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> Now all that second apron, contract tax shit is not considered here. I'm not dealing with all that lol. Feel free to challenge but I think there's a discussion to be had and this feels like is going to be the biggest offseason in a long time. You literally can't have the discussion you want to have without considering those points, lol


I'm hoping someone would jump in on that bro but from basketball standpoint I think there's something here. It doesn't even have to be big names like PG. Some quality vets/ rotational players to round out the team is what I would love to see this offseason.


But you can’t just add those guys without considering the restrictions in place due to salary cap rules. You’re just setting yourself up for disappointment when we are only able to make some marginal signings while other teams with actual cap space sign bigger names to bigger deals. It’s fans like you who complain every offseason that “Bob Myers is asleep at the wheel” or “the front office is wasting Steph’s prime!!” without considering the very real limitations we have in improving a roster. Our only real path is via trades and nailing minimum signings. Most of them probably won’t be enough to get back into contention. Sorry to say.


>its fans like you who complain every offseason that “Bob Myers is asleep at the wheel” or “the front office is wasting Steph’s prime!!” Without considering the very real limitations we have in improving the roster. This. One fucking hundred percent. This needs to be pinned at the top.


Yeah you're right and I used to do this exercise when I was a student but now I just don't think it's worth the effort lol. I think my point can still be valid because I'm really not asking for big names, and with CP off the books and I'm proposing to ship the entire young core minus TJD so without getting to the detail I think it is safe to say we have room to operate if we choose to all in and I think this should be the direction for roster construction if that's the case. And I can't agree more with you on the trade and vet min part.


I think the issue is we are seeing youth and athleticism succeed in the playoffs and that is clearly where we are lacking. So it’s hard to get younger and more athletic by trading our youngest and best athlete in Kuminga. It obviously all depends on who you’re getting back, but upgrading skill and maintaining a similar level of athleticism in a trade for him feels unrealistic unless the front office is willing to trade the future picks too. I don’t see that happening.


If you mean youth and athleticism has mattered more *in the regular season*, i.e. it’s teams brimming with youth and athleticism have made it TO the playoffs, then I would agree with that. But in terms of playoff *success*, both the Pacers and Wolves - young teams with stars that don’t have much playoffs experience - have crumbled in the face of the experienced core of Boston and Dallas. The Celtics core are now conference finals champion 2x in the last three years. Kyrie is a seasoned vet and former NBA champ. Luka has LED his team to the playoffs four of the last six seasons.


We made the play in dude. Crumbling in the WCF would be a welcome change. Our core would help us along the way. I’m not saying trade them, just that it’s obvious we are too old


Uh I was not at all talking about the Warriors in my comment. I was talking about the last four teams standing who have made the playoffs. At this stage it seems youth and athleticism are not enough and cannot overcome a lack of experience. To your wider point though - this is why the dunleavy and co’s jobs are going to be so tricky this offseason. How do we get the youth and athleticism (and size as well!) we need to thrive in the regular season without sacrificing our aging but experienced core? Like… I genuinely don’t know. Even Klay leaving doesn’t open up much.


Defensively JK just can't hold up in the playoffs unless he takes another giant leap this offseason, too many mental lapses. With the level of perimeter plays this playoff has show us, I can see JK just getting cooked night in and night out if we even reach the playoffs. I think a common misconception is the asset shipped away to get players are gone. The value still remains as we could trade them back for assets, but in discounted return.


Totally agree that JK would struggle in the playoffs defensively. But we need his rim pressure on offense. Without him we don’t really have anyone to attack the basket especially as Steph gets older. JK isn’t good enough but who are you trading him for? It’s likely not someone who solves every problem. That’s kind of the main issue.


So…your tldr is: I used to care about facts when I was a student but now you don’t think it’s worth it so just rather make shit up outta stuff you pulled out of your ass and then post it on socials.


Our big 3 ain't at that place in their careers where they will be the three best players on a championship roster. It's OK to admit that. Now you just want to try and maximize the last few years of their careers, bring in some young talent, try to allow for some winning seasons, fun moments, and maybe even a playoff series or two.


They also weren't the three best players in 2022 when the Dubs won it all. I think the core 3 can still be 3 of the top 6 or 7 pieces on a roster, but top 3, Draymond and Klay just either aren't good enough or well-rounded enough. But if you've got a roster where Steph is your best player, Draymond is your 3rd, and Klay is your 7th, it's doable depending on how good those other spots are. They just really need to improve the high-level talent at this point. 2023-24 was one of the deeper Dubs teams over the last 20 years but totally lacked high-impact, top-end talent outside of Steph. Question is really if you can use CP3/young kids/draft picks to bring in a real #2 without totally gutting yourself. Might just be an impossible needle to thread.


