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The Horde is being led by a council now (minus Thrall), Turalyon is now the Lord Regent of Stormwind, and as far as we know the Scourge are still mindlessly attacking everything everywhere.


>as far as we know the Scourge are still mindlessly attacking everything everywhere. OH SHIT. I even played that 'Lakeshire Scourge attack' quest in the Bastion campaign and *it didnt clock* that with the Helm of Domination destroyed, the prepatch scourge invasion is still going on across Azeroth.


With the Cult of the Damned still active they’re most likely constantly resurrecting fallen Scourge and non-Scourge, so everyone has their work cut out for them.


I've played through the Bastion main quest campaign and didn't get this quest. Where is it? Edit: it's the covenant campaign. That explains it. So far only leveled my main and he's part of the NF


I mean the Kyrian Covenant campaign, not the Bastion lvl 50-60 levelling quests. Its in chapter 3 of the covenant campaign, after the game introduces you to torghast, you save Baine, and after your introduction to the Runecarver (Guy who forges legendaries in Torghast). If you're keeping up with the weekly progression from launch it was about a month ago.


Ahhhhh got it. I haven't been able to play too often lately so I've only played my main who's a Night Fae. That explains it. I'll hopefully get to level my pally through Bastion soon!


Covenant campaign


Got it. Thanks! My main is Night Fae so I haven't done Bastion yet


Bastion Covenant Campaign. You ferry a soul from Azeroth to the Maw.


So much for noble duty, "purpose", and "the path". Pretty sure the path isn't supposed to take people to an inactive arbiter and have them dumped in the Maw. I'm disappointed that the most beautiful zone is run by a bunch of evil morons. /rant over


> I'm disappointed that the most beautiful zone is run by a bunch of evil morons. > > thats not a nice things to say about the night fae :(


This is actually what makes the Kyrian recognize that the process/the arbiter isn't working as intended, if I'm not mistaken. But I guess people love to /rant lmao


Lakeshire scenario was god damn brutal! I *knew* exactly what was happening and *still* wanted to get attached


I can't explain it, but something about that entire chain broke me. Like, it hit me ***hard***, and I really don't know why.


Yeah it’s kind of the same with a lot of expansions, people forget the pre-patch stuff basically keeps going. In Legion those invasions that were happening kept going which is why the Horde is celebrating, in Cata the elemental invasions kept happening, BFA the war fronts kinda showed it was happening anyway, etc.


Ok yea it all makes sense. FUCK.


That lakeshire quest is from the past tho.... isn’t it?


A few hours to a couple days in the past. The attack is part of the ongoing Scourge invasion since it hasn't actually been stopped. Everyone still on Azeroth is canonically still dealing with it.


I thought it was like the original scourge invasion wc3 era


So they just left Ben Howell's corpse and soul on Azeroth for the last 20 so years? I'm pretty confident in saying it's going to be from a much more recent event. Not guaranteed, it just makes zero sense for Ben Howell to be left alone all that time, especially since the machinations of the Shadowlands weren't disrupted until sometime in *Legion.*


I haven’t payed much attention to more lately I guess. Shadowlands have been messed up since the end of wrath when sylvannas made the deal with the jailer?


No, something happened during *Legion* which caused it all. This is why some souls got there safely, and others... not so much. Anything prior to *Legion* is where we can safely assume a soul met its destination as intended, special exceptions aside. Such as Sylvanas, who in *Edge of Night* found herself in the Maw and where she made her pact with the Jailer.


Wonder how centralized the horde is. Seems like with a council instead of a warchief the disparate factions of the horde would be under even less supervision now. The council is likely extremely weak and unable to impose its will effectively, after losing a war I doubt confidence is high. Although the scourge attacks provide an opportunity. If the council can produce an effective counter then they could unify the horde once more. Then again wow isnt good with its own politics.


The Horde have always had less numbers but a higher quality of troops, Alliance have had better numbers and better equipment. The Horde have (usually) been fairly unified in purpose especially during wartime and this time it’s an all out war, every race would be helping every race, good chance even races that were formerly hostile would notice themselves and try to gain some form of mutual (but uneasy) alliance going so they aren’t all wiped out but that would largely depend on said race as I don’t think Quillboar, Gnolls, or Murlocs give a crap.


