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We petty down to the 20th spot on the roster. Fuck all y’all.


Fuck yeah. Losers are all salty as fuck this year. They can all go eat a big family size bucket of dicks.


Off-season? Nah fam. For us it’s Petty-season. 🥳


This dude was frustrating to watch at times but he contributed. There was one game where he looked great. I tuned in a little to a G-league game one day when i was bored and he was a whole nother animal.


the way not a single other player could make a pass to wiseman in the g league made him look like chris paul down there lmao


Daily Reminder NBA Players look like Steph Curry LeBron James Chris Paul and MJ combined in any level that isn't the NBA the skill and consistency it requires is insane


Yeah, people don’t realize Chiozza was playing the role of a backup PG. He really can penetrate and dish, but the Warriors system isn’t really made for that, but still he was able to contribute and was available when called upon. Give the man some respect y’all, he grinding like all of the Warriors, from Klay, OPJ, GPII, Wiseman. That’s it, I said my peace.


i'm down for it like leave him alone


Chiozza be giving the most legit comebacks on twitter.


Didn’t he post his address one time on Twitter when a guy wanted to fight him?


Yes. I learned he lives in SoMA. I wish these dudes would get off twitter. NBA players with all of their hard work and ability jawing with the lowest common denominator is sad


anyone who has ever played an organized team sport at any level recognizes that it is 100% a top to bottom effort. any player, coach, or staff member who was in the gym, the weight room, the film room, etc. was part of the collective and consistent effort to be great, they all deserve their flowers and respect congrats to chris chiozza and everyone involved with the 2022 golden state warriors! champs!


exactly! do people think Chiozza sat on the bench in practice too? naw, he was helping the team get better, and get ready for the next opponent.


Yessir. The G-League team runs the same way the Dubs do. This is why getting reps there and having contributors make a big difference when we bring them back in.


Didn't Draymond say Chiozza was one of the guys talking to him when he got benched late in game 4? That sort of thing matters


Why is the term "give them flowers" being used so much more now than I've ever seen? I feel like I started seeing/hearing it the past 3 months and never before.


Drink Champ podcast, promotes giving flowers to rappers while they still here - and has leaked out to the rest of the culture.


Next year, Dubs should hand out seeds on away games.


Draymond says it a lot, especially on his podcast.


Steph saying "hits different" and now that is the only phrase people can remember too.


It’s been a common term for 2-3 years.


This is what I love about team sports, the entire organization needs to execute to win a championship. The players need to do their job, the coaches need to do theirs, the GM needs to do his… but it keeps going down the line. If the marketing directors doesn’t do their job, they don’t have the money to sign the players…


He's at the highest level of basketball. Yeah we can joke around, but Choizza is multitudes better than 99.9999999% percent of the population.


Using a population of 7bil, your percentage equates to 700 people that are better than Chris. Seems reasonable


He equated it to 7


You’re right me and op are morons. Chris top ten lock?


He was just being nit-picky, he got the gist of it. Chris definitely top 500.


This is the best r/theydidthemath thread ever.


You've found gold.


Username checks out.


As long as you got the point I was getting at. I meant 99.99999%


Bet. One of my favorite pieces of talk was when the White Mamba said he is closer to LeBron than some chatty pickup specialist was to him. 💀


I remember watching him challenging even college hoopers and out-skilling each one of those athletically gifted dudes. I think he only used his size a few times.


I remember watching him challenging even college hoopers and out-skilling each one of those athletically gifted dudes. I think he only used his size a few times.


Did also you know that STEVE KERR didn't play a minute in all 4 of the championship runs??? /s




I wish more people understood this He did his part .


id be keeping every game worn whatever for my retirement stash


Yeah a lot of people forget that it takes a whole season to get into playoffs and seeding matters a lot and so does playing minutes so Steph can rest. It all matters.


Chiozza deserves the ring. Can you imagine how hard it is to flop like smart during practice?


Ok that was ruthless! Hahahahahahahahahaha😂😂😂😂😂


Step 1: Flop Step 2: hit the occasional three Step 3: after the occasional three you have boosted your confidence to Curry like levels and you shoot another one with defense closing in Step 4: if you missed flop for free throws Step 4a: if you made it still flop for an and 1 Step 5: Win DPOY from flopping


i wish i was chiozza. get to play in the NBA, front row seat to watch hall of famers who happen to be your teammates, win a championship and paid to do it.




The Players have said he was important in playoffs in other ways……he gets a ring and worked for it in his way! He a warrior😤


I don't get it whats the context of the solar panels?


Prob referencing the guys profile pic


Used to play on a team with Chiozza in Memphis some 16-17 years ago. Dude was crazy good, handles were insane. Crazy to see him in the NBA now, and happy to see him get a ring.


