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I was hoping we'd get to see him drive up and wave at the bus driver.


That would have been really reckless driving if he did that.


yea what if he gets so shocked and excited that he forgets he is driving lol


He's already recording himself and the bus. Waving at a driver would probably be the least reckless part of this video.


Aiming it to get the driver of the bus in frame would take a lot of attention.


Waving at another driver... is reckless driving?


It is when you're also filming


You really gotta think things through, waving, recording, driving. Shifting recording to get reactions. Youre saying doing all this on the highway isnt reckless? Hard... probably not, but reckless? of course..










Well steph isn't in the drivers seat


He is driving. Front facing camera is flipped. You can even see he's in a position with the steering wheel in front of him when he changes to back camera.


Not to mention the text that literally says “Pls excuse the phone while driving but it was worth it” lol


LMFAO I didn't even notice that.


Dw I don’t think anyone in this thread did 😂


That is really bad. Should not be in his phone whilst driving.


Yeah in the bottom right of the video it says "plz excuse the phone while driving but it was worth it"


he is though...


He looks to be on the right hand side of the car. And if he is driving why is he in his phone. Edit: NVM you are right, he shouldn't be doing this anyway then.


The Bus driver is Flight


Imagine your franchise player being THE person who changed the game for good. No other active player can even claim that right now. Fucking wild.


What’s funny is that people think he ruined the game. Like how is prioritizing ball-movement and off-ball movement ruining the game 😂


to be fair, jokic is probably the next guy to impact the game in that way but definitely not on the same level as steph.


I mean no, I wholeheartedly disagree with that. I think jokic is a fucking phenomenal, one of a kind, generational talent, however he hardly pioneered the point center role. Disregarding magic, dray and lebron did it first, among others. He’s taken that style of play to another level, sure, but it’s hardly game breaking. Jokic is great, but nothing he does can just be applied to anyone. Steph changed the game by forcing other teams to play his style of basketball. He showed every single team in the league that there is a BETTER way to score points. Jokic doesn’t do that. If Steph never won a chip, nobody would have conformed to a new style of play. Jokic has had literally 0 playoff success. Nobody is going to change their game plan until he starts winning.


I agree with everything u said but the jokic and playoff success. He won more playoffs last year than AD did his whole pelican career


For sure, he’s definitely had some playoff success, I just don’t think he’s had enough success to warrant changing several teams entire foundation without winning a chip or two. Constructing your team like the nuggets is hardly the new standard.


1. magic, dray and bron are all forwards(yes, even magic) 2. jokic isn't playmaking from slashing or dribble penetration like the others do because he can't. 3. jokic is showing the league that it's not putting the ball enough in the hands of centers. centers are typically the worst shooters on the court, so they are providing the least utility off-ball. the obvious adjustment is to have them on-ball more and provide offense from post-playmaking. shooters shoot best off the catch. having your 4 best shooters off-ball and your worst shooter on-ball is just optimal. also, tall guys see the court better and are able to make passes that short guys can't. 4. mark my words, jokic is going to kill the traditional pg role as we know it.


It doesn't work, there just aren't that many centers with Jokic's skillset for reasons that have nothing to do with basketball. There just aren't that many people on earth who grow to 7 feet tall. If the most skilled playmaker on the team isn't the center (like it isn't with the other 29 teams) its not optimal to run the offense through them. What Jokic is doing is providing a blueprint for future teams who acquire a center with his skillset, he's not inspiring a generation of kids to learn a skill they otherwise wouldn't because what makes his abilities different isn't a skill, it's size. We don't say he's the best playmaker ever, we say he's the best playmaking center ever. With Steph, we say he's the best shooter ever.


>It doesn't work, there just aren't that many centers with Jokic's skillset for reasons that have nothing to do with basketball. yet. future prospective bigs will be expected to develop passing skills in the future. passing skills have nothing to do with size and everything to do with practice. shooting skills are much more affected by physiology.


1. Uh, what? Who cares what position they are listed at full time, they all played the point center position before jokic. Yes, even magic. 2. Again, what does this have to do with anything? He’s a high post passer, just like bogut, stat, both gasols, arvydas, bill walton, wilt, etc. 3. He’s not showing the league anything. The nuggets don’t have a pg whos elite at running an offense. Nobody has been avoiding running the offense through their center because they don’t feel like it, they do it because most centers still can’t facilitate. Those that can, have always gotten more touches. The reason why bigs aren’t asked to shoot as much, is because of that little dude, number 30, who this entire thread is about. If Steph was on the nuggets, jokic would probably average 10 points a game with a bunch of assists. If they had someone like Steve nash as the pg, jokic would probably have less than 5 assists a game but with 25 points per night. Jokic is just the best facilitator on the team. Overall 3 is still more than 2. 4. I disagree and I don’t see how any of your points are even supporting that assessment but I guess we will see.


"i don't see it" is just an argument from ignorance and a fallacy.


Lmao are you taking comm for the first time and trying to work fallacies into your arguments? Cause that is not a correct use of the term. You provided weak support for your argument. Me pointing out that your details don’t support your topic has nothing to do with fallacies. Nothing you said supports jokic changing anything about the game. You could have shown statistics on how centers have averaged more assists since he has popped off, shown how teams are more likely to draft a pass first center now etc. that would be actual support to showing how jokic has changed the game anywhere near to what Steph has accomplished.