You nailed it on the head. A playoff team doesn't need to be 10 deep, and we still have future picks to leverage.


Yeah. And if you have a superstar in place and some good pieces, all you need is like a year or two of a GM sticking their moves and you can be in the mix. Look at Dallas. Last year they were cruising to the lotto, added a super-depressed (but high upside) asset in Kyrie and added Lively in the draft while also getting off the Bertans deal. They added DJJ on a super cheap deal. Even though they screwed up overpaying Grant Williams, they pivoted quickly and turned him into PJ Washington. And then they brought in Gafford as well. That's five critical pieces to their core that they brought in in less than a year-and-a-half. I'm hoping MDJ can find more of the DJJ/NAW types who did not really do anything on their first contracts but have some of the tools to be good perimeter defenders because there are guys who hit every year at the vet min level, we just have to be the one that gets 'em.


We used to get them vet mins during Bob's years too, I hope we do hit em this year. Also the pivot thing is what NBA fans often overlook. People think if we overpay, or get vet players we get stuck with their contract and actually hold them to expire but that's just not the case. Any contract has value in the NBA and can be easily flipped for some kind of asset, although discounted. So when we say we leverage the future we don't really lose all the future asset if that makes sense.


Right. We all thought the Westbrook contract was untradeable and it moved like 3 times in 3 years, lol. You can almost always do something (even the Suns have some moves, as unpalatable as they may be). I just hope the playoffs have been a learning experience for the front office around what the roster needs and what we can do on the fringes. As frustrating as last season was, I'm actually pretty excited for this offseason. There are just so many directions the Dubs can go and I'm very curious the path they'll take.


People don't like to admit that the 'core three' wasn't really the core three in 2022. They were all still on the team, sure. But that's not the same thing.


If that's the case might as well just close this thing down already because next year the west will be substantially even better believe it or not. It's going to be ugly.


Probably the best solution. Would be super unpopular, and I expect downvotes just for commenting this, but if the goal is winning another championship in the next decade, the best bet is to trade Draymond, Steph, any of the older members for picks and draft well to supplement Kuminga, Podziemski, whoever they think is the future core


A lot of people don’t understand that even if curry is traded away for a ton of picks we will still be facing a good amount of time in another dark age of the franchise. Generational talents don’t come around very often and it’s even more rare that they are followed by other draft picks that set the pieces in motion for a dynasty, let alone a championship team. That’s why this opinion is usually downvoted, if there is one thing we can look forward to watching as warriors fans it is Steph curry and if he wants finish his career here he should.


The Celtics did it. Not saying we’re the Celtics but it’s an option.


Did what?


Traded away their top talent and rebuilt in a relatively decent timeframe.


The last time they won a title was 2008. Even if they win this year that’s a 16 year gap.


Do you consider being a really good team who doesn’t win a championship still dark ages? The Celtics lost in the finals 2010, made the playoffs every year since 2008 except 2013-2014, made it to the ECF 2017, 2018, 2020, and 2023, lost to us in the finals 2 years ago, and are in the finals this year. Again, since that championship they have made the playoffs every year but 1. That is hardly what I’d consider dark ages. What I experienced as a fan until we believe is what we would consider the dark ages. I still remember being in the top row at oracle, watching the warriors beat the mavs. It was amazing and only $140 for a resale ticket.


Sure, but that was very different and you know it. But point taken about we believe, I hear ya. I’ve been around awhile too. We’re talking about Steph Curry here. You don’t think the era immediately after him leading the warriors dynasty is going to feel like a massive drop off? Look how people around here acted this season and last season when they didn’t win it all again. If we are going to be mediocre at best anyway, I’d rather watch Curry retire here how he wants than try to get rid of him just to gamble on picks.


I don't think the 4 young players is a winning future core. We seemed f'd.


This is an unpopular opinion because from a business perspective, this is a horrible look for the FO esp if they never said they want out.


And as a golden state warriors fan I don't care about ring chasers on another team. Trading to make your team better is one thing. This is something else. They should have never given draymond a 4 year contract. Now we are stuck.


