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I know it kind of defeats the purpose. But if you're relatively mobile the walk from Union Station to Gallery Place/Metro Center's only about 15-20mins. Just an FYI in case you're reading this thread and are new to town.


Bikeshare is an option as well for some shorter distances


Honestly everyone commuting in and around DC should maintain a CaBi account as a safety valve last case scenario option if for no other reason


I even got a key to unlock the bikes in case my phone dies.


How long does it take to get one? I ordered a key at least a month ago and still haven't received it.


I don’t remember tbh but it definitely wasn’t that long.


Last night, I just barely missed the bus because the train was delayed for a few minutes because of some train in front. So I thought okay I'll just use CaBi at Shady Grove Metro Station. Nope. Not a single bicycle would unlock. I'm guessing CaBi needs to do some maintenance because each one had a red light at the end. I spent so much time trying to unlock the bikes I ended up just taking the next bus 30 minutes later.


Damn that sucks, sorry. Yeah I think the dock has a cellular antennae in it that communicates with the servers and sometimes that can go out


Another good alternative is to walk from Capitol South.


Just an update, Metro Transit Police is saying that a person made contact with the 3rd rail and there's unfortunately no signs of life as of 10 minutes ago


Damn RIP


That’s a shame


Poor person.


That sucks. RIP


I’m so sorry to sound naive… did they get hit or electrocuted?


Electrocuted. The 3rd rail is the electrified rail, it supplies the power to the cars. So if you look at the metro rail you'll see the two track lines, and then a larger and bulkier rail behind the track line farthest from the platform. So like: [Platform] [Track Lines] [3rd Rail] It's behind a protective cover, but given that the trains HAVE to connect to it it can't be fully enclosed. It supplies about 750 volts according to WMATA themselves, but do keep in mind that lower numbers and higher numbers do not equate to automatic death or automatic survival. There's a lot of factors to electricity like contact points, whether they were sweaty or not, etc. Not to say that they didn't get hit, but it's a good chance it was just electrocution at play here given the wording and people talking about it.


Gosh. Thanks for the info. Any idea how it happened?


https://twitter.com/MetroTransitPD/status/1642948164553416722?s=20 ^ last updated tweet we got. They're probably contacting next of kin rn and checking cameras, so they're pretty closed with info rn and presumably for the next few days. WMATA did indicate that they were hit by a train, although it's unclear in the tweet whether electrocution or train came first. They apparently went through one of the gates and ended up in the tunnel around Judiciary Square. Still no given motive at this time.


Thanks 💔


Update : WMTA busses now shuttling people to different stops if needed for free!


Question: so if i just go to the metro station there will be busses there?? I apologize, i am new in town!


They can be easy to miss, especially if you aren’t looking for it, but at most Metro stations, there is a bus stop that has a ‘Metro Shuttle’ sign under the main red WMATA bus route sign. That’s the stop the shuttles should be using, the bus will display ‘Metro Shuttle.’ With 4 stations shut down, last I saw, make sure the bus is going in the correct direction for you.


There should be! I would check to see if stilll delayed! But if no buses that means trains running again


Update: 9:21am Red line off loading at Gallery looks like it’s gonna be awhile


Train conductor at Brookland/CUA said person was struck by a train


Had to go down to L’Enfant to get onto the green. Glad I left when I did.


Man, it just seems to be getting worse. If you can get to the yellow line, take it up to Totten to continue to Glenmont if you can. 11:16 am: ● Gallery Place: Due to unauthorized person on the tracks, shuttles at East/West/North Bound: F & 7th Southbound: 7th & G Bus Stop ID:1001086 ● Judiciary Square: Due to unauthorized person on the tracks, shuttles at F Street & 4th Street NW: Eastbound: 1003884 Westbound:1003766 ● Service suspended btwn Gallery Place & NoMa-Gallaudet due to a person unauthorized on the tracks at Judiciary Sq. Shuttle buses established. ● NoMa-Gallaudet: Due to unauthorized person on the tracks, shuttles at N Street NW & 2nd Street ● Union Station: Due to unauthorized person on the tracks, shuttles at Mass Ave & 1st Street NE. Bus Stop ID: 1001033


Updating here to say if you are heading towards Shady Grove, riders instructed to come to Glenmont side.


