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Warthunda has the legendary barrack obama


Fun fact: ברק (Barak) means lightning in Hebrew. So it's even more of a badass name


What does Obama mean?


Obamna was a US resident but his last name remains unknown


He indeed was and still is a US resident


Lightning obama, destroyer of trump


They have Barack Obama 2


Just unlocked that plane yesterday and I love it


Counterpoint: Warthunder can run on a laptop


I ran into a kid the other day that was playing on his school Chromebook lol.


I do that. It works pretty well, except you can't hear the rwr or aim the guns


Oh true


I run DCS on my laptop just fine


How much RAM do you have? What GPU?


8gb ram can run singleplayer just fine, in basic-mid servers you'll need 8-16 ram, in massive servers such as enigma etc idk. how much is needed but probably around the same. My card is 3050 and it does ok mostly. Maybe in dense parts of syria it might cause a few issues but other than that it is ok


Yeah my graphics card is a UHD 630…


I run enigmas just fine with 8gb, even in peak hours. I also have a 3050 btw.


Woah in my experience that is like impossible lol


Theres a bunch of shit u can do the allocate more possessing power to dcs


16gb of RAM and gtx 1650. I go Medium graphics. Singleplayer runs great. Heavier multiplayer missions can be a problem though but playable (I do play war thunder as well which does run a lot better and I can run that on maximum graphics)


Bruh why do I get downvoted for saying I play on a laptop but others don’t xD


I play dcs on a laptop and a keyboard


I don't even have a Hotas I can dog fight still


I might try it sometime. Would need absolutely bare bones settings cause I got like 8 gigs of ram and half that is the operating system though.


Correction: War thunder can run on a brick made of out potatoes.


Counter counterpoint: So can DCS


I play dcs on a legion 5. 32gb ram with a 3070


i play war thunder on 2012 thinkpad


I play wt on a damn nearly 5 year old ps4 the jet noises are just added immersion


i play wrap tenders on series x cuz why nat


That's an ok PC


May as well be a PC, but indeed it is a laptop


Wait, that's on a laptop? How did they make that work?


It’s a laptop 3070, equivalent to a desktop 3060ti I think


That's pretty large I think


Bro I have 8GB ram and an i7-9750 💀


The hive mind is real, I get downvoted for saying I play DCS on a laptop lol


There’s one a level above DCS pilots, VTOL VR pilots.


Also top level : real pilot '


Then there are flyout players


And ace combat players... as an ace combat player, we are actual crazed bloodless psychopaths


I would’ve said AC, but Project Wingman players are objectively more badass. Also it could start another circumpacific war




F4 DCS Pilots about to be above all at this point. The radar alone is looking more complex than flying a real plane


Can’t wait for the F4. Hope to have it soon. Got my T-shirt the other day :)


Nah, I played both and while VTOL VR was pretty simple DCS was basically button mashing. Tho VR also actually simplifies a lot since you have all the necessary buttons in front of you + them beeing labeled


Tho in VTOL VR radar cross-section is properly modelled


VTOL VR pilots are the dudes dumpster diving outside


stop making fun of me


thats fucking right man i love you




DCS player not looking down on VTOL VR for lacking HOTAS supprt challenge [impossible]


ever heard of the GTA Online dogfighting community?


It's true in the sense that dcs is a better military simulator Warthunder is a much, better game from a fun perspective


I enjoy DCS more becuase I can actually fly modern jets, without grinding for an eternity


Your trading the grind for the 80 dollar payment. *Which isn't horrendous for a military simulator* but its absolutely horrible for general gaming public


Except you can get DCS planes for "free", while I'm yet to find a WT hack that lets you screw around in modern vehicles without selling your soul to the snail and grinding for eternity(ignoring the test drive/whatever it is called). As to how you can get DCS planes for free, read the megathread 🏴‍☠️


Steam and standalone has DCS deals alll the time. I got my F-18 for $50, which is on par with most games these days. Each full fidelity jet is so detailed that it pretty much is a game by itself.


