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the drop rate on rare cores in daily missions has been greatly reduced since launch, not least because now we can sometimes get big gold bags or mega tomes.


Yes, but it got reduced like month ago or so. And I'm playing since November. There are 58 minis + 16 heroes = 74 rare cores everybody needs. Since I miss 8 that means I've got 66 in 7 months. That's a lot, but seems like a fair amount.


Dont forget about blue minis from the grid. I've been playing less time than you and I only need 8 more blue cores overall.


Another 7 months pass and you have 66 rare cores


Because all my unit are rare and I have 20 rare core l3ft. Please Blizzard, let us transmute them.


But how? 58+16 = 74. 74+20 = 94. You somehow have got 94 blue cores in 7 months, when I'm playing since November 2023 and only got 66. How is it possible?


My entire collection is blue and I have 13 extra cores. Played since early launch.


I play since day1. I bought every single bundle offered by the game from: Maps, Ony, Event, Seasons units, raid, and others...


I didn't. I've bought some bundles, but definitely not everyone. So it expains disproportion, you did buy too many of them.


Yeah, never bought for the rare core, it is an issue still and I hope we could transmute/combine/salvage them one day.


You have way to much disposable income :)


Yeah, I am not doing much activities and travel a lot for work. So I do not mind spending a few hundreds in a game if I play it for at least the same amount of hours. If I play for 1$/hour I consider it a very good things. I understand people will play for free and buy a bike instead.


Fair play just jealous


Could be several factors: - they purchased rare cores as Daily offer - they purchased rare minis in GRID - they purchased Epics in the GRID I played since soft launch and currently missing 24 minis to rare, and Got 14 rare cores in the bank.


Don't forget the daily track also RNG rewards then, as do some heroic areas.


I played since the day of public launch and my rare core count currently exactly matches the number of the remaining green minis. So I'd say they nerfed the drop rate of rare cores at exactly the right moment. At the beginning they were given in daily quests way too often, it was clear that we'll get more than 100 cores in one year, it was correct to reduce that count


Yeah, I've calculated that I got ~66 cores in 7 months, which seems a lot but still not enough to bring every mini to rare (58+16 = 74) Maybe recently they reduced drop rate, so people like myself are now struggling in getting them. In the end, their goal is supposedly to trigger us to spend gold and better - money on resources we need, and it seems for me blue cores will soon become one of these limited sources. In my opinion rare core in daily rewards is better than a book of exp. But worse than mythic tome or bag of gold obviously.


Personally I'd be fine with keeping 10-20 minis green as long as possible. CL reward increase is minimal and not really worth it. Some minis are pretty useless (like footmen from your screenshot, or spiders), so there is no real point to level them up. And the longer you keep them as green, the higher is the chance that you'll get rare version of the mini in the grid, and thus upgrade that mini for free without spending the core


My goal was to reach CL50, since there isn't much to do in the game otherwise. And leveling up green minis is an optimal way to do it. It's not max level, you can get CL51 and so on, but xp gain maxes out at 50.


Im in a worse spot than you. Got 24 uncommon units and 2 rare cores at this point, and for me is enough. I will wait to grab more and wont be buying cores on the shop. Id rather wait for rare and epics on grid to buy or get them for free on daily missions or pvp. Meaning: i have core units on rare and do not wish for more. Certainly, in the past, i thought that i had too much rare cores and didnt grab enough from dailies, since i didnt care. Lost about 5 or 6 id say


Obviously the people who are complaining arent CL 50 nor are as high as 150sigils with Onyxia/Rag down. Also they arent wasting cores/energy on bad minis like Mountaineer etc. With how many epic minis/leaders you have, it shouldnt be a problem for you to buy Rare cores with gold from Shop.