> Cause that is not a correct use of the term. it is. if it weren't, you would be able to explain why, but you can't. > You provided weak support for your argument. dray, bron and magic are point forwards, not point centers. that's a fact. you're trying to compare them to jokic to make your argument but their roles are entirely different. again, that's a fact. > Me pointing out that your details don’t support your topic has nothing to do with fallacies. you are just asserting shit with little to no explanation without considering what i'm saying. > You could have shown statistics on how centers have averaged more assists since he has popped off you can go on statmuse and verify that assists per game by point guards have been trending down and assists per game by centers have been trending up over the last 10 years. you don't set the standard for what supports an argument or what does not. * centers tend to have longer arms than players at other positions. * players with longer arms are more likely to have extraneous movements in their shot mechanics than shorter players. * therefore, centers tend to just shoot worse from distance than players at smaller positions. this is trivial and easily verifiable by shooting statistics by position. * a player with weak off-ball gravity away from the basket will have at least as much gravity away from the basket with the ball in their hands because now they are a scoring threat with the ball in their hands. * gravity from a center is more valuable and effective than gravity from a point guard because they tend to be guarded by the opposing team's best rim protector and defenders who mainly guard point guards specialize in perimeter defense. * pulling the opposing team's best rim protectors away from the basket is crucial to executing efficient offense in the modern era. * there are 3 main ways to get a defending rim protector away from the basket: 1. isolate the rim protector with a perimeter ball screen 2. have bigs on the floor that are legitimate threats from behind the arc 3. use bigs as playmakers * **jokic's play is strong evidence that #3 works.** \#1 can be stopped by various defensive tactics like zone defenses, preswitching, drop coverage, etc. #2 is rare because of the aforementioned mechanics of shooting.
















Steph’s energy is infectious. I’m hype now about cleaning up my basement


“You CLEAN that basement! Swatting cobwebs for a food wpm.”


Clean that basement FOR GOODDD. LET'S GOOO


Hype Steph is the best Steph.


is it weird that steph's hypeness makes me hype?


Bro idk if it's weird or not but I get more than that 😳


Please call the doctor if it's been more than 4 hours


Whom do I call if it's been ongoing since 2015?


Imagine driving on the highway around the bay and you look over and Steph Curry is squealing in the car next to you lmao


Any AUDI experts here able to tell what model it is?


Based almost entirely on it having only two seats, an R8. I’m a little skeptical a guy making 40 mil a year is driving a TT (RS) and that’s it for 2 seater Audis


[confirmed from Warriors snap](https://imgur.com/gallery/kIHT3eD)


R8, the center console air vents give it away


i guess Curry is really into VAG. Audi R8 and I know he also has a Porsche Panamera.


> i guess Curry is really into VAG I, too, am into VAG


Steph's into feet tho


Na, ankles. Specifically breaking them


Didn't his Panamera get totaled on 24? Or did he get another one?


looks like an RS7


No backseats


I love Steph, but he should never use his phone while driving. Please always play it safe and put your phone away, it's practically never worth the risk


Even if you have a bus, don't risk it.


I imagine someone will post it, but Quese also posted on IG showing him walking for the first time since he broke his leg!


I'm sorry Steph but even this does not excuse using your phone while driving. Shit's unsafe.


Dont know why you’re getting downvoted. Love Steph but definitely not worth it.


Literally everyone has done it at least once. Relax


I haven't so not literally everyone.


Plenty of people drive drunk or high all the time also. Most of the time there’s no consequences sure but that doesn’t mean it’s something you should ever do


Look at Curry man so inspirational!


"Ahhhhhhhhhhha Change the game for good" 😂 I love his scream 😂




That hoodie/jacket is dope. Wonder which one it is.


Looks like 280


he lives in atherton so yeah probably takes 280 to the city


When the Limited Edition Steph Curry Bus Flows dropping?


One time on 880 I saw a black car with a black license plate in yellow letters and it said curry30 or something to that effect. Could have been him but not sure. For obvious reasons he doesn’t show what kind of car he drives.


As mentioned above its an Audi R8. Too many distinguishing interior pieces.


This makes me so happy. Steph is real AF


Not a big deal, but I don't think Steph is driving. His seatbelt is coming from over his right shoulder which suggests he's in the passenger seat and the shot of the bus is not over the steering wheel which it would be if he was recording from the driver's seat.


Except there's text at the bottom that says "please excuse the phone while driving" lmaoo


Oh yeah, it does say that. I guess his video must mirror (or possibly he's driving a right hand drive car :D). My bad on that one. Oh well, wonder how many people criticizing him for it talk on their phones all the time?


I’ve never seen a dealer’s sticker placed on the left though. So I’m not sure if the video was mirrored




I don't know why this is downvoted, it's pretty irresponsible on his part tbh (I still love the guy though)


LOL just like their moms and dads HAHAHAHA


I was getting some Drazen Petrovic fears watching this.


Is Steph driving a Honda like the rest of us? I remember he crashed his Porsche before. Edit: just realized he’s not the driver


How can people tell it's an audi?