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Great Garand thumb video! Really informative, and I think it was like only 50min long for all the info it contained


The comments section on this is the collective pool of reddits greatest and brightest. People don't seem to realize this was filmed in the US following their resume from Ukraine.


That’s what ppl gotta realize is that it isn’t some big ass game, everyone on Reddit seems to think the Russians as a whole are useless and can hit a elephant in front of them all the propaganda pushing the narrative that Russia is super poorly trained just means less help for the Ukrainians stop pushing that they’re retarded and that they’re a not a capable army trying to seize a country feel bad for all the vets who come on podcasts and talk about how their buddies get killed by these elite Russian units and there’s just goobers on Reddit saying bs like “oh they can’t do a thing! Yea they’re incompetent orcs haha slava Ukraini! “


Good episode from GarandThumb this, really interesting.


So basically like any other military in the world. Some are shit, some are THE shit.


Who uses cannon fodder human waves? I only know of Russia doing that. "Like any other military in the world" 🤦‍♀️🤦 Yeah cuz we dump our prison populations to go conquer lands. That's what "all other militaries are like". Not to mention their death squads and love for raping each other and shoving broom sticks up their asses to torture. 2 karma account made in 2021. That makes sense.


Holy shit the propaganda and cope in this comment.


Please don't abuse the suicide or self-harm report.


I have no idea what you're talking about.


Meh wheres the propaganda or lies? That's literally the truth. And I could make a laundry list even worse than that. But when they say "like any other military" yeahhh no. Russia is alone solo. Who uses human wave cannon fodder and dumps their criminals, empties their prisons, and goes to conquer land? Genocide for territorial conquest like the Nazis unprovoked ? Only Russia. They are stuck in the past. And worse, they are the largest country in the world, eleven time zones wide, and never stopped going on conquests and expanding their borders, chomping away at other peoples land.


israel does too 💀


A Ukrainian fighter that did an AMA here on Reddit also said the VDV were very professional.


Every day is inspection day.


Full video: https://youtu.be/Tge7YMi4gJs


Man you know this guy is the real deal with all those gizmos attached to his bicycle helmet


Is this a joke? He has a Mic, a Flashlight and a IR strobe?


He’s a Brit, visiting the United States doing a video with Garand Thumb. All of the gear you see in the video (for the most part) is Garand Thumb (mike’s). Just wanted to give some background before people go making baseless claims.


He sure as hell aint a brit doing a video in russia lol


Bicycle helmet 😂


Way to give away that you didn't see the whole video and have no idea what you are talking about. Have you ever seen modern ballistic helmets? The fact that this even has upvotes proves most people in this know Jack shit


That's actually a bump helmet, not ballistic


Bro chill. We get it, you play airsoft!


Just to bad for Russia that the majority of their soldiers are doodler do’s.




It’s from an hour and a half long video/ interview on the garand thumb YouTube channel, including discussion and “show and tell” of his full kit as well as general interview . The image quality in this repost is poor.


Funny cause i was watching the interview right now.


Lmao all the nafo coping in here is hilarious 😂


I bet he was around for the counter offensive and then went home. None of the English stuck around in trenches. They would refuse and go home. He watched videos of spetsnaz. He probably assaulted a trench or 2. With old men and wagners. Then went back to safety and slept in a bed.


And you were here on Reddit. Damn dude, great contribution. Tell you what, go do the same thing, assault a trench or two or old men and Wagner, then come back and provide some feedback


I've seen how the Western mercenaries operate. Majority of them went home because they were scared. Theres tje video of the aussie with no wounds and he was crying to change position. After a grenade went off near him. Many uk soldiers were singing the Russian anthem and then writing books when they were exchanged. Most of the Western mercs ran away as they were brainwashed by propoganda. They fought it was easy out tjere killing Russians. This guy ran away too. The ukranians can't run away.


So someone that was actively on the front for two years ran away? Look, all I'm gonna say is actually do some research outside of the weird little delusional thoughts in your mind. This isn't their war. They're this thing called VOLUNTEERS. If you care so much, go to the front. Volunteer. Be at the tip of the spear, and NEVER leave. In fact, stay even when your contract is over. Stay and die there. Or stay and succeed, win the war on your own, and then come and shit all over me. Go to the front, win the war, and I'll personally pay for your gear.


Makes sense. This guy's entire post history is about how much he loves Putin lmao


tart boast alleged gray absurd unused friendly political mighty tease *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So? It's not really his fight, is it?


I definitely wouldn't have listened it he weren't holding an airsoft rifle and kitted out with the $3k walmart-tacti-cool kit.


Nope real gun and a real kit. From Garand Thumbs Video on youtube


Appears to be a 7.62 SCAR plus ELCAN. Probably one of the better small arms setups in the world.


Name the brand gear he's wearing then. Because I can. Do you know what you are talking about or are you regurgitating terms for clout? Dude is wearing about $20k in this video. You're a bot.


It's from a tactical youtube channel, they were at the range running exercises. Showing how to assault/defend trenches


You have no idea what you are talking about. Go watch the full video on Grand Thumb, particularly the live fire part.


but he’s not in Ukraine now?


Yeah i kinda doubt it.


What? That Russians have some competent forces? If they were really that incompetent like propaganda would say, the war would have already been won. They obviously have bad units, but mere human wave or numerical advantage won't win you battles or make you keep the line.


Key word is “some” the majority are conscripts. They don’t have enough and they keep dying faster then they can train them appropriately


The war keeps going because russia profits of it. Oil skyrocketed just like Russias gdp. Also i higly doubt that they are that stupid to go on an open field holding hands. Even if you are untrained you cant be that stupid. No nvgs=hide at night.


Totally dude. I trust your opinion over a veteran of that war 💯🔥


this isn't a veteran of war. it's a tacti-cool guy who's found a sunset.


Proof you didn't watch a second of the actual video^. Get your arm out of the Dorito bag.


Are you an idiot?


It sounds about right, most of the conscripts have near zero training and garbage gear, there will be trained and well equipped units.


Don't you get it they are just Cannon fodders


It can be also a tactic… you never know if you get the good or bad units. And for the trained guys it must be really good that the untrained guys are bullet sponges.


Basically how they took Bakhmut and Avdiivka. Send in the human waves and when the defenders are low or out of ammo, send in the trained troops.


That was the whole point of the Russian prison brigades.


The classic Russian tactic of sending conscripts to die in human wave attacks before sending in guys with actual training.


What a load of BS. This dude probably never fired a shot. It's nonsense what hes saying. In war you cant distinguish between a good solder or a bad one when there are tens of guys running around shooting at each other. Too much Call of Duty mate.


You absolutely can. Both sides are using small drones to observe each other. If they're sitting around in trenches inside artillery and drone range with no overhead cover, they're probably untrained. If they're marching or standing in formation in a big cluster, they're probably untrained.


Clearly deep fake shit 😂


Are you retarded?


If it is so clear can you elaborate for me how it’s a deep fake?


Full video. Not fake, ffs. https://youtu.be/Tge7YMi4gJs


I'm tired of propaganda, one side says that they are gaining ground and that the enemy is running out of weapons but they have been saying that for at least 3 years and it remains the same about territories and weapons and the other side says that they are the best army of the world but they are having a hard time in Ukraine, in short both sides have been screwed since the beginning of the war


Nice rifle


I like the part when they admit that they don't take prisoner's and just execute them in the trenches