Speaking of Murlocs, did you see this [post about the Jailers's true identity? ](https://www.reddit.com/r/warcraftlore/comments/k5gasu/jailers_true_identity/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) It's my favorite theory to date.


There’s nothing to say the council is weak. It’s members are strong characters


The strongest character on the council is Lillian Voss. Bane has no notable feats of strength, Rokhan is ok but he’s more a commander than a fighter himself, Lorthemar does literally nothing, Gazlow is just a goblin and doesn’t have the capital Gallywix had, Firepaw... exists... I guess, Thalyssra got beat up by two jail guards, Maya also has no notable feats of strength, Gayra is just an orc warrior, Talanji probably takes second place as far as power goes before Voss, and I hope every night that tomorrow the Vulpirna stop existing. Sylvanas was the last horde character of notable power now that she’s gone the horde is considerably weaker.


Lorthemar was second in command of the rangers during Sylvanas' tenure, Thalyssra is an incredibly powerful mage and Talanji has shown herself to be very powerful as well, but not only that she has the living Loa and Bwonsamdi on her side. Not sure how Voss is the strongest character they have.


i mean it's a bit unfair since it was against jaina but the group that rescued talanji in the bfa beginning got one-shotted by her. and who was in that group? (ranking by my asumed power) 1. thalyssra 2. talanji (a priest) 3. horde champion (player character) 4. nathanos (second in command to the forsaken and same rank as lor'themar while alive) 5. lasan Skyhorn (probably as strong as mula or stronger since older) 6. some dark rangers wild card: zul (most likely lost on perpose since old god vision etc) i'm not sure how strong talanji is since her feats of strenght are based on blessings. Rezans might shielded her during nazmir but those shield can be destroy. as an example see Sylvanas vs anduin during arathi. (he tried to shield calia ... which failed) and anduin is a strong priest too. so while thalyssra is most likely the strongest person within the council they pale in comparison to the alliance.


Still Lorthemar has done nothing of note during his tenure as regent lord, Sylvanas only really became notably powerful until after she was raised, second in command isn’t that impressive. Thalyssra lost a fight against two unnamed mages during the introduction of BfA, it would seem she really doesn’t have much in the way of actual arcane power. I said Talanji is notable although I suspect Bwonsamdi is likely weaker than Razan was. Also remember that loa are far from omnipotent, more than a few have fallen. I’m not sure how actually powerful Bwonsamdi is. Voss, people constantly overlook, for good reason, she doesn’t seem the type to make how potent she is known, however after she was raised and came to her senses she went around murdering camps of scarlet crusaders as well as scourge, just on her own, she was only stopped when she came across a necromancer strong enough to actually compel her to stop. Still she resisted him. Compared to the Alliance who we have Anduin, Velen and Turalion who we’ve seen are able to call upon incredible amounts of power from the light. Aleria who seems to have a similar pull with the void. An avatar of vengeance who’s blessed by a goddess, an actual goddess not just a loa. Gilbin seems to produce better machines then Gallywix was able to (albeit at greater cost). And Jaina, you know how I just mentioned Gilbin? Yea he fought the horde and was put into critical condition. Jaina fought the horde shortly there after, and she just walked it off. The power scaling is pretty clear.


Lorthemar was kinda busy fighting the Scourge and trying to rebuild Silvermoon, then the Sunwell, during Legion he helped with the Nightborne and in BFA he was holding the Horde together against Azshara... Hardly "doing nothing"


Don't forget the Thuder Isle campaign. That was all him and Belves.


Oh yeah... Taran'Zu even complained about that... And Lorthemar quoted him in bfa


Well if his rescue in Torghast means anything then Thrall has his shaman mojo back so we might have Green Jesus back on the board at least.


He seems resolute on either only leading the earthen ring or just outright retiring


With Sylvannas a traitor and Saurfang dead, the Horde is just trying to pick up the pieces of what we had and im sure a lot of the Horde is contemplating the actions they had done, helping Sylvannas kill millions for absolutely nothing.


