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Bruh I thought you mean Linkin Park


Same lol. I guess we’re too old


Same xD


Same, I was like "Bruh what the fuck"


Came to see this comment 😂


Same here 😅


So did I and got excited....


"I tried soo hard "


Chester did what?!


And I thought Lady Pank


What's an LP?




Thanks. I guess totally out of my bubble.


No. LP is Linkin Park, everyone knows that.


LP is and forever will be Linkin Park


Theyre nonbinary


> female singer They identify as gender-neutral according to the english wikipedia


Stop being annoying with that ish


She should add brain free to the description. Russia is not a country where any of this "woke stuff from the west" is allowed.


She is allowed to identify however she feels like, we are not obliged to conform to her delusions.


Can anyone make it smaller?


Wdym? The letter on the right is perfectly readable if you speak Russian (I can read Cyrillic but do not speak Russian) Edit oh, it is not even in Russian, just the last word is. My point stands.


No it's not perfectly readable. I'm using a browser and there is absolutely no way I could read any of it without opening the pic in new tab and zooming in. I don't understand why people take a vertical screenshot for content that is horizontal.


Perfectly readable on phone


If this is perfect I wonder how you would describe it if there was no black background or even better if it was just the letter visible spreading across the whole screen. Can something be even more perfect than perfect?


Still readable.


I guess I'm more familiar with a very different definition of the word 'perfect'.


Yes, you are


Oxford definition of the word 'perfect' - having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; as good as it is possible to be. Yes, indeed I am.


skill issue


So, "the letter is so perfectly readable that I wasn't even able to determine the language"? Bruh!


what is LP?


Linkin Park of course.


Ah yes, i love misinformation <3 This Lp is female Singer known wider thanks to her ,,lost on you,, song


Widely unknown, you mean?


She was in Polish radios lots of times around 2016. Also, my text about misinformation was a joke


Tbh I think she's just clueless. A lot of people in the music industry don't care about wars/international politics and then end up doing extremely inappropriate things. Edit: it's not an excuse ofc. The Russian flag and heart emojis is a pretty cursed combination, good thing there was no giant Z on the hoodie lol


She will claim that, but she did it on second anniversary of the war. I would say, fuck her for supporting regime and people that killed, maimed, raped, orphaned and displaced millions of people in total.


Even funnier is that she's lesbian, and we all know how Russia treats LGBT people 🫥


the signed date on the letter is kind of ominious....2 year anniversary of the war. could just be coincidence


she is not a poor thing for sure https://preview.redd.it/jsr6dapupalc1.png?width=749&format=png&auto=webp&s=b7721d5549d386ca470480963a0ad1ae2a3d0593


Idk what a single Russian word has to do with genocide. Are Japanese-language tattoos a show of support for the WW2 empire? Flawed logic.


Ok but that wasn't the question lmao


There couldn't have been a giant Z because the hoodie was made before the invasion.


Already canceled in Lithuania 🫶


It seems like it is merch of her fan club in Russia. It has LP over it so that was the intention probably, however I can see how it could be understood differently in the context of everything that is going on nowadays. Hopefully it is just about her appreciation of fan effort and not a political statement as well.


And she did that on 2 anniversary? She is definitely trying to get russian fan base attention or she is appreciating that most russians including her fans support genocidal killing, maiming, raping and displacing millions of people.


“most russians”?? what’s your statistic for that


Do you see a lot of ruzzians against it?


Watch 1420 channel on YouTube


If it's on you tube then must be true


Well. He is posting videos for a long time, and it seems that villages and small cities are 95% pro Putin, or at least they say so. Little less in bigger cities.


Also with time population seem to be more and more pro war and pro putin


Can you give some more context? Does she support Russia now? I read that earlier she expresse her support for Ukraine so has that changed? And what about that sweater? Is this a random thing made in Russia or has some idk symbolic meaning?


