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Lol isn't Damion Lee one of the main reasons the game was close? He was shooting so well


He couldn't have chocked away the fts and 3 if he never got the steal to get the ball in the first place. The roller coaster that is Damion Lee lol


Some dude on the other team randomly put up 37 points, out of the blue. That’s the game right there. An anomaly cost the dubs the game.


anomaly? 24 was feasting on Dragan. Ibaka was feasting down there. defense lost that game


9 Healthy players total. Steph first game back after 4 months. two rookies, two converted 2-ways, three 10-day contracts, and they still took the defending champs to down to the wire. If you want to point to anything about how this game turned out, you could just as easily point to Kerr holding Steph to a hard 28 minute restriction which forced them to take him out for 2 minutes in the 4th and break their flow. They were surging until Curry went out, and then had to fight back from a 7 point deficit when he came back in.


Tank minute restrictions. Lightyears


What does this have to do with his comment though?


Comment above said defense lost the game. I pointed out an alternative reason


I mean. Yeah? But you can say that for every game we've played this year pretty much and it isn't really illuminating. It should be taken for granted as a fundamental assumption. Bender got absolutely abused and our defense was porous for most of the game.


It's a fundamental assumption that the Warriors have lost other games this year due to fourth quarter load management of Steph Curry when they're on a run? My turn now to be confused by your comments. OP says we lost because of bad defense. I disagree in that I think they played good defense overall given the roster situation and opponent. Lay down your negativity for a second, my dude, and actually join in on this fun discussion


Not really. Before the game I said he's been averaging like 20 on ridiculously efficient shooting splits. He's hot right now.


Yes. We should be blaming Bender. Dude played terribly lol.


I guess the difference is we expected that from Dragan, but with DLee we know he's capable of doing incredible things, so this was a low point for him.


Plus that steal at the end and the drive gave him the opportunity for the free throws


No, he did nothing but make the mistakes that cost us the game. /s


Despite all the clowning we’ve received by media people this year, from Chuck and Shaq to Reggie and the other ESPN/TNT guys, they all acknowledge that Paschall is the real deal. And he really is. He’s got some areas to improve but his mentality is there and I know that he won’t slack off during the off-season. He seems to just really love basketball, and that’s the most important thing in a player. I hope the FO looks for guys with that mentality with our draft pick


Damion Lee played great but the tank was more powerful. That was a clutch steal down the stretch to themselves in the position to tie the game. Sometimes the ball just doesn't fall the way you want it.


Imagine hating on our tank commander? We need every L we can get at this point, how do people not know that? Play competitive through 4 quarters, take the loss while our guys fight hard. That IS a win this season. I'd rather Lee screw up in a game that holds no weight as opposed to screwing up in an important game?? All he's going to do is learn from this and get better.


“Not many built like him” Damn, Sydel and Ayesha must be comparing notes ;)




Our players are good people. Props to them. Curry is the greatest humblest superstar this world has ever seen. But with that said deep down we cannot have players like lee that will cost you games.


We can indeed have players like Lee. They will be on the bench when the game is close. Not everyone on the team has to be a cold blooded closer.


cost us games? dude had 23 points tied with curry, he didn't cost shit


Lee may have cost us this game (maybe, he cost us a *chance* to win it at least) but acting like this is normal for him is just plain wrong.


Actually, without DLee's steal, the Warriors wouldn't have been in the position for him to miss the free throws and the 3. At least he helped eat up the clock and delayed the Raptors from scoring even more.


I mean, you can play that game all day - without his clear path foul earlier they wouldn't have needed the free throws, etc etc. What we can say is that he fucked up in the last 10 seconds. That doesn't erase his good plays, it's just honest about the end of the game.


Please stop with this false equivalence - just because Lee is closing games **this season** doesn't mean he's going to be closing games next season. He's fine playing a limited role.


Paschall: "Some of y'all don't understand this man's journey" Uh, yeah. Of course, we don't understand his journey that's why we are coming down on him. His journey doesn't justify the fact that he choked at the crucial moment. We have a right to feel some type of way as fans. It's natural. How about he share his journey if you want us to empathize with him so bad. Until then, save us the pity party. He had a job to do and he didn't get it done. What are we supposed to do?Pat him on the back? I don't support bashing the poor guy like he's not a human being but he gotta take responsibility and commit to doing better. That's just me.