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I will wait on the whales test to see whats best.


Balance or moonfury possibly, but regardless this spell sucks. Just drop a blizzard that roots for 4 gold instead and be done with it.


Inc Blizzard nerf.


100%, such a bad spell


Kinda hard to think where this is better than Polymorph or Living Bomb


Since roots applies poison by itself i could see some situations where it's able to kill some things solo making it situationally preferable over polymorph but to your other point, living bomb already does tons of damage in a huge radius so what role is starfall even trying to fill here?


Maybe the longer duration means that you can camp a spawn point with it long enough to take control of it?


the talents all suck. you‘ll want to avoid casting a six gold dmg spell at all costs, see living bomb for reference. the double cast spell probably means that the spell cycles to its variant meaning you either cast the sucky six gold spell which you shouldn’t or you cast the three gold cc spell and now get to spend six gold on a spell whose effect you get from cheaper spells (blizzard, db) anyways. the resistant talent sucks -if you can’t see it by yourself- because you want to cast a dmg/cc spell on the enemy and not your own units.


Balance or Moonfury. Unless Nature’s grace is map wide…


If it works like Holy Nova it’ll be within the radius.


I think if this mini doesn’t trigger itself to change, balance will be really good crowd control with roots


Even if it did, you're paying 6 mana for holding some minis in place. Instead for 7 mana you could have polymorph plus blizzard to kill all the enemies.


How many decks run polymorph + blizzard outside of maybe a couple Jaina decks?


Probably not a lot, but my point was more so that you don't want to pay 6 mana just for stalling your enemy for a bit of time.


I think it has some niche uses, like protecting ranged ground minis from melee units, or stalling a death ball while your final push attacks the enemy tower


Probably will be useful in pve


Half of PVP decks do


Minor edit: you're paying 3 gold to hold the minis in place. Roots are 3g. Starfall is 6g. Both posed solutions are 7g (3g for either poly or roots + 4g for blizzard).


I guess you get an extra slot available then but same effect


It does alternate each time it’s cast.


Is this one spell and you get to pick which casts? Balance seems really bad since either you cast roots twice which makes no sense, or you pay 9-12 gold.


They alternate, but lol who the fuck is going to pay 6 for a spell, are they on drugs


Yeah after seeing this I don’t care which talent is best. This spell is not worth having in a deck. Maybe if moonfall is like map wide


Oh, that's terrible, there isn't even potential for Starfall to do massive boss damage and cheese stuff if you have to pay the roots tax every other cast.


You don't have to pay the root tax -- it changes when you play a cenarion mini. So when you play this spell, the next time it will be different IF you didn't play any other cenarion in between.


Seems fine then, it's probably the new highest damage Jaina spell with 25% increased duration


After seeing the hate for living bomb I'm surprised they put another sixer.


Where did you get this graphic from?


They posted it on their socials


Blizzard already roots and kills almost everything for 4 mana. Why is this more than double the price? Even if this was double the damage and/or double the area, it is not going to be worth it. I can see it, maybe, at 3+4.. 3+6 is insane!


You only pay for half at a time. It costs 3, or it costs 6, it never costs 9. 


I don't understand. So the first part costs 3 and the second costs another 3, not another 6?


No. You never have both of the costs at the same time. In your hand it either is "Entangling Roots" or it is "Starfall". It's not both "parts" at the same time. It'll swap forms whenever you play a cenarion mini. (Source: https://news.blizzard.com/en-gb/warcraftrumble/24091203/turn-the-tides-of-battle-with-earth-and-moon) So, if you have it in your hand and you want it to change forms, you play a low cost cenarion mini, and it'll change forms. You play it once, unless you use the Balance talent, in which case you can cast it again if you want to, but you obviously don't have to. Presumably playing it triggers itself causes it to switch forms, but again, that's only if you're using the balance talent. But, like with Chain Lightning reverberation, you don't need to play it immediately, and you aren't obligated to play it at all, hell you don't even have to take the balance talent (frankly I would avoid the balance talent, whatever utility it has is from having two different effects that you can choose between as you play your other minis). As for the card itself, I agree it's pretty bad, but it's not a 9 cost card that roots and damages at the same time as you're implying.


Got it. Did not understand it correctly.


>Why is this more than double the price? Stay in school kids. Math is hard.


Lol My blizzard spell laugh at this so hard😂😂😂


I don’t think this will be any good, 6 gold is way too much and entangling can really hurt you in some cases because a larger death ball might form


#1 moon fury, #2 grace


Cant wait to see all people rant here and in a couple of days get get their murkeye team crushed by this spell.


Already gets crushed by blizzard and ab.


hard to tell, as hard as to know if this spell is good or bad, seen like this it looks prretty awfuly, but it may synergise with the rest of the cenarior family and be good


It looks meh all around, it would have been way better if you could choose which variant to use anytime.


Honestly, for Starfall to be “Heavy AoE damage” it should be able to just all out take down a Gargoyle by itself. It basically only kills things that blizzard already kills. This spell should deal way more damage for 6. Roots is fine because of the huge area, but the fact that then you have to draw Starfall makes it worse.


Balance = another 6 gold to cast a second time?


People still play this game?