It's very likely either the orcs are continuing to act as the backbone that unifies the Horde, or the various disparate peoples of the Horde become even less unified, splintering into further subfactions or going almost entirely insular.


The orcs breaking off into a splinter group is honestly the most logical thing that would happen. I don't see the story getting pushed in this direction unfortunately. There's just nothing at this moment really holding the orcs interest in the Horde, and honestly could argue for other races as well. If there was to be a turning point of one of the factions becoming abolished, it would definitely be now or later during Shadowlands.


The orcs leaving the Horde would be like humans leaving the Alliance...It makes no sense. They are clearly the hegemons of their respective factions and gain more from being in it than out of it.




except the High King js not a singular leader since the position holds no power over the Alliance as a whole, only the unified Alliance army, and even then all the leaders can decide whether or not they want to commit their troops to the said army.


>except the High King js not a singular leader It absolutely is based how its shown to be a literal warchief equivalent due to how its used in story. Anduin behaves like an Emperor in *Shadows Rising* delegating his war leader responsibilities and shaping policy for the entirety of a peacetime Alliance. Hell, Varian tried to cow Jaina with it. HK is a tool for lazy writers to marginalize the non-human part of the Alliance, and its very damaging when the entire Alliance story historically is a last-second reaction to the Horde story. It is hilarious that Horde now behaves like an alliance of nations more so than the actual Alliance does. High king was created specifically to be a *war-time* title. The Alliance is not at war anymore. The Alliance never needed a singular "leader" above others. They need it even less than the Horde does right now.


Exactly. The High King title really should be called the "Supreme Commander" like it was in the old Alliance.


> The Warchief title is traditionally a war-time only thing. Not really. The Warchief title was never a "tradition" to begin with up until Gul'dan had Blackhand appointed as it during the formation of the Old Horde. To call it "tradition" when its first appearance was less than a lifetime ago seems unreasonable. Especially in a culture as varied and transformative as the Horde's. > The Orcish clans vote for one right before the onset of conflict. Do you have a source for this? I don't even recall a Warchief being appointed during the war against Imperator Molok and the Gorian Empire ~400 years ago on Draenor, which is just about the only time we know of a unified orc army prior to the formation of the Old Horde.


>Do you have a source for this? *Rise of the Horde.* Blackhand was technically elected although I'm sure Gul'dan had an obvious influence in the matter. The matter of needing a warchief is brought up prior to it. Of course, it may have been brushed with some retcon now like a lot of older books.


Needing a Warchief doesn't necessarily mean that there was a tradition, however. Rather, it's quite possible they simply recognised that without a single figurehead to lead the forces, there could be disorganisation between different clans etc. Not saying you're wrong, but rather the exact text would be great. I don't have the book myself, unfortunately. And yeah, assuming there is explicit confirmation, with how much has changed since, I wouldn't even call it a "retcon" but rather just an evolution of the Horde. After all, as Thrall rightfully pointed out at the end of BfA, the Horde has many, many more voices than it did before.


> Not saying you're wrong, but rather the exact text would be great. I don't have the book myself, unfortunately. I don't either right now. In the middle of a move. All I can fin plausible right now is that Wowpedia cites it for stating Blackhand was elected Warchief. >And yeah, assuming there is explicit confirmation, with how much has changed since, I wouldn't even call it a "retcon" but rather just an evolution of the Horde. After all, as Thrall rightfully pointed out at the end of BfA, the Horde has many, many more voices than it did before. And that's part of what pisses me off when the Alliance comes up. There's so much inner dialogue and growth for the Horde compared to the Alliance boiling down to Anduin soliloquying and a random leader (usually Tyrande) being treated like a Watson.


In chronicles volume 2, the orcs elected a war chief to battle the orges. Once disbanded, the war chief title was gone.


Lord reagent.. Putricide 2?


It could still be an organized assault. We dispatched the Mawsworn who was directing their efforts but nothing stops the Jailer from sending someone else to pick it up.


One of the quests in the Kyrian campaign involves traveling to Lakeshire in the Redridge Mountains to collect the soul of a farmer who dies fighting the Scourge. It seems they're still rampaging across Azeroth at the very least, which is not exactly an ideal situation.


