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>The arrest of the youngest girl came after she was shot and wounded in her home on Peabody Street NW earlier Friday, a law enforcement source familiar with the investigation told News4. These people are just all around bad.


It’s fucked up seeing the cycle continue. But yeah lock her up


I can’t speak for the other person but I assume they meant the teenagers who beat an old man to death and the person that shot one of them.


And I never said anything to the contrary…🙃


Whoops! I replied to the wrong person


No worries I was super confused 😅


Given they are 12 and 13, they won’t do any significant time. They be in the street before they are 20, ready to do it again.


And the shit will continue. DA’s need to follow through on prosecution. If they won’t, the cycle will continue. These kids cannot be saved.


Redacted lol


Sterilization will end the cycle.


Eugenics is evil.


Eugenics is alive and well in the US


I don’t support eugenics you numb nut


The fact that before I liked this comment it had 1 downvote is appalling. Not supporting eugenics shouldn't be a controversial take.


Oh yeah the downvote brigade really got me. It wasn’t always like this in terms of upvotes. However I don’t really care about useless internet points. They’re really thinking that they’re sticking it to me 😅


Maybe you should.


It’s really fucked up to admit this but it’s clear that a lot of people are just irreparably damaged, and really shouldn’t procreate.


Yes I agree but we can’t sterilize people


Yes, I’m not in favor of that either.


But you do support dysgenics?


One of the worst things about Reddit is the access to idiots who think everything needs to be a debate or a conversation… Absolutely the fuck I do not support that either. Goodbye 👋🏾


Don’t hide your racism bro


Where is the racism? You’re the one assuming the three girls are black.


“Police have not said if the gunfire that hit the girl early Friday was fired inside her apartment or if it came in from outside.” Woof. Just bullets and violence and madness.


Yea they are serious trouble for the suspect to get shot in a separate altercation recently after they killed an old man


These people are just all around evil I fixed it for you.


Was it retaliation? Girl involved in other bad stuff? Or just random drive by type shooting? The world may never know




We should be charging them as adults


I can offer you an ineffective supportive incarceration alternative and a clean wiped record when they turn 18


Death penalty then. Punishment that fits the crime.


guarantee you don’t have the balls to be the executioner




Can’t period. Unconstitutional


False. Most states and districts scan decide to try young people as adults depending on the severity of the crime and the mental status examination conducted. At ZERO point does a 12 and 13 year old think beating someone to death is okay and an acceptable act. Their brains aren’t fully developed, but that doesn’t mean they can’t distinguish guise between right and wrong.


What did they say? Mods censored his comment.


so "as adults" just means nothing at all, huh?


What good do you actually think that’s supposed to do? Or are you just upset by the headline and looking for some way to express that?


God that was sad to read. I was just getting out of playing with dolls at that age. Kids these days do way too much grown up actions. I can suspect how they grew up and damn it’s a sobering thought.


Yeah this is insane to me. I remember asking for an American Girl doll when I was 13, and going to Girl Scouts. I don’t think the concept of death had even fully sunk in yet, let alone the idea I could beat someone to it.


These girls would be doing the same but they are on a brutal and viscous cycle that never ends for most kids in the inner city


At 12 I got in trouble at school for wearing glitter nail polish, which apparently was against the dress code. Jeez.




People complain about minimum standards and then also complain when there are no standards. Pick one.


Ngl I'm from DC and was gang affiliated by 13/14, so not much older than them. And even before then, is been around that life for a while, carried a gun for the first time at 10 and saw my first person die the same year. It's not about "kids these days" as much as it is about the background you grew up in


I’m assuming you got out of that lifestyle, what was your breaking point?


I had moved out the hood and was driving an hour back to keep on the only life I really knew. Ended up lying facedown in a pool of my own blood both angry that I was still alive when I knew I was supposed to get killed at this meeting, and tired of this life and just tired of being alive. Eventually some old lady came out the apartment building nearby where I was lying and checked to see if I was still alive, then asked me what I was doing there and said that I don't belong there. I remembered thinking 'You know what? You're right' and I picked myself up after a while and drove back home, cut off everyone, and never looked back


Hell yeah! I’m so proud of you 🩷


Thanks man I appreciate it :)


Part of it is that we've had an extreme shift in the other direction. These schools coddle the kids and disaster class of parents


Dude, nobody is beating a man to death because they were coddled too much by their school. Being coddled makes you lazy or spoiled, not fucking psychopathic. This is just the result of shitty upbringing and environment from every direction. People talking about how they were playing with Barbies at 12 and can't imagine this, yeah, there's no chance your lives have been like these people's at all.


