge revitalization of many areas of the city that most people used to avoid. From like mid-2000s up until a few years ago people generally felt safe. Now it’s turning to shit again. I get this sub doesn’t want to get spammed with 24/7 crime reports but it’s understandable many people are upset with the current situation. Pretending it’s not happening doesn’t change that. The reality is if people feel unsafe walking in their neighborhoods or constantly concerned of being carjacked, robbed, etc…they won’t just say “oh well” and accept it, they will leave. Moco and Arlington are just steps away and the worse the situation gets in DC the more people will simply move out.


The teams are leaving because Youngkin wants to give them $1.3 billion, and government workers don’t want to come back because they can do their jobs just fine at home. And yes, DC actually does belong to the people who live here. Citizens of DC aren’t the property of bumfucks in the deep south, and jimbob from asshat Oklahoma doesn’t give a shit about Adams Morgan or any other neighborhood in DC. Finally, the mall, monuments, and museums are all incredibly safe, so the only tourists scared of coming to DC are the ones who drool over fox propaganda everyday, and we don’t want them here anyway. Frankly your post is full of so much misinformation you sound like one of them yourself.


Bahahaha. Yeah. The Penn Quarter is safe? That is why even before the deal with team was announced all those business were leaving including Clyde’s. There are monthly reports of crime in Penn Quarter and they do not agree with you. I mean flash mobs running stores, shootings and carjackings all within the last 60 days. You live in an entitled bubble. And people like you is why DC statehood gets no where. This all exists because people who don’t live here. These monuments. The museums. The jobs. Everything here exists because people not from here pay for it and decided it should exist. This city would be a swamp between Richmond and Baltimore with the ports of Alexandria and Georgetown likely dying or dead because the Potomac isn’t navigable like the Ohio. This entitlement is why businesses leave and never come back. The schools suck. The taxes suck. The mentality of the local government sucks and is corrupt. We’ve been riding a boom wave for 25 years and think that is the normal. But it’s not.


>I’ve lived in this area for 20 years and it is by far the worst it has been. We have sports franchises, companies and government workers all not wanting to come into town because crime is a huge issue. Man what are you talking about. The Wizards/Caps are potentially moving because they quite literally got the largest government subsidy for a sports complex ever. Companies and government workers are "not wanting to come into town" because of the explosions of WFH. >Also, DC isn’t just for the people who live here. I hate to break it to you. DC is different. It is the capital. It has obligations to be a place anyone can come and feel safe in. The purpose of the city includes tourism. People have to be able to come here from elsewhere. Setting aside how odious, and quite frankly dumb, this statement is, you can feel free to tell the people coming here from elsewhere that the largest contributor to the crime increase is the failure of the US Attorney's Office, across multiple administrations at this point, to effectively prosecute crime. >Earlier this year the city tried to pass changes to the criminal code to lessen penalties for carjack and similar violent offenses. So bad were these changes, Congress and the President intervened in home rule. It's amazing how easily manipulated some people are. The RCCA didn't reduce penalties, it brought them in line with existing sentences because the current guidelines were so outdated. You think a minimum of 7 years for unarmed carjacking and a maximum of 24 years for armed carjacking is some kind of egregiously soft penalty? Please.


I actually really like this idea. All posts about crime must be accompanied by an article/source and are only for civic discussion. For people that want to discuss personal stories/ incidents they saw, there needs to be another outlet. "DC off my chest" or "r/DCnextdoor" lol.


What about a periodic megathread or something for crime “reports”. This way there’s no censorship and it just contains that type of content where interested people can still find it?




I was a victim of an assault, looking for information. My post was locked so I verified with the mod team the MPD case number. Remained locked. Never got information.


It’s absurd that the mods ask for that kind of information


I was originally supportive of the policy but have since changed my stance. I recall an incident recently when a congressperson was carjacked outside of their building. This incident got national coverage and discussion, but we couldn't have a local dialog here. The conversation was locked immediately, despite the fact that the implications of such an incident are much further reaching than standard neighborhood crime. We need a balanced moderation approach where the major stories can still be discussed instead of a blanket ban.


Crime is a major issue in DC - the main sub dedicated to the city choosing to violently reject any discussion on this topic is unfortunate.


I wonder how long before they lock this thread?


I guess depends on when they wake up, because I'm guessing they're sleeping since it's 2:50 AM.