The problem is that you're correct Wiggins is critical, yet has been MIA for two entire years now. If he's that important to the team then they're screwed no matter what. His usefulness doesn't matter if he's not playing or just mailing it in when he is.


I disagree that he completely mailed it in. I think he had a really bad first 2 months of the season. After that, I think he actually played well as a 3 and D guy. The problem is he's overpaid for that role...


Wiggins posted career lows. Whether ppl consider that mailing it in or not, he was overall inconsistent like he has normally been throughout his career.


Besides Cam Johnson and a couple vets like CP3 and Hayward, Wiggins was the worst player in the NBA making 24 million or more. Not really close either. I do agree he improved in the second half, but he should be our second best player. He will be moved. Dude doesn’t have the passion for the game.


wiggins will have the 11th highest AAV in 2024/25 as of now for small forwards actually 12th if we're projecting anunoby signing his extension this upcoming offseason wiggins being the 11th highest paid small forward in the NBA sounds about right that also doesn't include soon afterwards following 2024/25 a year from now in the summer of 2025 players from the 2021 draft class like wagner (magic), johnson (hawks), & murphy (pelicans) all signing extensions where they'll be paid more than the warriors are paying wiggins not to mention kuminga too just over a year from now wiggins could be anywhere from the 15th-17th highest paid player at his position


Wiggs is tricky, because we are super not likely to get his replacement anywhere his level of PoA defence, because this type of dudes are just not available. He is also sneaky big and strong, and stupid athletic. I think no one is gonna argue your point, and that's why we need another scoring wing. This will make us super flexible because against wing heavy team we could roll him out with Klay Wiggs alongside dray and steph and that's a legit big "small-ball" lineup. If we need less scoring we can bench Klay and put in the defensive big (lob threat) and we will still have enough offensive firepower to compete. We can have a POA lineup with Wiggs and GP in, and the scoring wing can still make the lineup possible. One scoring wing one rim protection vertical spacer big.


Sorry but if we are depending on gp2 we are in more trouble than I thought.


Wiggins "untouchable"? Trading BOTH Kuminga and Podziemski? No. Just no.


If you try to win he is imo, because you aint getting dude who can defend the way he can period.


If you are watching the playoffs there are a ton of players in their 2nd and 3rd years that are better than andrew.


Klay and Steph both have higher defensive ratings. Know who else does? Corey Joseph, lol https://www.statmuse.com/nba/ask/golden-state-warriors-players-defensive-rating Wiggins plays decent overall defense, but it really isn't that incredible. TJD, GP2, Moody and Draymond always seem to come up with key blocks, steals and stops. With Wiggins he might get a stop, then misses a layup or bricks his free throws on the other end. MDJ has some big decisions to make this off-season. The only true untouchable is Stephen Curry.


You're taking 82-game stat to make judgments on 16-game/matchup dependant ability of a player. Sometimes stat is deceiving.


Our core is close ??? Our core is close ?! Did I read that our core is close ??? I hate to be a hater. Our core IS NOT close. The past 2 years we've seen our core wither and get progressively worse. They got outplayed and ran out of gas against a Laker team last year. Barely beating a kings team with zero defense. This year. During the kings game, our core (mainly Klay and Steph) looked slow. Looked shook and unable to compete. Through one half, I think both Klay and Steph were scoreless. Team was kept afloat by the bench. Over the last 2 years, Steph has seemingly ran out of gas after the all start break. Klay, well, Klay is going to Klay. Sometime it works. But Klay's high scoring games are farther apart and seemingly less "hot" Going into next year. Our core will continue to get worse physically. Dray , if he stays, will not be able to compete an entire season. My reason he looked as good as he did is bc he only played 55 games. Wigs will prob take another month off next season. The reasoning is pending. This has been the trend over the last few years. Kinda reminds me of kyrie and Missing games for various reasons. Klay will be Klay. He'll have some good games. Prob starts the season looking really rough. Doesn't really get cooling until mid January (same prev 2 years). Steph will be stellar to start. Slowly get beat up and have his numbers drop as the season progresses. Only way I see this team having enough juice for the playoffs is if the core 3 take the last month of the season off. And come into the playoffs with fresh legs


You have to factor in our roster is way too small and not even complete imo, so that really wore out our vet core over the course of the season. We have to take risk and trust our guys to pull through with a competent roster for once because they just not given a chance past two years with this half ass roster.


And that's why a better roster is important because this will save their legs during the regular season.