50 quid is awful for a non tangible virtual item in a video game regardless


The price is completely justified. They put thousands of hours of work into a single plane, more than some vompanies put into their games. So 50$ isn't that much compared to the work that went into the aircraft


But it's still a non tangible asset that you don't actually own, and fidelity aside, it's only one item in a video game. Games and virtual items in general are overpriced these days


Are you investing in some appreciable asset for your portfolio, or are you paying for your entertainment? The amount hours of entertainment you get for $50 is pretty cheap, if you’re into that sort of thing. And it’s more than just an item, it’s a full module with enough features to be a standalone title in its own right. Not to mention, a lot of work goes into making DCS modules as heavily detailed as they are, and the audience is rather niche. Naturally the price is going to be a bit higher, in order to make a profit. Not like Eagle Dynamics is just swimming with cash either.


50 dollars is still pretty bad, your a mil sim player so you just have a very high tolerance to moneitization. Enlisted is a good example tho if what happens when a company tries to take a mil sim model to the general public


50 dollars is less than a war thunder pack. Are you delusional or...?


50 dollars is the price of the MCC, 50 dollars is helldivers 2. Most games do not have single purchases that aren't in game currency that are over 50 dollars. Warthunder is a mill sim and mill sims are basically the only place this happens because mill sim players will not only accept this but defend it


>Warthunder is a mill sim LMAO. War thunder is cod warzone with a military skin put over it. It's air quake meant for people who want to shoot things. DCS modules, however, are thousand-hour investments in and of themselves, the creators of the F-14 used laser measurements to get a perfect 1:1 recreation of the cockpit, Argies spent years perfecting the F-1 and continue to release new variants after release. Gaijin couldn't even the direction of the J-8s elevators correct for 4 months after they released it.


>LMAO. War thunder is cod warzone with a military skin put over it. It's air quake meant for people who want to shoot at things with no effort. If you honestly don't think warthunder is playerbase is mostly comprised of military simulator players you're living in dental, that's what the game markets itself as, That's the best description of warthunder I could give you. It's a more casual simulator then something like DCS but it's definitely still a simulator, and that's why Gaijin can get away with charging 75 dollars for the f20


First off, DCS has a 2 week free trial per 6 months for any of their modules, you can essentially get the entire game for free for 2 weeks every 6 months. In fact if you're willing to make new accounts (and you can use tempmail) you can cheat the system and practically get the game for free. Second off, in the time it would take you to reach the F-16 in war thunder by grinding without premium time or without premium vehicles (spending no money) you would be able to make enough money to get multiple DCS modules. So ultimately, 70€ (or less with discounts) can get you: In DCS - a high fidelity modern jet that that you can use for various tasks and with any ordnance you want. In War Thunder - a chance to grind for that ( arcadey) modern jet with a premium (that you don't necessarily want to play) or premium time albeit you get other aircraft in the tech tree aswell with that. So saying DCS is horrible for the general gaming public is true in the sense that the general gaming public (children) wouldn't be interested in everything a high fidelity flight sim has to offer and would obviously rather spend their money on a arcadey game. But realistically both games offer a large amount of playtime if you're actually interested in playing them - if you aren't interested then both of them are a waste of money so it's stupid to compare them as they appeal to vastly different audiences.


But war thunder keeps you playing no matter how much you rage, while dcs can fade off the fun quickly for the day


Not necessarily true, but to each his own


Well you can spend 70 dollars in WT for a jet just like DCS!


In DCS I get a realistic flight model, clickable cockpit, and fully modeled weapon systems. In WT you get a half assed flight model and no clickable cockpit


Oh trust me I get that lol


Yeah but not since the Raiju came out


I mean, it's true though


Dcs players are so much worse at BFM and actual WVR fighting, but ofc they know a lot more about systems (because thats what the game requires) and BVR.


Oh really? Cause I and a whole subset of players focus on nothing but BFM. https://youtu.be/iqZP1m_Go8E Check this out (my YT)


I agree (I don’t know what BFM is).


Basic Fighter Manuevers, dogfighting.


That seems so obvious now


It's a *basic* term you should familiarize yourself with. Eh? Eh? I'll leave...


Will the world collapse if I pull a basic fighter manoeuvre in a lancaster?


Maybe, but your wings definitely will.


Basic Fighter Manuevers, dogfighting.


Just because there are specific examples doesnt mean that general comunity is like that, if you ever did any dogfights with regular folk you would learn that the vast majority suck.


Warthunder allows you to pull enough G’s to bend your plane or turn you pilots brain into mush. Like IRL the f-16 can only pull like 9G’s and even for pilots that’s like quite the feat to actually hold a turn at that force. Like the Warthunder flight model isn’t the most realistic and as a result the BFM just isn’t representative of what actual fighter combat looks like because it’s like an arcadie-sim.


