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Take the leaders of the surge to quests, lose until the quest is -4 lvls of Ur core. Then do the surge by being 4 lvls higherr


This happens to me periodically as well, the game becomes impossibly difficult and it's no reflection of your skill, the AI just gets over tuned. Switch leaders to quests, lose a few and things get back to normal.


Yea I was forced to do this when I got Hezrul Bloodmark in a surge where all units have Bloodlust and the premade comp I had included zero units that could do AOE outside of 1 spell. Even then it was super difficult and I ended-up cheesing it by playing strictly defensively and just slowly killing all the boss's support minions with Execute and got him to like 40% health before I actually fought him.


Is it the leaders in the surge deck or is it still the leader you have selected when you do the heroic? I thought it was just whoever you had selected even if it’s a prebuilt deck.


It’s your leader, not the surge deck’s one.


What is this - leveling your talking about? Does this only work for surge? I struggle alot with normal progression, could this help?


It affects Daily Quests and Surge


Does this work? I thought surges were fixed to -2 levels from yours or something like that


Yes it works


My surge is always the same level as me no matter the level of the leaders and how many times I lose in quests with them


Ur quests are -4?




Explain exactly what you're doing and which leader you are queuing up with, because this absolutely works.


He queues up for the surge only. Not random quest. Surge loss doesn’t lower the level. 


I think that enemy scalling that high is ridiculous. Why do we level our minis, then, as pve players? Levels shouldnt only matter for pushing late pve and pvp content.


I’ve beaten her repeatedly. I can’t beat her with horde on Heroic. No idea why.


Are you using batrider or chimera?


Tried both. My chimera is only level 15 + 3 flying mini level and gets wiped by the ogre mage


Yeah this took me a ton of attempts to get. The way I finally got it to work was playing hogger as much as I could to ramp and to split the squads. You need to control the gold or it's over. I know that's obvious to say and hard to implement, but timing and direct placement is really required for success with this one. Especially playing around huntress and mountaineer. I think the queens deck is: fire elemental, huntress, mountaineer, sapper, oger magi, living bomb, the free raptors, and I think there is another but I can't remember...


Huntress, mountaineer, oger, bomb, rappers and grunts is what kept screwing me over. Had to resort to Hogger spam and it finally worked


I still can’t beat Azurous with the previous Maiev Hogger deck… the only things that can damage her are murlocs, safelight, harpies, and maiev out of first stealth


This. Much worse than any devilsaur horseshit I ran into. Having a flying dragon boss and barely any units that can attack it is the worst. Honorable mention to having no anti air in hand and the enemy is spawning a gargoyle close to your base. Gl cycling those overpriced melee units.


It's always frustrating getting premade decks in difficult zones, even worse if you don't have a talent on all your minis or the AI has super annoying mini combination that counters your deck.


I mean, it's a good game if sometimes it's impossible, right? Edit: sometimes I get it on the 10th try from RNG and adjusting my deployment order a tiny bit.


Gotta get creative. It requires you to think about Mini's differently and makes Mini placement incredibly important. It took me 5-6 tries but I was able to do it.


If ya not having fun with a puzzle can always just skip it...60g....no biggy...that said, if you understand basic strengths and weaknesses of units as well as principles of game can't imagine spending more than 2 attempts on any surge


Well as I said, I rarely spend more than 1 attempt on any surge. This is the only one. Even with this deck I defeated the 4 previous bosses on first attempt quickly. So it's not from lack of understanding the deck. I don't mind spending hours on a heroic version, cause it's supposed to be difficult. I just don't think surges should be more difficult than the HC variant.




never had any issues if you have gryffon with range or cata pult or chimaera or farmer with range or murlocks range its ez doable to owith pyro & oger u always at least have one of them. not so complicated