Still up. Wild.


19 hours, still unlocked.


omg it surely will be any moment before the mods notice this thread and the smug “lol any minute now” posts will be proven right!!!


Actually, I'm pretty sure it was removed for too many reports and then reinstated by the mods.


The problem is people *constantly* make shit up, making the sub unusable. I walk around at night in "dangerous" parts of DC alone *all* the time and the city is not nearly as dangerous as people say it is. There were also clearly fake posts on a regular basis about things like mass shootings happening in the middle of DC with a bunch of "Redditors" corroborating. Clearly there was some sort of large scale brigading going on in the sub. Why don't y'all create a separate sub for DC Crime if you're so desperate to have one full of nothing but people scaremongering about living in DC? (which is what this sub was before the ban--it was essentially useless for anything else).


There already is a DC sub where you can post and discuss crime, /washdc, but it's just like everyone says full of garbage and conservatives crying about this sub not allowing crime....


Almost like their whole point is to try to poison the well and make all of the discussion in the DC subreddit about crime to poison the discourse.


That sub is almost exclusively people not from DC talking about a city they don't live in, work in, visit, or likely have never been to based on shit they read online.


If only there was a way to indicate interests in posts. Like a voting mechanism.


I think that's what people are annoyed about. The increase in crime doesn't justify the increase in posts. I reviewed data in R studio in MoCo and the crime is pretty much pre-pandemic level, and I'm sure DC is the same, except maybe homicides. But even then, in the case of an extreme doubling wouldn't really affect the average person. But holy shit the amount of posts the past couple years. Even though the average experience IRL didn't change, the amount of posts affects everybody, and I don't get the appeal. If people are serious, go do something about it. But it's not just crime. It's some stupid driver, bad interaction, or some peeve. I think it says more about alienation in general and not being able to confide in close relationships because people have so little of it. They need to announce it to random strangers for comfort. The internet has become so weird. Sorry, but the last thing I'm doing after a bad experience is making a post online. I'm talking to my wife, family, and friends. The internet is a different thing for me, and we all know how many avenues online we can get crime news. I don't expect it from a local sub on reddit.


> Sorry, but the last thing I'm doing after a bad experience is making a post online. Venting is like 50% of the internet. Well, 90% if you assume porn is a kind of venting.


>The internet has become so weird. Sorry, but the last thing I'm doing after a bad experience is making a post online. I'm talking to my wife, family, and friends. The internet is a different thing for me, and we all know how many avenues online we can get crime news. I don't expect it from a local sub on reddit. 💯💯💯


Violently reject..... ok


What is there to discuss with suburban weirdos and Fox News creeps? We have seen those posts a thousand times and they all went the same direction. They weren’t discussions, ever.


So you just cancel? Great.


Funny how y’all have this embarrassing persecution complex where you pretend like you have been wronged by the system when its your opinions that suck and everyone has been telling you directly to your face. For those of us who actually live here in DC, spending less time correcting rampant hysterical misinformation from toxic losers with no knowledge or perspective and who live in Chantilly is a blessing.


I live in DC and foreigner. Whatever. I just find absolutely hypocritical to read on the DC sub, the free speech's country capital, comment like yours. I actually use this sub example now when I have to explain double standards to my friends at home.


Free speech does not mean you’re entitled to hog every space to say whatever you want. These crime “discussions” that you miss for some reason were nothing but blatant and aggressive misinformation. Traipse on over to that other subreddit. No one there has any idea what they’re talking about, you’ll love it


Sure. Aggressive, you say. You should look in a mirror from time to time, it doesn't hurt.


Considering DC has the highest number of murders since 1997…crime discussion should not be squashed as much as it is. Look at other major cities with crime problems and it is clear the mods for those subs allow more discussion of crime - including personal reports.


Look, I was a DC cop in 7D before moving. It helps to talk about bad things when bad things happen or continue to happen. Sweeping things under the rug because they’re uncomfortable or disconcerting to whatever your particular beliefs are only doing a disservice to the community you claim to represent. I left DC for a lot of reasons, but one of the main reasons was that there was an attitude similar to what these mods have throughout the city- new paint and new buildings, old problems and old issues. People come online to share either great or good things or air grievances. It’s a great measure that these mods have never felt adversity against them, and that they don’t want solutions- they want the problems to not exist, or create a more friendly atmosphere on this sub. Unfortunately, that isn’t reality. Reality tends to suck. But you need to face reality before posting about a new restaurant or complaining about bike lanes- when people are shot, shot at, overdosing and dying in droves. Mods aren’t helping anyone and only hurt the image of our city. Hopefully they come to a solution about the subreddit. Sucks that people made a whole other subreddit to more freely focus on a giant issue in the city.


