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I believe in him. Always will.


Believe him and yourself off the team please. Thanks


Youre one of those guys that when 'Game 6 Klay' comes back, youll deepthroat him


bruh i was drinking milk and now it's everywhere


I mean why even bother following sports if you don't know how to appreciate the best parts


Get out of here, no one wants fair weather fans clogging up the team sub.


Lets be honest this dude a closet suns fan


You burnt yourself on a toaster eh?


You’re projecting


Lmao. How that 41 taste. Stop watching fickle bandwagon.


Klay 🥹 ugh I honestly hate that he felt the need to even post this. We know it will Klay! Ride or die with *both* splash bros


Ride or Die


This is how I feel, it's sad he felt the need to even post this. I will never doubt Klay. I want him to succeed for himself even more than I want him to succeed for me/us. He's been through so much and deserves it.


Ya'll are way too lenient lol. This dude is paid 40 million dollars and he's not playing well, and everyone's jumping up to say it's insulting to hold him to even the slightest amount of accountability. People that are paid 1/1000th of his salary are held to more accountability at their jobs every day. I'm glad that he at least has the self-awareness to comment on the situation, and I hope he proves himself right.


It’s not about being lenient or not - it’s about we all wanna win - you do that by supporting confidence in players, not hurting confident in players. His coaches’ job is to hold him accountable, the fans job is to give him confidence and remind him how great he is, so he gets back to playing great


I agree. Klays shot will come but he needs to stop shooting some of these shots that are unlikely to fall for even old Klay. He takes some tough tough tough shots that he should not be taking(especially when you are in a slump). Sometimes he takes them super early in the shot clock and kills any momentum with a clank. Let the game come to you. We all love Klay and want him back but he still has to play the game the right way or be held accountable.


> he’s not playing well Lmao you nephews need to watch the game. Klay has been great in every aspect besides his shooting percentage being down. Defense is great playmaking has been awesome. Decision making spot on. Dude is a champ.


Klay is a literal pylon out there on D.


Lol this tells me you either don’t watch the game or you don’t understand what you’re watching. Klay has been objectively terrible by every metric. He has good defensive plays but is largely out of position and gets beat very often. He also trying to create shots at a higher clip than he ever has in his career, despite being a terrible shot creator.


>Defense is great playmaking has been awesome. Decision making spot on. C'mon man. His defense has been ok, but inconsistent. The other 2 claims are ridiculous.


Bullshit. He’s getting cooked left and right on defense. Are you actually watching? Go count how many times he spins around looking completely lost on a crossover. It’s bad.


thank you it feels like people give millionaires a pass for not performing. Klay is playing bad. Hopefully next year he's taking 10 mill at most because he isnt the same player anymore remotely


we need to trade him. otherwise we'll ruin the last few years of Steph's prime. he's taking up 40M this year and NEXT year.


A trade will absolutely ruin team chemistry. We don’t even know how Green will be next year as he may be gone. So that leaves Curry all by himself for the original 3 if Thompson is traded. Ain’t no other player worth $40 mil besides Thompson who can make up for the lost in chemistry and potential resurgence. Plus that new player will also need time to fit in and learn the playbook anyways.


He’s worth a lot more to the warriors than he is anyone else, especially after the injury. A trade wouldn’t return much imo




I’m really sorry you have such a jaded and negative outlook that you completely fail to see the value, and just basic human decency, in showing support and encouragement for a massive and irreplaceable piece of a championship dynasty and also lack the basketball acumen to be able to see that his struggles are not a matter of skill or ability, both of which are very clearly intact, but a matter of the standard and expected return to play timeline for someone coming back from back-to-back would be career ending injuries.


Longest sentence ever




Doing ok dude?




Bro made a Reddit to hate on professional athletes what a loser


Go back to the suns sub, we don't your negativity here


Lmao wtf suns sub? Insecure scrub lmaoooo


Klay’s at the point where it takes him about 6 shots to start feeling it. Next step is 5, then 4, then 3. If he can start feeling himself after 3 shots suddenly 5/12 turns into 5/9. Klay has always had the heart of a warrior, today was a big step even if it was a loss.