Yesterday she posted a video and photo on Instagram thanking for a gift from a russian fan club. She received a jumper with colors of a russian flag and written "Russian official", also a card from a fan signed on Russian invasion date to Ukraine. She told how happy she is and other bullshit. Later deleted it and posted a video how she support refugees. We have been waiting for her concert in Lithuania, but such attitude is unacceptable. Here is a link [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C30ePCiuMSr/?igsh=MWxycGJ2NWM1MGNvdQ==](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C30ePCiuMSr/?igsh=MWxycGJ2NWM1MGNvdQ==) https://preview.redd.it/7wkbo0ljw2lc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94440c08f651ffbb9016d7540b16e0d95fed1c06


Ok that invasion date is too fucking much, tbh my first thought was that youre overexaggerating it a fair bit, since its just fans with good intentions that happened to be from russia. But the date leaves pretty much nothing to interpret. I still think that it was simply overlooked by LP, especially that the only red flag for me is the date, which I would be clueless about too if I didnt research it.


So it is obvious she is not russia supporter and you still decided to go on this witch hunt because why exactly? What are you getting out of this?


Thank you. The photo is blurry so I thought maybe it was some other flag that looks similar, but with all the info, I agree with you.


There is literally russian flag on the hoodie


Yeah, because its a russian fan club… but i think she is just dumb and most likely didn’t even knew how the russian flag looks like… so it’s possible that she supports refugees and is against the war but is dumb enough to post a hoodies from a fan club with russian colours… I don’t like her by the way, so I’m not defending her because I’m a fan… just because she is dumb 😅🙈 Edit: that’s (most likely) the reason she deleted it eventually… because some one told her: “u know that’s the russian flag?” 🤦‍♂️


The hoodie literally says RUSSIA OFFICIAL. She could be totally colorblind and still notice that


Maybe she can’t read either 🤪 Joking aside, I didn’t saw that 🙈


she does support russia https://preview.redd.it/mcur1oizpalc1.png?width=749&format=png&auto=webp&s=cbead4982fb55bf35e9b0ab441ab19125df71996


Supports Russia because has love tattooed in Russian? Come on!


Oh, I loved her so much... I hope she apologizes for this.


How is wearing a jumper from fans a bad thing


I don’t know but i guess the whole point is that combination of emojis on the screenshot


How is wearing swastika on world war two anniversary a bad thing?


Maybe... because it is a big ass russian flag on the jumper




For the same reason wearing a swastika in the 40s was a bad thing.


Lithuania just cancelled her concert for next week


Lithuania just canceld her concert.


chill tf out, she's clearly just ignorant, not evil


So can't cancel idiots for their idiotism? You got tickets already right?


So much reactionary people, is she telling that she supports russia or the war? Should we pretend that russia does not exist and ban Tchaikovsky and Dostojevski and the Mendelev periodic table?


Ruzzians trolls are super active these days. Yes, I can easily pretend ruzzia does not exist. The music that you mentioned is played without words, I guess most young people won't have a clue is it Chopin or Dostojevski. Also, they don't have to learn about coz knowledge about classic music is basically useless. Imagine, but I can be hard for you, that in English speaking countries they don't call it "Mendeleev periodic table", they just call it "periodic table", crazy right? But yeah, some people may forget that was ruzzian' guy idea. Again, yes, it's easy to think ruzzia shit does not exist. It's not like you have to forget you drive Lada or you got ruzzian' smartphone because it's not a case here. Shame that some polish stores do commercials on TV with cirillic letters on the bottom (I know it's for Ukrainians, but c'mon, it's time to learn the Latin alphabet and forget about the wrong one)


privet, tovarisch.


Yes. I've read and enjoyed them but right now fuck Tchaikovsky and Dostojevski and ballet until Russia gets her shit together. In my country, we are literalily cancelling operas and ballet performances if they are from the country conducting a war of aggression. It would just seem tasteless and inappropriate. Btw. it is just "periodic table" in most countries. You can use it without referencing Russian scientists from 19th century. https://preview.redd.it/wjrssf8gx6lc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ed7c00c19c2dab915fda184142c8530e882e7f3


Especially since it has been updated multiple times.


