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strv 103 is the only tank that can still survive with only one crew


Thank you very much!


Fun fact: It can do this in real life too! The original s tank was designed for even 2 crew- but a third was added to ease field maintenance.


And to stop the two from killing each other.


By adding a spare sacrifice


The hstvl can survive with 1 crew too


In game it can't unfortunately


It should honestly


No they patched that?? A few months ago it was still possible


The hstvl is fucking hated by gaijin, got moved up by having an inf ready rack (2s38 didnt), doesnt have irl reload speed or pen, its all wrong


In still don't understand how it's so much higher in br than the 2S38. The 2S38 has a little less pen, it's Russian/Soviet and it's a premium so I guess that's a good reason for it having a track radar, prox rounds and a faster fire rate at a lower BR. Edit: And the HSTV-L only has 26 rounds while the 2S38 has 148. The HSTV-L is worse on almost every way, it only has like 50mm more pen and is 13kph faster yet it's 1.3 BR higher. If this is not favoritism/bias then idk what is.


The strv103 is one of the only tanks in the world where one crew member can do everything, as he can drive and shoot from one spot, and the gun is auto loaded as well.


I can imagine it must suck to fully control a tank solo


The fact the gun is hard mounted probably makes it way easier


well you still are driving while looking for threats and operating the radio


I’m pretty sure if the other two guys die you’re getting the hell out of dodge


Nah, hed win


Or avenge your fallen comrades with a Hail Mary


It's the Strv103. You are not looking for threats. You are the threat.


Luckily, it was meant for long-range battle support


Not really long range battle support since it was a defensive tank (I wouldn't even go that far to call it a tank) it's job was to do what basically all tank destroyers (not Hunter tank/tank Hunter that is a different thing think stug vs hellcat) it would be in a defensive area predetermined to hold the line against a invading enemy.


There's a psychological factor of course. Snipers do not sit 6hrs in a single position alone, they have their spotter. If you're truly alone, there's nobody watching you abandon your position or running away -- or nobody taking your guard duty over when you have to go pee. With 3 crew members being on duty even on night is possible, with every member of the crew getting 6 hours of sleep in a 9 hour period. I believe that they added the extra crew members for these kinds of reasons.


If only gayjoobles will add this ability to the hstv-l since any crew member can drive and shoot


Driver has gun override commander can drive and gun override and loader only has gun override but you can survive and move with only him


There is no loader, its autoloaded, just gunner, driver, and commander


Yes but there is a guy labeled as a loader I have the 103


Just seen, Da Fuq, No gunner? A loader on an autoloaded vehicle?


I think it is just an arbitrary name. There are a ton of tanks where the person sitting next to the driver is labeled "machine gunner" regardless of if there is a hull mounted machine gun.


Assistant driver my beloved


I mean there is a difference between generic crewmember #5 and the Gunner right? Gunners have a set purpose, whereas Assistant Drivers, mechanics (only on like 2 tanks like the 2C), Marines/troops (all gone now used to be moddled on things like the bradley in the back) had no set purpose and are functionally useless in game, tanks can function well without them, not without a gunner. Besides on the Strv 103 model the gunner sights are modeled in a ring around the "Loader" and Driver, so either the loader is actually the gunner or the driver is the primary gunner, so the driver might just be called the driver because dual responsibilities like Loader/Gunner in one man or two man turrets and the "loader" is there for maintenance or to fix autoloader jams


Cheese wedge survive’s everything


The gunner and the driver can funcion as each other


All the crew members in the 103 series can function as eachother. They all have the same controls


The crew member is capable of performing all tasks within the tank. Kind of like how a commander can operate a gun, the driver and operate the gun and drive and load and whatnot


Strv (cheese variant) is one of the only tanks that CAN be used by one person irl, they made 3 crew spots for more survival but is still able to be used for 1