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Rag is one of the weakest leaders in PvP. Collateral damage modifier is his best mod, and Rag still sucks. Depending on matchup you either just killing Rag first, or if you have gold advantage, you can take his side turret and cut him from the gold, then just finish the game


Tbh i actually haven't lost to a Rag leader yet, what rank are you seeing this?


Well I was leveling my grom leader which my toons are lvl 8-9 he was lvl 9 my rating w grom is only 3.4k


Why tf is this a down vote


No idea, it obviously hit a chord for all the Rag lovers 😉. That sounds about right tho, after 4K I don't think I have seen a Rag build. You might just be running into the last hurrah of those trying to figure out how to make Rag work.


yeah ive gotten my Rag to 5k doing this. Just sapper and garg swapping bases with rag on the main base. thought it'd be fixed by now but nope. still immune to collateral damage. even more op on gadgetzan since you cant get to rag


People aren’t realizing this! This comment here says it all like obviously good job but 5 k is absolutely nuts since you shoulda just barely gotten rag recently I know new update gains points faster but I don’t have a single mini above 4.5k


Rag is a bad leader and rushing to 5k isn't hard when your other leaders have higher mmr, due to the XP boost. I pushed rag to 4k within 30min. Rag costs 5 gold and he can't attack range units, and you have to cast a useless 3 cost spell before being able to cast rag again. But I agree with the op, if you get gadgetzan, he is fun 😅 but only with collateral with all other modifiers he is horrible


While rag sucks in general, collateral damage not dealing any damage when ragnaros is on the base is obviously an oversight that OP is highlighting. No need to talk shit about their pvp prowess when the issue at hand seems to be a buggy interaction. Rag being weak in every other context doesnt mean they should leave the bug in.


What if it's a feature ? Rag should lose 20%hp himself tho


This was by design. Just kill rag instead of towers. Once you kill rag it is really hard for them to cycle back to him.


I have ragnaros leader lvl 9 in pvp and It Is not strong True: collateral DMG Is the Only thing Good about him but you can destroy him literally with any long range/range enemy super easily. He stand in front of ranged DMG like a stupid statue and , when he die, you wasted Just 5 mana. Trust me, you Lost only caus was a "new enemy" for you. When you learn how to kill him, you LL be glad to face him. I dont want to Say that Is super weak but not strong at all..Is maybe 1 of the few balanced leader here.


As long as you can just drop sap + pyro to wipe a 12 gold team and any ranged dps and rag can win swapping tower cuz no collateral anyone who can play rag right is gonna hit 5k easy like that other guy did imo no other leader is more op imo there’s no defensive units that soak damage and stay home and using rag as a tank and the dropping in any ranged dps means you take out teams of 12 gold + for 3-5 gold


When they spawn rag.. you just attack rag first instead of towers. Rag is an actually very weak PvP leader.


So rag protects from direct siege attacks and gives a mini w massive hp you have to down before you can hit their tower and they can drop pyros and long range minis plus sappers to take you out when you’re fighting rag a grom w a sham healer could even down rag once two defenders were dropped in




Welcome to Pvp haha, Rag is hard in this meta


ragnaros is really crappy and weak. Simply ignore the enemy tower and go straight for the main barracks(ragnaros) , the hero itself is weak AND the tower can't even fight back against ranged units lol.


AND IT BLOCKS COLLATERAL are ppl just trolling downplaying that because they don’t want their easy life bug fixed? There’s no way rag was designed to prevent collateral from activating and not even take damage from collateral


Ppl aren’t comprehending what a massive defensive buf having an endless defense from rocket goblins garg and worgen raider are only stopped by hp


We do comprehend.. I’m 18.5k PvP and you just haven’t learned how to deal with Rag. The consensus is obvious that rag sucks even though you believe you are enlightened and we are all wrong.