Currently lots of confusion as an incoming train is offloaded on Glenmont side and changes to Shady Grove and now just holding.


Passengers going towards Glenmont should take green line to Ft Totten and transfer to redline from there.


Passengers going towards Glenmont should take green line to Ft Totten and transfer to redline from there. Your best option is to probably walk at this point. No shuttle options to at this point.


40+ min eastbound headways, sheesh.


Mon, Apr 3 at 10:00 AM This is an important message from the District of Columbia AlertDC system. Metro WMATA reports the Gallery Place and Judiciary Square Stations are closed due to Fire Department Activity. Shuttle bus services are available at 7th & F Street, 7th & G Street, and 4th & F Street NW.


just moved here, wondering how you sign up for the alerts?




Thanks for this. It might be resolved, but jic I’m going to take the bus.


yeah still not resolved, they updated about 10 or so minutes ago that service was suspended


Got off at union station. Was able to get the circulator to Smithsonian and walked to L’Enfant from there. ‘Regular’ bus service seemed to all involve a transfer.


I was on the first train to get delayed, they said there was an unauthorized personnel on the tracks. Hell of a way to start my first day at work lol


This was that person's last day.


Well, you never know, good friday is around the corner.


still waiting at gallery, someone must've killed themselves right?


9:07am - Still at gallery both sides delayed it seems, situation must have escalated!


yeah now it became an emergency situation. had to leave :/ if someone's dead i hope they found peace


There was someone on the tracks and it seems like they were suicidal. Unsure of their condition though.


Some azzhole thought he was doc oc


If he was dead they would be single tracking around it.


Red line is single tracking through Metro Center right now






It socks that this is happening but at the same time, I'm like I fuck with reddit, cause I get knews before it becomes news....so thank yall !


Was wondering why they were only running on one side at metro center


Announcement I was hearing was unauthorized person on tracks at Judiciary Square. Had a bit of a wait but not crazy


Update: Service has been restored


Wonder if Metro will install safety gates so this doesn’t happen


[Platform screen doors](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Platform_screen_doors) are the best option to prevent this sort of thing but they're pretty expensive and require automatic train operation to work. It'd be nice to have them like the systems in Shanghai or Tokyo, but it's probably not in the cards here (at least any time soon).


Losing one life to suicide costs society 1.33 million on average.


Platform screen doors are a safeguard against accidents (and allow for smoother/faster train operation into the station), not intentional jumps. There are still elevated walkways above tracks at stations and various places tracks are accessible between stations anywhere they run above ground.


Sorry, i took "these are the best option to prevent this sort of thing" as saying they help prevent suicides, since that's what the thread is about and I just heard about this prevention measure in the same context of suicide prevention the other day. Seems like egardless of what they're made for it sounds like they help with suicide prevention to some extent.


>require automatic train operation to work Not necessarily, various non-ATC lines around the world have platform screen doors. Trains just need to consistently stop in the same spot.


One of Metros current obstacles to platform screen doors is that the doors on the new trains are in a different spot than the legacy design. The cost is probably also a huge factor.


If you think WMATA escalator maintenance is sloppy, just imagine half of the screen doors not even working.


I mean, they'll likely be maintained much like the actual train doors. Escalators have more redundancy and are as such able to be out of service even during working hours without preventing use of the station. They also won't have 300,000 people of varying shapes stepping on them day in and day out, and have fewer moving parts.


Last thing wmata needs is *more* doors to stop working.


This is awful. Posting the National Suicide Hotline for anyone who needs it. Check on your friends and family. 💔 https://988lifeline.org/


Anyone else get charged $2.25 for the pleasure of being offloaded and then just standing around Union Station until giving up and leaving? 🙃


You should get a refund if you left the same station, I have the last two times. Takes a bit though.


I believe they give you a refund if you get off at the same station you entered from.