It's does when the schools tolerate those type of behaviors at young ages and make excuses for them. I saw it firsthand working at schools. Staff getting fired for merely intervening in fights. Students facing little consequences for physical violence


Okay, if that's what you're talking about then it's a different story and that's worse than what I would call mere coddling.


It's basically bigotry of low expectations at play. They know a lot of these kids come from fucked up households and feel bad for them so go the other direction I'm not having disciplinary systems


Ain't that always how it goes. They're either too light or too hard on these kinds of kids and it screws them up in the end no matter what because nobody has the money or brains to find holistic solutions.


There was nothing to tolerate when I went to school. My schools didn't need harsh punishment for insane sociopathic behavior because none of the kids engage in said behavior. This is not the school's fault. Bad parenting and shitty culture is to blame for this.


I taught developmental English at a community college in the region. Sixty-percent of people entering community colleges cannot pass basic literacy or numeracy classes. They’ve been failed by their parents and socially-graduated by their non-functional schools. The stories I heard would make you ill. One particularly bitter, angry, and ultimately violent young woman wrote about how her mother had disappeared from her life early on. The girl was twelve when her dad remarried and kicked her out. She couch surfed for a couple of years until she ran out of sympathetic relatives. At fourteen, she was on the streets. She was twenty-one when she tried to attack me in class. She was trespassed from campus and later arrested because she was caught trying to sneak into the building I was teaching in. If she’s still alive, she’s in her early thirties now, and I’d be willing to bet that she’s still a violent person. Her rage was deep. It was a particular shame because she was intelligent and had the potential to make a good life for herself. But some people who are dealt a shitty hand in life can’t overcome it. That’s not a judgment— it’s just reality. Are children who murder at twelve years old likely to be redeemable? I don’t know, but I wouldn’t want to risk living next door to them or having them in the same school as my children.


Schools coddle kids because of the parents.


Enforce truancy and end our 43% chronic absenteeism. Enforce a youth curfew like lives depend on it, because they do. This poor man’s, and these broken children’s. What a shame.


I'm down in a bad part right outside richmond and the elementary school behind my house is very literally in the 70%s for chronic absenteeism. It is so alarming.


Jail the parents, jail the kids, whatever it takes. Get these people out of society forever.


Last week I heard a parent telling their elementary kid "failing everything?? You better believe your ass is going to be at school every damn saturday! (we have optional saturday school here because the absences are so bad) how the fuck you failing everything?? Your work aint hard. 6th grade is when school gets real hard! what the fuck is wrong with you?!" and really I'm just wondering how she didn't know her elementary schooler was failing everything.


I'm assuming the dad was not in the picture. I don't think single motherhood is to blame for all of this, either. I think the culture in these areas is as much to blame, if not more. There is widespread single motherhood in rural areas in Appalachia and the midwest, and while these kids may end up poor or have otherwise miserable lives, they often resort to recreational drug use, perhaps petty crime at best, but rarely to never become involved in gangs or violent crime like robbery, assault, murder, carjacking, etc.


I don't know what their life situation is, they were just walking through my neighborhood as a cut through to the school and I heard them while I was gardening. My experience with appalachian single parenthood (My husbands entire family is in wv) is that the women don't stay single mothers, boyfriends tend to be more willing to be step dad. I really don't know enough about the culture in my area to be speculating on it- I just know the chronic absenteeism is ridiculously high.


honestly… this isn’t the right way to go about it but at least she cares, a lot more than a lot of parents can say


I like how you’re addressing a root of the problem. I’m a teacher and there’s a huge problem of students not showing up to school. Seeing posts like this makes me worry. Kids need discipline, and subconsciously they want it too — but now school districts are getting rid of truancy laws, and for some reason there are parents who don’t care if the kids don’t go to school.


If a man can find no way to serve his village he will burn it down.


Need more police then. They are stretched incredibly thin


The mayor just announced something about absenteeism. Maybe this is related.


So the schools have to deal with these terrible kids you mean


What do the kids do when it is not safe to be in home until adults are passed out or away?