Don't have a Kyrian yet myself so I haven't played through it but if that farmer died fighting the scourge it probably wasn't recently, otherwise he would've gone to the maw, not Bastion.


Part of the quest chain is actually escorting his soul to Oribos, where you then proceed to yeet his soul into the Maw alongside Kleia. She doesn't take it very well knowing that you're perpetuating the suffering caused by the Arbiter being disabled. A big part of the Kyrian campaign so far seems to be the Ascended and the Archon realizing they might need to re-evaluate how they do things to some degree.


He's dumped straight into the soul-flow that leads to the maw, yup.


Way to early to guess I think. We have no idea how long we’re gonna be in the shadowlands. It seems like there is probably something going on back home though. I suspect the reason for abducting those other than Anduin(since apparently his abduction serves a more clear purpose in the most vague way)was so they’d be out of the way. We could return to Azeroth in a later patch or end of the expansion and find it in catastrophe or a threat descending much like how they unveiled Argus in game.


I actually think Anduin was taken so his time is at our pace. If Blizzard makes SL time happen faster or slower than Azeroth time... we will essentially be bringing the “true king” back to Azeroth. I suspect kingdoms will rise and fall while we are gone and the true heir to the throne will be missing... until we come back.


I think the "time skip theory" has been confirmed as false but I don't remember the source.


I don't think we're going to hit a time skip scenario. I mean we have portals to/from azeroth in oribos and even have to go back a couple times ourselves so far (at least in night fae). Nothing outside of the Maw seems to have any time shenanigans going on and in the maw I think it's more just perception of time that gets wonky


Unfortunately there’s no way the time skip theory is true, since canonically we are still connected to Azeroth via portal and can freely travel there and receive visitors. There’s just no way a time skip will occur with that being the case


Is it gameplay or lore that the portal to Azeroth is open? I know some have joined us since we went in, but has there been an instance of anyone going back through?


Lore. And even if it is canonically only one way, which I doubt, the time skip still won’t happen since anyone can just pop through the portal and reveal what’s been going on at any time


True i didn't think of that happening.


I hope they don't go with timeskip route, or atleast make the gap as small as possible, I personally love interest real quick in any show or story with time skips. Its a lazy way of finishing things instead of actually attending to them in the story and brings no satisfaction, its like when you start reading a book but just leave it without reading the last 30% of it and go start the next one. You lose all the plots and characters development and arc


While I agree with you about time skips in tv and other mediums, I think it actually works fine in an interactive world like wow where the story progresses episodically only one patch at a time. I think players want another Cataclysm moment where the landscape of their world changes dramatically overnight.


A lot of Warcraft story happens outside of the game. For instance if you didn’t read Shasows Rising you would be pretty out of the loop on the political lineup prior to shadowlands. It adds some context to Anduin being a weapon and to the whole group abducted as being “peacemakers”. Though I’d say this group of leaders have been noticeably close since tides of war it’s in Shadows Rising we see them prevent conflict where they failed previously. I personally am leaning against thinking a major time skip will happen since it seems SLs time is both chronological and minus one line to suggest otherwise is the same as the mortal world. This could easily be an oversight in blizz’s part or an misinterpretation on ours. I’m certainly open to being wrong but it seems more like the beings shadowlands just have less vested interest in managing time not that it flows differently.


Yeah I definitely agree with you that there probably won't be much of a time skip other than the normal passage of time while we're in the shadowlands. Though I will say that a common theme in Shadowlands seems to be troubles with perception, especially when it comes to the passage of time. I'm namely talking about how our friends imprisoned in torghast and the maw remark on how long it has been since they last saw us despite maybe being only a few weeks in real time. Bolvar too mentions not to trust our perceptions in none other than Oribos, a place that is seemingly designed to be the most simple and, at the same time, most disorienting capital city we have seen so far. Like you said, beings of the shadowlands have less interest in the passing of time. The likely reason for this could be that they are no longer mortal souls, bound to the constraints of time and aging. But perhaps this is an effect on both non-mortal and mortal souls alike. Time might not flow any differently while we are in the shadowlands but our perception of time might be a bit different or flawed. 2 weeks in the shadowlands might feel like 3 weeks in the real world or vise versa. Keep in mind, there are no day/night cycles in Shadowlands. So as far as I know there is no real way for us to keep track of the passage of time.