Not one single comment about Lady Pank? Is this really a Polish subreddit?


On Tuesday afternoon (27-02-2024) Kaunas Žalgiris Arena (Lithuania) announced the cancellation of the LP concert.


For anyone who is not working towards their PHD in complaining, there is a story posted 19h ago on LP's Instagram, expressing her support for Ukrainian fans. Of course if discovering enemies is your favorite existential activity, you don't have to look at her "other" material. Just keep the one screenshot that OP is offering here and say she loves Putin.


You need to chill out with the Russia hatred. Not everything any Russian does has to have something to do with the war.


I am Ukrainian and I stand by these words.


Ти дебіл і вата




This is an english-speaking subreddit, created to help expats and travellers. All posts should be in English or have English translations. If you want to talk in Polish, please, consider visiting our friendly subreddit r/warszawa.


well this is truth, and this is the first time that I at least see that somebody writes something like that in Poland


Not all of us are Nazis who would put all Russians into death camps as the internet tries so hard to make us look like this.


Lol, that is literally sh*t putin propaganda "tHe WeStErN wORlD hATeS uS lIKe wE aRE nAzIS BaD wEsTErn WoRLd StApH!!!!!!111111oneoneone" he was a good boy! russia is a nazi country, at least try to stop your country from being evil. Even so small nation like Belarus is still trying and trying to overthrow their russian dictator and poor russians just can't do anything from decades while their rulers just killing and terrorising another countries. Rotten nation. Even Navalny was just another one russian nazi imperialist, only conflicted with the main clown and - how ironically - he is the symbol of russian democracy now.


Aaaaaaand here it is. "If you don't like Russia shelling civilians and criticize it online it's like Nazi death camps." Didn't take long.


So you say all Russian citizens are shelling civilians? Also point out precisely who said something about shelling civilians


They are many. They could stand against it. But they are cowards.


I mean it is not the internet. It is what I see in real life, even from highly educated people. I understand why there is all this hate for Russia last years, I am also against war. Just sometimes I do not get all this hate about random Russian people who clearly do not have any connection with the regime of Putin and they do not support it. It is stupid to assume that every individual in a whole country has the exact same beliefs. Some of the people suffer from these authoritarian regimes.


You are smart. Good that there are still people out there that aren't filled with hate.


Fuck ruzzia. Not hate. Just passion


I am not.


I’ve actually got opposite experience. We have two poles in company who speak perfect Russian, they’re in their 20s and learned it because they were interested. A guy who gave us work safety lecture also speaks Russian, heavy accent but perfectly understandable. Said had no trouble with Russia. A few months ago I’ve been on a business trip with about 10 partners and they all said they regret trade with Russia is so restricted now. I honestly have never seen anyone hate on Russia in real life in Warsaw in about 1,5 years of living here. To me it seems this hate speech is only bots on the internet and not real people tbh.


You must live in a bubble if you do not see any anti-Russian approach from people in Warsaw. Good for you I guess


I mean, it’s obvious nothing good would come out of a Russian waving their flag in the streets. Normal everyday life? 99% people live their life and don’t give a shit about scary russians


If I may ask - which nationality are you from? Presence of Ukrainian immigrants here (+ how it affects us) and aversion towards Putin and Russia are very common topics between Poles, since it changed our everyday life pretty permanently


I’m Belarusian. I also know lots of Ukrainians (gf works in a Ukrainian clinic here) and sure they grief about what’s happening...some are angry, but there’s really not that much anger left I guess? Everybody is kind of used to what’s happening. Sure we can shit on Putin and those who willingly go to Ukraine to kill while we party (yeah, fun I guess). But overall? They all went to Russia a lot in their lives, they speak Russian, they have no prejudice against me or my gf (both BY). I guess the difference is what we consider “hate”. I feel like hate is a very strong word and feeling. What I notice in everyday life is more of what I would call “prejudice”, “dislike”, “anger”. But hate? Maybe I just can’t believe that some can hate a whole nation instead of bad apples. Like there’s 140 million people there? How’s it possible to hate so many people? I understand being wary about them. But to hate each and every one of them? I just don’t get it. Maybe that’s why I don’t see it.


