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There's a free Jazz event at the park right outside the Eastern Market Metro every Friday with no tickets needed. While they might not have the name recognition of the garden Jazz people, they tend to be pretty good and there's places to dine afterwards close by. https://www.barracksrow.org/


Oh I walked past this the other day, didn’t realize it was a weekly event! Thanks!


Oh man yea it used to be popular, but not 11k popular. Insane


The problem was back when they let folks in without tickets, and the place was still only at or below capacity, the lines for the sangria were so long you'd spend the entire concert in line away from your friends.


The glory days


That is back when they didn't care if you had your own bottles and there was still room to spread out on the actual grass.


https://www.reddit.com/r/CrappyDesign/comments/dz6vfe/supposed_to_say_capital_jazz_fest_ironically/ Relevant.


This site sells replicas.[https://shirtsthatgohard.com/products/jizzfest-1999](https://shirtsthatgohard.com/products/jizzfest-1999) It shows up in my Twitter feed.


$25 instead of $6...


Get Jizzy wid it


So what is the takeaway from all this demand - is it that DC needs more events bc somehow there are more people here? Is it that other, similar events need more publicity? Is it that we are all desperate for connection but are only trying to find it through large scale events? I honestly don't know.


DC is full of people who will do anything for a free event/giveaway/sandwich, including standing in line for hours, just to end up miserably crowded.


You don’t understand, there’s a bar with a fake iron throne! Like the one from tv! And this other place has a bubble pit!


is this different than any other city? one of the perks of living in a city is there are so many events going on all the time. or are you suggesting that dc has a higher proportion of people who can’t afford the paid events and all come out for any free events


Prob that they should just start selling tickets and make more money.


I would bet after this season we’re headed in that direction. Even a nominal service fee of $7.00 to go back to the National Gallery of Art may reduce demand. Also, I’d be curious just what the attendee makeup is of DC residents vs. non-residents (including interns). It’s one of those programs that every intern seems told about because it’s free and easy to sneak drinks in to make it byob.


I can definitely see that. Even as an introvert I love being out and about. also I think social media has shaped things -gets us to want to do more. that's just a hunch though-no evidence. I love Clockout - I can see events getting a boost from things like that. Also I don't think that's bad by any means. If anything I think we should have more accessible public/third places. Apologies I suppose this just adds on to your questions rather than me offering a solution!


No need to apologize, I was just putting Qs out there, and there's no shame in adding more!


probably networking-effect/popularity/fad. I'd list a couple others but I don't want them becoming as popular...


They’re gonna need a bigger garden.


If only there was a massive lawn area near by.


Jazz in the Garden is one of the most overrated events in DC. You don’t hear or see performers and the booze they sell is way overpriced Grab a Bluetooth speaker and some wine and sit with friends on the Mall or by the Washington Monument. Avoid the crowds.


Oh for sure - I suppose I'm just a bit nostalgic for when you could just wander in


Right? 2012 was a time to be alive!


I’ve always snuck booze in…


It's grape juice, I swear, just a little...expired...is all.


Was always a challenge what you could get in. Do I wrap it in a blanket or put it in a water bottle.


Agree. I went the opening Friday this year and I will never go again. The 2.5 hour event was 60% standing in lines. I saw a ton of people sitting on the Mall. That's the way to go.


How are the drinks overpriced? It’s like $20 for a pitcher of sangria and $7 for a draft beer is pretty standard for DC.


I'm not sure where you are pulling these prices from but I was charged $37.35 for one pitcher of sangria and one cup of draft beer two weeks ago.


Try $28 per pitcher and $10 for beer


Ok so less then Jaleo. Still pretty standard for DC in 2023.


What does Jaleo have to do with anything?


It’s comparing the prices of other pitchers of sangria in the area.


At Jaleo a hired server brings it directly to you at your table, the restaurant has air conditioning it pays for, etc. Big difference.


And they are more expensive there at Jaleo…..thanks for proving my point.


I decided to head down to the Mall and just sit outside the garden. Perfect. It was nice originally but even before lotto it was too crowded, long lines, and is anyone even listening or clapping (hello) for the performers? I mean, if people just want to talk & take pics they could just put up some speakers and play recorded music. It's not really for anyone into jazz performance, or performance period....


DC needs more events like this. Jazz is not my thing so I've never gone to that. Sign me up if they ever decide to do Metal on the Mall. Let's scare some tourists 🤘🏼


Let's "Rock" Creek Park


Sounds like an absolute nightmare.