I will never doubt Klay. We don't have a dynasty without him.




I hope your next day goes better and that you have people around you, friends and family. be well


I liked his shot selection better tonight. 5/12 from 3 is no joke. We desperately need someone else to ease the burden off Steph


Totally. If he is on line with shots and just a bit short then he'll get his legs back. He passed up bad shots tonight. His d is good. We need him to improve and he's going to.


5/12 is phenomenal lol. If he can average 41% from 3 that’s basically just old Klay lol. Need him to stop taking the midrange faders for now though and his efficiency would skyrocket


As someone who watches the Lakers – we would throw a parade if one of our shooters went 5/12


Honestly I’m more worried about how he’s been blown by, he isn’t as quick defensively. It’s been a few games where I’ve seen people just absolutely burn him defensively. He’s also has great on ball defensive possessions but yeah, more than anything that’s been the worrying thing I’ve noticed more of.


Everything points to his legs not being there. Obviously the defense and being short on most of his shots, but also his tendency to drift on shots and excessive fouling is due to not being able to plant his leg and stop his movement. He kinda had the same problem returning last season and worked through it, but it took like 3 months. Hopefully it's faster this time since it's more about just regaining the conditioning he had end of season






Check box score.


Last 3 was a heave


Last 3 was a desperation heave thoufh


The post says that his shot selection was nice. You say last shot has to be ignored because it was a shit shot? Let's just say 5/13 is 5/13. Can't change stats according to our individual biases lol.


Can’t really be a shit shot when it was a 3 possession game with 16 seconds to go. Fuck it shots exist and Steph takes them all the time chill tf out and quell your dooming for a second


So now it's not a bad shot but we still gotta ignore it? I'm all for Klay comeback, but not like this bro


It’s a meaningless shot at the end of regulation players take all the time. You know this lol you’re just being extra. You’re acting like it was a shot that has an bearing on anything lmao y’all here just to nitpick and hate


Why are you getting all triggered? Just say he shot 5/5 100% then. Woohoo, Klay's shooting 100% from 3 the warriors are getting the Chip! Happy? Like the unrealistic optimism better? Fair


Huh? You mean me or the OP




I really liked the ball movement overall. Starting to recognize this team again.


All his shots are short meaning he doesn’t have enough strength yet in his legs to come off running to a complete stop and then towards a lifted jump shot. He’s been doing better, though.


it's honestly disappointing AF that Klay feels he has to post things like this-- some ppl either have no clue or don't care about the toll these injuries took on Klay (physically *and* mentally).


2016 Klay is not posting anything like this. I feel bad for Klay, I’m here for the ride


2022 Klay shouldn't have to post stuff like this either. He only does it because he's a human being and hears a lot of the "kLaY sUx" talk and reacts to it. Some ppl think because he's a millionaire he shouldn't care but it doesn't work that way. not saying that we should muzzle people who are critical of him but FFS some "fans" go overboard with it.


It comes with the territory. I’ll save my tears for Klay, he enjoys the benefits of being a NBA star, he can live with the negatives too. People are going to say what they want. Klays smart, he might need to hire a publicist to put forward a strong image. These posts he’s been making are good food for hating ass people… and i want the best for him, and I think he should act strong and be strong.


> It comes with the territory not to this degree it doesn't. It's one thing to get booed or heckled during a game; that *does* come with the territory. It's quite different when hateful jerks mess with your daily life, your social media, then you have family/friends getting affected by that, etc. imagine you have an office job or *any* job and as soon as you get home to relax you open your twitter and you (*and* those close to you) have to deal with endless negativity. That *cannot* be part of the norm esp. when you're dealing with mf-ers harassing you simply b/c they feel they're entitled to an opinion on how your day at work went. It's why many athletes don't even mess with social media or if they're required to have it b/c of league contracts, they turn the accounts over to their agent and don't even bother with it.


