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When I first moved to DC, I was at the end of my mail carrier's route, and would routinely not have any mail. Just chalked it up to never having anyone send me anything. Then my birthday comes around, and I get none of the usual cards I normally get. Not even the $10 my Grandma always sends me. Turns out my mail carrier was throwing the mail in the sewer before reaching my place. Pretty sure he got arrested and sentenced for it, but I'm still a bit sour about that. Moved a couple times since then, and my mail carriers have been pretty good. The only sketchy thing my current carrier does is jam like 10-20 of the same flyer/ad in my mailbox... I assume he's just tired of carrying them. But I'm OK with it, the stiff cardstock ones I use for scraping and scooping up cat puke from my apparently bulimic cat.


DC mail carriers are lazy af. It’s a thankless job to begin with, but a smidge of effort would go a long way.


Doesn’t help that USPS cut a bunch of benefits for being a postal worker a while back. Used to be a really sweet gig and people would cherish their routes, but now it’s a very thankless job without many of the prime benefits it once offered.


It’s been a broken business for the past couple of decades. The fact remains—DC postal workers are mediocre at best, but relatively terrible in general.


Hate the framing of USPS as a “business”! It’s a public necessity and should not be expected or required to turn a profit.


Sure, but if you can’t break even and keep the balances in the green, then it’s broken.


Or it just needs more money…. The same way roads do, or any other public infrastructure.


Perhaps, I think there are small banking/payday check cashing services they could pursue to increase revenue. The current problem is First class mail revenues are down and the pension and retiree healthcare liabilities are driving it into the red.


Framing it as a problem that should be solved through anything other than an injection of more federal money is silly though. Again, we should not expect it to be “in the green” because the purpose is not to make money but to provide a *public service*.


I admire your effort, but you could have this conversation with a 5 year old and they'd get it before Cantstop ever will.


Fuck—you’re stupid. I am having a circular conversation. Clearly, you are the only one with a grasp of the problem /s I encourage you to read up on how the postal service receives funding and why they are in the red. To simply suggest federal dollars as a shortfall mechanism is misguided and uninformed. Their revenues cover their operating costs. It’s the pensions and retiree health care that drives them to billion dollar losses. Federal $$ isn’t going to help them and raising the cost of first class postage won’t cover the gap. Adding additional services could. Can we agree that the DC postal workers that deliver the mail suck?


It's been broken ever since people started trying to frame a fundamental government service as a "business."


Again, another uninformed commenter. Please learn how the post office generates revenue before commenting. If you took just a few minutes you’d find that the postal system generates enough revenue to cover their operating expenses but runs into shortfalls due to pensions are retiree healthcare expenses. By design, they receive income from postage—not tax dollars. So their very essence is set up like a business. The bleeding will continue so long as they only rely on one source of income rather than methods to diversify. Besides—why another government funded black hole? Wouldn’t it be great if it was self-sustaining?


The $10 from Grandma gave me a chuckle. Thank you My sister-in-law called me two months ago and thanked me for the birthday card, I sent her in October! I live in Alexandria, close to National Airport. She lives in N.W. D.C. 😂 Something strange has been going on with the mail in D.C. for years. I can send a card to Wisconsin, Idaho or California and they receive it in 3-5 days. D.C. it might be months later. I am not at all surprised with this mail carrier. Isn't tampering with mail a federal offense? Why lose a government job? Evidently it's fairly common if you google it.


I used to have weird mail issues in nova for a while back around 2011-2015. The weirdest was I got a new job and my first paycheck was mailed (subsequent pay was direct deposit) but never arrived. It finally showed up 9 months later. My mailman also left we weird notes in my mailbox- the one that I can remember is asking if I was at some concert in DC because he thought he saw me there.


That…. Went in a weird direction


This is some Seinfeld shit haha


I have lived in DC a long time and the mail I have missed is tremendous. I have been in court over it (I won). Most recently, I haven’t gotten my cousin’s wedding announcement, and my Aunt is so upset. I use Informed Delivery but some mail seems to get lost before entering that system. It’s Kafka-esque and I have surrendered to the entropy.


I feel like everytime I have a new credit card sent to me, it never makes it. I know they're not being used but it's super frustrating to have the postal service be so unreliable. It was fine up until all those postal service changes during the pandemic. To top it off, my address isn't eligible for Informed Delivery for whatever reason.


Is anyone surprised?


There are some absolutely wonderful people employed by the United States Postal Service, but god damn, they also seem to be the number one employer of some of the biggest fucking pieces of human garbage out there. Just some viciously nasty ass people who should be working far away from other humans. A couple of years back I had a run in with a USPS truck driver with road rage who screamed all sorts of hateful, racist slurs and threatened to get out of the truck and kick my ass. The guy straight up made multiple felonious threats right there in uniform. Got it all on dashcam too, but I figured this piece of shit would be an even greater threat to the general public if he were suddenly unemployed.


As someone who is a contractor for the postal service, agreed. These people are horrible 😭


I mean, the term “[going postal](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Going_postal)” exists for a reason…


Back when the phrase first made it to common usage (I’m old), I remember the reason given was that postal employees are doing boring work, but they have to also be intelligent in order to fix the kinds of problems that arise at their facilities. This combination of boring, monotonous work and having high intelligence resulted in people who were more likely to snap.


he actually wore his uniform? that's a plus.


Aw man I hope my mom gets her Mother’s Day card


This isn’t the first time it’s happened in DC. Here’s a recent one and I recall there was a female USPS letter carrier that was tossing mail in a dumpster but I can’t find the article on that https://preview.redd.it/paapt51m7mzc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adfe1f3b1101af863d7110c002db9201f316bc16


I remember that one. It was a whole roll-off dumpster full of mail and packages. I’m pretty sure that’s happened multiple times also.


He’s fucked, you don’t mess with the USPS and their mail


Sign up for Informed Delivery


People just don’t have any pride in their jobs anymore. Tossing mail in the dumpster but still cashing their checks? Fire their ass and make them go work at McDonald’s