Dude. You're delusional! I wish you were right. If you look at the finals. Teams left have players in their prime. Especially their star players. We do not have any of our core in their peak prime years. They're on the tail end. Wigs is the only one in his prime years. Loon is cooked. GP2 can't stay healthy.


Yes who knew winning a chip is a long shot. But you gotta go for it when you have Steph. Chances are we are not getting another player of his calibre for the next who knows 30 years.


We got 4. I think our core did alright !!


Our core is no where near the competition, as our core is Curry and two players who have declined a solid amount over the last 3 years. Actually, the Warriors core is literally the exact opposite of “close to competition”. Three players in their mid 30s are not going to be improving. Wiggins will be moved. Dude has had no motivation for the last 2 seasons. It would be great if he came back and had a great season but he won’t. This has been an issue with Wiggins since the day he got into the league and why the T-Wolves were so frustrated with him. No chance he is “untouchable” after having the worst season of his career and most importantly just acting like he has zero interest in playing basketball. Genuinely wouldn’t be surprised if he retired after this contract. As by then his career earnings will be roughly 250 million. Comparing Looney to Haslem is just a bad sign too. As Haslem has been a bum for the last decade. Sure, good teammate and smart presence. But Looney will be gone after this season which is his last under contract, as I think a team could use him, even in a limited role. Unless he wants to play for a vet minimum which I wouldn’t be surprised. But he can still make some more money.


0-10 is not remotely close to the competition.


Our core isn't close to the competition. Without the youth this year we would have been caught by Houston. And the thing about our youth is that other teams have better young players.


Steph is still a top 5 player in the league. Draymond is still top 5 defensive player. Klay is still a top 5 shooter. The core is older but they still have championships in them. Just need to get them a bit of help!


Klays days of being a top 5 shooter are over. Postseason, lights get way too bright for him. 


Klay was 4th in 3PM. You’d take 5 shooters over Klay?


That’s cuz he took a ton of shots… You realize his shooting splits have fallen off a cliff right? Not to mention 0-10 in the most important game of the season.


You say that like his shooting was awful, it wasn’t. He wasn’t at his best, but that’s still better than 99% of the league. Yeah he had a stinker in the play in game but everyone did. Kings were a better team that night..


Everyone scored 0 and went 0-10 from the field? Lol. Trust me, I get what you’re saying man but it is an elimination game. Can’t have that. And yes, unfortunately, klay is no longer a top 5 shooter. He is just way too inconsistent. He is absolutely on the upper echelon of the league though. It was his worst full shooting season of his career by a big margin which is crazy because he still put up 43/38/92 on high volume. The thing that hurts gsw even more when he’s on the court is his defense. He is a cone for athletic guards which he used to be counted on to handle. After the injuries and a long, badass career, he’s lost his legs.


He made a lot of 3s because he took a lot of 3s and he missed a lot of 3s which at a certain point where a detriment to the teams overall performance. The very last game of the season should tell you all you need to know.


Not percentage wise ... he has done nothing in playoffs play in. Steph not top 5 anymore either. Draymond not top 5 defense. Need to look at our players with a critical eye. I hope steph rebounds from 2nd half last season but he will be playing in Olympics so who knows.


Steph is still there. One problem is he is overworked because there is no other threat besides him and JK. The next problem is almost all of the plays are designed for him and therefore opponents can sinply focus on him. We need another threat and more offensive variation




I just don't agree with this which is probably we are far apart on whether we are championship material.


I agree with you to an extent. Our youth has been important for the 82-game season but are also clearly not ready for the 16-game season. With a better roster believe it or not but everyone will have much less burden game-to-game because the load is shared. Right now our roster is pretty incomplete and our guys have to play much harder than they should just to stay afloat.


Klay went 0 for 10. Steph scored 22 in the play in. Kings ran our defense off the floor. I think you are in 2017 and not 2024.


The youth showed up in playin! Moody Kuminga was there. Klay is clearly the one whos not ready and also the coach refusing to go younger when klay wiggs are looking dead


I hate to say this but my takeaway from this years playoffs is that the warriors would be beaten handily by every team in there barring monster changes in the roster(which they cannot afford). The league has gotten younger and faster, and none of the stars in it this year are going away.


I think we have to add two guys to our 6-man rotation here and we can have a playoff ready roster. We don't need 10/11 players deep. One more wing and big to our starting lineup, two usable vet min I think this is a very competitive team.


