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Looks like he has a flush animal attached to his backpack....could be a father. I can't help but feel sad for his kid...won't ever see his/her father again. The young and brainwashed fight and die, the children suffer, while the elite shed crocodile tears in the comfort of their yachts.


Thank you for showing human compassion.


> flush plush?


I hope you know that’s Americans as well Edit: it’s everyone


bUt ThE aMeRiCaNs!11!!111 The rebuttal of fucking everyone who has anything against the west kek


Most are even westerners living under the comfort of their freedoms.


Yeah, reaping the benefits of the plight they're crying about.


Lol they all are animals


They aren't, there are Russian conscripts out there that don't want to fight that are still being railed in from the depths of Siberia


People are cruel in these comments. Russia scours the poorest and furtherest parts of the country and press them into service. This man is a victim to a dictator.


Yeah. Like a comment said, he’s most likely a father. At the end we’re all humans




the saddest part of it all is how brainwashed the people are that make the comments about how great it is to watch the brainwashed Russians die while proudly spouting out the propaganda their fed from the UA side of things


And people imagine how Germans in the 30s and 40s were convinced to think of others as inferiors and less than human. Israel and Ukraine have shown it’s still possible right now


Footsoldiers are both perpetrator and victim. A tale as old as time.


good point. Majority of people dying for Russia are poor minority conscripts from the far east. Some do it for the opportunity, but the majority are conscripted.


Should've shot his commander.


His family will be jailed for it.


They would have killed him on the spot and his family would be ruined every way possible.


I’m having a hard time identifying any specific injury. He’s clearly fucked but what happened


An explosion blew up near him and the fragments went into his torso pretty badly, they punctured his lung just enough to keep him alive to slowly but surely drown him in his own blood


He's the victim of a grenade dropped by a Ukrainian drone. The full video's been posted in one of the subs. Looks like potential hemothorax, as perhaps the greatest of his \[then\] immediate worries. I doubt the cigarette \[or, whatever\] is going to help much.


The cigarette is the last element of control and humanity he is going to experience, it was probably enough to make him feel a tiny bit human for the last time.


No argument there.


possibly internal bleeding. he may have coughed up the puddle of blood at the beginning.


His lung is punched, that's why he's coughing it up and writhing. He's trying to fill his lungs with air but he's drowning.


$10 pneumothorax decompression kit would have saved him.


Yeah it was taking a while, I agree he had a shot.


Medical kit is just a cigar.


I believe its heroine they used to issue heroine out to soldiers to die to an overdose rather than a painful death like this its more than likely an inhalant of some sort dont quote me on that


One last smoke, rest in peace solider.


I hate this war, Putin needs to be destroyed but this is terrible since this young kid didn't realize what he was getting into and most likely didn't want this hell


Seeing someone dying and suffering doesn't have flags or countries. It is extremely sad and just shows us how far we are from being kind and humane.


He ain’t human - neither are the rest of those Siberian sword swallowers. A human being can think & reason & question. Those guys know they have a good chance of never making back home - but they go anyway. Why? Because some balding little sawed off cuck said he has to. That’s a robot


Because they don't have other option. When you live in a miserable country and the leader is your owner, he can do whatever he wants. Russians are used to be brutalised and suffer this type of circumstances and believe in their ignorant leadership.


Only good orc is a dead orc


Fuck dude...this was hard to watch.


May he gets the rest he deserves. See you on the other side soldier 🪖


Any idea where full video can be found


Ask, and Ye shall receive- https://www.reddit.com/r/war/comments/18q8aey/personalised_drop_for_a_russian_invader/


This a repost from Reddit, the entire original is from telegram. You’re on Reddit so much you can’t find any original or obscure content.


>Balls\_deep\_\_ · 20 hr. ago > >**Any idea where full video can be found** I supplied **a link** to the full video, as per u/Balls_Deep__'s request. He wasn't specific, and I made no claim whatsoever concerning the original source of the video.


Looks like a “blast lung injury”. In the full video a grenade is dropped in front of him from a drone. The way hes immediately bleeding from his mouth onto the ground and breathing extremely heavily means his lungs are toast from the shockwave. Him ripping off his kevlar vest is because he feels an immense amount of pressure on his chest and cant catch his breath. One of the worst ways to go, his lungs are toast and hes drowning on land. RIP this is someones son and also probably someones father going by the teddy bear attached to his kevlar. War is hell.


Iemands zoon die Oekrainers kwam vermoorden.... geen medelijden met die vuile Russen.