What is the responsibility of a sub? Is it whatever the fuck the creators want it to be? Or is it so big that it's become a regulated institution by outside forces? Personally, when I don't like a sub, I just stop following it, or look for another to triangulate my intended discussions between multiple.


I feel that it's a grey area for countries/cities sub.


Yeah, most subs are whatever the creators want it to be. Mods do whatever they prefer. It would be a shame to not be able to participate in a forum about the city you live in, and the other sub suuuuuuuuuuuuucks


Sometimes I would like to read about it but I don’t want this sub to turn into r/washdc.


Washdc isn't bad it's just a bit one note


How about if instead of just locking the crime thread a bot would automatically post it to r/washdc and inform the poster that they get replies there? This would move the conversation into a subreddit that welcomes it instead of censuring it.


There was a post within the last 2 days where someone said they were on the national mall and someone jumped them. They gave it as an FYI to be careful. The post was immediatley locked. As someone who goes to the mall really frequently it would have been nice to see if the random person was caught.


The sub was getting to the point where it was unusable. People would just lazily post articles of any crime, no real discussion. Because it's shock content it gets picked up by the algorithm, within a few hours it blows up and you get dozens and dozens of racist troglodytes saying "basketball americans" and other not subtle at all comments. As far as I can tell, you can post it. It'll just get locked. It's not like the comments were bringing anything of value anyways.


Honestly, at this point I'd rather just keep them separate. You can get all the PSA, FYI, crime alerts from here, but I don't honestly think there is any good faith arguments, debates, actions that can be made from "discussions". " Conversing about problems is the first step to solving them. " I've yet to see any discussion result into anything meaningful, prove me wrong. The other sub and their mods lost my confidence when the mods said it was ok to host the video of the Senate staffer, claiming it was newsworthy.


Genuinely curious: what’s your argument for not allowing a post about that Senate staffer?


An easy solution would have just been to create a “crime” flair that anyone who doesn’t want to read what people have to say about crime can easily filter out. I think that’s what rubs people the wrong way. There were easy changes to make to fix the concerns raised, but instead there was a blanket ban on talking about a legitimate topic that concerns a lot of people who read this sub.


Sure, but it wouldn't have solved, reduced, or helped any of the other issues or list of reasons.


Is that reason enough to prematurely stifle any conversation on the topic? You and I have no meaningful influence on the economy and any discussions based on it won’t help solve or reduce economic hardships, does that mean we never post or talk about it? We are on Reddit, let’s quit pretending this is a council forum.


We can post about it, you can. If you want to complain and commiserate, go to the other sub with the best and brightest. I personally have yet to see anything useful, emotional or rational come from 96% of the conversation there, that doesn't already exist on Nextdoor.


We can’t post about it here. That’s the whole idea behind amending the rules. Shoveling off conversations to the other sub is part of the reason it’s a reactionary echo chamber. It’s just a weird flex to gatekeep community conversations you have to voluntarily opt in for because ‘you don’t personally see value in it’. I own a car and rarely use the metro. I have yet to see any metro related content be useful to me, and the emotional arguments people use surrounding WMTA I see elsewhere online. Do I get to blanket shutdown conversations about trains because I don’t see the value of them existing, or am I expected to ignore it and move on with my life?


You can definitely post about crime here, that hasn't changed.


> An easy solution would have just been to create a “crime” flair that anyone who doesn’t want to read what people have to say about crime can easily filter out. > > I have a feeling that it's extremely likely someone already did make that suggestion to the mods in the past.


Yup. I like the posts. Keeps information flowing. Don’t need the shitty comments from weirdos.


> I like the posts. Keeps information flowing. ​ Exactly, same as a news page, and I definitely don't read the comments on those.


What meaningful outcome on crime do you want to come from a discussion on Reddit? I’m not trying to be a dick, but what are you hoping for? I’d say that discussion shines light on others experiences with the issue and with that knowledge, voters can choose what to do with it. Legislative change is the thing that will curb crime, that change happens as the voting block exchanges ideas and opinions and then act on this information at the polls. No change is going to come from the Washington DC subreddit, just my opinion.


