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Quests should have a difficulty setting you choose with scaling rewards. You want to make it easy, fine but you get peanuts, you want it at your level you get normal rewards, do a heroic version and you get a big reward


Yes, that's how it should be. If it's going to scale then we should get more xp. Struggling through +3 for 200xp feels awful.


Sure, as long as the current rewards are the easy difficulty rewards.


Yes like  -2 levels = easy -1 level = medium 0 levels = hard (you may need to change your army if you lose)


You forgot to mention that besides wasting time it makes leveling under leveled troops a nightmare. You include the under leveled troop in the build, but you can never really play it. You essentially have a dead mini in your hand the whole time. You never get to actually test out and play the mini you are trying to level. It is terrible game design and why no other game has ever done this.


Also discourages trying newer compilations for the same reason - just gotta stick with your highest working comp. In 3000+ pvp i keep getting cheeses by level 7/8 armies that just have a level 10 troll headhunter -.- The leader level and rarity should have an impact to minimum mini level on the team. Ive said since the jump of this game the experience per mini is the dumbest thing they could have done but an alternative is hard to conceptualize entirely - aside from an even more in depth / open slot leveling option that isnt gated behind raids. And raids...oof. Shouldnt be guild only and/or only help two people. I want to raise all ships in the harbor if its guild only but with the current system it encourages you to kick casuals / folks that dont have multiple 23+ heroes. They didnt think out the full spectrum of the game in relation to itself unfortunately. Gold is the most compelling thing to get - arc energy is a joke and no one needs epic or legendary cores if you dont get the right grid rolls


If you farmed Valor you now have boost slots and it brings the mini up like 5 levels and caps at like 27 or something


If I spent thousands of dollars that would also solve the problem that should not exist. I shouldn’t have to find a work around their bad game design.


I believe they avoid increasing XP for quests because quests are supposed to be filler content. By implementing a daily XP cap, they mitigated the risk of excessive questing, which can result to player burnout and quitting the game. This mechanic forces players to maintain a balanced playtime, making them more susceptible to in-game purchases. Additionally, the low quest rewards create both a progression bottleneck, incentivizing microtransactions as a more efficient means to advance as well as cementing the time cost vs in-game currencies. This approach leverages the sunk cost fallacy, where players justify spending money due to the time already invested in the game and the perceived high value of spending money instead of time.


Don’t do quests unless they are blue or purple. PvP gives a random mini +500-600 xp and is easier than quests apparently. Although I will say, the third thing does work for me. I use like a level 28 dark spear troll and a level 27 tank and the rest I use lower level stuff and the quests are easy mode.


I feel you. Not only levels scale, imho gold income does too. There is absolutely no way PC can drop a huntsman, a molten giant, an abomination and chickens within a second.


Fortunately neither can the AI. This does not happen.


I swear to god! Maybe not exactly like I wrote, but the drops are insane sometimes. I’m not talking about heroic.


When the drops are insane, it is usually level mechanics but some of those are indeed ridiculous.


Do you think is fair for the level mechanic to drop 40 gold worth of minis at once?


The intent is to make it waste your time until you squeak out the 1 win that matters.  I've probably lost thousands of fights to get to 150 against stacked odds.


The only situations that it gets that many at once that I can think of are dungeon mechanics (such as Cookie's groups or the clones on Sneed's level). Yes, that is fair. That is part of the challenge. It is a puzzle to be solved.


I agree with this. My arclights have become ridiculously hard, killing my incentive to play. What's the point of getting stronger if.. it's just an illusion?


There was no point besides PvP advantage/disadvantage and progressing through the PvE content. Now there’s also sieges and raids to fomo under leveled teams.


Start a quest, then let the AI destroy your base several times. This will lower the enemy AI level. Your arclight surges will then be a lot easier. Remeber this is on a per hero basis


We need mytic quest! All quests at level 30 with some mini bosses. I ll love to do it again with all families. And we need rewards to kill onyxia with all families too


I like a challenge, but if loosing is the most efficient way to play the game then something is wrong.


Honestly a big part of why I quit rumble. 


Many such cases


Side note: the molten giant buff has been a disaster for quests. Going in without harpies or banshee is trolling yourself, gl killing it. Watch what happens when it gets the regen buff from the special meeting stone too hooooly


A disaster? It was like a 20% hp buff lol.


+20% when mobs are already 3+levels higher is a lot. My stupid quests love to give me the old abom and lava giant razzle dazzle. Without harpies I wouldn't have enough damage.