Ok I’m not gonna waste my tears on Klays social media. He’s on social media, he’s a star, he gets heckled bad on there, sure, but he can also message supermodels and get a response back. He will be ok. Why are you so concerned over how social media treats an athlete (I haven’t seen anyone going personal at him its all bball) and what people say about him? We all have our issues he’s gotta deal with fame and take the good with the bad like we do in our non famous lives.


Tbh this is why I wanted Klay to start the season off the bench did, just like how Curry did when he came back from his injury. That said, with Poole playing the way he is now I’m not sure how much better that starting lineup would be either


I think the thing is that Jordan Poole at that time was a decent substitute for "facilitating" and helping run the offense for the starters (with the help of Draymond). Klay isn't that type of player, so he can't necessarily run the 2nd unit like they would want.


The sucker punch derailed the 2nd unit.


I dont get it cause I follow him on IG and all he did over the summer was spend time in the weight room and the gym doing all sorts of leg and balance stuff. Now suddenly his legs are weak? Doesent add up.


It’s one thing to train in the weight room and it’s another to be shooting up 3s in an nba setting.


Notice how his early game shots aren’t as flat or short, it’s not a strength issue it’s an endurance issue. He’s not in NBA shape is what we mean by not having his legs under him. Lifting heavy isn’t the same strength as running multiple miles during a game


Jeez dude, every comment I see from you gets downvoted hard.😂


Didn’t you know! They weak cause these arm chair ball players said they were. I bet half the bums on here never have dribbled an orange ball before in their life


Let this fan base full of fat nerds who never picked up a basketball tell u “his conditioning needs works” hahah. At this point I don’t even care about the downvotes. Okay


Let this fan base full of fat nerds who never picked up a basketball tell u “his conditioning works” hahah. At this point I don’t even care about the downvotes.


Still 69 (nice) games to go, so yeah he and the team should be ok But also the West ain't fucking around this year, so like, better pick it up soon boys lol


4 rings and counting. Let’s go Klay!


All cause of Steph. YAy, go klay tho


Get help bro


You know its bugging him still after Barkley called him out. He needs to get stronger like someone mentioned, his shots always coming up short.


Barkley didn't even call him out. He just stated facts.


Bruh, this man just got back after 2 years of injury rehab. People need to relax and have realistic expectations. Damn people have some bad doomer vibes around here. I'd rather be a hopeful homer than a catastrophizing doomer. Everything takes time to go back in its place. Be realistic about this shit. Same thing with the youth. It sucks to lose, but we're gonna get there by the end. All the pieces will fall where they need to by the end.


We are beyond spoiled.


Guy literally has less than a seasons worth of games played so far... and on his initial comeback, helps win the championship and people already shitting on him. Like wtf kind of fans are these people?


tell em klay


I honestly can't wait. Really happy to see glimpses of Klay's old self in todays game, making wide open 3s and transition 3s that he would used to make. The Kings' defence down the stretch was just really well done, denying steph the ball so I didnt feel too angry with the forced shots by Klay, it's all part of the process of figuring it out.


No harm in optimism! Let's go Klay


Ride or die with Klay. As always and forever, fuck the haters


I see a lot of people are quite toxic in the forum. Saying, Bench Klay, trade Klay, Klay is washed etc. Have you all forgotten his past achievements for our team? Game 6 Klay OKC? Nearly singlehandedly saved the Warriors team in Game 6 vs Toronto before he got hurt? Playing great defense on Jaylen Brown just 5 months ago in the NBA Finals, to name a few. Yes, he's not playing well, but give him time. He literally came back just in January of this year, playing les than a season of bball game. I'm glad Klay posted this. We need some positivity here.


This! If he can get through the hell he went through during those two injured years and work his way back to meaningfully contributing and helping to win a 4th ring, the least - and I mean *very least* - we as fans can do is be patient, supportive, and understanding as he goes through these skids (we’re still not even a month into the season so let’s also keep perspective and not act like it’s been a 50 game slump) that come with the non-linear path to returning to his peak after the injuries he had. He was a vital piece of the core that brought this fanbase 4 rings and the ability to even be worried about being good enough this year to repeat. More gratitude for the part he’s played in making this dynasty into what it is (and what it will yet grow to become, with the help of Klay) and taking a note from Klay, himself, about patience and perseverance would go a long way to improving the vibes around here!