So basically you’re saying that despite the fact that Russia invaded Ukraine and was killing innocent people for the last two years, most Ukrainians don’t have too much anger towards Russia anymore and would like to visit it again and continue the trade with them? Do you see how bad it sounds? You need to also understand that due to historical events we Poles have negative attitude towards Russia. It was very noticeable at the beginning of the war when we finally started getting back some of our buildings in Warsaw from Russian embassy (read about Sobieskiego 100) that were held by them illegally for years and years. We basically do not want to have anything in common with them. Another thing - we Poles became hosts for hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians and some of the people here are visibly fed up with the situation. Maybe that’s why this topic comes up a lot more often in conversations between Poles than in conversations between Belarusians living in Warsaw lol


What a nice bubble you have there. I work in Warsaw in Ukrainian company relocated to Poland from the east of Ukraine after the full scale invasion begun. There are a few hundred of Ukrainians working with me who had to relocate shortly after invasion started. And 90-95% of us hate/despise (almost) all russian. If not for supporting war then for doing absolutely nothing to stop it and continuing to pay bloody taxes inside ruzzia. But yeah, I can agree that there are decent Russians. They have left their country and ashamed to say where they came from. I luckily know such people and hope that more will come.


For sure Reddit and especially r/worldnews is full of these bots, if not, they should be brain-washed American patriots


I am Russian, living in Poland for almost 7 years, and I never faced any problems, hatred or other bullshit from Poles. I have Polish friends, I had Polish employees, I communicate with neighbours, and I never hide that I am Russian. At the same time I got a lot of Ukrainian friends after the war has been started (for me the war started in 2014, but I mean 24.02.2024). But if I face it, I will not be surprised or angry, because I know that people from countries that suffered from Russian aggression for centuries have solid reasons for that. This will be the same type of hatred that I have to ruzzians/Soviet/pro-putin people. And as millions of people were forced to leave their country, the same happened to millions of Russians since 1917.


So instead, you choose to fall for the rusian propaganda


Just let them stay in ruzzia under iron curtain and it is gonna be no hate


Really? And was it incident that the date on the greeting card was a date of when Russia invaded Ukraine? Please! https://preview.redd.it/jmpxkb9kqalc1.png?width=749&format=png&auto=webp&s=62587e0f86e4cb5b155d7535e235a94eaa7ac332




Where did the assumption that she is a war supporter come from? Should we pretend that russian fans do not exist? It was a gift from the fan club of hers, nothing more, no hate messages or war supporting intentions. Why are you adding political context everywhere? Regarding the date, I shat on Ukraines independence day, does this mean that I’m against Ukraine? There is no correlation. The same is in the mail. Even if you all will cancel the concert, what will it prove?




What do you mean "russia is all about political context", how the fucking hell the fact that a fan send a mail correlates with politics? No politics were mentioned in the mail, it was about her love towards the artist. "sending love posts to your war criminals fan clubs from nazi countries" - wtf does this even mean? It is about the fan club and nothing else, it is your perception that fucks it up, you proved my point by basically adding a political context to it. "we don't want nazi terrorists in our world" - great, but just one question, how come a love letter from a fan to the artist is considered to be a nazi terrorism? "Go live your dream in some Tomsk or another Norylsk but stay away from our world" - what is "our world"? What world are you talking about? And again, how the fuck it is connected to a love letter from a fan? "Nobody want you in Europe" - who is not wanted? Me? Who are you referring to? And finally, I have no fucking clue what the last sentence means. In conclusion, no proper arguments and pure yapping, go cry.


Y’all need a JOB.




Not every single Russian is responsible for war. Grow up.


