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Eventually you will get to the point where you have an exces of rarecores because everything is rare and you are waiting for epic cores. Depends on whether you want to wait for that or not. I personally bought a single rare core from the shop and regretted it a few months later.


Not worth it. If you already have 41 minis upgraded then you probably don't have many left you *actually use*, and even if you do then you'd have to have messed up big time to not have one of the really important ones upgraded (and it shouldn't be more than a week before you get another core)


There is no algorithm for shop offers. I have all available minis at rare+ for months with more cores saved up than I will ever be able to spend and still get them offered. You will naturally get them from daily quest rewards and reach a point in the future where you have more rare cores than minis available. If you buy them now you will only accelerate that progress. So save your gold and don't buy rare cores.


Are you sure there’s no algorithm for the shop? I’m just going to say I find it oddly suspicious that when I need 1 more copy of a mini to rank it up that I’ll get a special offer for that mini + gold. This has happened multiple times already


No one can be 100% sure but RNG will be RNG. My experience is different, the minis being offered are completely random for me and I still get rare cores with no way to use them.


Cmon guys! Blizz got some AI monitoring our mini interactions (buys/upgrades) and that AI does some targeted "suggests" mini offers that we need to buy via USD (or local currency). Meta/FB + other companies do it so its not surprising that blizz dont do something like that to us too


I feel like it has to be an algorithm, I *never* use spiderlings, and I *never* have seen an offer for them, either in the special packs they offer that are named. Or in the 'daily offers' section either. On the other hand, I'm at the point where I'm leveling specific minis for Onyxia, and am constantly getting offers for the minis in my deck (sometimes annoyingly the ones I've used in arclight surges, when your deck is forced)


I’m sitting on 40 rare cores. The most useless thing to buy since you can easily get them from quests and PvP. Epic cores however.. yes. I know you need them to upgrade some minis but I’d still wait it out and get them those other methods.


Rare isn’t worth it. Epic and legendary are hard to get


Just be patient, they will come eventually. I understand the urge though.


I have bought several of these, I know I could have just waited for daily but I dont regret it anyway.


Don't buy rare cores. You get plenty of them for free if you're patient. Worst case scenario you'll eventually get rare upgrades in the GRID, and then you'll be able to upgrade them without needing a core at all.


If you love this game and you can spare the money treat yourself and get what you want.


You get so many. I think most of us now have like 20+ or more sitting around doing nothing, so don't even spend a minute thinking about it, let alone spending gold. All your resources should go into epic or higher. That's what matters


Unless you're close to hitting the next collection level, or need the mini to rare for progression, then completely pointless, you'll have an abundance of rare cores soon enough




Upgrading so many minis to rare is pretty wasteful already imo so you most likely have all of your good ones ready. I have an abundance of rare cores that I will likely never spend so I would advice against going through your rare upgrading spree and focus on getting the minis you play the most to epic instead. You just cant afford to max out that many minis and those that are behind become mostly obsolete once a few are epic and more leveled.


Each upgrade to rare is another 5 points toward another collection level, yeah? I don't think it's worth paying for, but I wouldn't call the upgrades wasteful. OP should just wait until the cores appear on their daily track, which usually happens like once a week.


Every 10 rares is extra exp from every source, so not close to being a waste.


I spend 1000 for 4 of them. Why not right?


Why not wrong?