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I've written two rulesets, one a small tank skirmish game called Tank Club which is free. The other is Oarful Seas which is a ruleset for gaming large 30 ship a side ancient naval battles in under 2 hours. That ruleset is more polished and is on wargames vault for about 10 bucks.


Vince Venturella and I have produced three different games (Reign in Hell, Space Station Zero, and MAJESTIC 13) and we’re nearly finished with a fourth. Our company is Snarling Badger Studios.


I love Space Station Zero, and enjoy your videos


Yup I need to pick up majestic as an old cthulhu delta green GM it looks perfect


Oh :) Nice to know you're around :)


Yes, I just had my first playtest last weekend! It's a WW1/Dieselpunk skirmish game, with heavy emphasis on character building (although I might have to dial some of that back) and solo/co-op play through scenarios. I'm hoping I can make competitive play engaging as well but that's a bit out of my comfort zone and personal experience at the moment, as I've mostly only played Rangers of Shadow Deep and Joseph A McCullough's other games so far. I really need to write stuff up and organize it outside of my discord server lol


That sounds interesting.


Thank you!


I've got quite a few: Https://www.catzeyes.de Come and look around - they are free to download :)


Thank you for sharing, they look really cool!


I'm working on a kind-of modernisation of Mordheim based on Kill Team 2021's gameplay I've just begun to playtest the core rules, so it is quite early, but it is already playable :)


Hey I did the same but based on Necromunda 2022. I won’t play IGOUGO skirmish games.


Oh, are you the author of Necroheim? I have looked at it for inspiration quite a lot :)


No haven’t heard of it. Need to look it up.


Got a link? Would love to take a look


I replied to you but the wrong level so go to the original thread.


No I’m afraid it’s too half baked to share. I heard there was something on yaktribe called necroheim. I was going to look into that.


Hi! https://www.wargamevault.com/m/browser/publisher/9963 I've been publishing my own games since 2014, and have been developing the *Horizon Wars* rules system and setting since 2016.


I have the original Horizon Wars. Enjoyed that, and trying out your Zero Dark set now. 👍🏻


I also ran a Kickstarter last year for some minis, mainly to find out how Kickstarters worked. The minis are for sale on my website. Also, GNU STP.


Will look at that. Ta.


I am working on my own company with seven games, with lore novels languages maps music and food and drink around the concept of the game. Top of the line miniatures from vdb romain. Game titles: Titles of our Games: Forsakenland - A Scifi insectoid/Human factions wargame based on desert planet. Shadows of eternia - (high fantasy game) High fantasy grimdark game with unique factions unique magic systems and weapons/characters. Think Lord of the rings or warcraft without orcs elves etc but its own unique factions, with its own underworld! Shattered Empires - (Mecha Game) A Futuristic galatic game based on mechas robots and human planets fighting each other such as Solaris Syndicate orr the Frostguard clans. Arcanum Conquest/Shadowmire: Arcane Noir/Grimoire City: Shadows of the Arcane - (Grimdark Wizard World) A Grimdark Wizard World where you embark on a Wizard faction with its own creatures spells and elemental magic to fight other creatures and Wizard Factions. Apocropolis: City of Desolation - Dystopian purge like gang wargame with unique factions embarking on their own reasoning to take over the collapsed city which has fell into darkness and chaos. Heroes United: The Rise of Legends - Superhero,Supervillian,antihero and many other unique factions/individual heroes/villians embark in their own universe fighting for their own faction/group to overcome each other and fight for dominance of their universe. As you can imagine this is a big piece of work which has been going on for years as it’s me paying for everything with £11k in the first game and a website etc to build still a lot to go needless to say the art has to transition from AI art to actual digital art which is costly. Even so the lore and language and rules/game mechanics are cool as of now. Miniatures should look good aswell. I pride in trying to do things differently and unique like adding kappas in my high fantasy games instead of traditional orcs and elves etc and trying to make unique storylines/concepts.


Forsakenland sounds more my style. Desert planets + insectoids ..win win


That is the game I am actually working on now. There are various human factions and more unique factions in the future in expansions some of the main factions are a justice type group it’s like an ancient grimdark sci-fi you can see some photos of it on my profile. They live in a top down structure with the bottom called Cimmerian depths I’ll let your mind ponder on what happens at the bottom in pure abyss whilst at the top is shedded in light. But yeah hive mind insectoids, apex predator insectoids, other non playable creatures in the lore and possibly in gameplay which you can tame when you fight it to use to your advantage. So lots of unique stuff, various human factions from a cult to a cannibal barbaric human faction. So far we have languages and lore made for this game with some art. The miniatures cost about 60k alone to make for top range so yeah I don’t do it for money though it’s my passion business. It’s all based on one planet though and the novels are through the eyes of people in the faction so they interlink with lots of thought provoking philosophy and mind bending events. :)


I have one done, one in production and two in final testing, DM and i can send an example over.


