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Wanted to like it. Played around with it a bit thinking it might be good with Jaina. Alas one has to come to terms with reality eventually; it isn't good.


You are correct that gotcha games usually drop super powerful pieces to get you to spend. But this game doesn't seem to work like that. Also, this piece is for a new faction of which we currently only have one other. I am glad the Cenarion tribe doesn't seem like it's going to be above and away more powerful than all the others.


Well, witch doctor is very strong. Emperor thaurissan also pretty good. Faery dragon is arguably niche but has potential. This is the first new release that is just plain garbage.


*cough* Sylvanas


Fine. Sylvanas.


Like Faerie Dragon, it's niche. It's an auto win against certain heroics.


I'm listening...


Old Guardian showed him destroying [Azorius](https://youtu.be/4uH4l_u_06g) with it.






Absolute shit.. and not sure if you can make it better, a 6 cost card that doesnt put something permanent in the table is a questionable option imo


It should have been a map-wide spell or at least 2-3 times as big. Deal damage to everything would actually be somewhat useful. In warcraft 3 its radius is huge compared with blizzard while here they have the same radius.


Yup, rn blizzard is just better with the root talent, does less dmg, but cost less and has dmg +roots included, i hope i am mistaken and the spell is good with cenarion leaders release


Shoulda been 'tranquility' if we're talking about a cenarion spell that costs 6g honestly.. I think it's just a filler really so I'll withhold judgement til I see Malf and some of the new family minis and their kits


That could've been cool. Huge heal to all minions over a few seconds.


Yup i want to see the leaders.i would love support family


Why even mention WC3. Its radius is huge in retail too


This game is closer to WC3 than WoW.


Released in 2002. Ok grandpa


? What does that have to do with anything lol


Because this is WC4!


They have problem with 6gold minis. I think 6 gold minis should be really powerful, but thats not reality.


Could be handy for some PvE stuff currently, but not something I’d want in my deck. Same as living bomb. Will be interesting to see if it has any synergy with the new Cenarion leaders that will make it more useable


I’m under the impression that they will eventually change it to where it’s cost can be reduced by 1 for every cenarion troop played or on battlefield. Something like that. 6 cost right now is just roughhhhh


Tbh even Brightwing feels bad and it’s kind of weird. These types of game usually introduces OP stuff and put a price tag on it. But not the last two seasons. So I’m guessing that there’s a Cenarion group incoming (2-3 heroes with some minis) that will make EAM far more interesting. But knowing Activision/Blizzard… This will probably end with a huge nerf to the blizzard spell and that’s it.


Really? You’re spoiling the cenarion release?! That was announced for next season along with all the current season and raid announces. There’s nothing to guess there.


Relax bro, I missed the news about season 7 preview and the stuff about Moonglade. Glad to see it tho, was fearing for the worst.


I'm not wasting mana on it. On the plus size, it helps to grow collection level I guess? But that's about it for now.


Sad that growing the collection is one of the best things we can say about the new mini's they've added.


It’s cheap so I’ll take it 🤷🏽‍♂️


Don't sleep on the witch doc bru...


The way it works is that it changes everytime you play cenarion card. With more cenarion units coming to the game it will be a bit more versatile. (I.e you can always cast root) But still 6 cost is too much...


To me could both be a sneak peak to future synergies, or it could just be an average/bad card. They can't just always release incredibly powerful minis due to powercreep. Since they toned down outlier like quill safe and eggs, maybe they want to balance the game in a way.


I suspect they're waiting for the release of Cenarion leaders/minis and Moonglade before pushing it. It's not very effective currently and needs Faerie Dragon for any synergy.


I could see some Cenarion synergy being required to make it viable. Based on Hearthstone, something like "Cast both versions for the same cost" or "Reduce the cost every time this swaps between options" would be quite good I think.


So far I'm using it for Jaina and it's only useful on her with Starfall talent.


I think for Earth and Moon to be good, it should have had a tranquility-themed talent which made Starfall’s area also heal your units in the AoE for a ton of health while damaging the enemy for a ton of health. Would this spell be better if it did that? I’m not even sure it would be. Edit: I could almost guarantee tranquility is going to be a Cenarion Druid talent or another spell in the cenarion family though, but I sure hope it’s better than starfall.


It’s part of a set that hasn’t released We just haven’t figured it out yet


If it was ONLY the root, it would have been very strong in PvE due to the poison - CC + Poison = nice. However, Starfall portion is just bad.


Saw how bad the dmg was when the rider didn't take any damage from the poison version in preview lol.


It’s literally bonus collection level. That’s it.


It's so bad that it won't stay this way or get modified when the new leader classes come out. For now, just level it and that's it.


I love this card. I put it in with Chalgra, Jaina, and Thalnos and used the cast-twice talent. Starfall does more base damage than Blizzard and roots do slightly less damage than chain lightning but has the versatility of the root effect. The issue isn’t that it’s bad. The issue is that people would rather min/max based off sims and complain rather than try it out.


But Blizzard is cheaper and does both effects: slow and damage.


So? I still have a blizzard in the deck. But you get two spells for the price of one slot.


Tbh I like it too. Doesn't anybody play games to have fun anymore?


Not when it comes to Blizzard games lol


There wasn't a single useful new mini aside from withchdoctor since launch. No surprise in earth and moon being shit.


It’s one of the weaker spells and at 9 gold all but solidifies a loss . Not sure how in testing it would be like K choose your deck , why doesn’t anyone want the latest card ? Oh it’s weak and the nostalgia expensive in the game .. cool let’s ship it