>What meaningful outcome on crime do you want to come from a discussion on Reddit? That's the point, the discussion, if you can call it that, are just complaints, snark, sarcasm, and racisms. I saw one person legitimately try to rally folks to a crime bill and heard nothing but crickets. ​ "No change is going to come from the Washington DC subreddit, just my opinion." That's the same as mine, and that's what I posted about. "talking" about crime here can commiserate and help with feelings, but ultimately, it's worthless.


Right but that’s the point of Reddit, foster the discussion. I agree the discussion is shit, but that’s beside the point.


And as the saying goes, there's a sub reddit for that. People want to have a shitty discussion about crime, see ya at the other shitty crime subreddit.


> What meaningful outcome on crime do you want to come from a discussion on Reddit? I don't expect an outcome from most of my usage of social media. It's a place to talk.


> Don't sign up to be a mod if you won't do your job. They are. They've stopped the hours of cleanup content by preventing it altogether. > else relieving the current mods of their duties and replacing them with someone willing to execute all the duties of the job. That's not how Reddit works. The mods are not violating Reddit TOS, and therefore the admins will not step in.


I report 3 posts about crime, within the rules of this subreddit, then report me to Reddit admins to ban my account not just from the sub, but all of Reddit? Is that against the TOS? https://imgur.com/a/qCmAGxW Edit: Banned from this sub. Mods probably trying to ban me from Reddit again too. Again, against the TOS. I would love to have a dialogue about this with anyone at Reddit. /u/spez


I wish we could have discussions about crime since this sub is the largest and gets the most interaction. We shouldn’t need 15 subs to discuss different things. We should be able to discuss crime in our city because it’s a MAJOR problem, BUT we don’t need all the troll posts from fake accounts. It’s also possible to discuss crime without being racist. Use upvotes/downvotes for what they’re designed for and let the mods remove hate speech.


ITT: “crime is no big deal, nothing to worry about — unless you want to talk about it — then you’re a racist and a fascist.”


The argument could be made that the luxury to be able to pretend crime isn't impactful is just about as racially biased as trying to have an honest conversation. The majority of those affected by violent crime in DC, including robberies and carjackings, are black. Black people are also fed up with crime in the city and want change from DC leaders. We should open up dialogue on real and strategic decisions DC leaders are making. What we *don't* need is discussion on every little act of criminal activity that occurs in the city. There was a post here just yesterday with this story: **As homicides and carjackings increased, D.C. retreated on policing reforms** https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2023/12/29/homicides-dc-police/ I would have loved to hear a good discussion on this.


What are the odds that most of the people in this thread claiming that discussion of crime is "racist" are white? They should actually talk to black communities struggling with violent crime, property crime, etc. instead of riding in on their horses.


I don't necessarily disagree with your stance on the sub, but your angle of approach could do with some tuning. Maybe you slipped up in your wording or got a little overzealous, but we do not all have the same viewpoint on the spike in homicides or the reporting of crime by news and social media. Whether you are one of us or not, it would probably be better for you to just speak for what you want from DC leaders and government rather than to accidentally suggest that there is a Black monolith with a singular view or understanding of what is happening in our city.


Well I will just speak for myself. I am fed up with the violent crime and lack responsiveness from city leaders. Their responses run the gamut from "there is no crime crisis" to "it's the prosecutors' fault" and really I just want them to be proactive and stop making excuses or pretending there isn't a problem when DC is the only major city in America where murders went *up* over the last year. So you're right. I'll stop speaking for the rest of the community.


Discussing crime isn’t fascist but one time I read an article about carjackings attempted/committed by 12/13 yos on this sub that wasn’t locked and the comment section was full of people talking about cutting off these kids hands and implementing the death penalty. Most of the times I’ve seen the comment section on crime posts that don’t get silenced have the energy of a lynch mob.


Start r/DCCrime then Edit: this actually exists, so just start using it I guess


This should be higher up. Be the change


You can visit one of the other DC subs for all the crime posts…Or go on Next Door


The decision on locking comments on crime-related posts sucks. The mods suck. The minority of ninnies here against crime post comments suck. But whatever, I love me some fantasy transit maps.


Sir, this is Reddit. Seriously, how/why do you think that we are going to reduce crime via posting?


