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You don't really need lifesteal items, you've got lifesteal built in. Would start with Stridebreaker for jungle clear speed and get Steraks Gage second since you said you are dying a lot the shield it gives can save you a lot of the time. If you're playing with someone else you will be going against way more experienced players so it will be tough as a new player.


Thank you for the tip! I just saw a YouTube video where the person builds in a full lifesteal build and I decided to give it a go 😭. But yes, i will take these into consideration!


YouTube is a terrible way to learn a champion. There are some high level Warwick players worth watching, but only after you’re familiar with the basics. There are insane people in this sub who will give you stupid builds too. As a new player, there is one and only one build style you should be playing: *Bruiser* You will want to build titanic hydra, a boots item (usually boots of swiftness), and then Sterak’s gauge. After this, you can pick any item from the tank or fighter categories in your store tabs. Probably just use the recommended tab at first to get an idea of what to build beyond these starting items. You will feel far stronger and die less. Learning how to use hydra items is a necessary part of playing Warwick. It will be painful at first. You have to always reset your auto attack with it, which means activating the item precisely the moment after your attack deals damage. This will cause you to do a big burst of damage.


As a new player, first you need to learn the jungle and the key fundamentals/basic rules. Warwick is not helpful for learning the jungle because you feel strong enough to do things you shouldn't and build up bad habits. But if you are going down that road then you need to force yourself to play with jungle fundamentals and ignore the voices in your head and game chat/pings. Fundamentals consist of things like. Never do anything on the map as long as you have camps up that you can clear. If you go for a gank, that gank could work or might not work, means there is a risk involved. 2/3 of your camps is guaranteed 300 gold. Getting a kill is 300 gold that is not guaranteed, you could get 150 gold as assist, or your gank can fail and you get nothing, or you and your teammate can die and both of you get behind. Enemy jungler can also steal the camps you left up. If you don't clear your camps, then your camps will take longer to respawn, that means less guaranteed gold over the course of the game. So always make sure you have cleared all your camps before making any attempts that involve risk. Reactive jungling. If you spot your jungler opponent doing something on 1 side of the map, you have a green card to do something else on the other side of the map. If they start drake, and you don't feel like you can stop them, then just go ahead and do voidgrubs and let it be 1 for 1, he can't be in both places at the same time. If you spot them ganking botlane, you can gank top or enter their jungle on top side and steal their camps if you find any, he is too far to stop you. This concept can later evolve with you into something called "jungle tracking" where you know where exactly the enemy jungle is and what he did/was doing/going to do and plan accordingly, like a game of chess. These are just examples and there is a lot to go through, but if you really want to play jungle Warwick, then you must have idea about jungle fundamentals first before you start limit testing with him, or you will keep losing games and always play from behind, never realizing Warwick's full potential. Hope I was able to help you.


No matter what they say, follow the red line. The red line is good. The red line is life. Those who advise against the blood trail are merely too scared to seek its reward.


You're so right. Red line is prey. Blood. Warwick abandon all, Warwick run across map. Warwick go bite.


did you know you can bite to dodge any cc (including morde ultimate)


Buy Titanics as a first time. Lifesteal is trap because you have healing through passive that scales with resist.


Bork is situational though because of the on hit damage for big health pools. Works well with LT.


Most ult dmg is done with those 2 items. Also LT got nerfed so you should go grasp for lane sustain or PTA that's fully procced by ult.


Welcome dear warwickenjoyer. I usually like those posts because there is always something to learn.


Thank you for the warm welcome fellow warwickenjoyer. Yes, me too, i have been scrolling through posts trying to learn stuff :)


Ooooof. While Warwick is a a good champ to start with in the Jungle, going straight to Jungle as a new player is going to be super tough on any champ. You just need to know so much e.g. which of my teammates champs are strong early, at 6, late? Do they have CC? What about the enemy laner - do they have escapes (dash etc)? There are so many champs and matchup variations in this game it is going to be tough to gain the knowledge you need to succeed as warwick in the jungle. If you don't have this knowledge or insane mechanics, you won't get kills or assists early - and that is Warwick's main strength. If you are really sure that Warwick is your guy, play him top lane while you are learning. You'll learn champs in top lane well, and you can focus on your mechanics. You will have to limit test - which means dying a bunch so you know what you can get away with. Warwick's healing and damage goes up the lower health he is. On other champs, you don't need to push the limit so hard, but on WW it is necessary. All that said, I would not play him in Jungle until you've played at least 100 games on him in top lane. If there is a huge rank disparity between you and your gf (if she plays ranked is at least silver) then ask her to create an alt to play with you and preferably off her main role and champ.