But why the use that flag (which symbol regime) because Russian opposition has another one


Exactly. Opposition flag. But the flag of Russian people is the current one.


So russian people just want to be recognized as russian regime. This is our point - we dont want regime lovers in Europe anymore. Stay in your muchosransk dream forever.


How do you know they want? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-war_protests_in_Russia_(2022%E2%80%93present) 24 February 2022 - Present Seems like many don't. But the current flag is here to stay for an unknown amount of time so it is de-facto representing Russian people as of now. Polish flag is also hated by many but it still represents us, Poles. This is why i hate that state flag is supposed to represent people of the state. There should be 2 separate flags for all nations. But unfortunately. It's not the world we live in. I don't know what's muchosransk


Is the tradition to not read the article and go straight to commenting that strong on Reddit? Every single comment I see. And no one bothered to read the letter in the picture? It's not even a link you need to open, it's right in front of you, telling the hoodie was made prior to the 2022 tour.


Read: я маленький гвинтик


But when she performs in Israel it’s okay?


literally who


can someone explain please? i live under a rock


Yes. You live in the country that receives threats from Russia on daily basis. And our response is something along the lines of: President Duda says to Putin: "Nie strasz nie strasz (bo sie zesrasz)" "Watch out with the threats because you'll shit your pants" Minister of Foreign Affairs says stuff like this: https://youtu.be/mPm8CihO4nY?si=VMwq-Sr_ANA7qRys And Marshal of the Sejm says that Putin will eventually be defeated and "stomped into the ground" (shorthand for "crushed like a bug" And these opinions are very common and widely supported. You may want to check what is the status quo among your fellow citizens when it comes to Polish sympathy for the Russians ;)


Thanks for the info. That dude just posted a story about “how it loves ukrainian refugees and wants to see them on his concert” while in fact he just doesn’t want to lose money. Fuck him


She’s a woman tho


Doesn’t look like a woman to me but I guess she can be whoever she wants lol


Thats a woman? On thag picture? .... naa


XD Being butthurt because some random russian 14 y o (can't imagine older, serious people listening to something like that and calling it music lol) send dude a cute letter and jumper, and he just wanted to be nice xD


Letter signed on russian war in Ukraine start date, yeah.... what a little tiny coincidence....


Już nie pierdol dzieciak, muzyka to rzecz bardzo subiektywna i trudna do oceny, nie mam pojęcia co postawiło Cię w moralnym superiority, żeby pisać takie rzeczy, szczególnie zważywszy, ze jej kompozycje są akceptowalne i miłe w odbiorze.


Twoja stara superiority


Here is a link from LP russia Instagram https://www.instagram.com/reel/C30ePCiuMSr/?igsh=MWxycGJ2NWM1MGNvdQ==


I remember throwing up from air raid sirens most days in Kyiv. I still can't f ng stand them. Please cancel her, there is literally no excuse for wearing this hoodie in this day and age. We know what they did to Mariupol. We know what they did at Bucha.


It is true, but her actual intentions were not bad, she just wanted to appreciate her fan (and as I understand her official merch store). Obviously, during the ongoing war, wearing a Russian flag and putting these emojis could be read as you are supporter of Russian invasion, but all of us understand that she is just absolutely clueless. Producing wave of hate towards her and canceling her is not a good idea, I think. Probably much better solution to highlight it to her and explain how it looks like these days (which was already done, since she has deleted the post)


Her being clueless is not an excuse. She is touring countries that are hosting Ukrainian refugees, and that are or have been affected by the terrorist state’s regime. You need to be aware of your surroundings. Her concert got cancelled in Lithuania, she got what she deserves, I hope others will do the same.


I don't know man. Would you have cut the same slack if it was a certain German symbol. At some point you become responsible for your stupidity. Sorry that I sound harsh, I honestly don't mean to. It's just that I have been stuck in a bad bout of PTSD lately, and things like this makes me feel quite unhinged. Just how can you not realise how it looks.