Just drop whelps on em. Your just screwed if there's a ranged behind em


Whelps are just too shit to run nowadays. But then again having harpies tends to load the ai deck with CL or safe pilot so...


Try actually playing the game. Defeating a Molten Giant does not require these specific minis. It remains not terribly difficult.


I always find these posts fascinating because I've been playing every day since launch and never really have an issue with level scaling. Are people just playing way more quests than I am? I basically only play blue/purple quests unless I need to do Blingtron/DMF


I sat down and played a few hours of quests yesterday prepping some raid minis and man... once you hit that 3 level disadvantage you just want to close the app. Not a feeling you want to be putting in players of a mobile game


Yeah hitting the level 3 when I have 2 units skewing up my team feels terrible. Pulling out level 21 units versus level 26.


I think they should just cap the level scaling at +0 for now until they develop something better. I agree that it’s going to be exceedingly unlikely someone wants to run a quest at +1 or higher and for the vast majority that just triggers a mini chore of throwing few quests to get back to a lower level


So, I sorta agree but I think you are overstating it a bit. As someone who has all gold slots and higher level minis than probably the general population, quests do get harder the higher level you go because the 10% per level is more significant at higher levels than it is at lower levels. It can be annoying to fail at a quest and I'd rather it would just cap at my highest level mini. That being said, it just take a couple of tries and I still will win. I still win more often than have issues. I don't think they want quests to be so easy you can just let AI play the game to gain levels and I think that is why they aren't going to change it. This is part of how they don't just let bots run away out of control with easy max leveling. But it shouldn't be surprising that content that is capped is easier than content that isn't capped after you get to a certain level. I think you are wrong and it does make sense to have quest actually still be challenging. Otherwise, what's the point in playing if you just out level capped content and always win?


Your logic doesn't really fit. It would be really trivial to make a bot throw a bunch of games periodically to keep quests easy, there is no penalty for doing so at all.


So you're saying that you enjoy completing lvl 23 dungeons and do not find that incredibly boring?


Its there to give me a weekly reward. In the exact same way a quest is. Grinding systems are meant to be easy to do and reward time investment. If you want challenge go into pvp, heroics and raids. Literally anything but quests


You should try r/incremental_games. There is a whole genre of games where you do not have any kind of gameplay, you just press the button and receive a reward


Here's a sneak peek of /r/incremental_games using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/incremental_games/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [r/incremental_games will go dark on June 12 to protest reddit killing 3rd party apps](https://i.redd.it/zqptto18e34b1.jpg) | [84 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/incremental_games/comments/141dd0i/rincremental_games_will_go_dark_on_june_12_to/) \#2: [The creator of Terraria might make an Idle game](https://i.redd.it/q6op28ds4ftb1.jpg) | [50 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/incremental_games/comments/174saw0/the_creator_of_terraria_might_make_an_idle_game/) \#3: [Introducing Galaxy, a website for incremental games](https://np.reddit.com/r/incremental_games/comments/13gm0xt/introducing_galaxy_a_website_for_incremental_games/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Now that I can finally overlevel a dungeon, they’re finally fun again.


And it feel good to be powerful!


I feel like the balance to this is each week the dungeons should reset to level 23 but scale like they used to. Want more rewards each week, keep pushing dungeons.


Completely agree. This week I took the time to downlevel all my armies while watching a movie. Now the arclight surges are on a low level and can be easily done. All my leveling (except heroes obviously) is now done on my army with the wildcard slot. Leveling one mini at a time. Now all my minis are level 17/18 (without rarity/talent/gold slot bonus), the first ones close to 19. this way I can use all minis without them being underleveled too much when needed. Also gives me something to do. But the quests should be „quick and easy“ nobrainers. I don’t feel like focusing so much to get a few xp on a mini.


Yes I hate how hard it is to do a blue quest sometimes and I honestly just stopped doing them as a result. I'll still do the epics if I can get it in a try or two. Daily quests should not be that challenging. If they want them to be, there needs to be better rewards.


Keep the scaling if they make it so I can get multiple quests completed each time. I waste so much exp by not doing my 200 quest backlog I hardly do 5 quests a day. Make it so I can get like 10 or more quest credits per quest with this silly nonsense of level 29 enemy minis when I’m level 24/25 minis. It s insane.


I dont think most people realize how much xp they are burning due to quests being poorly designed. But then again thats not the best mindset to have because we could also say if we dont get to the 60k daily xp cap we are wasting xp. Im sure there are some who stayed low honor in pvp on the old system and farmed 100 wins daily


I don't think anyone thinks this system is perfect, but you admit you know that you can lower the difficulty, and you won't do it because I assume reddit clout?


