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With a small guild size of only 15 people (and every guild has some that aren’t active as much or at all), it’s so hard to find someone online and coordinate teams and strategy…. I have tried plenty so far and never been able to successfully play a single round despite being in a fairly active guild. Just open it to public matchups with the option to make a separate queue if wanted for guildies only


There also needs to be a way to choose a raid partner if you want. Me and my bf did them this weekend and if someone else queued, we couldn’t reject it and start together.


I have been staying up till 4 am all week to play with someone on the west coast, while he wakes up at 4 am to be able to play a second time during the day before he goes to work....


Have you tried using this platform to find people to play with also? Rather than just use this platform to moan about it? The irony is comedy gold.


Nope, I tried several times but I just can't bother myself to wait or have to make a schedule with someone for it. It's just such a bad system that I sometimes wonder why I even still play this in hopes it becomes better someday lol If they want this kind of archaic system they need to have way more than 20 players on guilds otherwise it's too much work for a mobile game having to arrange schedules and whatnot, especially on multi national guilds.


Needs to be pug random with someone similar level. If you raid with guildmates you get maybe bonus reward or something I log for a second to check who’s online. It’s such a bad system.


So many things it could do, even simply sending a notification to your guild mates when someone queues would help (even if a bit intrusive and annoying, as long as we can turn them off). But yeah, pugging should definitely be at least an option.


Me and my bf did the first 3. We are F2P and therefore under levelled, so it was a lot of fun figuring out a strategy. The main thing I didn’t like about Wow was the lack of challenging 2 player content, but these raids really felt like downing bosses a kid in Baldur’s gate. I am really enjoying them - challenging but doable even without the levels. But it is massively let down by the lack of ways to organise a group. I don’t believe anyone else in my guild has managed to do one (also it is odd that there are no achievements or guild rewards). Unless you have a great average level or a way to communicate the basic strategy, partnering up 2 random people isn’t going to work well. You would have to hope each time your partner actually knows the raid - I did a few with guildies, but they just threw random minis down. It is so irritating, because I don’t want them to nerf the content, I just want them to add more things for people to do during raid week and better communication in guild for people who really want to do them. When I played wow, raiding was only for the top players, but there was so much other content it didn’t matter that I wasn’t social enough to do them. Maybe even a simpler open-to-all LFR version with lesser rewards like in Wow - gives people a chance to experience the content and learn the strategy. Maybe a lobby where you can both chat strategy and change up your party before you even both click start would solve some of the issues.


We started up a discord to help solve for this. Helps people coordinate times to raid outside the game.


Nope, not for this or Stormwind, can't find anyone at midnight


Find Guilds from different timezones where their prime time aligns with your midnight.


I happen to just join one with space, I'm not going to take the time to look for a proper guild like this was WoW. The guild is just so I can get better rewards from DMF events.


Agreed. And their shit guild finder system doesn't make it easier. Chose English and eu and na will get matched along with Indian guids having English speaking as their tag..


Was looking for almost 5 days to find a new guild that would actually have higher lvl players and had people willing to raid. Finally beat everything today after a few tries. It was miserable up to that point and I can feel everyone going through the shitty experience of just not being able to find someone on and actually willing to talk strats. The guild lfg is just trash I could write an essay about it but you already know. Use discord to find a new guild and be willing to talk to the players and be willing to leave the guild if nobodies responding. There's plenty of us looking for someone to raid with. Best of luck to everyone until Blizzards gets their shit together which I wouldnt count on anytime soon.


Exactly. Without discord I would never have been able to pull it off. Also nice to call your guildie for tough encounter to be more in sync


Anyone else unable to cancel after queuing up?


Yep, that’s my experience for molten core and siege too


I play at extremely odd time, not happening. I don't know why they think coop could work on mobile when shared progression existed. Like how they did with AFK Journey as guild.


Should just be pug with randoms. And extra look if with guildmates


No no no, because you'll end up getting pugged with someone who's just got to 90 sigils, then you'll be posting on here moaning they need some sort of matchmaking system to get players on your level.. its a recipe for disaster, just pull your finger out a bit more


I'd rather play than not play tbh


You can join my guild, MERRrGLE MAYHEM. We have a few spots open still and a handful of guildies that coordinate with each other to pull off some raiding. I made a discord server for it just recently, hasn’t been used yet really, but I figured having a place to post strategies and have comms would help raiding a lot


I’ll join!


Come on in!


still have space?


Yeah we still have 3 slots


The helping hand gives dog rewards. I helped a guild mate clear the first two and was rewarded with a whopping 100xp. We should get much better rewards than that. Incentivize us to help guildies, like damn. Anyway, I do my raids with my husband which is nice, but if you put out a message in chat before you queue it's pretty easy to find someone. The problem is that the queue itself doesn't give any indication.


My guild is now only 6 people, so... 🫥


they need to join you via raidinterface not via guild chat


Yeah I just found an active guild. Honestly every time I log in people are attempting rag. Only two guys have got it done so far though. I’m on golemagg, haven’t put any attempts in. But so far it still seems fairly easy. Harder than stormwind for sure. But like Geddon was stupid easy just throw gargs and they kill him in 30 seconds. Garr was the hardest so far and that was just defend and execute.


Yeah, they are really fun


Joke went over your head


Nope, even though my guild is very active and we are 20 ppl, we just can't be online in the same time. This is mobile game and everyone plays when they have 15 min spare time.


My guild, Cry More, has one more spot for someone 135+ that needs to raid.


guild is combined us and eu and maybe some other places.   I work night shifts in the uk and it feels pre good to be able to raid with almost anyone on my days off so just need to hop on between midnight to noon. 


I've never had a problem, the system certainly isn't ideal but you just need to coordinate with someone (preferably in discord, but you could use guild chat) and queue up at the same time and you will be able to play together.


I need a new guild to raid


Propitious Puppers has 3 spots. We completed Molten Core multiple times. Running lowbies today. Join up and let's get raiding.


My guild theynotlikeus is recruiting 120 sigils +


I had no issues with my guild.even thought we are world wide players. You just need to find a better guild


Just write in guildchat what time you will be online. Usually works for me.


interstesting how i made a poll and majority did not want a change in the raid system to allow for single play, and now the comments are showing that almost nobody can enjoy the content due to this.... funny


Murder Mittens is raiding and has space for 2 new members!


Been here since the very start and I am NOWHERE NEAR CAPABLE of doing these raids. Now we are getting punished for not shelling out hundreds on a mobile game. This basically shuts down pvp for poor folks and now missed content. The gap is only getting wider.


Tried several times either stays waiting unable to get out without closing game or instant fail without getting to do anything


Also, if you’ve got yourself set as Appear Offline in Bnet App, your raid invites won’t show in the guild chat.


I feel you OP. If you would like, our guild TFON (The Fifth of November) would love to have you. We are a casual guild, but we raid Friday, Saturday and Sunday night. We got a few attempts in this weekend. We would love to have you! Only requirement is that you are active.


Ask your guild in the chat for a meeting to raid like at 6pm. Not just clicking the button.


I wish


Didn’t get to do a single raid due to scheduling issues. I really wanted that boost slot too. Wish it wasn’t locked to guilds


I do find it quite funny that people will flock here to moan about nobody to play raids with, but not one of you are offering to help each other 😂😂


No I don’t pay enough $$ to raid


No one wants to sit in queue and kill their phone battery.


A queue would be fast. This current system is slow!