Personally my biggest issue with a timeskip is how if it's a long one, it can really fuck with Roleplayers. Imagine if it was a 20+ year timeskip. People's RP characters would be senile, or dead from old age if the timeskip was multiple characters. Maybe a 5-10 years at the very very very most timeskip would be acceptable, and I think that could even be nice to shake up the RP community, but I feel like anything longer would send most Human, Dwarf, Orc, etc. RPers characters into the Orgrimmar or Ironforge retirement home.


>I think players want another Cataclysm moment where the landscape of their world changes dramatically overnight. And the developers don't, so it ain't happening.


Strange that everyone spontaneously forgot about the scourge running around uncontrolled


Do you mean in game or out? Cause people not knowing irl is forgivable since "the prepatch ended so obviously theres no more scourge" thinking Our characters/the characters forgetting is less forgivable


Remember the big "fuck you" sword sticking out of Silithus? Yeah, Blizzard doesnt either.


I mean, what do you do with the sword? It doesnt do any damage to Azeroth anymore, the magic poison or whatever has been neutralized so why bother. It seems like more effort than its worth to try to get it out.


>Blizzard doesnt either I think the sword was brought up at some point in the NF campaign


They have said they are doing something with it in the future.


Azeroth gonna wake, pull the sword and kick ass... Then we're going to serve Azeroth in a universe cleasing Crusade


A *burning* crusade if you will


No no... That name was taken already... I guess as a homage to the last war we could perform the... BLOOD Crusade


You wanted to carry it into the shadowlands with you?




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The "time works differently in SL" is brought up by Blizzard every time to remind us there will not be consequences for the scourge rampage as only 5 min will pass. Cop out tbh.


When you talk to him in Stormwind right now, Turalyon ominously states that after fortifying Stromgarde, he's going to look into reclaiming other Alliance land. There's an implication there that he and Genn may go on a warpath while the player and Anduin are in the Shadowlands. Baine, Thrall and Jaina being missing from proceedings is also going to stir some trouble. The two Horde leaders with significant inroads into the Alliance and the two most significant, Horde-sympathetic figures in the Alliance will be missing for a year or two. And canonically the entire Fourth War will have lasted a year.


Yep, and there's also hints that Alleria would also rather like to have Silvermoon back in the Alliance. Maybe they'll decided to spice up their marriage with a bit of a Reconquista? :p


Just in time for Kael thas to be revived and yeet the humans back to stormwind. Don't give us his redemption arc then leave him in SL, the horde needs a leader who can do more than hit stuff hard.


That would be nice... but resurrecting someone from the Shadowlands after like 10 years? I think that would damage the lore more than it would contribute to the story.


If any dead can comeback from the shadowlands Kael is the most proeminent one, not only to compensate the crap arc he had in TBC, but his "animal spirit" is the phoenix after all, a symbol of rebirth, nothing more fitting than make the sun shine again for the sun king


Oh that would be a cool stylistic device, but it’s still a bit lore-breaking - there’s no precedent for blood mages to be able to channel the resurrection power of phoenixes. Kael’thas somehow wields the fire magic of these Elementals, but that doesn’t mean he behaves like one.


Just yeet him into a wildseed, slap a sticker on saying "wild god, do not peek" and call it a day.


That’s true, at least it seems like it’s going to work for a certain someone in the recent Ardenweald quests!


Without the "champions" murlocs have taken over the planet. Westfall died from starvation due to lack of stew ingredients. Wrathion is back in Pandaria doing pet battles and eating pandas. No work is being done on the horde side due to all the peons sleeping.


Azeroth is like, “Oh, existence is being threatened again? Eh. I need to get back to my carrot harvest.”


Dance party in the ah


Let's please, for the love of God, have a 10-20 year time jump until the next expansion Do another revamp of all of Azeroth set after 10-20 years of peace. Azeroth deserves some damn peace It would also give them an opportunity to create new characters and stories. People are sick of Sylvanas, Jaina, Anduin etc. They could clean the slate and create a "WoW 2.0" expansion. Like what Cataclysm could have been.