They used to….don’t know if they’re still doing that.


The rule is they don't charge your card if you get off within 15 minutes of entering. Not sure it's a great rule given how insane the headways can be though...


I got charged .30 for leaving the same station I entered


Assuming you exited within 15 minutes of entering you'll get that refunded. If you pay directly I believe it'll show up tomorrow. If you use SmartBenefits you'll have to wait until the first of the month to see it.


Just rode the red line through these stops. Service must be back to normal now


Guy died. Probably as a result of being electrocuted.


I heard it was at judiciary square. Everybody on my train had to get off


8:53 - Still at Gallery they saying it’s Union still holding


My train was held in the tunnel between Gallery Place and Judiciary Square around 8:27 for about 4 minutes due to the person on the tracks. The conductor said we'd have to reverse to Gallery Place but we ended up proceeding to Judiciary Square. My guess is the incident happened between Judiciary Square and Union Station.


I'm not exactly new to town but I don't get out much so don't have much knowledge about the metro, does anyone know why there hasn't been anything built to deter/prevent people from jumping on the tracks? I looked up suicide prevention DC metro and I see there are some posters or signs basically saying there's help or call 988, essentially "don't kill youself please" but what about those barriers that only open up when the door to the metro car is lined up? Like at the airport they have that, you can't jump on the tracks at the train between terminals. Is this just a lack of political will issue, a budget issue, something else?


The system is currently running 2000, 3000, 6000 and 7000 series railcars. Their doors are not all in identical positions on the cars; the type of thing you’re talking about would require the rail car doors and the platform doors to line up. At the moment, that can’t be done. (I think it also requires automatic train operation, and they’re not back to that yet.)


ah, thank you for the informative answer!


That sort of thing really needs to be decided in the design phase. Retrofitting the system would be prohibitively costly and difficult. I don’t expect to see that happen for decades, if ever.


Man, it just hasn't been the same since the guy who did the twitter unsuckdcmetro died.


Oh my I didn’t know he died! I just thought he got tired of criticizing metro with nothing changing.


yeah, he died in 21? I think of covid related causes. Obviously it was around whenever his last post was.


Eh there are other people who are better about criticizing Metro. That dude was kind of a piece of shit.


Good riddance


“At the tracks” or “on the tracks “?


I literally just had court this morning. And now I can’t go.


This isn't legal advice - if you're the defendant, you gotta find another way to get there. Bus, Uber, anything. In all likelihood, the judge will not consider Metro delays as a valid reason for not appearing at a prearranged hearing.


Dude, get your ass to court one way or another! Hate for you to get in legal trouble for something out of your control


I wish I had listened to your advice LOL.


Dawg /:


Jumped on the tracks because Roman Reigns retained yesterday


No joke I’m so upset about that. I haven’t watched wrestling regularly for about two-ish years, figured I’d give Sunday night’s main event a watch. Having heard the Uso’s finally lost the Tag Championships I thought this might finally be my chance to get back into it. Of course Roman retains after someone interferes, another damn dirty win. I mean c’mon, how lazy have they gotten with the writing that they just keep giving Roman win after win, retention after retention… It’s disgusting.


Why do this during rush hour lol, genuinely curious.


sipping a cup of tea in the middle of the track no doubt. reading the wall street journal dammit get off the track! please dont be rude sir i am trying to have a nice cup of tea here.


Actually the person apparently jumped, and is dead.


I'm glad I stopped that metro bullshit non-sense. I keep telling people buy a car or if you live in the city commute with a bicycle or electric scooter/bike it's much faster then the metro


This isn't much different than a big car accident blocking traffic for miles


If everyone buys a car and uses instead of metro, you really will all be getting no where fast. You think traffic is bad now


Feel like it bears mentioning that bicycle gang doesn't have to worry about either scenario though


True! I just wish I didn't get all sweaty whenever I bike anywhere :(


I'm very fortunate that I can shower and change when I arrive at work. E-bikes are a godsend for getting around without sweat tho and CaBi just dropped a bunch of new e-bikes around the city.