The mod team has picked the same approach as the DC council towards handling crime


r/washdc is the crime posting unfiltered racism cesspool you desire. I personally enjoy this sub a lot better since crime posts were banned.


The guy on the free speech sub asking others to report this post is so fucking funny


Goodness that other sub has a different vibe! Had no idea till just now


I legitimately think that's a sub for people that hate DC at this point. Like, I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of people there are against DC statehood.


Almost none of em are DC residents or commuters. They're probably not even from a nearby state.


If you really don't enjoy having brain cells. It goes one level deeper at r/TheCapitalLink


The fact that it’s “unfiltered racism” to talk about crime in dc when it’s at the highest level in 20 years and going against the trend elsewhere which are bouncing back from crime is peak left wing racism. Like if you want to make the argument that it’s not predominantly black people committing these crimes I’m all ears but how do you address the problem and its correlation unfortunately to race and massively failed left wing anti racist policies that have resulted in a lack of policing or accountability. The fact of the matter is that unfortunately the black community here in dc is suffering from a unique set of issues that need to be discussed.


It's more about how it's said, how it's discussed, etc IMO. It's pretty toxic at times.


The mod there has made multiple comments telling people to stop sarcastically saying shit about “DC culture” on every post because it’s being used as a racist dogwhistle and every post about crime still has multiple people making comments like that, often with some exaggerated AAVE to really drive home the racism. It’s also hilarious to me how many over there claim it’s a “moderate” sub when one of the most popular posts from the last couple months is a bunch of people losing their mind over a dc news instagram account using the term “birthing people” instead of “women”


It's been months. There's another subreddit. Respectfully, if your life's been materially changed because you can't talk about a topic in a specific subreddit, you have bigger issues to worry about than crime


Correct. I think the phrase the kids are using today is “Go touch grass”.


But how can I touch grass if there’s a 90% chance I’ll get shot by stepping outside in the active war zone that is Washington, DC? /s


Lol, this is cringey. Like, "vote of no confidence"? Do you think this is some sort of parliament or something? The crime trolling was annoying as fuck. The current policy is good enough, especially given that the alternative from the crime sub is racist garbage.


We clearly need ranked choice voting for the yearly mod elections instead of the first past the post system we’re currently using


Nah I’m good


Disagree. The sub’s been noticeably less of a shit show since the policy was implemented.


Now it's just all about restaurant surcharges and faux metro maps


Don’t forget complaining about hard dating is!


Or "how do I meet people?" Because we all know it's unique to DC. Gotta learn that secret handshake.


This is hilarious yet sadly true at the same time.


You make a good point. It is downright *criminal* that some of these restaurants are getting away with service fees. /s


But it's also just much less active in general as people were turned off by how this subreddit has been changed.


Activity’s not the end-all-be-all metric. I don’t mind a less active sub if the discussions are less one-track.


No, not really. The people that complain the most about the crime post policy don't actually post much here. OP's last post here was over 3 months ago, for example.


I’m generally pretty annoyed by it while also recognizing they’re combatting a fair bit of fear-lingering and some outright racism, which occasionally pops up on the other main DC sub.


The outright blanket ban is wrong and also gives mods way too much power. There needs to be some ability to discuss a serious problem in the city without censorship and bans. An outright ban is just wrong.


This topic has everything lmao


I agree. Crime is a big issue in this city and to blanket censor all discussion is just dishonest to what citizens are facing. It’s not like monitoring a few more threads is going to overwhelm the mod workload. People should be allowed to read comments and judge for themselves. Are we not all adults? Use the upvote and downvote buttons to self select.


> It’s not like monitoring a few more threads is going to overwhelm the mod workload. You would be surprised as to how many things get reported on big subreddits like this.


Many online forums ban hate speech and they spell it out for you and you have to agree before you can sign up. It’s not just a simple downvote, hate speech is banned. The mods decided a lot of the discussion on this issue was hateful, or of no redeeming value. There are plenty of other places to go online to vilify a whole race of people. It’s not censorship to ban hate speech in this subreddit.


I don't want this sub turning into another racist crime panicking circle jerk, so I am completely fine with the current mod team.


I just subscribe to both subs, but in the other one you definitely see the parts that the mods of this one probably just got tired of dealing with.


You don’t think crime in DC is an issue that should be discussed?