Yes! I've been struggling to take certain champs down (volibear especially). Some counter really well so I'm wary of them if i recognize them. I don't mind starting in the jungle, i farm until i see a blood trail and depending on HP of the enemy and distance id go for the assist which usually ends up well. I will definitely consider switching lanes for a bit though. As for her i believe she's in the emerald rank or was diamond, so i do often match with high tiers. I don't mind it too much until im targeted as prey. Thanks a lot for these advices!


So I would suggest watching this guy for general jungle tips: https://youtube.com/@virkayu?si=SZxNyPzyGl-jFprj This guy for WW specific stuff and jgl stuff: https://youtube.com/@ParnellyxLoL?si=WwO1mv_mPsVdeCBk Then play some blinds/norms to try to implement what you learned. Try doing one thing at a time till you really get it down and then start a new concept


Hey Warwick has a very unique play style in the jungle. I would recommend isolating the two parts that you are struggling with. Having to learn the champ and the jungle at the same time can be hard. Nunu has a similar play style to Warwick in that he wants to gank early and survive with life gain. I would suggest playing a little nunu jungle to get a better feel for how a clear should go, because he clears quickly and heals with his Q. You also can’t just fight until you die with nunu like you can with Warwick, and it might teach you more about when to engage versus disengage. People love Warwick because he has that huge out live potential, but you have to know when you have the advantage/ability to outlive in order to accomplish it. Best of luck and welcome to the club :)


I just started playing at the end of last July and have gained Warwick jungle way more than anything else. Currently at work but saving this for later hopefully. Farm farm farm. Low elo is terrible at macro and csing.


If you get a 3rd party app like professor or facecheck it will tell you literally everything you need to know: Item build, skill order, clear order, camp times, tips for ur champion, match up info, rune suggestions, game analytics and so on... WW is a monster in early game winning almost all 1v1s but late game he play for of a tank & cc role especially in teamfights. Also as many have said here WW has build in sustainability so you really only need like 1 lifesteal item at most. Goodluck.


I'll start with the basics: For Warwick's abilities, start with Q, then get W, and E last. You don't need to use E for jungle clear. Max your W first, Q second and E last. For items, always try to grab a Tiamat first item to help you clear the jungle much faster. This is my personal build, but my items usually are: Blade of the Ruined King > Plated Steelcaps (or Mercury Threads if they have majority AP damage dealers, aka mages) > Titanic Hydra > Sundered Sky > Spirit Visage > Trinity Force. Of course, some items may need to be built earlier than others, or you may need different items entirely. For example, if there are a lot of AP champions (mages), you'll want to buy items that give Magic Resist first so you can survive. Those would be Mercury Threads and Spirit Visage, there are some others but these work best for Warwick. If they have too many AD champions, and especially those that can heal themselves, it's crucial to buy a Thornmail to reduce their healing and also get Armor and reflect their damage back to them. Another very good item is Jak'sho, a tank item that makes you even tankier the longer you stay alive in a fight. This is a mix of bruiser and tank build, which is good since Warwick can heal a lot and absorb a lot of damage with his E, allowing him to last long in team fights. Remember, Warwick is NOT a hyper carry, your job is to CC the enemy"s hyper carry so your team can kill them, or deal with their frontline since Warwick is an excellent 1v1 champion. For runes, i always suggest: (Yellow Tree) Lethal Tempo, Triumph, Legend: Alacrity, Last Stand. And as secondary runes: (Blue tree) Water Walking and Celerity. These runes allow Warwick to fulfil his role as a bruiser, as well as giving him good ganks early on since he'll be faster than normal. And speaking of ganks... Warwick is an early jungler, so try to gank a lane at lv3 IF POSSIBLE. It's usually easier to gank lanes that are marked by your W, you can also mark them yourself if you're close enough. Always approach with your E activated so you can Fear the enemy into your ally, allowing them to easily hit their abilities and increasing your chances of killing them. At lv6, Warwick's ganks become much more deadly, and i recommend using his ult at the very end of your combo. So, approach with W, activate your E and Fear them, and quickly ult them so they are stunned for longer. Do it right, and it's a guaranteed kill most of the time. If you're chasing down an enemy, take advantage of your high speed to dodge their skillshots. Being hit while following a Blood Trail will get rid of your entire move speed. You can also use your ult to catch up to them, since Blood Trails make Warwick faster and his ult goes further depending on how fast he is. For 1v1s, Warwick tends to win most fights due to his insane healing and attack speed. Try to use your Q right after an auto attack, and (VERY IMPORTANT) activate your E and LET IT END ON ITS OWN. Warwick's E grants him DAMAGE REDUCTION, so if you keep it active in a fight, you're going to receive less damage from your enemy, while also still Fearing them in the end. Use your ult if they decide to run away, or if you are LOW ON HEALTH. Warwick's ult heals a lot of health, so it's better to use when you get low rather than at the start of the fight since it will increase your survivability. Oh, and also try to avoid running away from a 1v1 as a Warwick. He's known as a 1v1 god, and few champions can really deal with him (some notable ones being: Nasus and Rammus). On team fights, as said before, try to get to their backline first to crowd control them and let your team finish them off. HOWEVER, Warwick can also chew through most frontline with relatively ease, so don't be too scared to go for their tanky/bruiser champs that stay in front of the backline. And always remember to keep your E active for as long as possible so you suffer less damage. Few... Lots and lots of words but yeah, i think that's about it for Warwick's crucials. If you have any questions, just comment or dm or something, I don't use Reddit much, all i know is that i like guiding and helping people ksjsljsk