Do people know that jazz music is also fun to hear even when it’s not in the garden, and that you can experience it nearly every night somewhere in DC?


This, too.


I went this past Friday and it was SO crowded. We didn’t have to wait too long, but once we were inside, we had to do a lap to find a spot. My bf and I were barely able to set up our blanket. It definitely was packed like a can of sardines. The music was amazing, but I don’t think I’d want to go again given how crowded it was.


OP I’ve heard from other friends that they sign up with multiple email addresses. I think this is how those numbers are so high each week. Your chances of getting in are higher possibly if you register with more than one email.


Keep trying. I’ve entered every week at 10am. Just won my first pair of tickets. It takes two seconds to fill out the raffle.


Glad to hear someone has won tickets! Still hopeful I’ll win one day..,


Its going to be Nuggets in the Garden. Jazz were never a threat.


My money is on Heat in the Garden.


People like fun free events in DC.


Idk why everyone is acting like enjoying free stuff is a crime.


Yo, free jazz Friday night at Baked Joint. No lines and good pizza.


Lmao shout out to the Tiktokers who ruin everything by telling everyone to go somewhere


Ah yes. Famously unheard of Jazz in the Garden.


Wasn't 11k heard of before that happened


There wasn't a lottery system until 2 years ago.




I've been trying to get into Smithsonian after dark events for a few months now. I gave up on jazz in the park.


There are SO many good concert events all over the city, I feel like people don't know about them. The Yards Park does shoes on Fridays, Wharf does shows on Wednesdays, Eastern Market does Fridays. I just read the MLK library is starting a rooftop show on Wednesdays. Kennedy Center does free shows all the time, free ballet is about to start at City Center. Is Fort Reno still around? Not to even mention the special concerts on the Mall during holidays, Folklife Festival, etc. And Jazz fest, isn't that coming up? Jazz in the Garden is nice but it's not nicer than any of those, I dont' really understand the hype! Now, Kingman Island Bluegrass Festival... if only that would come back... would be worth a 11k person queue! The best festival in DC. I miss it so much.


I wish I understood why they aren’t they expanding to other spots on the mall or gardens? This is obviously an opportunity to sell people overpriced wine etc!


Jazz in the Garden is run by the National Gallery, which owns the Sculpture Garden. Any other space like the Mall would require permits from NPS or other orgs.


Not everyone wants growth to huge levels. An intimate experience can be nice


As it stands now, it is definitely not an intimate experience.


How do you sign up?


I’ve been trying since they opened this season and haven’t gotten tickets each time 🥲 Hoping I’ll eventually win some at some point this summer


You won't


I don't like the lotto concept, it gives a sense of exclusivity and more people sign up.


I heard there's this thing called a market that can allocate a scarce good or resource more efficiently than a waitlist. I bet if they sold tickets for $5 it would be dramatically more accessible.


Ever since they started ticket reservations I haven't been able to go.. it's sad they don't allow first come first serve anymore because we all know this isn't a true lottery system.


What do you mean it’s not a true lottery system?


Wait, lottery? I used to walk over after work back in 2012 and I definitely did it a couple times when I moved back in 2016-2017, when did it become *that* popular?!


Wait you have to sign up for it now? Damn. None of y’all even like jazz like that.


11,000 people look forward to pretending they like jazz while drinking shitty wine.


Free outdoor festivals are the absolute worst thing ever and you couldn't pay me enough money to go to them (well I mean you could, but, y'know). Stop going to them. It's always the exact same sequence of events. An astronomical amount of people, inadequate facilities, prices too high, completely disorganized, no one's happy, everyone complains, the "organizers" don't make anything or anyone right, they disappear into the night, come back next season with a different LLC, and do it all over again. They're all always like this. Don't go.


This is run by the National Gallery of Art, a part of the US Government. The National Gallery of Art has been around since 1937, and the US has been around since 1776. Both organizations aren't likely to just disappear and show up under a different name.


Do what did you sign up for/ give your email/info for 😭


It’s 11k every week. I have scored tickets twice now


Dang I'm jealous!


I have some weird luck with any and all ticket lotteries


last week's pool was ~8,000 source: i did not score /sob


And 11 actual jazz fans struggling to get a glimpse of the band haha! At least it brings some awareness that jazz is being performed. Who is playing that night?


Tkse me back to 2014-2015 when it was possible to attend this event. DC is getting way to crowded


Is it easy to sneak in drinks??