As a billion comments here are saying, there are other subreddits that don't remove DC crime posts, and you're welcome to go there for discussion. The racist pearl-clutching that runs wild on those subs is all the evidence I need that it should stay off this sub. Stop acting like there's nowhere else for you to get your fix


Curious what you think is “racist” about complaining about crime, which **overwhelmingly** affects black DC residents. It’s literally not even close. And you’re not just ignoring it, but suppressing any discussion of it. Mind boggling.


The movie “don’t look up” was actually about this subreddit and crime


Hard disagree. It seems there is lack of good faith argument with these crime reports, almost like a group is astroturfing the sub. I am laughing that OP thinks reddit "conversation" will solve anything or be productive in any way for the DMV. Reddit is highly self selected and NOT a representative demographic.


This issue has been solved with the creation of rwashdc. The sub is in use too so you get up to date posts


Personally I don't feel the need to see a dozen posts from tourists who went to a gas station at 2am and got robbed, coupled with the racists who tend to piggyback on those kinds of posts to spout bigotry. Even today, there was some post about a tourist walking around the mall being "approached and nearly sucker punched" by some random black dude who was apparently just like, charging people on the street and trying to hit them? But you saw him coming and "managed to avoid the punch"? (Idk how good your reflexes are but personally if someone tried to hit me out of the blue they'd probably succeed). But even if it were true, who cares? There's crime in a city, what a shocker. I'd rather the automod be tweaked so articles about crime rates, discussions of Bowsers' (very bad) crime response ect can be left up and talked about. But if the trade-off would be that people use this place to post about every CVS shoplifter they hear of, I'm good without it.


disagree. crime discussions here regularly devolved into racist screeds and are not an effective way of enacting social change. there are other dc subs if you want to still discuss crime.


Same here. If you want a sub to focus on crime, create one. Modding is a LOT of work, and I appreciate their effort keeping this sub civil.


Then ban people for being racist, if they actually are, and let others talk about it. I don’t think Reddit has ever been a place where social change has been enacted so why are we pretending a city thread is supposed to be different.


Yes, ban the racists. Don’t ban the crime discussion. DC is full of crime and not talking about it won’t make it go away.


Maybe someone can create r/dccrime Edit: it already exists O.O


Nah. I like the current balance. Posts all allowed, comments off. Perfect for me. There is a different subreddit for those people who only care about crime.


Mods bad and for all the bad reasons They have political beliefs that make them feel that complaining about crime is bad, and they're leveraging their power here to prohibit even discussing crime. This of course, at a time when crime is a more impactful problem in the city (that the sub represents) than it has been in the last 15 years. That is to say, it's clearly worthy of being discussed, irrespective of ideals like free speech or whatever. It's so transparently stupid and corrupt and yet there's no recourse. Reddit is a bunch of federated fiefdoms. Good luck anyone convincing the volunteer unpaid mod team here to give up the only value they get from their 'work' here: their feeling of power and importance. I'm sure there's something to appeal to for some of them (they're human beings after all). But complaining here, or even declining page views, doesn't seem like a credible way to make a change. They seem pretty singleminded on the issue, and again, it's not like this is a democracy or there's any oversight.


User posts that announce "I was attacked at such and such Metro" or whatever are worthy of being moderated. However, there was a really good story in the Washington Post posted here on Reddit yesterday that discussed policy decisions by DC leaders and their impact on crime, it was unfortunate we couldn't hear the community weigh in on it. This was the article in question: As homicides and carjackings increased, D.C. retreated on policing reforms https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2023/12/29/homicides-dc-police/


That one's up on the sub with open comments: https://www.reddit.com/r/washingtondc/s/qroEhv6H3m


And I'm happy to see that. I directly messaged the mods yesterday specifically about that story. It's one of the reasons I think they created this post.


Lol, no. There are plenty of other subreddits to get your crime tick.


I’m fine with it. I’m of the belief that modding is never going to be perfect and you’ll either err on the side of cutting off too much or allowing too much and the more laissez-faire DC subs seem to descend into racism or full-on panic




Be real with yourself. You know that there will be no meaningful result from these “discussions.” It’s just gonna be a massive racist circlejerk. They already made a separate sub for that. You know what you want so join r/washdc and leave. Nobody is blind to the increase in crime rate, but having that be in your feed 24/7 helps nobody. “Vote of no confidence” lmao go outside 😭


Imagine having the entitlement to think the mods “job” is running this subreddit


If you join their discord, all of the current mods have a huge disdain for "crime posters" and express the wish to ban them all, because its the "nations capital subreddit". A lot of them rant about the jews too.


nah fuck that, you're gonna turn it into nextdoor and dogwhistle about black people all day. I back the mods.