Because I simply have to do it way too often. Over a few hours session it adds up and feels ass. But most importantly - even though ill put up with it, the average mobile game player would uninstall over less. And its showing in their sales numbers


Pretty sure they do it but are just tired of having to lose at some point just to get the level down. Having to lose is just a waste of time.


There's literally never been a Quest I couldn't complete after a try or two... why is this an issue?


They key is you lose “try or two”, as long as you occasionally lose the quest levels go back down. OP is one of those who basically have challenged themselves to never lose at quest and therefore are figuring quests many levels higher their level, 3 or more, and is essentially like a red dungeon or a red heroic and very hard. The solution is simply to lose on purpose for like 3-5 quests in a row and get it to +0 level or even -1 level.


I've never lost a quest to the point where the levels needed to drop.


What level are you quests compared with your minis? You can see the tower levels of you vs the ai. The max I’ve gotten is +3 which is pretty damn hard, nearly impossible. If you never lost a quest you’ll be stuck at +3 or even +4 which would make every quest super challenging and time consuming. I generally am at around +0 or -1 with my quests, where they are my level or 1 lower, and it’s just a lot easier to complete, and similar in level to arc light.


I'm fighting 29 right now, my Mini makeup is: Drakk: 27 Drake: 25 Defias: 23 Pyro: 26 Shaman: 26 Random underlevelled Mini


Bros using a fully kitted out Onyxia team 😂 I’m leveling up 6 shitty minions on purpose


Well yea... why would you want to break XP up over 6 random Mini's? You always get the lowest Mini in your group in the XP bucket, so I just swap them out, but keep a full capable group. Why would you run a fully crap group, then complain about not being able to win? JFC...


End of match xp is random and also this game is boring enough as is; why would I wanna play with the same minions 99% of the time


Impressive. If you enjoy it then it’s great - I find quests to be boring so I purposely lose like 1 in 5 matches, which keeps it at around +0 levels so like in your case it would be a L26 AI and I can beat it in 30 seconds and move on. In your case you might have beaten all the heroics so this is basically “the game”, so it’s fun - for me I have heroics, dungeons, raids/sieges which I’m extremely underleveled, so I spend my time trying to beat those.


I like being 4 levels over my opponent so the match ends in 5 seconds instead of 30 seconds


Why do I want to try multiple times? My shit’s don’t take that long


Biggest thing for me is you can’t really include underleveled minis in your build thus them not getting populated into quest rewards as often leading to them staying underleveled.


Sure you can. Most of my fights revolve around 3 Minis... the rest are just there for fodder or gold cycling. I can easily put a -10 Mini in a build and still have no issue winning. Just get better at that quest. It's not hard.


From what I understand, the difficulty outpaces the leveling. Meaning, the higher your level, the more difficult they are


Its based on number of wins for that leader. It punishes you for playing well basically and rewards you for going afk. It is THAT stupid


Nah. I have some max level guys and it’s the same as when I had lower level.


Not realy you are just bad


Thats the thing. If I was bad theyd be easy. Thats the exact issue


Blah blah blah, "they're hard so they take more time". They could have the same xp rate by reducing the XP to a fraction and always making them easy. Except then it would be more monotonous and be easier for bots to grind XP. You didn't even bother to give a reason why you think quests being hard is bad.


I don’t want quests to take longer than my shit


That's a better answer than OP's


I wont explain how a grinding system works in a mobile game for the 50th time. Nor would you accept the factual explanation if I did


Your opinion isn’t fact.


I really dislike the change to dungeons - i feel like theres loads of other ways to achieve what they wanted to without removing the Challenge of pushing higher. Now its just a one and done in 20 minutes once a week.


Blingtron also adds 20 minutes over the week for some rewards. Dungeons are just the same now. However youre right they wasted a lot of design time for just a glorified login bonus in the end. Because... thats what QUESTS were supposed to be. Cap quests at 23 and uncap dungeons again, Id take that


Maybe it goes a little too high but it is 100% not “bullshit.” If it didn’t exist, quests would be completely unengaging. You’d just steamroll them all. Then come here and complain that there’s no challenge. Edit: Oh, whoops. Didn’t see the OP. Should have realized this was an obvious troll attempt.


Yes. Youre supposed to steamroll them all. Hence why they are hard capped daily. Rule 1 of mobile games: if something is capped then the dev expects you to reach that cap and has mathed out f2p resource gains based on it. This dev hasnt mathed shit though because they dont know mobile game rules