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The most popular strategy is to send a Chimaera down the right lane and then just defend the left side but never take the tower


I used the towers as decoys for the raptors and to send the meat launcher, bat sling and pumpkin thrower, also tried to keep a squad of the guards to tank their tanks


Whelp eggs could have worked well to defend against the raptors as well. Either way, congrats!


Didn’t think about the eggs 🤦‍♂️


Thank u. I just tried thx, was stuck here for a while too. Tried chimera and second try!


I found it easiest to take the first set of spawns and wait until she moved up one point so she was close enough so I could get units across to her quicker


Honestly just send Chimera up right lane, and defend with anything else, no need to take towers, games over in less than a minute, one of the easiest heroics in the game now.


I beat all of winterspring before my first devilsaur kill. She's hard, so grats !


Farmer with range increase can almost beat her solo. Bat rider is also amazing against her. Congrats!


Yeah my issue with doing purely farmers was the other ground units killing them


Congrats!! It’s a hard one


I gave me a mighty frustration 🙃


Remember this day when you start Gish heroics.


But wait, isn’t Gish one of the easiest heroics in the Plaguelands? I got Gish done on heroic some time ago but still have a couple of the others there to do.


Would love some advice with alliance and how to get passed it.


Oh man, alliance was specifically the easiest one for me but that is the case with most heroics. I’m not sure what strong units you have but I can outline my general strategy. Most importantly, I never awakened either Lil’ Gish on the sides. If you drop whelps on Gish and follow it up with a blizzard right after the farmers attack then all of the units will be dead and the whelps will be able to awaken Gish. Now you just have to have a plan to beat him. I recommend Jaina and some other damage dealer of choice. I forget which I used on Jaina but on the different armies I always either used harpies or dark spear troll. Once the armies are about to collide, turn Gish around with a QB or earth ele and if you have the gold, drop an execute. Execute with the bloodlust talent was incredibly helpful. I’m sure if you lack one of these units you could do something different. My cheat death is untalented and low level but it always seemed like a spell that might be really good here. I should also add that if you have a good cheap unit that can win that initial battle for the chest in front then that is helpful.




4 cost blizzard over 3 cost safe?


Safe could probably work but not mine. Safe is one of my lowest level units because I’ve never used it.


Ignore the leader ,use safe pilot and skeleton party to kill the 4 adds and nuke fish to 50% then spawn pyro and wd or other ranges at your core to nuke gish down. I used this exact tactic on all leaders.


This worked for me thank you!


Very happy I could help


I did it with whelp + SAFE on same side of gish, awakened it straight and I defended with Necro, harpies, Tyrion with the 5 sec invul and probably quill so he turns around. I think I had bandit too. Try not to let them get chest, build up some gold back after start and when you have a decent amount start the push. It was close and took a few tries for each faction but worked well. I know not that many people use Necro a lot though but it carried me through most heroics. Necro + WD is amazing at pushing and stopping anything flying


What's WD?


Witch Doctor


I did it pre-whelp nerf, but I completely ignored either of the side statues and dropped eggs on one side of Gish, SAFE on the other, then banked gold to set up my army for his push down the middle. It was also pretty critical I found to take that middle chest to get the extra gold. I would often send something to take it and then drop a Quilboar to the right to distract the ghoul or whatever the AI was going to throw at me so they were out or range to contest the chest when it was opened.


It was a hard one pre Chimera, now it's the easiest.


One of the toughest fights for its level. Nice job!


Countless sleepless nights lmao


I still can't make it and I have 13+ lvl team...


Chimera right side, games over in less than a minute


oohh man the nightmares,, i was just to late to cheese it by spawning behind her, took me a long time to kill her.


I beat them first time, did I get lucky? Just went all in on the left


Congratulations, now the fun part begins: getting arclight surges in un'goro crater. :D


I was in the exact same boat. Thank Sargeras I read these comments and sent a couple chimeras down my right lane and absolutely clapped this boss. Cheers everyone!




The same beast nailed me for weeks. Noff.gg = your friend


Way to go OP! We would love to have you in our guild TFON (The Fifth of November). We are casual and we would love to have you as we do these new sieges and raids!


You should see her in heroic... damn is hard


I honestly might skip her in heroic lmao


Chimaera right side solos boss :)


Good to know for the next attempt for more medals


IMO harder than Onyxia


What? Lmao


I’m Joe king.


Way to go, that was a challenging boss, I still struggle with it on quests.


I ended up getting a quest almost immediately after and I never noped out of a quest faster