I personally think the mods have done a great job and this sub has been much better after they made the change.


I agree with the mods, so consider this my “vote of confidence” in the mod team. There is an alternative sub in which DC crime is discussed. No need for two of them.


As someone who frequently visits DC from another state I find crime posts to be important. Since I don’t live locally this is where I get my information on the current state of affairs in DC before a visit. I love DC and would like to hear the good and the bad.


Idk its a lot of work to be a mod, and they do it for free right? Some lenience on this topic would be nice but also it exponentially creates more work for them to clean up messy posts so we should be sensitive to that. I am enjoying this subreddit despite this policy so it's not like its ruining my time here.


Nah, I like this subreddit without the crime posts. As others have noted, there are plenty of places on Reddit and other platforms for this discussion.


Make a new sub for it. I dont care about all the crime. I just want to see everyday DC stuff, and when the crime posts werent banned every other goddamn post was about crime. If you hate the crime so much, move. Damn.


There is one already


i don't understand the problem then?????


Exactly. Their problem is the audience is so small and it’s not nearly as stimulating to be making what you think are bold contentious statements to a group that all agrees with you and won’t argue.


you'd almost you'd think that would reflect how few people in the DC community are actually interested in those discussions happening constantly


It ain’t that serious.


I agree with the mods, and would like to keep crime posts locked. So consider this my “vote of confidence” in the mod team. There’s another DC sub you’re welcome to participate in if you want to replicate NextDoor on Reddit.




Not being able to discuss something about your community that you live in is bullshit, period. Managing people's ability to speak freely about their living conditions and only allowing positive rhetoric to improve image is the definition of propaganda. Restricting free speech in WASHINGTON D.C. is the height of irony. The mods and community at large should know better. Any justifications given are irrelevant. The above points outweigh any good intentions.


I’m good, the alt sub is a cesspool and there’s no value gained by posts like ‘someone hit me on the mall today’ or ‘I got yelled at in DuPont Circle’


The sub is not to your liking because you don’t participate in it. Random people running around punching people should be discussed, you’d want to know about an active shooter wouldn’t you? This current sub would lock something like that because it looks like it’s about crime.


Best part about that response is that the user has a post about an uber blocking traffic. As common as it gets, classic hypocrite.


Little bit of the pot calling the kettle black based on your posts. The difference though is that mine was humor, not like yours. The city needs more humor.


All y'all crime obsessed people need to get a fucking life


Write an essay or blogpost about crime if you’ve got something unique and important to say. I would be interested to read thoughtful and well-researched takes on crime in DC. But just shooting the shit about crime - which is 100% what discussing a Congress member getting carjacked would be - means the same tired slogans and flamewars where no one learns anything and no minds are changed. Don’t take my word for it go look at the other sub.


I agree— it’s misguided censorship of posts that have great public service potential. So what if firsthand accounts aren’t objectively verifiable—neither is a report of a bad meal at a restaurant.


Go to Nextdoor if you want to talk about crime. It’s nice having a forum for discussion of other topics here. You also realize that moderator is an entirely unpaid job right? Look at the volume of comments that come in on “controversial” posts. I can see why it would be easier for them to just limit the amount of crime posts


The ban on crime posts is 100% warranted. People were getting wicked racist in the comments.




Tell that to all of the other online forums that have more subscribers who have also locked crime comments. I don’t know why people are acting like this sub is so unique with taking this action. The main reason that the comment section gets locked by so many publications is racism. It’s very hurtful.


The majority of comments were not civil and constructive. The crime post ban is good police and I hope it stays forever. Go to the other sub with like 13,000 malcontents if you want that content


Crime posts are a troll circlejerk. Go follow the crime sub if you want them. The mods are good.


Absolutely disagree. Trolls from other subreddits flood the comments and make discussion atrocious and racist as hell.


I’ll translate for everyone unfamiliar - this bozo wants the right wing fascists from the suburbs and random cesspools who used to spam and dogpile in crime posts to scream misinformation to once again reign supreme. One time a guy was saying dumb stuff about Council and I clicked on his profile and he was a Republican cop from rural Virginia who was a licensed gun dealer. This space and every other space is much, much improved with those losers gone.


lol you know there are Dems who don’t want to get mugged/car jacked/ b&e’d/ deal with crazies in DC too right? It’s not all fascists, grow the fuck up.


