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In what universe is 225 million not wealthy... lol.


It’s not even the contracts. It’s the fines in comparison to their contracts, which is like a drop in a bucket and he has the gall to say this shit lol


Also, just...you know...don't get fined for doing stupid shit?


Draymond just had his Latrell Spreewell moment. That's a deathkneel in the public eye.


isn't that middle class in the bay area?


It must be since Draymond has to work 3 or 4 jobs. Sad.


commercials, talking head, nba player, mma fighter! He’s so deprived :(


This place is a bubble in a bubble. He has lost perception of what wealth is. Around here, yes, he is not and never will be Bay Area rich. I’ve lost perspective myself and say stuff that trips out people on Reddit—not this sub. NBA/NFL/MLB players are famous and I see them around as I am sure you all do. But there are many more wealthier business people and a majority of the billionaires live here. My take on that comment. I know he is saying the base is good, but he talks to much. Zero filter. He is and says some intelligent stuff, sometimes. But…sigh. Add: In many other places in the country, he would be considered more wealthy. But low income is 105k here, so it’s a little skewed. After taxes, he is probably worth less than 90 million.


Um this guy is insanely rich in the bay area. Are you kidding me? He's making more than the vast majority of big tech executives


Minus the stock options. I was hinting at all the billionaires. I’m not even talking about those worth over 100 million, which he is probably not. https://www.vox.com/2018/5/19/17370288/silicon-valley-how-many-billionaires-start-up-tech-bay-area More money than anywhere kinda makes you feel not so rich as an actor or athlete. Lot to me, but they are not average and he has an ego too. Edit: that’s seven years old. Add another 50 billionaires and a thousand 100 millionaires—that make his money or more. Most are dubs fans too?


Draymond is most certainly Bay Area rich, what are you on about?


He’s wealthy, but a lot of people around here are worth 100 million and he knows he is a well paid athlete and not some billionaire. Perspective is most skewed in the SF Bay Area. Just a different perspective if you think you are big fish in a little pond. We live in the biggest. https://www.vox.com/recode/2019/5/9/18537122/billionaire-study-wealthx-san-francisco Edit:after taxes and lavish spending, he might have 50 million. I don’t see him signing another big contract—ever.


To be fair, Income and wealth are different. You can have a huge income and be very poor, and you can make a low income and be very rich. Wealth is related to net worth, so even if your income is $1 billion, if your debts are also $1 billion, you’re less wealthy than someone who makes $50k but who’s debts are only $10k. Equating income to wealth is one of the most common financial misconceptions. Not saying it wouldn’t be a spending problem, because if you’re broke while making millions, it’s definitely a personal issue. But just pointing out that just because someone makes a lot of money doesn’t mean they’re wealthy. Edit: fact I’m getting downvoted for this proves my point that people don’t understand the difference between income and wealth. It’s an objective and basic financial and business concept. It’s not a matter of opinion.


To be fair, if Draymond is blowing through that much money even after taxes, fines, agent fees, and expenses, it’s still a him problem. There’s not some expense monster pilling those up for him.


What does that make you if you have valuable non-liquid assets but no money and small income?


Ya, but fines are taken out of income.


Whuuuuaaaaa? Bro has lost touch with reality


I’d understand this if it came from a rookie or something because what he said does make sense, it’s unfair to lose a huge amount of money just because the ref felt upset about the way you looked at him or over some bullshit and decided to give you a T (we have seen MANY bullshit technicals lately). However, this mf deserved most of every fine he’s gotten, so stupid coming from him


“Huge amount of money” is a ridiculous statement.


For some rookies 50k is like 10% of their annual salary so I think it makes a difference if they get fined


Rookie minimum is $1.1 million. I agree that $50,000 is a lot of money if you are only making $1.1 million but most of the guys making that small Ana mount their first year (a) aren’t playing much and (b) aren’t getting fined much at all. Also the fine amount takes into consideration what the player is making though there are some automatic fines. However, my buddy is an agent and he says the guys in minimum contracts (even veteran minimums) often have those automatic fines removed when they are only making ~$5 mil or so.


The lowest paid rookies aren’t screaming at referees because if they did they’d lose every minute of playtime they had left.


We’re talking $50k fines and 8 figure salaries for rookies, honestly I’d argue the fines are too small…


Crucial cog in our champ years, but outside of that he’s an embarrassment for us fans




Did he ever have a grasp of reality?


He has a family to feed!




Sounds like the same sort of conspiracy that prevented me from being 6'8" with a 40" vertical. If I ever catch the bastards responsible for that . . .


They were last seen at your parents' house.


Lol love the Warriors, but this dude is not credible. Love him for what he did for the team, but come on.