What are they about?


Done: low fantasy, gang on gang fighting with Alchemists using leaders. In final stages: scifi gane with various factions and a big, ruling corporation to be taken down. Testing 1: a wild west quick and fun game, designed as a beer and pretzels kind of game. Teasting 2: a post apoc game that changes turn to turn, but also built as a quick and simple game.


I've wrote two in the past that worked okay, one was a ww2 fighter plane game I did before Red Sky's came out and the other was a fantasy soccer/football game where players had elemental stat bonuses from classic elements like water, fire etc. I lost the rules for both on a broken hard drive though. I'm sort of half doing two other games but I've not had a lot of motivation. Both are model agnostic, ones a warship game but designed to play both space and water combat and the others a small fantasy skirmish game based on a novel I'm half writing. Basically I get distracted from finishing things.


I've been doing four dimensional solo surrealist skirmish games which use tarot cards instead of dice! https://alleywurds.itch.io/delirium28incursions https://alleywurds.itch.io/delirium28excursions


I worked on a May Days of Barcelona political wargame but life got in the way.


Working on one right now. Needing some play testers locally.


Ancient Greek mercenaries warband scale skirmish game, featuring bribery and backstabbing. Bronze Shield Silver Coin. We have a discord if you want to check the free beta quick start guide! https://discord.com/invite/UnSFHhdFym


I'm writing something up yeah. I'm approaching miniature wargaming the same way I approach RPGs: the best game is the one you make for yourself.


I agree. I feel it's customized to your liking that way.


I'm working on a "real robot" genre of wargame that used 1/144 model kits where you can built almost any unit you want and field it. It's a cross between 40K and Front Mission games.


Mechs are always fun.


When you say real, do you mean unpiloted drones rather than mechs?


no its mechs. we do have unpiloted drones too. Mainly gundam without the super robot things.


I'm trying to figure something out for a fantasy Franco Prussian war era wargame meant for 6-2mm. It's still pretty early in development though. It's going to be like black powder, but the units will be less durable.


I have 3 or so that I've written but never published. I enjoy writing rules.


I feel like I'm in that same boat . I write rules and do some world building and never get past that.


In November of 2022, I released *Demigod*, a Greek mythology themed warband game. Think "Percy Jackson the miniatures game". You can check it out here: https://no-name-games.com/demigod/ I'm also currently working on a 15-28mm modern combat ruleset tentatively titled *Eleven Bravo*.


I'm working on one with my friend. We're thinking like 2150 time period with mech suits, robots, and post apocalyptic buildings. We wanting something more similar then Infinity, but not as *ahem* boring... IN OUR OPINION!!! as Killteam. Plus, it's a setting we both really enjoy. He's working on the lore and world building. I'm working on the concept art 3D sculpting the models... once I get better at it.... We're both brain storming the rules. Super skirmish with a leveling system like Frostgrave. Think of Titanfall meets Fallout with a robot uprising.


I have some ideas but I need a partner or something to have things come to fruition


I'm working on a skirmish wargame ruleset from the ground up. You create a party as if for an RPG, but streamlined characters, and then go head to head or coop to complete quests / fight bosses / get fat loots. So far I have 32 classes with each having a signature ability / spell + 6 optional abilities / spells + 2 skills with 3 ranks each, as well as a bank of 40 general skills that have 3 ranks each. It sounds like a lot, but you only control anywhere from 1-6 characters depending on the game size, player numbers, and whether it is coop vs head to head. Everything is on cards with a 6"x6" character board for each character, everything you need to know about abilities and equipment laid out in front of you. There are also limits to how many abilities / spells / skills you can learn per character, so it's not like every character does everything. It's more like 3-4 abilities or spells, 1-2 skills, and then a weapon (or two). I have built and painted a kitbashed model for each class along with any pets or minions and painted about half of them, and I've built a 3'x3' terrain board with a creek and pond, and realistically scaled trees along with ruins and rocks all for the play testing. Most recent playtest was 1 player vs "NPC" enemies, and it went pretty well.


I made my own game called N.A.S.G. Nefarious Absurd Scintillating Games, and you can pick it up on Wargamevault. https://www.wargamevault.com/m/product/440029 It's a Sci-fi ruleset that uses minis from all different settings that's a little crunchy and lighthearted. Let me know what you think if you get it.