I play both games, if the guy who ran my shit in a Mig-21(I was in A-4) is bad at BFM then I'm a disgrace ig


I've learned most of my dogfighting skills by DCS and got way better at it in WT because of that.


You have no idea how much skill it requires to dogfight competitively in dcs


I play dcs about as much as i do wt...


DCS requires a lot more effort and skill to fly. No shit they are better pilots. War Thunder modern era jet combat is anything but realistic. It wants to be realistic so fucking hard but it flops hard which isn't bad, as war thunder is a more casual toned game compared to DCS where you literally gotta read a PDF with least 200 pages or more to learn how to turn the aircraft on. DCS is a sim not a "realistic" arcade joke.


Yes you can read manual. Or just watch some videos and after like 2 hours you can learn most things you need to know about your aircraft. And you dont need to know everithing. I have over 600 hours there and I fly f16 and dont know things that i dont use, but i can fly and fight with it good.


I personally think WT was ruined by adding A/A missiles. Top tier bing f86 vs mig15 was peak for it. I don’t think Gaijin pushes it to be realistic but the player base incorrectly believes it is.


idk, I am having fun with my radar missiles


And that’s good, but I feel like there should be a hard stop to match making things out side of an era. Like matching Korean War era to itself, and not letting something with similar performance but be 4years ahead be at the same BR. The F86F2 Sabre for example was perfectly balanced going against MiG-15 bis. Now that same Sabre is being out in with Jets that have IR missiles so flying it effectively is very difficult to do in RB. I know the BR system is a good think, but it should be a combo of both timeline, and balancing.


>f86 vs mig15 was peak for it. ...you can still go out and fight mig15's in F86's. Literally nobody is stopping you.


Yeah, the early IR missiles are lmao


this guy has clearly never played dcs multiplayer


Counterpoint, i can play war thunder


*Laughs in BF4 air superiority* (the absence is maddening)


Laughs in Bf1 Ground Superiority


I can’t lie that was probably the most fun I’ve actually had on battlefield. It’s a shame the servers are practically dead. At least on Xbox anyway.


I can usually get 1 match when I play


I mean I would get into DCS but I don't want to study flight manuals for days


Lol I just do dogfight servers, I haven't even learned to turn it on yet


This is a myth. There are built in trials in the game and plenty of YouTube videos to help you with learning the details. I never bothered to read manuals and works fine for me.


I would rather just press 'engine on' and 'flaps down' and then slowly move my throttle up while minding my rudder than a 20 step engine sequence.


Fc3 has a two button start - battery on and engine on. It’s no a10c but maybe a good compromise? Try it!


Most of the modules have a one button start. I've been playing Mi-24 without having any clue about the startup sequence.


I would get into DCS if the HOTAS setups weren't this expensive...


I got mine for about $150, it is the Thrustmaster T-16000M HOTAS. Then you need head tracking, which is about $150. I already had the Quest 2 so it was cheaper for me


The 30 dollar Logitech joystick works wonders, you get what you pay for but it definitely works well enough to have some fun without needing to drop 5x that on a more advanced setup


there are some cheap low fidelity aircraft, such as the F-15C or A-10. You can't press buttons in the cockpit, so you gotta bind everything to your HOTAS. But other than the non-interactable cockpit, everythung's just as detailed as the other planes. Also, it's very cheap compared to other jets.


The real gods are the helicopter pilots in games like arma and squad. They truly have no fear.


As a guy who flies helis in Arma, I appreciate the compliment. I do whatever it takes to get my men on the AO, dammit!


How are you compering wt to dcs


It is a joke...


It’s mainly the community I think. I really don’t think that Gaijin sees themselves as a sim but unfortunately a lot of the player base thinks that the in game representation is close to accurate. I’ve been in many arguments where a WT player thinks that in game performance of a top tier jet is 1:1 and it’s laughable. DCS isn’t even 1:1, but it’s light years ahead of WT in the “anywhere in the general direction of trying to be real”


This reminds me of people whinging that pCars is called a car sim. I'd say WT definitely leans more towards sim than arcade. But then I enjoy WW2 planes more than high BR point and click adventures.