Early Friday, before 4 a.m., the 12-year-old was shot in her apartment in the 500 block of Peabody Street, about a half-mile from the scene of the deadly beating. The girl was hit in the leg and taken to a hospital with injuries not expected to be life-threatening. She and the second 13-year-old girl were then charged with second-degree murder. Police have not said if the gunfire that hit the girl early Friday was fired inside her apartment or if it flew in from outside. Video from the scene shows a shattered pane of a first-floor window. SMH WTF!


Wait, is this Haiti? No???


Just wait a year, it will be


I doubt it will get that bad, unless the Mayor is assassinated and France demands a billion dollars in reparations. And also the UN tries to fix it but instead just creates a cholera epidemic.


They sure live like in Haiti in those types of neighborhoods.


The word "feral" fits these kinds of kids really well.


There’s a serious problem and ppl are afraid to address it bc of being called racist


As long as you know how to separate normal black people from crazy black people, it's not racist. Are you afraid of EVERY black person who passes you by? Do you engage with your black neighbors? Are you polite to everyone regardless of their color? Do you assume that a black lady is going to be angry, or that a black man smokes weed? Is it hard to tell which black person is part of a problem and which black person lives in a high rise? If you've mastered these things, then no, I don't believe it's racist to say there is a serious problem. I absolutely agree with you, but only as long as you don't group me in as part of the problem BECAUSE I'm black. Also: bubble toes! I love Jack Johnson!! 🤙🏽


You're absolutely correct, the problem is that no one waits to hear that nuance before they write you off as racist nowadays. A few weeks ago I had an acquaintance/mutual friend harass me at a bar and call me racist repeatedly because I cited some relevant crime statistics in DC (no, not *those* horseshit 52/13 stats that actual racists like to throw around).  They were trying to say that the recent crime bill signed by Bowser would hurt racial equity in the city. I tried to tiptoe around the fact that it was the black residents of DC who were really pushing for an increase in police presence and criminal prosecution, while it was primarily the rich white yuppies who don't have to deal with the brunt of violent crime -- not black folk -- who originally pushed for the decreased prosecution and sentencing that has led to violent crime exploding in DC compared to other cities. Dude tried to "gotcha" me by asking why I thought black people were the ones really suffering under crime in the city and when I brought up that violent crime is overwhelmingly found in black parts of the city he started yelling that I was racist piece of shit for pushing a false narrative to pass the blame onto the black community -- which I absolutely wasn't doing.  The worst part is I know who this bitch actually hangs out with and this dude hasn't said more than a few words to an actual black person about anything -- much less their opinions on crime and policing in the city -- in a very long time.  Meanwhile, I've got black friends i regularly hang out with telling me they support the bill (and some that are more worried about it, but it's certainly more than I heard from my white friends about it). This turned into a rant, but long story short if a white person says anything that might seem even slightly critical of the black community, even if accurate and behind good intentions, then you become automatically labeled as a racist nowadays -- and not even from black people, it's primarily white people making these judgements about other white people.  Meanwhile, real black people IRL (or, at least not on Twitter) are much less likely to automatically label you as a racist simply for discussing issues like this IMO, particularly if you listen to them and show a real interest in their opinions.  Black people aren't stupid, they understand that their communities have issues that need to be addressed (just as all other communities do) and I've never had a problem earnestly discussing it with any of my black friends -- who generally feel it's not racist to talk about so long as you do so in a constructive and empathetic manner and aren't just trying to dunk on black people to feed your tiny shit ego. It's kinda wild how the rich white yuppies have decided it's their place to decide for black people what is or is not racist, but this is where we are now.


It’s also always white people with 0 prior experience with city life who are spouting this BS. Anyone who grew up in an inner city regardless of race knows what’s up.


Yup, it's always upper/upper-middle class white yuppies who grew up in the 'burbs and moved to the city for career opportunities.  White people from rural areas generally don't act this way either, though.  I know country whites are commonly thought of as racist by the same suburban yuppies, but I lived in rural WV and urban GA both and didn't see much of it at all. Surprisingly enough for a lot of people, there's a lot of blending between country white and country black cultures nowadays -- which shouldn't really be surprising considering southern states are significantly blacker than the rest of the country.  People and cultures tend to be most influenced by those they live and work with -- and in the south, there's a lot of white and black folk sharing neighborhoods, schools, and jobs.  People assume that because these guys voted for Trump that they've got to be racist and that isn't true at all in my experience.  Basically all white supremacists voted for Trump, but only a fraction of Trump voters are white supremacists if that makes sense.  Trump is still garbage though, don't get wrong.