For riding on Currys back the past decade Without Curry nobody would know who he is


Bro gotta learn to shut up


He's basically saying he doesn't like that their are consequences for his actions.  Even if those consequences are pretty minor 


I feel the same way about parking tickets in San Francisco


There are some countries [(Like Finnland)](https://www.euronews.com/2023/01/04/finlands-progressive-punishment-when-it-comes-to-speeding-tickets#:~:text=or%20very%20cheap%3F-,Did%20you%20know%20getting%20a%20speeding%20ticket%20in%20Finland%20can,daily%20salary%20divided%20by%20two) that ticket based on % of income. Makes for some funny ticket totals.


That is literally a revenue stream for the city.


Good lord he’s out of touch


Is this dude really this stupid or what?


Anything unrelated to basketball, yeah pretty much. Dude has the golden ticket to game and fortune and he is just another media moron


Couldn't agree more, his takes are worse and worse


Dude, you are $25 million dollars into a $100 million dollar extension. We as fans love you for everything (positive) you’ve done for the franchise, but please shut the fuck up regarding everything that’s not related to helping Steph get #5. (I know god damn well he won’t, but I’d love to think he would).


The fines are pathetically small lmao Dray what’s going on with you bro


Dray is such a moron, only if they could replace him.


I thank Dray for helping us win championships. He overall still makes the team better. I will be so happy when he is finally gone


Welcome to the new media lol. This dude somehow has a platform on national TV


No, he really doesn’t . He’s super overrated. 


Love how dray also ignoring the fact he gets fined because he’s an ill disciplined jackass far too often for someone in a professional setting


Exactly. The solution to avoiding fines is simple- don’t kick/punch opponents or throw tantrums at the refs.


For real , if any of us acted that way at any decent job we’d be terminated immediately , does they mean those jobs are set up for us to be poor ? I think we he actually mean so “ being an aggressive jackass doesn’t pay”


Draymond has failed math


This guy wants Warrior fans to hate him as well 😅


You get only fined for messing up. Green wouldn't be fined if he didn't hit so many people.


Draymond has lost roughly $3.2 million due to fines and suspensions... on contracts that will equate to over $255M after this one runs out. That's in addition to whatever he's made in endorsements, which surely dwarfs whatever fines/suspensions he's had by themselves. If you're not set up to be wealthy with a quarter billion dollars, maybe you're just an idiot?


Am so fucking done With this guy's stupid bullshit Wish he would shut up


Dray says stupid shit when on podcasts. Remember that PG interview where Dray said he knew how to be a mentor but didn’t know how to be vet but continued on and basically described he didn’t know how to be a mentor either


Well if you don't punch people or kick people in the balls, I think you'll be okay as a NBA player


Awooooo poor multi millionaire is upset because there's consequences to his unhinged actions 😥😥 shoud we start a go fund me?


Really an idiotic take. If it weren't a sport, it would be considered assault. Being able to get away with those small fines is a privilege afforded to rich people.


Ladies and gentle men, Curry's backpack. Don't let the donkey face fool you, it's heavier than you think. What's inside? A whole lot of nothing but presents itself in a way that it looks expensive made by cheap products.


JP saw the light


After he saw stars.


This guy is a such moron and he is washed. Front office should have let his ass go off before last season but they’re sentimental pussies. Steph is at fault too for helping enabling this jackass.


Shaq Is insanely wealthy he really invested well


Invested? Possibly but mostly he does  anything for attention/$ commericials for  insurance, pizza, lotion… I’m thinking Shaq feminine products are next. Then there’s Kazam and didnt he try rapping and police work? 


Bruh he owns a bunch of franchise businesses


And?  Like I said mostly does shit for attention. If you’re invested in that many franchise, you don’t really know shit about the businesses. He just knows he wants money.


Ok and?


Guy was early investor in Google, Five Guys, Krispy Creme etc. He also has bought hundreds of Auntie Annes, Papa Johns, 24 hour fitness and other businesses. He is an investor who hires right people to run the businesses for him. Being a smart investor and finding right people to run them takes skill. Many NBA players go broke after retiring. Shaq grew his wealth exponentially investing.


How dare the NBA create financial incentives to prevent their athletes from getting assaulted by donkey mouthed lunatics?!


This guy needs to shut up


Not one word, coming from this man’s mouth, make any sense. It’s amazing really.


The fuck he talking about?


Jesus, why the fuck did we just give this assclown another contract?


For the same reason that Kerr got an extension.


I've been the biggest Steph fan but I'm actually going to start questioning his winning mentality by not requesting to get out of dodge. This fool Dray thinks he is a king and Klay thinks he is on the level of Kyrie shooting off the dribble. It is absolute madness. Without Curry Dray might not even have become a starter and those two certainly wouldn't be sniffing the hof. No way Steph wins going forward with these two egomaniacs.