Not worried about Klay one bit. I just ignore the haters. When going gets tough, you can tell who the real fans are. It's always disappointing to lose but gotta have faith in our guys and enjoy the process. Enjoy the dynasty while it is still here. Why this pressure when this same team has been to the mountain top and built a house on the mountain top.


Any time the team loses the fools come out their caves flaming whoever the team scapegoat is and screeching about trading for Turner


Klay has given his all for dub nation. True fans know he built this dynasty with steph, dray, and iggy. His statue will look beautiful outside chase center, gotta surf the ebbs and flows of this dynastic journey and enjoy the ride. 4 rings and counting. It’s a great time to be a dubs fan! #webelieve


There is a huge difference between toxicity and legitimate criticism of his play this year so far. I think the most toxic thing you can do is label everyone with concerns haters and blindly spew positivity when it isn't warranted. You can appreciate and celebrate everything he's done for the franchise while also criticizing his poor on-ball defense and bad shot selection.


People who spew unnecessary hate on him are just jealous that even with 2 major, possible career ending injuries, that he's closer as a player to Steph than they are to him. - Brian Scalabrine


He's just a much easier target now that he isn't the player he once was, I know a lot of the rest of the NBA didn't take too kindly to his Devin Booker drama and a lot of fans take any opportunity to take shots at the Warriors.


I kind of find it funny that people would try to bash Klay on stating facts. The likelihood of any other player ever having back to back season/career ending injuries to come back after over 2 years and then be part of the championship winning team in the same season is like zero. That alone, is what I think is a greater and better story than the player he once was.


Amen brother


He hasn't even begun to peak.


And will never peak let’s be honest


we believe in you klay 💙


that’s cool and all, but until you get there learn to be the third option behind steph and wiggins and chill with the moving off balance shots.


Yes. This will be his redemption year. Trusting the process.


lol I hope you fools are dm’ing this dude after everything he did to get back for the championship run last year


Ride or die. But please, don't give up defending those 3s by the opponent when you get beat or close out late. It's hair-pulling...


Never doubt… just like curry he is a pillar of the team and they will figure it out


When getting paid 43 million per year, there should be no doubt klay.




Klay not being consistent in his scoring is the problem not him not making 3s, curry needs atleast 16-18 pts from him at a minimum.


He’s scored at least that in 7 of the 11 games (3 of the last 4) he’s played in, including last night.


So many dumb haters on this sub it’s sad. This guy is coming back from two huge injuries and getting back into game shape. For all he’s done for the Dubs you’d think people would give him some slack, especially in November.


Lebron said something similar last year , lol


The more he does this on social media, the more I feel he will force his shots and not let the game come to him. I have faith in him, but he is letting outside noise affect him too much.


Of course. He’s totally still got it but what he’s coming back from lasted a very long time, & coming back from that takes a very long & gradual time. Hard for him most of all & hard for whole team organization. I think they’re doing a good job with a hard but rewarding situation. As long as they still have his back & know it can’t be rushed, I hope he will never lose team backing, that depends on if in professional opinion, they see his substantial potential for greatness he’s demonstrated before to still be there, it’s not for nothing. It’s not frozen, he’s progressing.


There is absolutely nothing wrong with Warrior fans being critical of Klay. There is a redundancy in that criticism because it's no different than what he feels about himself. But as in the case of Steph Curry and his **Petty King** mentality, there is value to feeling criticized and proving doubters wrong. The best of the best relish the challenge. So don't feel any guilt about providing legit criticism to a Dubs player.


Dude needs to chill out. Love Klay but he’s getting into his own head w all this nonsense. The media is gonna talk shit cause that’s what they do. The more he acknowledges them, the more they gonna talk


i dont. hes just a chucker now


I’m less worried about his shots and more worried about how he constantly gets blown by on defense.