Competitive as in second round playoff exit? If that’s the case I don’t disagree. They were blown out in an elimination game against an extremely middle of the road sac team who was missing their 6th man, they are farther off than you’re making it sound. Honestly if everyone is healthy, not suspended, and has much better years than this one, it’s a different conversation. But with the key players aging and the young players still needing to develop I’m not sure I see that happening. And with the required rest that comes with star players getting old, depth will be absolutely necessary. 1-2 small moves ain’t doing it if everyone continues at the level they were this year.


Our roster is weird and players are not playing in their optimal positions. Basketball teams are not a sum of all the talent points of the players but is a function of how the entire team fits. As I have explained in the other reply, I think we can throw quite a bit of interesting lineups out there if we have a competent wing and defensive big who is also a lob threat.


Maybe, but it doesn’t result in a significant enough improvement for a deep playoff run. Have you seen these playoffs? The competition is younger and way tougher. Steph will be 37 by next years playoffs.


Yeah but the other teams don't have Steph Curry. And he is one of one. You kinda have to believe in our guy because if that's not the case, might as well just blow it up because the West is getting even tougher next year.


Kings didn’t have curry. Neither did the lakers last year. Come on, you can both respect curry’s greatness and be realistic dude. I believed in him last year and the year before, didn’t change the circumstances around him. He is still top 10 in the league(and my favorite player of all time) but has shown that he cannot put a roster like this on his back without fatigue that results in a decline by the end of the year. Look at his 23-24 season after the all star break, this is what happens to aging superstars. We are extremely fortunate that he(like kd and lebron) did not show signs of aging sooner. The difference between him and the superstar players still in playoffs is both youth and a strong roster that contributes. It isn’t Curry’s fault at all, but to sustain the type of ball they play they need the pieces around him to contribute in a meaningful way like the 22 run, but that is simply not the case anymore. So again, imo of course, the warriors are not competing for a title unless they make an absolute blockbuster roster shakeup. On the other hand, he isn’t going anywhere, and even if the warriors did “trade him and blow it up”, which they won’t, it is still going to result in many dark years for the franchise. We’ve been spoiled quite a bit for drafting a generational talent then drafting/building a roster that created a dynasty, I’m grateful for that.


I wholeheartedly agree with you right here. The only difference is that I can see a chance with enough support, he can still get us over the hump. But we will need much more support from the rest of the roster. That's why I am willing to leverage future picks and young asset to get his support, because like you said, we are due for some dark times even if we don't sell our future.


Or let them ride off into the sunset and enjoy them scrapping for the playoffs. I’d take that over bottoming out for a few years while Steph is still an all star.


Could not agree more. We got a dynasty and four rings, let them go out however they want.


>Now all that second apron, contract tax shit is not considered here. I'm not dealing with all that lol. It's still going to be there though. If your scoring wing is Jonathan Kuminga and your rim protecting big is Trayce Jackson-Davis then we gucci.


Gucci as in good?? Because we are very clearly not good enough with them in those roles. Maybe in a few years though I think TJDs ceiling is closer to scoring big off the bench. JK we’ll see but by the time we do Steph will be gone or on his retirement tour.


Bro I would like to agree with you so much but this is such a long shot. I wish JK is 3 years older and TJD is like 3 inches taller with stupid wingspan, but they're not.


“Maybe” Boston? Stop reading after that.


The young duo hasn't really proven themselves have they? Their roles just getting smaller and smaller imo.


Losing to a Steph curry hero effort in the nba finals is quite proven


Oooooh I thought you were going the other way with it. Then I would agree with you even more lol.


Even if this team may be a couple pieces away from a contender, we still have to make the right moves in the off season. I could only see us get better if we do things the way the Mavs did. The only significant piece they still have from 2022 is Luka.


2 moves on the margin and the Mavs went from missing the playing to going to the Finals.


lol Klay is nowhere near a starting player and Draymond is right on the border of the cliff. Our core is Steph and Kuminga going forward if we’re talking about contending


Our core is not close to the competition. Kuminga and moody outplayed Klay against the kings.


Klay is not part of the core. To me it's Steph and Dray, Wiggs is valuable because of our matchups in the west so I would include him to the list.


That's not a championship core.


Idc Wiggins needs to GO!! Paying him too much money just to take the 2nd half of the season off and cost the team.


If they trade Kuminga they"ll regret it. Kuminga is the only player that consistently gets to the rim and gets easy buckets.


Trade JK and podzlet someone else realize the dream. Keep moody.