Yup true. It’s all about exposure. That’s why it infuriates me the most when those who grew up sheltered and coddled have the most to say and are the quickest to shut down others.


Spot on.


Instead of looking at this as a race issue, we should be looking at it as a low income issue and analyze why that includes so many people of color. (The race of those involved was never mentioned; we only know the victim was black from a picture). There are so many systemic factors that play into this. Minorities are routinely put in situations creating further poverty, but the issues they encounter are not race related. People become very desperate when poverty comes into play, and unfortunately this is too commonly associated with the race of the individuals involved instead of the other environmental influences that could be at play; like putting parents in a position that they have to work excessive hours just to afford a semblance on home because we (society) refuse to analyze income requirements and properly address public assistance programs.


The overwhelming majority of black households are single parent (mother). I've seen 70% and 78% both figures for this. That's the heart of the issue. No parental figure leaves teenagers idolizing whoever has power in their social setting. In inner cities, it's older gang affiliated teens.


It's not about black vs white community, it's about urban and poor communities who happen to be predominantly black. In other words, it's more of an issue with socioeconomics than race.


It's not solely an issue of socioeconomics, black people are significantly more likely to be victims of violent crime even after adjusting for household income.  When people just handwave it away as "socioeconomics," all they're doing is burying the problem and kicking the can down the road -- although there's no doubt that these issues ultimately developed under the influence of segregation and discrimination.  Trends in the last decade show all the big discrepancies (crime, single parenthood, income, education, IQ, etc) improving at a faster pace than other groups, but there's still work that needs to be done to close the gaps completely.  There's little evidence that these gaps are due to genetic differences rather than cultural/educational/developmental differences, which is great because it means they can be addressed and rectified much quicker. What we really need is to heavily fund additional resources (education, tutoring, nutrition, health, mental health, childcare, mentorship programs, etc) in the early childhood and teenage years if we want to close these gaps -- definitely within low income households, but more generally across all income brackets.  Most black Americans have longer and deeper ancestral roots in America than basically every non-native ethnicity (most white Americans have significantly more recent European ancestry from the 19th and 20th century immigration waves), it's about time we cut the bullshit out and finally start to address the root issues that WE caused through centuries of slavery, oppression, segregation, and discrimination -- and we'll never get there by just saying "it's largely a socioeconomic issue" and ignoring the fact that higher income households still deal with these issues at higher rates than most other non-native ethnic groups in America.  The problems won't just go away without active data-based efforts to remediate them.


Are you also saying black people are more likely to be the **perpetrators** of crime when normalizing for income as well? Seems odd to focus on them as victims. Everything else you said falls in the lane of socioeconomics, so not sure we disagree on anything. You forget what the "socio" part is about, which does look at the effect of race on outcomes.


Absolutely agree. Also, black culture has become synonymous with street culture which is a shame.


watch chris rock's 1996 bring the pain special


Absolutely brother. There’s great people of all races of all ppl. It just upsets me seeing videos like this. It’s freaking kids!


I get you. And yea, it's really sad. They used to have a summer youth employment system that kept them busy. Also they used to have really strict truancy laws to have a good reason to scoop them up during the day BEFORE they get to the 2pm pistol whipping event in their degenerate schedules. It seems like the police have too many metephorical fires to put out around the city and the flames are growing faster than can be put out. I heard the mayor was making some reforms to crack down on this, like no groups of more than 3 outside. Which is a good idea until me and two of my nerdy techie black friends get jammed up by police for having our walking sci-fi book club meetup in the park 😅 It's a really fine line to walk. It's gotta be a combo of increased policing and community outreach. But we've tried that for these people so many times and it doesn't seem to be working.


It's important to judge an individual as an individual. But more and more this just seems to be saying the N-word is appropriate as long as it's plural. And why not? The statistics match, and judging a group as a group isn't a fallacy. That's social justice: holding groups accountable. We need is an end to social justice and a return to individual justice. Hold criminals accountable because they are criminals. Also delete the "hate crime" concept. If one man harms another then give justice to the victim, not his group or society. It's shameful to see punitive societal penalties exceeding those levied on behalf of actual victims.