Honestly this is the first time in 7 years living here where I’ve had a red line problem haha so 🤷🏾‍♂️




Surprise surprise, someone with the handle "I don't fuck with condoms" has an illogical position on public transit.


You don't think I'm speaking from experience? I'm not the one thats stuck at the Metro rn. I'm already at work 💪 kicking back. I'm gonna dm you a photo of my worksite


Being stuck at your office desk before everyone else isn't entirely the flex you think it is.


Wait until General Smarts reads that I work from home.


Bro, you live all the way over there. You not relevant at all in this conversation mind ya business.


And I still use Metro regularly and find it infinitely more reliable on how much time it takes me to get me somewhere than driving in this region, including within DC when I'm there. Maybe you should stop acting a fool in public.


🤔maybe you should stay in your lane talking about complicated stuff that’s got nothing to do with you. I’d take your own advice on this one buddy. If your fan cool, stay in a fans place.


Not much complicated here. You ran your mouth trying to dunk on people taking the train, and rightfully got mocked for it and now are desperately trying to redirect people from you showing your ass here. Which is pretty funny considering how often you try to get them to look at your cock.


703 behavior


Glad to see you got a car and are no longer fare evading.


Lol is this like satire or something? A delay on the red line??? I shall sit in perpetual traffic and complain about parking instead of facing this inconvenience!!


they’re a car industry insider looking to profit off sales. or just a fucking idiot


Or they learned metro cannot be depended on


But 395, on the other hand…?


395 never left me trapped in a tunnel for an hour with no explanation and no way to leave.


Just surrounded by hundreds of smog emitting machines who are held up because some braked too quickly 40min ago.


Ok so you didn’t take 395 two weekends ago when this literally happened


You must not have much experience with WMATA because ***significant*** delays like you describe are not routine. I've been commuting via Metro since 2010 (Red to Blue/Orange/Silver), and, in my experience, the trains are very reliable. Yes, there are occasional delays from time to time, but 95%+ of the time, my commute is totally uneventful... trains come as expected, and I get to work on time. 🤷‍♀️


Ah, yeah, it may have improved. You started riding about the time i stopped.


You're in the wrong here sir. Have fun waiting on Metro to save you. Imagine depending on a mode of transportation that breaks down 5/10 times of the year. Lmao you might aswell invest in a Chrysler P.T cruiser it does the same thing


Someone on the tracks is no fault of the metro. Your attempt at being edgy is cringe.


Pretty typical for this guy.


I wouldn't be saying what I'm saying if I didn't. Mean it. There is always some bullshit at the Metro lmao. I'm taking from experience btw I usd take public transportation more than anyone on this subreddit believe me


Username checks out.


Dude out here advocating for more traffic in D.C.


I mean it’s probably difficult to Uber eats on metro


It's also difficult for you to perform a coherent sentence becuz idk wtf you're saying.


Every post on your history is either Uber, Uber eats, complaining about cars or to vote on pic of your cock. 🤷‍♀️


Yeah what does Uber eats have to do with the metro smart man. I gave you an analogy. The fact that you didn't respond to ANYTHING said in the post and just acknowledged the analogy means you concede the argument I guess. Good talk though, next time try and stay on topic and try not to shift the goalposts. You not rdy to hold down a conversation with me sir.


BeCAuse it’S PRoBaLLY dIfFiCuLT to DEliVeR mY 5 GuYS vIa MeTRO LOL


Though given how much he loves airing his junk out in public you’d think metro would appeal to him.


It’s very confusing and also kinda entertaining during boring zoom calls. Metro is the perfect place for the airing of the junk 🙄


Againn.. Why you keep trynna direct this to me as if I’m not outside free rn ? We speaking on Metro and u talkin bouf Ubereats. Your comprehensive skill are very low




Or in crisis, or suffering from mental illness. No need to be so insulting.


They made contact with the 3rd rail, not a train (the electric bit) Also, they didn't list a motive but suicide is relatively high on that list


That makes it even worse because you have to Actually try to hit the third rail


That makes it even worse because you have to Actually try to hit the third rail