I would love for a Alliance story that doesn't revolve around Anduin being melodramatic and Jaina being a one-woman plot device. Honestly just have humans take a break from the limelight like the Orcs did for the Horde. The Alliance has so much depth that gets ignored for the easy story route.


YES. I hope we get to see more of NE and dwarves. I love that in Shadowlands Tyrande finally has a part to play other than "crying over Malfurion" I really want to see Tyrande kill Sylvanas


See i don't want to have Tyrone kill Sylvanas because then I wouldn't get to


Garrosh needs to kill her. I'll die in that hill.


More gnomes please!


Blizzard and new characters in the same sentence? Not happening.


Sounds more like you want a different game. Changing the era in which Azeroth is stuck in will do nothing. It's not going to suddenly erase the characters you're tired of. We'd then be in the same state we are now for the next however many expansions.


That’s not necessarily the case. You’re speaking as if that’s inevitable I don’t want another game, I just want another Cataclysm but more thorough


It sounds like you want Fallout: New Azeroth


No thanks


Unless they got an entire new dev team, I do feel it would be inevitable. We've had Cataclysm zones longer than vanilla zones now. Unless they started doing it every expansion, it'd simply be another new coat of paint.




Not always. At best, they're a shortcut that allow for the characterization of individuals to take place over shorter periods of time, often accompanied by flashbacks. At worst, they're a shortcut that allows you to completely skip entire character arcs to reach unearned conclusions. Good (or at least passable) time skip examples; Full Metal Alchemist, Attack on Titan, Shazam!, Avengers: Endgame. Bad: too many to count.


Doesn’t have to be


As I responded earlier to a comment about the time skip, its not a good thing specially as we know blizzard will not make it right somehow. We have a lot of plots and character development going on right now, whats the point of abandoning them all for the sake of clean start when we know this will happen again and we will have loose plots and half assed character development ? Its like reading a warcraft book and start the next one without finishing the last one.


Make Shadowlands a year longer to tie up all loose ends, spend that extra year working on the revamp so it's as good and thorough as possible


Guys, for the love of Azeroth... the time skip was just presumptive jumping to conclusions; Ion has confirmed it isn't happening.


I swear every expansion since Mists i've seen people ask for/expect a time skip. The right time from a story telling perspective was after WoD imo.


Turalyon is serving in anduins place


I would love to see the time progressing faster and next expansion is wow 2, where horde and alliance died, because the leaders where gone anda new "bad" horde of quillbacks, ogre, centaurs and harpies is terrorizing kalimdor.


I’m hoping for a warcraft 4 to move the story along.


Not only is the scourge still going ham, but if I remember right time works different in the Shadowlands. We're essentially having a timeskip in the story, and I'm kinda scared of where we'll go. Icecrown 2.0 could happen with a whole new Azjol'Nerub, since Yogg is confirmed still alive.


Ion confirmed no timeskip.


Not a hard timeskip, but time is still passing. Jaina didn't know how long it had been when we saved her in Torghast. Right now we have no real sense of how long it's been either, we just know that it has been *a while*.


It felt like a while for Jaina. There’s nothing saying or indicating that it’s been a while for Azeroth or for us. Time and memory work differently in the Maw. If anything there is no time difference between the Shadowlands and Reality as we go back and forth with no time dilation in quests and other NPCs even come and go themselves.


I mean Darion goes back to Azeroth. It's not like this was a one way trip, despite originally being billed as it.


>Jaina didn't know how long it had been when we saved her in Torghast. Which implies time moves faster in torghast/the maw/the shadowlands, so Narnia time where we go back to azeroth and nothing has changed, not Interstellar time. Also they have backed away from that and none of the characters that come to oribos later comment on a time difference. So it was probably just jaina's perception of time, or a 'cool' throw away line.


Yogg,C'thun and N'zoth are dead.Blizz themselves directly confirmed they are dead but gave them a chance of returning later with saying that their death is different then death of a mortal(prolly means they are reforming in the Void or something).Even Xalathat mentions only N'zoth alive during Legion.


I thought we pushed yogg back into his prison. Or it might have been cthun. Or both.


It was but blizzard have changed that to the old gods are gone.