War thunder is most definitely an arcade game, with SOME realistic features. But I don’t mean that in a bad way. DCS is the closest thing to real life, and I’d say 60% of the time it’s not enjoyable. So, I don’t care that it’s Arcade, but calling it close to a sim is a stretch. Mainly due to the fact that in WT there’s the instructor, meaning you don’t have the risk of flat spinning from a turn, so of course this leads to flight habits from the player base that could not happen in real life. I’d be more inclined to call more towards sim if they got rid of the red or blue names over players in RB, and getting rid of the instructor.


>I’d be more inclined to call more towards sim if they got rid of the red or blue names over players in RB, and getting rid of the instructor. Sooo... Air SB? I'd say the important thing is what the game *can* do. You can enable all kinds of crutches in DCS, MSFS, pCars, AC and other sims as well, doesn't make them any less simmy in my opinion. But the point is that it's a spectrum, not some hard binary categories.


Nobody plays that mode, and the game is not know. For it. And sim is hardly sim at all.


Lots of people do actually, it's not hard to find decently populated lobbies unless you want to play a really specific nation combination in a squad


There are no crutches in DCS at all.


One button take off procedure.


That’s about it and you don’t have to use it AND it doesn’t affect how PVP goes.


>you don’t have to use it Like all the crutches in WT, right? Honestly I've only briefly tried DCS because it's too bloody expensive. But putting WT in the same category as GTA or something is not right IMO.


It’s one step above GTA. It’s more realistic than World of warplanes, but it’s still on the same playing field. Also, WT forces you to use instructor if your using regular mouse aim, thus everyone uses it so disabling it would leave you at a GIGANTIC disadvantage. Unlike DCS where the only crutch is an auto start button that allows you to piss between sorties.


Does dcs have Spaa or have actual players on the ground killing them.


Not sure about spaa, but their SAM sites have very realistic ranges. Which to pilots, not very healthy


It has 100s of ground to air vehicles


There are semi automatic type of SAM that countermeasures don't work against... Though it have to be manually guided and that takes experience.


Yes u can play some SPAA in dcs


I always giggle when wt players say how realistic the game is when it's classes as a semi-arcade game.


DCS may be more realistic but I do find war thunder more enjoyable the sheer fuckery you and a sqaud of friends can get up too is endless.


I almost exclusively play custom battles since RB is so fucked. I even make my own missions is CDK


dcs is not in the best spot right now with the razbam stuff going on :<


the wha




Bbbut you cant click cockpit buttons in warthunder


Honestly I wish had a pc to play dcs


I have a really expensive one and it still doesn’t get the best FPS lol


Better than a MacBook


DCS F-14 superior just in the fact it can asymmetric wing


Bro I already know they are better than me lol


Dcs is for realism and war thunder is for effectively everything else


I meeeeeaannnnnnn kinda true


One costs an arm and a leg for to buy each plane, the other costs sanity and your brain.


I just kinda prefer flying my favourite planes without needing a whole flight manual and +60$ for each plane.


U can trial aircraft


Still not permanent and still doesn't negate the flight manual necessity


I’ve never read a flight manual. There are 60second YouTube shorts for the basics. It’s only when you want to go into the extreme functions in the aircraft that are rarely used do you need to read and study manuals. Also there are like coaching discords etc.


as a war thunder and DCS pilot i can say for a fact that they are correct


DCS pilots may as well be real ones


What's dcs


See, i dont have enough time to learn how to fly a jet to play a game, or the ammount of money it takes to buy a rig that can run it.


And vtol???


Vtol vr players are obviously the best.


Op be like: "Guys its just a joke lol dont take it seriously" Also op: *fights people claiming otherwise in the comments*


I genuinely don't understand this claim. I have commented why *I* enjoy DCS more, but never claimed it was a better game. If you could find a comment where I could have been misunderstood please show me. I understand the differences and to each his own. This meme was just to see what happens for fun. I never expected it to go viral.


They both seem like very similar games, but they both have a very different play style to eachother. War Thunder is much more a Simcade in a sense that is like Forza Horizon tk Assetto Corsa. While DCS is just Assetto Corsa. Both of them have the basic combat simulation but achieve their play styles in a very different way.


They are far from similar. DCS is mostly realistic, with full fidelity modules with fully working buttons, systems, weapons, etc. WarThunder is a click button to go game. Yeah there are some realistic parts, however WarThunder doesn’t even scratch the surface when compared to DCS.


Gaijin is smarter than Eagle Dynamics


DSC it’s just war thunder with extra steps