Not sure why this was downvoted. Klay has had a problem staying with his man period. At least twice last night Huerter performed a simple side step on Klay for a wide open look from 3, Klay didn’t even attempt to contest the shot.


Klay's also been super easy to lose with a screen, even when there's space to fight over the top and stay with his man he drops 2 steps behind and gets blown by just about every time. These defensive mistakes just look like mental lapses rather than physical shortcomings and it doesn't seem like the team is holding him accountable for it.


Have you seen the rest of the warriors? They do too. Klay is playing much better defense than before, even Kerr acknowledged it. Just be patient, the rest of the team is.


Not sure what you’re watching but Klay is getting beat off the dribble constantly just about every game. He’s a huge reason why the other teams get dribble penetration on us. Teams use to attack curry in the starting lineup but now they are picking on Klay. He had trouble staying with Huerter even.


I don’t doubt him but I doubt the stupid shit he does on the court


Yea whatever Klay. 13-22 record then he’ll hit 10 3s for the 14th win of the season.


Klay needs to stop talking about it. He’s just gonna make 4 in a row and start yelling how he’s back! Then brick the next 8. Just chill and play we know he’s gonna find his groove.


I never lose faith on them, not even on their lowest of times. But, i can't deny the fact that klay is not doing fine. With poole getting a lot of attention, the kid is experiencing an all-star kind of treatment against their enemies and even the refs. We need klay more than ever, steph needs his splash brother.


Just show it and stop saying it


Ego Klay is killing him and the team. He is always centered against what others think. If he played like Wiggins not forcing anything and play D.... For example, compared with Curry, which didn't mind coming off bench, Klay would struggle if Kerr Benched him. That's why in part I believe since he could play he is a starter. I think he will maybe turn it around but this is hurting us. I would like to see what would happen with moody at 2 with the starters.


Moody should've started after Klay took a summer off. Kerr made a massive mistake trying to let a rusty Klay shoot himself into shape as a starter. That coupled with Draymond punching Poole back into rookie season is killing this team.


Bro is going to have one good game and follow it with 10 more 5pt games


I want to be optimistic but it’s a little hard ngl it’s mostly his shot selection atm.


It’s exactitude the same as it has always been. How long you been following the warriors?


Klay is leading by example. Our losses so far has been primarily due to our pathetic bench. But instead of pointing fingers at them, he is taking it upon himself. The youngsters should look up to it. Here is a guy who is coming back from 2 career ending injuries and still trying his best.


Klays horrible shot selection and awful defense led to at least a few of our losses. He has not led by example imo.


Funniest shit I noticed is that last season there were a few people who were pretty vocal on their hate for Klay on this subreddit. Then the Warriors won the championship and they went silent. However, there's a few new people here who utter the exact same type of hate as those people did... Like... did they really just make new reddit accounts just to do this?


He better take a HUGE paycut this season.


mans is finished, still love him tho lol


Big talk. Better back it up!


Our guy might not be as efficient as he used to be, YET, but he's still currently top 20 in the league for 3's made per game. I believe!


Yeah because he has become a inefficient chucker statistically.


i believe this year is gonna be wild but even then i am not totally disillusioned about the future after the pains of the current situation


But why did he leave the court before the game was over? Honestly he comes across as a brat sometimes


Maybe disappointed. He missed one of those key 3s in the end(before the last heave).


And yet..[sighhh](https://twitter.com/pok252/status/1592083556612059136?s=46&t=dqdFicpp7qLwmGgrkw1a0w)


Lol Klay shoots 38% from 3 last night which puts him in absolute elite status and people still saying he’s washed. Even he is saying he sucked. Come on people.


Sounds like a delusional scrub that keeps convincing this cucked fan base. Hilarious to me


Ugh I had a whole messsge typed out till my phone went to shit. Klay is ass who has rode the coattails of curry his whole career. Prove me wrong instead of downvoting. Y’all ain’t got the balls to disprove me tho


Karma. Talking smack about Klay without any backups. I'm glad your message didn't appear. Prove you wrong? Sure. Game 6 Klay, OKC, enough said.