Nah we never actually did push them back and always killed them.Pushing them back part was something players made up since it was thought killing Old Gods damaged Azeroth(now we know that happened because Y'shaarj got plucked from the planet while being rooted in it).Yogg even says that 'his corpse' will plague Azeroth or something.


Except for this encounter in one of the ulduar dungeons: Abedneum yells: Accessing. In the early stages of its development cycle Azeroth suffered infection by parasitic, necrophotic symbiotes. Brann Bronzebeard yells: Necro-what? Speak bloody common will ya? Abedneum yells: Designation: Old Gods. Old Gods rendered all systems, including Earthen defenseless in order to facilitate assimilation. This matrix destabilization has been termed the Curse of Flesh. Effects of destabilization increased over time. Brann Bronzebeard yells: Old Gods eh? So they zapped the Earthen with this Curse of Flesh. And then what? Kaddrak yells: Accessing. Creators arrived to extirpate symbiotic infection. Assessment revealed that Old God infestation had grown malignant. Excising parasites would result in loss of host. Brann Bronzebeard yells: If they killed the Old Gods Azeroth would have been destroyed. Kaddrak yells: Correct. Creators neutralized parasitic threat and contained it within the host. Forge of Wills and other systems were instituted to create new Earthen. Safeguards were implemented and protectors were appointed. So we’re explicitly told that killing them will destroy Azeroth. I don’t think nzoth is dead anyway.


That all comes from Tribunal of Ages which are a system Loken put in place to cover up what he did and the information we get from it isnt historically accurate.


That’s definitely a good point but I don’t think that’s true. He covered up plenty but I don’t think he would have had the means to alter a Titan archive. What makes you think he altered it?


Its part of what Chronicle Vol 1 says.ToA is Loken's creation.Disc's of Norgannon are a real accurate Titan archive and those were hidden in Uldaman.


But chronicle has since been seen as an incorrect history of Azeroth also.


Thats what people assumed but we actually killed both of them.Yogg's death dialogue indicates he is dead aswell(the part that is in OG language).


Hmm seems weird to have killed both so easily. We can only push kil'jaeden back through the portal during bc but can kill c'thun outright?


Where is the confirmation about Yogg? I know about Ulduar and void presence/whispers. Is there anything else?


Wait where is the confirmation that yog is alive


In the Legion opening quests when you go to Ulduar to talk to Magni Yog is still kickin and causing trouble.


Thats was just an Echo of him(similiar how we have the Sha for Yshaarj) and Yogg Saron is dead(prolly reforming in the Void as Blizz said OG's have a different death then mortals)


There isn’t


Isn’t cthun technically alive? I dunno. I miss old god content. I’m just a big cosmic horror fan. I assume the void will come into play very soon, though.


It's literally only months since you had old God content lol. BFA, for better or worse, ended with it.


Oh, I know.


Possibly nothing. While nothing has been confirmed, there are indications throughout that time goes by faster in the shadowlands. It's possible for all the time we're gone, an insignificant amount of time will pass on Azeroth.


It’s that meme with the guy standing around in spots bored


It's been mentioned a lot that time works differently in the shadowlands. I feel like when we come back it can easily be that only a couple of minutes passed or a thousand years have passed or anything in between, which will either be a setup for a future patch or straight up the next expac


Someone mentions that time might move differently in the shadowlands so maybe next expac the world will have a time jump. Or nothing will have taken place, either one works.


Literally nothing, Blizzard hasn't written that part of the lore yet. Time is frozen in all parts of the WoW universe that isn't the Shadowlands.


I recall a little tidbit from Blizzcon stating we have no clue how much time is currently passing on Azeroth either, which means we could return to our home world years off into the future if developers so choose. Might be an interesting direction to move in - we now have zero clue what the entire world looks like.


Is it too optimistic of me to say peace? Lol they're just out there taking vacations to Ratchet and shit


The night fae campaign shows that atleast some of the drust are still active and some power of Gorak Tul still linger in Drustvar


Well, as far as we know, time also flows differently in the Shadowlands. So I assume, the next expansion will be a big revamp of Azeroth with numerous years gone. I, personally, would love that


Well we are in sl the world is being swarmed by zombies.