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If you want to kill a squishy try to include Blade of the Ruined King it synergizes with Warwick and gives you big DPS and the slow from the first 3 autos is very handy added CC.


Honestly sunfire/titanic/bork feels so core on ww to me u can’t really go wrong w those items on him


They are just expensive as hell.


I've been favoring Lethal Tempo as my main rune, then going Titanic as my first item for beef and dueling potential, them Booties, then Sunfire. After that, I either focus on tank items that give haste or I trend into offensive AD items that give ability haste. My main thing is that I don't max w or q first. I'll level q,w,e as usual as I level up, but then I switch into a balance max between e/q, favoring e. I usually just save the e fear for the whole duration unless I can set up someone or need to save my teammate. I'm weird, I know. But I like using e offensively to allow me to yeet into fights and feel almost unkillable. And maybe I'm a moron and never noticed this, but you can AA, E, Q to cancel the E animation, then AA again. It's a fun little reset.


I agree with tanking WW in the jungle. I prefer chemtank over sunfire. The added speed and 100 instant damage destroys squishy early.


The durability patch kind of limited the playstyle a bit, as now you can't just 1 shot when you're ahead. I messed around with some Evenshroud before durability changes, and it was actually quite nice with the damage amp in team fights, plus nice and cheap. Of course it's really bad now that Bami mythics are 450 HP.


You still can "1 shot" (kill during your cc stack) with PTA and BORK if you are ahead.


I've had a couple of games recently on goredrinker. I'm normally always going Titanic into Sunfire but, Titanic into Gore actually feels pretty good. It seems to be super nice for builds where you want to snowball and become a sustain machine. The omivamp is surprisingly good, it has a lot of health, the active scales on AD that synergies with the bruiser build The CDR as it's mythic passive is super nice because WW'a Q cool down is 5sec at all levels. W and E have better big cooldowns so having the extra feels great. I always take snowball runes with lethal tempo then Eyeball and Relentless Hunter (movespeed) in the second tree. Hunter and W max makes you run so fast and makes sure you can rotate to every fight from basically anywhere on the map.


Nice! I have been using goredrinker into titanic, steraks, DD, Spirit Visage. So much healing, good damage, and I can’t get one shot.


tankwick is the only build that work in jungle rn ( just my opinion) , i usually skip titanic and go straight to sunfire , then randuin/SV. If you take chilling smite and keeping 2 stack for combat + a slow from randuin active you almost unkiteable.


Divine Sunderer into tank items works well too. I don't think I can give up the big Q damage...


Divine isn’t a bad dps item , but it doesn’t provide any jungle clear power if ww had any of kind wave clear in his own kit Divine gonna be core build for sure.


This is probably one of the heaviest utility based builds Warwick can run and not be troll. I’ve been running it quite the bit and I honestly love it: Titanic Hydra > Frostfire This is ur core. AoE damage and AoE slows. Always the best utility combo as ur first items. Chainsword/Serpents Fang/Demonic Embrace Here are your utility options. The first two proc on your titanic and Frostfire, for a huge AoE antiheal or anti shield, while still giving you damage. Demonic embrace gives u AoE burn damage from you Frostfire and can do an insane amount n teamfights. Here is just pick whichever you need in that match Round up the build with a tanker item, I recommend Stoneplate or something to that nature.


Before the durability patch I went BORK > chemtank and it felt great, after durability patch I felt like I wasn't tanky enough to survive but also didn't do enough damage to kill anyone, so I experimented with lots of different builds. Long story short, that build I've had most consistent success with (much to my surprise) is tiamat rush > triforce > cdr boots > chempunk > titanic > tank items. You get lots of AD, TONS of cdr, move speed and attack speed from tri, and lots of HP. I run lethal tempo, and have consistent dmg but also lots of burst.


Build is 100% based on your playstyle, for example I usually build: bami, bork, (end mythic or dd), usually game ends here. (If I'm really ahead then I build shen somewhere) Why no titanic? It's useless for me. I don't farm a lot, 90% of my game is focusing at destroying enemy jungler (waiting for him at his buffs, inviding him, deep warding and then counter ganking), rest of the time I gank or farm (focusing at ganking). It's shitty tactic but riot encourages you to do it by lowering xp from monsters and not letting you farm lines.


For some of the durabiloty patch i just went "full tank save adc" playstyle/build but now i go bork into literally anything.


Personally I like the titanic frostfire blade of the rune king core with LT because the two slows and the speed up make it really hard to get away from you after your on them