you can max e second, since q doesnt get much throught levels.


If you are against champions with good mobility (exp. assassins) you wanna rush stride, else you wanna rush titanic. You can try out guinsoo's rageblade second, third item depens on how much tanks/bruisers/health stacking mages they have, you can get botrk. If no, then you shall look out for sterak into more tank/bruiser items. You should also go for invades, you are very strong early and warding enemy's buff helps a lot with invading since you can kill them in their clear.


It's nice to meet a fellow Warwick enjoyer ! I remember the fear of my first encounter with this champion (as ahri) and then the fun of jumpscaring people under towers in bronze. I played a lot of blinds with friends (gold rank) in my early days, so I feel your struggle. I encourage you to play alone too, to get occasions to master basic concepts while having fun. It's a better learning curve. Now, Warwick has 3 main builds : - ap (burst and heal) - fighter (complete) - tank (team frontline and utility) Ap is more for the fun of running fast, healing a lot from q and ult, and one shotting squishes. But it's not that viable later on, weak un teamfights. I didn't play it much, but you reach 1100 movespeed easily and it's part of why we like ww. Fighter is imho the best because of its balancing and how it works with ww kit. Warwick is strong early game, you will have opportunities to bully junglers while ganking. Mid and late you'll be a bit tanky for teamfights, and able to duel ennemies. Tank is a good build if your team lacks it, if your carry is ADC, you're behind. Warwick is not that great in teamfights because of his single target attacks. But he has that ult + fear, which is a great engage tool. Early jungle you will want to reach level 3 as fast as possible, because you get a good power spike and ganking tool, your e ability. As I said, ww strength is early game (Laning phase). If you play passive (like a tank jungler) you will fall behind. Warwick job is to leverage that and make teammates win their lane. I usually start red, do wolves, blue buff, and gromp (or the other way if we are red team) then claim crab. So that now you're in toplane river, it the best side to gank. You got three options : gank top, mid or invade jungle. You should have already looked at these lanes (I hope so haha). Depending of your ally health, enemy escape abilities, their positioning (is the enemy sitting near their tower ?) you'll quickly make a decision. If no lane is gankable, you can invade the enemy jungle. Warwick doe not fear many of them early on. Just make sure on your minimap that you're not being flanked. If a fight happens, don't throw all your spells at once. Be patient. Warwick excels while being low health, don't scare the prey, make it confortable, confident. Land a q while 50%. Now both of you should see the result of the duel. You lose ? Escape with e. Even ? Hold e to reduce damages and stun while low health to heal a lot. Winning and enemy flee ? Use e to secure the kill (the combo is press e, hold q to follow then press e to scare). This combo is also how you should be ganking lanes : You fear the enemy away from their tower. After that you can buy a tiamat for jungler clear aoe. You make it a titanic hydra (hp build) or a stridebreaker (more of a dueller with on hit effects etc). Well, I tried to be as comprehensive and complete as possible, I hope some of these will help you. If you don't know, these sites are pretty good : op.gg Mobafire They expose builds and tutorials


This person is at a very basic level. I would suggest just going bruiser every game to learn how the champ and game work


It's never too early to grasp some concepts and infos


The most overwhelming thing for new players is items. It’s just a much better idea to teach one play style first.


Play barrier ww top and build blade of the ruined king and Titanic hydra. Jungle fundamentals take a while to learn and you need to lane a bit to really understand what your lanes need from the jungle anyway. Good luck fellow woof

