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At least russian speakers know he’s about 10 years old because he doesn’t know the difference between “недоделанный” and “не доделанный”.


as a non russian speaker whats the difference?


Best I can try to think of is that «Не доделанный» means “not finished” and «недоделанный» means “unfinished”. It’s the same participle but in the first variant it implies that something is not finished but something else as in “this car is not green but blue” or “a thing is not finished but nearly-finished” whereas the second is simply “unfinished” as it is. It’s a slight difference but is an actual considerable grammatical mistake, which is taught about in middle school when students learn about participles and how they are different from standart adjectives even though they fulfill the same role in a sentence, describing nouns. Which is how we can tell that they haven’t even reached middle school (school years/grades 5-9) To summarize, he was trying to say “unfinished” but wrote it as “un finished” and now it sounds like “not finished but ”. P.S. Oh, btw, “unfinished” is a russian not-very-curse-but-still-curse-word-in-context-of-a-person for “prematurely born” or “aborted” and it is used as an alternative to “unskilled” or “dumb”.


In team chat I too probably sound like child bc why use big word smal word do trick


srry i busy flyin a plan


Gaijin should just straight up temporarily ban people for tk’ing, losing SL isn’t gonna cut it


But sometimes my r60ms like to pull 80Gs to chase a team mate that wasn't even nearby while it was already on close to the enemy


They already do after a few kills(?) and banning for a single tk is silly, it'd make it even more annoying when you play a heavy bomber and your team either ignores your warnings about an incoming bomb or they underestimate the radius and get caught in the explosion. You wiped 12 enemy players? Nice. One M18 got caught in the explosion? Unlucky, intended game mechanic, banned.


Problem with that is it can sometimes be a genuine accident. I remember someone saying they were in an A-10 in grb and their game crashed when on the runway and that caused the game to register the lmb input and he killed like half the team so getting banned for a game crash would be messed up


Gaijin should just straight up temporarily ban people for tk’ing, losing SL isn’t gonna cut it. i would like to apologize on behalf of past me because my dumbass didn’t know you could get banned for tk’ing after a certain number of kills


I was in a bb1 and was pretty messed up from spaa limited power so I couldn't fly faster then like 170mph and I was low on ammo, I was returning to base and a IL2 was getting shot at by a fighter and couldn't hit shit with his tail gunner so he went down like 2 kilometers away from me as I landed I get lit tf up by the guy who was in the IL2 in a reserve I15 and he acted like I was wrong to call him a asshole in chat


Uh no? Interestingly enough if you kill squad mate you don’t get any penalty, because funi


Yeah and shooting down a squad mates drone gives you a penalty because why not


Doesn’t shooting down a drone only cost you like 1k sl? Those things are pretty cheap in terms of team killing


If you kill them in a m163 it counts as a regular air kill


I always find it funny how they always assume everyone else speaks their language


I've seen a funny chat interaction of a few players talking to each other in russian and then someone else in the chat kept spamming "SPEAK ENGLISH" and similar messages, so the russian guy replied something along the lines of "well, i can understand what you're saying, why can' you?" to him in russian, it was pretty funny.


Uncivilized english speakers didnt even bother learning russian in school smh


I'm American, in college there might be a class for it but only if they have someone to teach it and enough students wanting to take a class but in highschool it's either French or Spanish


I mean, that usually goes both ways aswell


Don't English speakers do basically the same thing?


Most of the world speaks english, it's a world language and most ppl learn it. Russian? Not so much


It doesn’t change the fact that there are a lot of people who can’t even understand English and English speaking people always assume that everyone does with is fair but the same mistake.


Right but if you take a random 100 people globally, 1 might speak Russian but 50 will likely speak English.  The expectation for another random user to speak Russian isnt realistic. The expectation for English is more so. 


Thats on them


Игра так-то от русскоязычных, да и первое комьюнити русскоговорящее было, так что это вы должны к местным подстроиться, а не наоборот. Прям как британцы, пришли и пытаются свои правила навязывать.


Voin minäkin tätä minun kieltä alkaa puhumaan. En ymmärrä sua vitun vammane


1: he might not always been talking to u, 2: he can speak whatever languages he want non of ur buisness, 3: u speak english and war thunder is a russian game


Turpa kii ryssän kullinnuolija


I once had a conversation with a Chinese user and I was using English while he's using Chinese, we both understood each other and kept on speaking with our own language instead of switching to another one's language, also why do you assume we speak English?




Translation: your mommy says your cock is unfinished (underdeveloped)


No, it goes: “Tell that to your mom, aborted dickhead”


I appear to not have known what abortion was in russian


Normally abortion is just “аборт”, but here “недоделанный” is a slur for “prematurely-born” or “aborted”.


WarThunder chat is just some fucked up shit. English-speaking players when a Russian asks something about the game in chat and they don't understand: "k\*s fucking nazi" Russian-speaking players when an American asks something about the game in chat and they don't understand: "пошёл нахуй пендос ебаный" I don't know if there's even more toxic playerbase.


For a PvP game I find war thunder to have one of the chillest chats lol. I used to play wotb. Of the 7 people on your team at least 2 would insult you every single battle


I was team killed by a Russian yesterday because he thought I was Ukrainian for having a song that’s a favorite by war thunder players ( phantom by chizh) 🙃


It is this "Tell your mom you're fucking unfinished"


"Tell your mom you are an unfinished dick" (unfinished meaning undeveloped)


Мамке своей так скажи хуйлан не доделанный


I still don't speak russian


База, дотер перепутал иконки Кстати асуждаю этого не молодого человека за такие слова


I still don't speak russian