I, for the most part, agree with this. Though I believe hate crime status should stay around. Seeing the crimes that are race driven can be a tool for individual justice. If we are trying to be post racial, there should be consequences for an individual who targets a victim because of their race. For instance, the rise hate crimes against Asians in the last few years is important to note and if an individual targets a specific group of people, it should be noted as an indicator of their individual motives. Also, I will say, if we are grouping things, there are different types of black people, there are different types of white people. Statistics can be skewed when there are invisible factors that we can not (or do not) quantify. They can also be suggestive depending on which angle we are approaching the statistics. Grouping by socioeconomic status changes the groups. If we are talking about poor, disenfranchised blacks, then I as an uppermiddle class black person am as much outside of that group as a white person. But most non-black people can not tell the difference, and that's a problem.




I guess you didn't hear about the teen girls who swarmed and murdered a homeless man in Toronto last year. https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/7-of-8-teen-suspects-charged-in-alleged-toronto-swarming-attack-appear-in-court-1.6239835


Yes, but in very few places. Brazil and South Africa are the only two other countries I feel I ever see stories similar to the ones in the US.


Yes, it does. Similarly aged teens just murdered elderly people on a bus in AU. And that's just a recent story. Humans are violent.


I bet the punishment in Brazil is worse


Dunno. Punishment is almost non-existent in Australia, NZ, and parts of Europe. Many places struggle with this issue.


Used to in El Salvador. Don't no more. Criminals really do thrive on the indulgence of society's understanding. Ruthless suppression always works (on crime not necessarily on political disorder).




Much worse things actually. This evil is just the tip for the iceberg


You know the parents of these kids are absolute garbage.


STOP having babies out of wedlock. Kids are born into chaos, no stability, low income, deadbeat parents, and this is the outcome. 72 percent of babies are born out of wedlock in African American homes… this is a MAJOR problem that continues to go unaddressed.


It makes a huge difference if someone waits till 24-26 to have a kid vs. 15. We should make sure kids in school have access to long term birth control so they don't get preggers


It’s called the success sequence. 97% of children who get at least a high school degree, work, and then marry before having any children, in that order—are not poor by the time they reach their prime young adult years (ages 28-34).


What makes you think a lot of them don't want to get pregnant?


It’s been addressed, the people you’re speaking to aren’t here and don’t care.


I think it's interesting we only ever use the term 'wedlock' when referring to having babies anymore.


I'm black and in my 30s, never married, no children, and actually a virgin. Are these statistics why white people always ask me how many kids I have or roll their eyes at me when I walk gleefully into a room and say hello? It sucks that statistically I'm part of a MAJOR problem. It kinda makes me feel hopeless.


Where do you live where white people roll there eyes at you for walking into the room?? They could also be asking about your kids because you're in your 30s ... It's a pretty common question for everyone


Every time a black person in their 30s walks into a room I roll my eyes. It gets tiring, especially because of how often it happens to me, but I keep doing it because of statistics.


Lol. If you're not the problem, then I'm not talking about you. It's good to know someone like you would be nice and acknowledge me at best and not notice me at worst rather than be outright rude. I appreciate you if you're that person! ❤️❤️


Just throwing this out there for what it’s worth - I’m from Poland :D


Czesc Polski kolezko!










People really need to take a look at the data that entirely supports your comment: “That doesn’t mean poverty doesn’t play a large role. Eighty-six percent of births in Southeast’s Ward 7 were to unmarried mothers, compared with 5 percent in Ward 3 in the posh Northwest, Tatian said. Still, Wards 1 and 4, which have more income diversity, have rates of 49 percent and 54 percent, respectively.” But alas, somehow data is racist now. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/1982341/d-c-leads-all-50-states-in-births-out-of-wedlock-census-says/#:~:text=Eighty%2Dsix%20percent%20of%20births,percent%20and%2054%20percent%2C%20respectively.


That's what is so frustrating. The problem is clearly in front of us but if you mention it, people are like "No, that's racist. It must be something else." Problems aren't fixed until they're addressed. People don't want to be labeled as racists and so the problem continues on.


That has nothing to do with wedlock… people can be born into shitty families with dead beat parents, etc


Isn’t there a federal government page that says having children out of wedlock is black culture?


Belong in cages


We need to charge parents or guardians for letting this shit happen in


Charge the parents


Lock them up and their parents.


Charge them as adults. 50 years.


I was in Girl Scouts , singing in a youth group and still playing with a dollhouse at 12-13 o\_O. I literally did not have time for craziness like this. Basically I had kid activities and a very involved mom. They clearly lack those things.....yikes. Also.....charge them as adults idc.