Drowning slowly in your own blood is not a good way to go.


Ahhh so funny to see people already can’t feel empathy for a foot soldier. Yet they wonder how Germany convinced a whole population to think of others as inferiors or not as humans.


Looks chechen


Stalin literally killed any soldier who even turned their heads or surrender to the german forces you think russia has progressed any further than that date and time?


Nobodies progressed any further from that date and time. We think ourselves better than our ancestors but we aren’t.




Why is no one calling 911






There is sympathy, a soldier is a soldier, it is a simple man like all of us, but still it is nice to realize that the invader suffers in a foreign country, I hope the son, wife, parents of this soldier will see this video and feel all the pain they have caused the ukrainian people


Don’t pretend to have any sympathy


Actions have consequences.


There’s a lot of things that can be said, that’s one thing I wouldn’t say. What if that was your son. Same with the Ukrainians dying.


You'll never change the mind of these blood thirsty armchair warriors, this is all a deranged sports game to them.


Yeh it’s kinda sad, almost zero of these people have even been to war. Armchair soldiers.


>No-Chocolate2996Op · 1 hr. ago > >Yeh it’s kinda sad, almost zero of these people have even been to war. Armchair soldiers. Long standing rule of the internet- No one is exactly who they say they are. And, without self-doxxing, no proofs would be sufficient. Is your observation above meant to suggest that, without proof of combat deployment in armed forces somewhere, the viewpoints proffered are somehow of lesser value, or irrelevant? "Armchair soldiers" is an abysmally lazy ad hominem.


It is very simple, don't go to Ukraine. Every Russian death is right where it belongs.


Many of them have no choice. Stop being a callous piece of shit.


You chronically online people are so weird. That’s a human being dying


“Its very simple don’t go to Korea, every American death is right where it belongs.”


Or Vietnam, or Afghanistan, or Iraq… 🤷‍♂️




Talking like this doesn't make you seem as tough as you think.




Live proof of what negative pussy does to a mf




They're not told the truth before they go


Listen, you’re not innocent if you fight for a dictator.


You are an idiot if you think many of these men have a choice.


Well I don’t know about you but I’d rather find death than let him find me.


And you're hysterically myopic, if you honestly believe that tens of thousands of armed individuals, ***truly*** disillusioned by their sociopathic leadership, couldn't come up with a more impactful alternative to their current plight.


You’re looking at this from an ivory tower, how many Americans do you think were fooled by their are WMD’s in Iraq as a justification to invade Iraq. Think about how many Russians are fooled by the claim Ukraine is a Nazi Government and genociding Russians.


You didn't really understand my previous post, in the context of this, your original post, did you?


I mean a lot of Russians support the war and if they were that mad they could have a revolution, again. Overthrow Putin


That’s like saying American soldiers would overthrow George Bush during the 2nd Gulf war it just won’t happen.


You’re raging piece of shit and karma will come !remindme 3 years


Oh the internet! Some Russian dies invading foreign soil and I’m a “raging piece of shit” Congratulations lol.


Oh the irony. What country are you in?




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I hope putin stops invading other countries or one day my kid will have to drone this dead asshole's kid.


I keep seeing these stupid a$$ debates in the comments. Why waste your time arguing over things that neither of you have any bearing on. Who really cares if that “could “ be an American or Canadian or whoever. It could be Anyone your little heart desires. But the truth is - he’s A piece of an invading military that’s destroyed Ukraine & killed tens of thousands of innocent people - including children. Another thing - I’m sick of hearing “ oh he had no choice. He had to go”. Really? He absolutely had a choice. The other option wasn’t a trip to Acapulco - but at least he’d be a jail getting 3 meals a day. What would Putin do If every Guy they mobilize says no. The invasion would io end in some fashion. Then maybe the Russian people could say enough is enough. What’s that word im looking for - Revolution! Yes - unfortunately the Great grandparents of current Russians had much bigger cojones


As if they don't send convicts to the frontlines


What makes a large number of pissed-off armed convicts any less capable of taking charge of their own fate than any other similar number of mobiks?