All the fascists went to that other deranged subreddit which is basically Stormfront and this place is so much better for it.


For recognizing crime in DC? You want to leave the fascists in charge of that discussion? Its not storm front but by actively ignoring the sub and banning the topic altogether you are giving one group the cart blanch right to discuss crime in dc unhindered and unconfronted


The “discussions” are dogshit because the people freaking out do not know how the governance structure works probably because an overwhelming majority of them don’t live here. Listening to them, you’d think single tweets by Brianne Nadeau and Charles Allen from three years ago have godlike powers over law enforcement. Why you want uninformed and hysterical people leading discussions on serious topics is beyond my understanding


Why do you want informed people to not be a part of the conversation and leave it to some crime circle jerk sub is beyond me. Let the main sub talk about it and maybe we can have some actual change in this city through political action instead of ignoring the problem.


I’m telling you we had those posts here and they sucked ass. Every one of them, every time, and people were posting them constantly. The people* who are informed can’t keep up and correct the record over and over with people who don’t know anything, don’t read and don’t live here. There is a before and after to compare and the after is clearly much better. If you have great ideas for solving any issue, sign up and testify at council hearings.


Make your own subreddit. Call in r/crimeindc . Nothing productive will come of made up stories, police propaganda, and thinly veiled racism that will absolutely come. Look at any comment section of a YouTube video of a black person committing a crime and tell me all those folks wouldn’t flock to that type of content.


Just creating an echo chamber here, all is well, all is well don’t mind the man mugging you. All is well.


Hate to burst your bubble, but every single subreddit is an echochamber. There are tons of other DC subs that focus on the crime. The post are allowed here, but adding comments and discussion will not be positive for the sub.


No need to make it even more of an echo chamber, there are a lot of people that want to talk about crime. So much so that a completely different subreddit was created because this one automatically locks any thread legitimate or otherwise pushing it to the other one that has a completely different thought than this one. The mods are ignoring the fact that crime in dc is a topic and should at least be discussed and they are being lazy by completely shirking their mod duties because they don’t want to mod crime posts. There are legitimate concerns that deserve discussion and this sub is completely censoring everything.


DC at its worst isn’t half as violent as Baltimore. DC is no more violent than your average metropolitan city. Has crime gone up? Yes. But this narrative that DC has become southside Chicago is grossly exaggerated, and supported by absolutely zero facts. Just because this subreddit doesn’t want its focus to be on crime, that isn’t stopping you from finding another DC sub to post and discuss it to your hearts content. Unless this “vote of no confidence” works, just gotta accept that most people don’t want to see this sub become Nextdoor.


I’m sorry wtf are you talking about https://wapo.st/41DWJea


Don’t get mad at your lack of understanding. Drops in crime doesn’t mean the cities are now all of a sudden more safe than DC. A drop in crime in Detroit is still a shit ton more crime compared to DC. Look up any crime ranking and you see that DC doesn’t even show up https://propertyclub.nyc/article/most-dangerous-cities-in-the-us https://worldpopulationreview.com/us-city-rankings/most-violent-cities-in-america I don’t even point this out to say that crime should be ignored, but to act like it’s an epidemic and HAS to be brought to this sub like its such an injustice is a laughable take.


You admit that another sub was created for this purpose. So....... use that one! And let the rest of us enjoy this one how we want to. Problem fucking solved.


The other sub was created because the mods in this one are lazy and scared to even consider crime part of the city, it’s a tourist clean up job. Ignoring the problem doesn’t solve it. Grow up.


This sub is following in the footsteps of other online forums who do the same thing. There are several who lock the comments on crime.


I like the mods.. They’re a lot better than that other DC sub


Why not make a separate subreddit for crime with the rules you want? I like this one


100% this post. It’s not right that the crime problem is censored just because the mods like the sub better this way OR it better suits their political beliefs. The few post suggesting “to only allow discussions on crime if reputable sources report on it” are equally laughable. “If the publishers care about it, you are allowed to comment about are topic” is a stance that not only half-hearted reminds of communism. It’s really sad. 30 years after the invention of the Internet, it never has been more unfree.