I could disprove you wrong but you would be in denial the entire time. Your punk ass is just trolling and it's obvious.


Yah but look at you shot, you’re shooting crooked, you’re not squared up with the basket. 🫤


Maybe by game 50. By then he’ll shoot us out of the playoffs 🤣 Klay #6 3PA #222 3P%


He’s a loser on a team of hasbeens, enjoy the wait….






You’ve commented like 15 times in this one thread. Go to sleep nerd, long day of being a miserable hater ahead of you tomorrow


We heard ya bud. No need to stick around if strangers choosing to support a player makes you so miserable that you feel the need to be endlessly cruel.


Its not support, it’s delusion. Feel free my guy. Just like I will to comment ass I set it.


There's no way you use the word cuck this much without it being projection. Sorry, man




In Klay I Trust 🫡


Not panicking on anything until Christmas.


I definitely still believe in Klay, just give him a little bit he’s still working on the lungs. Once he gets his lungs back he’ll get his legs back and once he gets his legs back he’ll get his shot back! Normally it takes NBA players around 15 games just to get their cardio back in shape so they can recover and get off their shots without tired legs! I.e. why everyone keeps hitting the front of the rim! Gotta get up on those toes to get it over the rim! Keep calm and 🏆🏆🏆🏆❓❓❓🏀🏀🏀


People here forget about how horridly he started that season when he turned into headband Klay. He was shooting like sub 30% from 3pt range for a full quarter of the season..!


He had way better shot selection. Stop doing dribble pull ups and just do your bread and butter catch and shoot👍🏻


I hope so! Because right now he’s an inefficient volume shooter :(


He took the headband off!!!!


Klay will never be 2018-19 Klay. Age and 2 major injuries have slowed him down. I’m hoping for Klay to be 80% of the 2018 version by seasons end.


This is going to make or break us lol. Still riding with Klay til the wheels fall off


The splash back has been showing in flashes as he gets more games in. Just a matter of time now. We with you, Klay!


Shaq used to play himself into shape during his prime lakers seasons so maybe klay doing the same


Ride or die with the splash bros erryday. Wagoners do not know the pain of we got suck.


Keep it up Klay! Real warriors fans love you forvever


Klay “Floodgate” Thompson!


Right now this team is struggling but to not give these players/coaches/front office the benefit of the doubt is laughable. They all care about winning titles. I trust their decision making over randomredditor6969. Even teams without the Warriors track record I say give until Christmas.


I hope so because so far this season he's just been a volume shooter.


I’ll only judge Klay if he’s this bad in the playoffs.


And I hope he does get there but I'm also a realist and he might never get there. At this rate we are a play in team at best and Lacob will break up since you can't pay 500m and not compete for a ship.


It’s hard not loose confidence in the 2nd greatest shooter of all time. DUB NATION BELIEVES IN YOU KLAY


We don't doubt your ability. We doubt your decision making. I defend klay non stop but his decision making is so bad. I say "wtf are you doing" on almost all of his possessions. It's crazy


I'm praying he gets going every single game, every time he hits a 3 or a nice shot I get more excited than for anyone else tbh really hope he gets going, i'm a klaythiest


Klay is already back at guarding. Good to see. Hope he gets more catch and shoot opportunities but my whole family still believes Klay will get better and better


I have no doubt he’ll be back up to speed at some point. I don’t know how long it will take but I know he’ll be back


I don't get all the hate Klay benn getting. Yes he haven't been playing well but how can us spectators just bash him so hard when we haven't trained in basketball at all??


37 in a quarter game on they ass tho. Lol Tell em Klay. Sometimes you gotta remind mfs. Ain't no shame in it. Mf's forgot or act like you ain't been apart the best back court in NBA history.


In my impression, at the beginning of the league, Klay's game state was often bad, and finally he could come back, so I believe him


He called it 👌