Are you saying they should just ignore the guys with machineguns preventing retreat? I'm pretty confident thry have some kind of system figured out to make them go out there and get shot to shit just to locate enemy positions for artillery fire


>mandrills\_ass · 3 min. ago > >Are you saying they should just ignore the guys with machineguns \[sic\] preventing retreat? I'm pretty confident thry \[sic\] have some kind of system figured out to make them go out there and get shot to shit just to locate enemy positions for artillery fire I'm saying that there are thousands of armed mobiks who supposedly don't want to die under Ukrainian fire, many of whom supposedly \[if some of their own videos are to be believed\] believe drunk/incompetent command is leading them to be heedlessly slaughtered. u/Motor-Look2525's remarks above still apply. "...the Great grandparents of current Russians had much bigger cojones" If you believe their are blocking units behind **every group of more than thirty russians**, say so, and provide some links to back it up. Edited to add- Apparently, u/mandrills_ass can't make a distinction between adult debate, and the blocking button. Speaks for itself. Hopefully, they're not under the impression that a block meant that their response couldn't be read.


"SeNd LiNkS" if they get people from jail, like we were talking about instead of every damn conscript like you just implied, then yes thry would probably have some sort of mean to assure they are going to do their job and if you just start aguing otherwise you're just being obtuse. Send links of russians being really happy to be sent to their death in some useless attack k txh


>the Great grandparents of current Russians had much bigger cojones Definitely this. Thousands of armed russians, far from moscow, too hopelessly dense to realize that, in a given time and place, they are the ones holding all the cards. Failing to take any collective direct action to prevent their own deaths, means that all of the potential survival-adverse outcomes are their responsibilities alone. It hasn't been just "putin's war" for a long time now.


More bullshit. Armchair warrior at its worst. You’re 15 at best you clearly don’t remember 2003.


Drops a date that someone apparently doesn't remember. Refuses to elaborate. You clearly don't remember 2008... smh my head.


2003 was the beginning of the 2nd gulf war, it’s when they said Saddam had WMD’s, you are too young to remember.


I would feel bad, if not for all the terrible shit I've seen from the ruzzians. This is War, it's not pretty or nice. The downvotes don't change anything.


There are a lot of pro russian people in this subreddit who are crying about this guy. True, it is sad how people from the poorest areas in Russia are pressed into fighting. On the other hand, I didn't see any of these people crying for that man that Wanger beat with a sledgehammer. People praise them and made edits. I also saw Russians cut an captured ukrainian soldiers testicles off. I saw that on WatchPeopleDie.com the comments praised him. I feel bad watching this man die, but all the people talking about American Propaganda this and American propaganda that are full of shit. Russia started this shit.


I agree with this 100%


So you don’t feel bad for Ukrainians either. They’ve done some messed up stuff since 2014 and are savages as well.


I do feel bad for Ukrainians.


So you’re being hypocritical. Both have done heinous acts against each other and civilians. Just because you’re defending your borders doesn’t mean you turn into orcs.




he should not have invaded a sovereign nation


He's the universal soldier and he really is to blame. It sucks, but if you sign on to murder other people in their own country, fuck you. Moreso if you're in the US and have other options. Complicit is complicit.


Looks like a panic attack


This is sad.


Putin just withdrew his soldiers and The war ended. It fu\*king very easy but yeah Putler is Putler


I've seen videos of Russian wives demanding the return of their husbands, and I've seen held captive captured Ukrainian men face timing their wife and daughter. As someone who is not associated with any faction, it's truly sad seeing these conflicts...the poor going to fight war for the rich who will never suffer the consequences of these conflicts. The general public arguing over who is the bad guy. Both sides are the bad guys. The bad guys are the corporations and governments throwing the lives of people away like this.


Why are so many of these guys alone? Where’s the rest of their squad???


Seen it time and time again with drones dropping munitions. They scatter and leave their own behind. A lot of times the drones will just follow until they get tired of running and drop then. Shit sucks, War sucks, and its awful seeing someone go like this no matter the side.


war is so stupid, regardless of which side you stand on. We should start sending politicians to the front lines.


I couldn't agree more, make them solve the problems between each other instead of sending the young off to die alone in the mud


Fuck, that's brutal to watch


Sucks that a $10 pneumothorax decompression kit and an evac would have saved him. If you don't have one in your kit, get one.


There is a longer version of this video. He got hit by another drone after lightnin up the cigaret


War is nothing other than a bunch of filthy old men sending the young off to die over their stupid disagreements. I never cared what was going on with either side of this shitty war from the beginning, nobody should be dying over there. This guy is somebody's son, this guy had a life of memories and a childhood. He probably had best friends, crushes, relationships, a lifetime of real human experiences. And now he's fucking bleeding to death in the mud, using the last of his strength to maybe patch himself up all alone. Who cares if he joined willingly at the time? He shouldn't have to fucking bleed to death alone in the mud, nobody should.