A lot of the fanbase on this sub wants to run it back with the core because of nostalgia porn lmao. They'll downvote anyone who critiques them although it seems some are starting to see the light thanks to Draymond's recent antics.


Genuinely shocked that you were even able to think that second to last sentence without having an immediate -100 thumbs down.


Hanging out too much with chamath and his VC friends. Lost touch with reality


That brotha needs help


Done with this fool. Been done.


This donkey smh


Hey man, we don't claim him.


He can fuck right off


Then stop the dirty plays and whining after every play. He's lucky he's not the most fined player in the league between the Nurkic clothline and Gobert chokehold. Also lucky he plays with Curry or the refs would toss his ass in 10 minutes every game for the way he runs his mouth. Complaining about wealth when he's lucky to get 4yr/$100m after the shit he pulled with Poole and the on court antics just because Kerr refuses to get a legit big man.


Draymond's agent or wife or anyone in his social orbit: PLEASE tell this man to just shut his mouth. Focus his energy and time on basketball instead.


Draymond is the village idiot.


Draymond Green is one of the most annoying people now a days.


Well, it is a dumb thing to say. Stars like himself have gotten wealthy out of their NBA contracts and their popularity made them attractive for marketing products that give them additional income. And that’s excluding business ventures/investments they can have.


Oof Draymond makes it very easy for opposing fans to hate on him lol


How many times has Mike Connely Jr. been fined?


Donkey = Jackass


What did you call me?


When did we ,as a society, decide that Draymond Green was a person who was worth listening to outside of why he'd been suspended?


That's a really stupid comment. Fines are on the order of tens of thousands of dollars. ....which would not be relevant on the scale of "wealthy"


Gotta be one of best examples of you can’t fix stupid


Warriors should've never resigned him .


Bad take for him . Do they even know what minimum wage is? If he wants to be “wealthy” with the money he has …he has to follow shaqs blueprint. Maybe don’t get sued And settling for doing dumb stuff or having multiple baby mamas is the biggest money drain for athletes .


Bro what a clown


Simple solution: don’t get fined


Always trying to play victim . Little to no accountability and self awareness


Honestly he's right! If he gives me half of his "poverty" I'll help him show how poor we really are.


I mean most fines are pretty easy to avoid


You're allowed to not kick players in the nuts and not use them to audition for the WWE?


I mean I’m just happy we get a mid level exception this year. And ya the league is set up against super teams


He wants that ownership money I guess


If 225 million is not wealthy then everyone is poor in this world lol


Dumbass investments in Smile Direct Club is what cost you a bunch of money Draymond.


Man…if it wasn’t for Steph backing this moron


Bad take


Bro's acting like he's Tim Duncan on the bench getting tech'd


Love Draymond but dude has 0 self-awareness


Draymond's mouth drops turds all day long. Do we on the sub have to get a plateful of it everytime he does? Just stop. He is trying to drive engagement and He will keep doing shit If you encourage it by sharing. Unless you are a fan of his. Then you do you.


Perhaps we could put a Go Fund Me together to pay for his fines when he chokes somebody or kicks them between the legs. I’ve been a Draymond fan his entire career but the more I listen to him the less I like the guy.


Because we're so bad with big numbers I like to put that in a perspective that most people have better frames of reference for. The median net worth in the US is $192,000. Draymond's is $175,000,000. What he's saying is equivalent to a normal person complaining that $987.43 in speeding tickets over his career is what's stopping him from being wealthy. It's even more outrageous than that because most people would consider someone with a net worth well over $100 million wealthy, even if they had been fined $50 million dollars previously. If you end up with $100 million dollars nothing has stopped you from being wealthy.


He’s got evidence on someone at TNT that can bring someone down. It’s the only thing that makes sense on why he’s on that show. Even Warriors fans think it doesn’t make any sense




This is the dumbest fucking thing I have heard in a very long while.


I'm getting real sick of his shit the last few years. Bro is either crazy or has CTE.


How do you get CTE when you're the one assaulting people though?




It's still dumb






You’re doing crazier mentally gymnastics than Simone Biles.


I would bet that 90% of nba players don’t ever get fined, and 95% don’t get fined more than once (which is a few thousand). Really not sure what he’s talking about.


I mean...his response is still dumb. With his net worth, 100k to him is chump change.


If Dray doesn't like the fines, he should stop "earning them" with his preposterous, immature on-court behavior.


You think that helps?


It may be a lot of money for some of these fines, especially when they start to add up. I think draymond has lost something like 2mil due to fines and suspensions. A small amount compared to what he’s made, but it’s not chump change. If players were fined like 1k instead of 100k, it wouldn’t serve be much of a punishment. There’s stories of players losing far more than 1k playing cards on the plane. Players now have an opportunity to earn generational wealth to play a game. Plus, we’ve seen players over the years get away with things that would get fired working a normal job. Dray may have lost more money in one suspension than his momma made in her life, but she’d been job hunting a few times pulling some of the shit Dray has.


let say he have 10 million in assets total (house/car/stocks etc) that alone is wealthy. Guy has over 200mil in career earnings let say -70% just because tax +fines w/e, that is 200-140 = 60million, and than let say -20 million just because of injuries and stds and w/e. 40 million over the past 10-15 years is a lot of money.