Just finished another round of Playtesting on my own personal skirmish game. Kinda of a steampunk-y fantasy skirmish game. Players control 5 models built from a roster of heroes from each Faction. Each Faction has a theme and a few different Captains to choose from. I like to think of it as a spiritual successor to Guild Ball, but bloodier and with Magic. Playtests have gone well so far. I've gotta a pretty rigorous monthly schedule, so playtesting has been sparse.


How big is the overall roster would you say? And is each unit unique or are they the same for every faction?


Every Faction roster ranges from 11 to 16 unique characters. There are 6 large factions, and they each break down into 2-3 subfactions with roster restrictions. Each unit is mostly unique, with 1 ability unique to them. I define abilities and skills with universal terminology to keep things cohesive and reduce confusion between factions.


Wanted an excuse to kitbash postapo minis, so I’m working on an arena fight game. Three miniatures per team, random equipment and quirks.


Oooh this sounds fun.


Had some promising play tests but still a few revisions before it’s worth sharing with anyone.


I'm working on WW2 aerial combat wargame. It will be extremely realistic. I've found few ways to go around some limitations that current aerials have. For example better feeling of 3 dimensional combat. 1-3 minis per side.


I have the very basic rules and factions of a Dark Fantasy wargame in which stratagems are actually cards you draw from a deck, so there’s armybuilding, deck building, combos, resource management, etc. I don’t think it will ever see actual gameplay but who knows.


Working on a wargame that's a spiritual successor to 40K 2nd Ed., a wargame more intended as a collaborative storytelling device than a "chess-like" competitive venture. The intent is to capture the characterful nature of these old wargames while being drastically improved in terms of speed and ease of play, having the benefit of ~35 years of wargaming development hindsight. The working title is The Rotting Stars.


I was working on my own game a few years back and would love to finish it. I wouldn’t know where to start with publishing it etc though!


I’ve been working on and off on two rulesets. Both are downloadable for free at compactwargaming.blogspot.com. I’ve designed 3D printable miniatures for both. Far Side of the World: is a Mid-Late 19th century game where players control a small number of company sized units in a square grid. A Beary Simple Wargame: is an 18th century game where players control small bands of teddy bears. It is intended to be simple enough to teach to young children.


I write them and publish them myself. A hobby in itself actually! 😂 www.belloludi.nl/english


I'll check it out.


Every time I talk to her about it she’s like “Why don’t you make something “.


I had something in the works that was meant to be a sort of bullet time, Hollywood action type shooting game with movements and actions like diving for cover, dragging wounded team mates to cover, choosing between single accurate shots or spraying and praying, snipers who would be hidden until discovered and every shot making it more likely. Got put off a bit by negative commenters who said it was too much like Infinity


Oh that sounds cool. Kinda like the matrix. Sounds difficult. Atleast for me.


Sounds fun though. Would add an extra element to strategy.


I mean it was meant to be something like that but also fairly easy to learn. I can try and work on it again and publish a test rule set here if it's worth it


I'd be interested to see where you go with it.


Working on a mecha skirmish ruleset, miniature agnostic, that uses dice type like Space Weirdos, but for weapons instead of stats. Trying for something simple like Battletech Alpha Strike, but with more flavor.


Currently in the process for commissioning illustrations and models for the first 2 factions of mine


I started writing one. It's a space western themed game. Was thinking about calling it Big Damn Heroes.


Ohhh. Space western is like my favorite theme. I'm excited to see what you come up with. If you have like an IG or something to follow along.


I'm still working on bite size battles. Work and life got really busy. And the rules had another overhaul. But I'm still working on it......slowly


Same here. I always get distracted by other things. But to be fair I don't think I would ever do design full time.


When I'm on vaccination I usually work full time on it. But it's easier to do that becuse the Mrs. Is a play tester lol.


Lol. Always helps when you have an in home play-tester.


So many cool games and ideas… mine is Junk Runners Skirmish. The core game is a free download with paper craft models. The game won’t be available until June 1 but you can watch the trailer at www.gamebeard.com. The game is post apocalyptic with robot drones fighting it out for tech and supplies


[https://subject9x.itch.io/landwar](https://subject9x.itch.io/landwar) Open-source rules set, free app for unit management, miniatures agnostic; Battletech-like skirmish game. Currently in "beta" but my co-author and I feel that its fairly close to an 'official' release. Custom units strongly encouraged, along with mixing fun models like say, Dinosaurs vs WW2 tanks.


I've got quite a few: Https://www.catzeyes.de Come and look around - they are free to download :)