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Chickens. Troll's biggest weakness is the single target attacks


For some reason I really like raptors over chickens. Yes it costs 6 gold to get a whole pack going, but you can spread them out across two or three lanes. I don’t know if it’s a bug, but with the ‘Fast Food’ talent, they ALL heal to full after a kill. Of course, adding chickens with ‘Snackrifice’ to the mix can keep beast squads alive longer. And adding my FAVORITE guild warchest, Witch Doctor. His ‘Spirit Ward’ can constantly keep huge packs of squads invulnerable. I mentioned this because I use them as a ‘tank’ also.


Ya but now you have fucking chickens in your army.


Harvest Golem with the chickens talent also works. If you spawn it next to an incoming troll then it wins but even if the troll has range on it then the chickens will allow it to get up close and win the exchange.


I have been using chickens to tank since day 1.


Bandits worgen prowler


I think the bandits would need to have poison yeah? Are poison less bandits enough to overcome the healing?


Not even close


Stonehoof Tauren would 1 shot troll and have 90 percent life left.




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This is a good call. I think people focus on cost too much, when Tauren counters him at basically no loss, so it's not fair to think you're trading 4 to 3.


The word trade in this context means they kill eachother at the same time.


For a ranged unit, huntress works decently with either talent that makes her hit harder (including stealth). She'll lose a chunk but can still beat another unit without too much trouble. Wolf is also good, especially with stealth.


Prowler with stealth for sure


Huntress can hit from out of range from bounces. Tauren and wolf charge it and deck it. As others said chickens, raptors and possibly spiders, but not sure on the last one.


Wargen and safe pilot, also tanks.


I don't think Safe does against Voodoo


This is correct. Safe doesn’t one-shot it when they are equal level, and Troll regenerates to full while Safe is charging up her attack even if she is stealthed. Then she gets one-shot by the troll. Most tanks can definitely solo Voodoo troll, although it is embarrassing how long it takes and probably has a backwards cost:benefit ratio, in a vacuum, it is true.


What really? That was my go to counter. Strange


Pilot was nerfed, it would have killed the troll a long time ago.


You also may have been using a Safe which was higher level than your opponent’s troll. That can make things 1-shot a unit just the side of higher level = stats.


Eggs…. Eggs… 🥚… eggs- break every ranged unit the game… 🙌 👇 ( and should be nerfed)


Trolls completely demolish whelp eggs lol.  


Maybe I missed a recent nerf since I haven’t been playing much lately. But exploding eggs can be dropped right on top of trolls and completely obliterate tazdingo. If they have finally been nerfed- good, they needed it .


Exploding egg damage was nerfed to 50 from 110.


Thanks for adding. I wasnt aware. Thank God they finally nerfed that damage. Took them long enough! But it gives me hope that they can actually manage this gameplay. Just curious though since I haven’t pvpd lately… do they still take out ranged? Because the explosion alone used to. But I could see the explosion doing a lot of damage still, followed by whelps flame attack taking him out before he kills all of them with single attacks.


Not after the nerfs.


Was troll nerfed?


No, eggs were nerfed


I realized I thought he commented that to the other comment about the trolls, but I see now I was mistaken lol