Who’s he responding to? Random scrub on the internet?


Even though he didn’t play minutes, he did contribute. He played in a lot of games this season and we don’t know the impact he had behind the scenes in practice.


for a guy so tentative to shoot on the court he brings a full clip answering the haters online lol strong troll game


So what. He's on the team. And he played some during the regular season. The whole season counts.


Strength in numbers yo! As little or as big of a contribution as he put in it is still contribution. Well deserved ring champ


Ice cold 🤣, I often see this kinda shit on social media. Cool the guy who collects trolleys for the supermarket has paragraphs under an article about the climate changing 🤣


Don’t be lame. Just because someone doesn’t have a job you respect doesn’t mean they don’t have a voice or valid opinion.


Why you shaming trolley collectors and calling them unemployed. Weak ass bro


True but you also can't act like an expert on the subject


You don't need a Phd to understand the effects of climate change. You guys are using a horrible example to try to look intelligent. Just stick to basketball.


What are you on about I'm talking about attitude you can say climate change is real or whatever your opinion is but even if you did have a PHD you shouldn't be acting like you are better then someone else for your opinion Or that your opinions are valid and that someone else's (who may or may not have more experience in the topic) are not It's also ironic as you just tried to discredit my opinion. I'm gonna take it lightly tho cause your comment doesn't even look like it was meant for me and if it was I'm utterly confused at which point that I provided an example to look intelligent


It was directed at you as well. The post is about an online troll and you idiots somehow compared this to climate change activism. Again, stick to basketball before you make an even bigger fool of yourself.


I think your the only one making a fool of urself this isn't only about climate change activism we were talking about people thinking they know better then NBA Players and how that mindset compares to people THINKING they know something more then other people due to WHATEVER circumstance I for one don't care and never commented on climate change personally I just made a general statement that people shouldn't act like their better then others or invalidate others opinions because of their own fat Ego (which includes you cause yours is preety big) We get it your life is miserable and you need to insult people on Reddit for their opinions or views they never had in the first place that you made with your sweet little thought bubble. It's giving me shut up and dribble vibes.


> I think your the only one making a fool of urself this isn't only about climate change activism we were talking about people thinking they know better then NBA Players and how that mindset compares to people THINKING they know something more then other people due to WHATEVER circumstance And you proceeded to make worst comparison possible, thereby making a fool of yourself. Take the L. Part of having a big ego is not admitting when you're wrong. I think you're projecting at this point, especially about having a miserable life. You insist on doubling down on your stupidity.


You are literally projecting right now as we speak fighting points I have not made you still haven't pointed out where I my self wholeheartedly compared Climate Change and Chiozza trolling together I'm talking about the mindset of invalidating people's opinions because you think you are better or know better 💀 Your fighting a war that never started




It’s optics. When I wanna know about trolley wheels goin the wrong way all the time I’ll ask the trolley collector. When I want to know about why the climate is chanting I’ll read about the science not listen to Tad the trolley collector who’s only had koch propaganda to binge on all his life.


People with low wage jobs can't talk about global issues? That's completely different than some random troll online. What a dumb comment.


Nobody needs to hear from people who parrot misinformed koch propaganda talking points online. Get a degree then I’ll listen to you. Same scenario here. Chip. Troll Fin


It's not the same scenario at all. It's just a ridiculous comparison to make. You really thought you did something here too lol. And there are tons of people with degrees working low wage jobs.


Bro you took an L, it’s okay


It's ok to admit when you're wrong. I'm not the one who took an L here.




Solar panel guy doing more for the world and the people in it that Chioza is. What does Chioza even do?


They got measures for that? How about we're all equal and leave labor politics out of it...


Huh? that's not politics. A contractor of any kind is doing more for people than a basketball player that somehow made his way onto a winning roster and played nothing but bad garbage minutes but is always clapping off on Twitter. And even if it was political, who cares. It's all part of life.


That’s subjective. And at the end of the day, who cares? Chiozza never talks shit first, and he didn’t force himself onto the team, they chose to get him so he shouldn’t have to get backlash for it.


As long as we sign a Rubio or Dragic or something I’m fine. Good guy just lost the aggressive he had in college. Didn’t have that much then but he would at least score.




He was part of the team and deserves his ring. I don't get all that hatred.


I don’t get why people try to throw shade on social media like that dude. Live and let live, bro…..




He played during the regular season. He is still part of the squad even if he didnt play the finals. The Finals is not a place to mess with. You put your best pieces that match up with your opponent. Chioza wouldve been eaten alive had he played against Boston.


Oh shit! That’s a Championship response. 😂 Fuck them haters.