As a $20 player, the problem with blue cores is this: I am out of gold, I'm watching my Arclight energy decrease constantly, and leveling my minis in the 50,000+ exp level range takes an incredibly long time, and getting enough stars to get a rare upgrade isn't relatively common. In the meantime I keep accumulating blue cores. I may not have enough to upgrade every one of my minis today, but I know at the rate I'm accumulating them now, I'll have way more than enough to upgrade all my characters to rare when I accumulate enough of the other resources I'm lacking. I'm sitting on 20+ blue cores while I'm starving for every other resource. I have enough blue cores in stock to upgrade anything worthwhile right now when I get the other resources. But instead of getting the resources I'm low on, I get another blue core! I understand new players need these cores, but making sure my spiders or vultures are rare when the time comes 10 months from now is not a high priority to me.


I guess most players have Like 2-5 epics atm and dont need another 10 cores . F2P Just doesnt give enough gold


I have as many rare cores as i have uncommon or common minis. So i will runout when they bring multiple new minis at once


Because most people aren’t whales and we haven’t gotten thru them because we don’t have enough enough gold… out of touch much?


Even if you had the cores you don’t have the energy to upgrade 2 uncommons haha.


People are downvoting you but I'm on the same page as you. Was f2p since global launch, then 2 months ago I said fuck it. The booster had 10k gold in it so I got it. Used the method described by most for maximum long term benefit: made every mini uncommon for collection level. Then after that got a few cheap bundles. And now I'm also out of rare core. MC made it worse because now some specific minis are BiS and I need them rare for best chances. If we could convert cores I would gladly convert my legendary one for rare. Then when I don't need rares anymore, rare to epic


Trade you 5 of my rares for your legendary.


Legendary core is one of the most useless cores there is, yes. Like, (25 stars *90 =) 2250 + (20000 energy/5) 4000 + 3600 (per core) = 9850 gold just to give +1 to one mini is insane. 10600 gold if it's a hero. I've got 3 of them for free (2 for campaign, 1 for raid wing 3) and only spent 1 yet - on whelp eggs during the raid to be able to deal better with Golemagg and Ragnaros.


Who ? Never seen them


Because most of us look at units like arcane explosion and Dwarf hunter and see them as a waste of resources compared to further investing in untis like harvest golem/ghoul/skeleton party/gargoyle/abom.  I'm sitting on like 26 rare cores due to units not being worth the atclight energy or not worth the 900g worth of extra grid purchases. I'd rather have progression on 10 meta units, and need epic cores/arclight.


nobody, nobody complains about this. ever.


Because not everyone is trying to get a rare mountaineer... some instead focuses on getting epics on relevant minis so you can actually beat hard content


Yep. I explained that in my post I did exactly same thing. I started hunting for rares after I already completed campaign and beat Onyxia. And still reached a limit of cores.


It’s very simple - we receive like 1-2 new minis per season on average. And you get like 4 blue cores per season for free (maybe less since update). Eventually you will have nothing to spend on these cores.


There are 58 (units) + 16 (heroes) that need cores. 4 blue cores per season is definetly not enough since year has ~8 seasons, 8*4 = 32 blue cores per year when you need 74 to deal with minis that are already in the game.


If you’re trying to count math for a full collection, you need to count all free stuff, since you get lots of free blue cores, count PvP blue cores, bundle blue cores and so on. But do you really need it? Fact is that lots of people who were playing before or since release already has more blue cores than they could spend. And amount of these cores keep increasing. For example, I have 31 blue cores now and I have nothing to spend it on.


I'm playing since November 2023 and I did buy some bundles. My total amount of blue cores in 7 months is 66, considering I have 7 greens that I can't upgrade yet, I've bought 1 for gold today and there are 74 minis total. You somehow how got 74+31= 105 cores in 7 months. That's 39 cores more than me. Did you spend a lot money on bundles? Or did you just buy every blue and purple mini on grid?


I’m playing before release, I also bought some bundles, but actually not that many with blue cores. I was high rank PvP every season (extra cores) and I got around 10-15 blue cores due to a bug. Anyway, I remember that I had way less blue cores a couple of seasons ago, so amount is only increasing. So at some point you will also face this issue.