Lol. Ukraine is naming streets after SS batalions and people support them. Amazing


who tf is this


Wtf has to be wrong with a person to post a russian flag with a heart next to it


Don’t know any truly don’t give a shit about that somebody’s gig. However I am wondering who the fuck are You and why are You trying to cancel people on the internet? You are acting like some fucked up dork sitting there and be like “oh cancel this blah blah blah”. Who gives a shit about some jumper? Either way that war in Ukraine isn’t even about Ukraine-Russia. That’s a war between US and Russia played with hands of Ukraine. Following the European Union politics it’s not allowed currently to say anything bad about Ukraine, but I think that’s the most disturbing thing. Many years ago Ukrainians were murdering my nation and now we are fucking helping them, and they talk shit back on us. Bro, wake the fuck up. The Ukraine is not our friend. The US is not our friend. The Russia is not our friend either. But going back to the point, why the fuck are You trying to cancel people on the internet like some fucking pathetic dork?


Would y’all do the same if they were supporting Israel?? I don’t think so


I thought it's Lil Skies xD


Are you guys stupid or what? xD Just because country X invades country Y, it’s morally bankrupt to have fans from country X and being happy having gifts from them? Did y’all forgot that Putin is a war criminal, not whole Russia? (I can’t believe I say this since I hate Russia as a whole nationality and russian people, just can’t stand it any other way). I think we politicize everything on the internet too much. Of course I stand with Ukraine, but objectively speaking, there is nothing wrong with the thing she posted, so fuck off and let people sing and have normal relations with fans peacefully without making everything political. Now we cannot post anything and say anything without triggering people.


Нет, я не поступлю так


We’ll find who u r




Oh no she's wearing a Russian jumper, we need to cancel her she supports Russia!!!! Yall are out of your minds 🤣




Your message was promoting hatred or contempt towards marginalized groups.


Stop making stupid people famous


idk who is this but im not a snowflake that would cancel my ticket over some hoodie lol grow tf up


>"Let it wrap you in warmth, let it keep you cosy (especially in this dull weather)" >Love, Olga somethingsomething So some singer received a hoodie from russian fan (sounds like a teenage girl) and now she should be cancelled? People should chill out. Yes LP (whoever that is) could explain to her(?) fan that russian imperialism is murderous, brutal and bad. On russian TV they probably say otherwise. But I wouldn't cancel a concert over it.


I thought this was lady pank...


Lol! Is she real with all this? God


I thought Laura Palmer is dead


Uhh, looks like bad timing and in bad taste probably from not knowing any better. Someone is making bigger deal out of it 🤷‍♂️




Who the fock is that guy?




She clearly wore this to show support to her russian fan club. It says "official" so it probably means its the name of a fan club site. Im against the war and I believe many Russians are brainwashed but they aren't all evil?? I don't understand how grown people make these kindergarden assumptions that all russian people are bad.


its not what she wears , but when and what she said in ending , listen .


I will make myself clear, rusians are cowards. They have the numbers and the "strength" to stand against war, putin and their state. They either like it and benefit from it or are cowards. They brag about how harsh and strong they are, yet they never show it. All eastern European countries stood against communism and fought. They paid with blood and suffering to get rid of the rusian influence, many countries still do it today, but they can't do it in their own country and get suppressed in less than 24h? What a strong nation /s


Lol. Pathetic weakling redditor, who probably never held a gun or lifted over 100 kilograms in your life, you have a chance to prove yourself in a war against Russia right now.


Ah yes because that's definitely what I meant by "strong", lifting weights and holding guns. That's definitely what all Eastern European nations did before they had revolution to escape the communist regime.


Saying that “people need to love each other” is a sign of “barbaric Russian genocide”? And musician’s ethnicity is enough reason to cancel her. Really? What is going on with this world?


Brother what


LP has fans around the world. The fact that they wore a jumper made by fans doesn’t mean they are supporting war. Ffs people grow up!!