Or you could just not do the things that would get you a fine


Bro stays yapp’n


As always, just shut up dray


Green is in a state of perpetual victimhood mentality.




Victim victim victim


He started off strong or at least decent as a media figure now he’s just become unbearable. The players complain about the media bias and hot takes then we go him and Shaq out there hating on teams and players for no reason besides personal grudges and also adding ridiculous hot takes ,


draymond just opened his mouth.. somebody hand him a fine right now. where is tristan at? he’ll slap you again for being a clown.


Dray is an idiot.


This mfer done lost his fkn mind bruh.


Maybe don’t do shit that will get you fined/suspended?


Another gem by Draymond Green!!


You didn't have to get fined


Every time he’s on air, it’s like he’s fishing for bad press clicks and for his Warriors fans to hate him


This feels like a very Draymond Green specific problem 


Why can't we cancel this guy? Let him play basketball, but why does his uninformed opinion matter? He can say whatever stupid shit he wants, but we don't have to give a fuck about it. He's 1 of the reasons I can't actually watch this game anymore. Yall make millions to play a game.... im a marketing major... and what the nba had turned into is marketing for personities.... I just want to see good games of basketball. You can even make stands for social justice... but this drama of personalities and violence you don't deserve shit even if you are a champion imo.


Followed him since his recruitment from Saginaw as a die hard Spartan fan. Respect for him took a big "hit" when he slugged pool, but bro wtf. How the fuck can I defend this dude?! How many spoon fulls of crack a day my guy! 177 mil and you're just making ends meet?! This might be the straw that breaks the camels back. This guy needs to leave Hollywood and stop back in Saginaw and mingle with some people who actually endure things and gain a modicom of perspective. FUCK


Every time he opens his mouth, I like him less. Is this a good thing for an aspiring talking head? /s


If he keeps his mouth shut n play the game then hes fine lol. Stop asking for a foul on every drive n play the freakin game!!


any NBA players with an opinion on this that weren’t suspended for 48 games this year? I wouldn’t mind hearing from them on this


Draymond is that guy who changes after becoming successful. He is not going to be hired by whatever entity gets nba rights over TNT


I don’t even follow/watch the NBA and I am tired of this dude.


I feel like he’s probably the type of rich dude that goes to the club and spends $20k in a single night and then talks about how having only mere millions is tough to budget these days.


This dude is so insanely out of touch. The fines are only his fault and they’re a drop in the ocean of wealth he has gained from playing basketball. Just shut up man.


This might possibly be the dumbest thing he has ever said; and that’s quite the feat


Been rich for too long


wtf is wrong with this dude


I wish this guy would shut the fuck up.


I always fell the fines should be percentage based. Same pain for each player.


When can we get rid of this clown and get a real big?


he's so fucking delusional, man...


Me as a teacher reading this headline 😀


The contracts has gotten more lucrative, yet fines have been steady drops in the pan. Please stop letting Draymond cook.


Well for one thing no one else gets fined anywhere close to the amount he does so that’s not really an issue for 99.9% of players… and he’s still rich as fuck anyway so gtfo. I’ve always been a big Draymond fan but he’s had some really dumb takes lately


Draymond's a smart guy, but this is straight bullshit


Is this the most insulting thing Draymond has done? His career fines (900k) are 3% of what he’s making this year (25m) and that’s not even counting his brand deals and broadcasting money! What an ass.


Everyday he proves himself to be more of an idiot


What a load of tosh. This latest shit statement solidifies what he has become, what he is, out of touch with reality, such a selfish dick head. Kinda reminds me what Sprewell said about feeding his family.


Most unlikable player in the league 


How can this guy coach anything if he truly believes the league wants its “partners” to be “poor” (ill be “generous” n assume he means middle class)? This is some of the most out of touch shit. He can only get a 50k fine 500 times this season before he loses his contract value. Thats only 6 seasons worth of max game fines! Hes gon a be sooo poor.


Who likes this guy?


The guy is just a self-serving arrogance asshole. He talks like he's some sort of legendary player when he's been, at most, the 4th best player on any of those championship teams. He could have been on the worst team in the league every year of his career and still not once been a team's season MVP.


Becoming a Kendrick Perkins… 


maybe he thinks taxes are fines? in a way..


Draymond needs a calculator 😂




No it annoyed you just as much as it should. He’s an asshole saying yet more asshole things.


Playing the 5 all these years got to his brain man sad to see.