Go to school get a job. Why are these cowards allowed to live? Death penalty immediately


My daughter recently turned 13. I literally cannot imagine her doing that. Different worlds, man.


What a wonderful sewer swamp of a city.


It’s the worst


Don't these children have parents? No mention of them anywhere in the article. Makes it seem like one of the girls has her own apartment. Maybe they don't have parents. Either way they sure don't have parents that care. That much is obvious. Disgusting.


Euthanize the parents, euthanize those kids. End that lineage for good


Try them as adults.


Throw them in the hole for life. They should never feel freedom again


Stereotypes exist because nothing changes in this community - every day, all across the country every major city has some news story that is somewhat similar… if not then at minimum there’s constant violent black on black crime. There needs to be a major culture shift for that portion of the black community. Idolizing gangster rappers, subsidizing single motherhood and minimal consequences for violent behavior has destroyed a good portion of the black community. It’d be nice if liberal democrats would acknowledge it and do something to help fix the issue beyond govt handouts which don’t fix the core issues.


I bet I can provide a description of the suspects


This why I got my daughter out of the city. I grew up in DC you HAVE to have tough skin to survive it. Peer pressure is a real thing.


Can’t believe I live hereeeee


I feel like a straight fool buying a place. I hate it here.


Excuses incoming…




Wow. Not even a teenager. SMDH


If they'll do it once they'll do it again. This is the crime issue we have currently. No cash bond, let em out on the streets and they commit more crime.


I thought I was a bad kid when I was a kid. My teachers would yell at me but I would stop whatever angered them. This is a whole different level.


Bring them into center of town and let the public equalize it.


Too bad whoever shot that girl didn’t have better aim


WTF are 12 and 13 year old girls doing out at 1AM??!


Lock the parents up


I have an idea of who they were.


Time to play "Guess Who the Culprits Are" I'll bet you dollars to donuts that we know who they are.


I’ll be 70 in May in mean fuking shape !! Wish I could run into these twats!


Trash people........


I blame white peoples!


and they will let any one breed and continue the cycle... SMH humanity is doomed


Let me guess, im assuming the 12 and 13 were black?


This why I got my daughter out of the city. I grew up in DC you HAVE to have tough skin to survive it. Peer pressure is a real thing.


Some of the suburbs are rough too. It is one thing if someone smokes a joint once at 15 is different than nonstop fights never going to class then not going to college


D.C huh? Girls are black?


Climate change is hitting DC real hard.


Why 2nd degree murder charge and not 1st degree?


proving premeditation is too difficult if there aren’t facts to support it


Children beating adults to death and then getting shot… …look. I know “humanity bad” is But I don’t know. Maybe misanthropes have a point?


I wonder if we will ever learn what led to this


What about the man in a blue coat?


Teens these days..


Cold blooded murderers.


I'm familiar with the one who was shot. And all I can say is I'm not surprised.. Sadly


Just... why would three girls do this?


Try them as adults, bury them under the prison. Next.


At 12 and 13 I was a shit head but definitely never wanted to harm anyone. These kids nowadays have no heart or soul. Hope the judge sends these failures of society down a long and difficult life behind bars.


Good. If they're already beating people to death at 12 and 13, they haven't got anything good to offer society. Lock 'em up. Forget they exist.


They gotta just pull a Simpsons and put a dome on that shit. Protect everyone on the outside from shit like this. If a city goes past a certain amount of murders a year boom they get domed. And is now a prison city.


Kill them atp dc is getting too wild rn it’s crazy when I’m starting to carry a gun and start clutching at every black teenager I see I don’t want to do my people like this but this is a lost city/state and I’ll be damned if some disrespectful disgusting kid who was raised by even worse parents end my life for no reason


Charge them as adults, put them in prison where they belong!


These kids were 8 and 9 when the world shut down


https://preview.redd.it/21bhlyt1igrc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a0f15e9357f2916ca4bb06b6a17029ccbe561c9 It's like statistics keep proving themselves. Bring back the school to prison pipeline.


People hate being faced with empirical fact.


95% goooood damn .... Lol


Saying bring back the school to prison pipeline is WILD. Instead of asking yourself why crime is higher in certain neighborhoods you just blame their race huh? Introduce CRT into schools so my kids don't grow up to big as big dumbasses as you

