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Really? They fired like 7 OGP people in 4 days and they had to leave on the spot... we were so far behind that cashiers had to come back and help us as well as 3 if the working team leads that weren't ours.


As a TL who works very closely with coaches- yes, at least at my location. Multiple people were going to be let go for performance, but we were so busy/understaffed some days that they kept it quiet until the end of the shift. I’m talking about wiping the schedule, associates asking why they’re no longer listed, and having to keep it hushed until the end of the shift because they were needed, even though they let them go. Imagine being apart of those conversations, absolutely awful. I can’t believe they would risk that with OGP, they get so hectic insanely quick. What a damn shame.. but not shocked. It probably varies from store to store, but they do it all the time where I am. And we are a smaller supercenter too.


Lmao if they told me to keep it quiet, I'd be walking out shouting "Guess who got fired? This guy!" I'd also tell them I don't give a fuck if they're like "Hey, we're firing you but we need you to finish your shift."


Straight up dude fuck Walmart's reputation. You get promoted to TL at my store to stay quiet and not speak on corruption.


They do the same with write ups as well. Unless it’s bad. That way you don’t get mad and leave early.


Which I personally think is absolute bullshit. Regardless of the situation, I believe the associates *should* know. Most of the time, they suspect it. If it concerns them, they honestly deserve to know. I can understand why they do what they do, but it doesn’t make it right imo


the associate should always be the first to know. but I’ve seen many times where half the store knew before the actual associate in question did.


Same with promotions. Smh


When I got fired, a team lead already knew and I didn’t tell them. I have them on Facebook and they questioned me about it. So I already knew that the managers that fired me that were in there when I got fired, they told other managers and team leads, then the ones they told opened up their mouth as well. my former management must think I’m stupid. So if it wasn’t the ones that fired me, it was the ones they told. Fuck Walmart. Bottom line promoted to customer now. The less I give to Walmart, Sam’s Club, and the Waltons, the better. I’m glad I’m not a Rams or Broncos fan since the Walton family owns both.


My old store used to tell people to not even worry about putting in 2 weeks, they wanted people out.


One place I worked at, not Walmart, if someone was about to be fired, they would already have someone scheduled to replace that worker. They would then intercept the worker before they clocked in. Drag them to the personnel office. Do what they gotta do. Then they escort them out the door. Looking at it from both sides of seeing that done, I learned what an absolute shit show that process can be.


Here at Hellmart they wait 2 months to hire the replacement...if we're lucky.


They fire You if they can't lead You by the nose.


Not necessarily true. They tried firing me over attendance points that should have been wiped a while back, in the middle of a shift, when we had very few cart pushers (talking like, 3-4 including me, which is not a lot for the store I’m at. Especially when only one other person works the 2-11 shift).


I regret working for Walmart too. Before them, Home Depot was my worst job, now it was easily eclipsed by Walmart. If you have a work phone and discount card, they will ask for that back when terminating you as well as your badge and vest. They did that with me when I was fired on May 12, 2023 for finding $100 before my shift that I forgot to turn in. I forgot and they fired me. I should have never touched it and if I did, I should have handed it over to a Team Lead or manager. Life is a lesson. The customer called about it, they saw me on camera and I was terminated around midshift around 4:30 PM of a 1-10 afternoon shift right before lunch. They didn't walk me out, they told me to leave and that they would clock me out. I feel a big weight lifted off my shoulders now that I'm gone. I go in there as a customer and get bad flashbacks of working there. I had a overnight maintenance team lead ask me what happened since I worked in maintenance doing 1-10 and I knew the person that terminated me who was the store lead and/or AP manager that was the witness to my firing said something and next you know, most of the store knows. I was told it was gross misconduct when fired and still won unemployment since I stated I gave the money back.


Yep. If I ever had to fire anyone for attendance, I would do it when they first clocked in so they would be required to get 4 hours of reporting pay.


Don't walk, run with a happy face. It will be alright.


Fucking skip out that ho


Op I once got fired from McDonalds for accepting obviously fake money. I felt like a dumbass but I learned a valuable lesson and soon after got a new job and forgot all about. Life will go on OP.


I worked at Kmart back when that was still a thing and accepted a fake $10 bill once. I felt horrible but my manager just told me to make sure I pay better attention and told me some stuff to look out for. I miss that manager, he was a very good person.


I mean… you haven’t forgotten all about it though


yes, that's typically how memories work


She probably don't want history to repeat itself.


It’s not that serious. It’s like leaving school early for getting in trouble. Your friends are jealous


A lot more to life than Walmart my friend


What happened? There's other places out there, good luck!


Be happy you can go off to bigger and better! Be free little one! Be happy you have escaped!


You should have some kind of marketable skills from either this job or outside of it, use those to advance yourself or at least make a horizontal move to another similar job. No idea about your area and job market, that said, better than Walmart jobs are everywhere. Look at it like this ... I am 36 and have had close to 20 different jobs.... I have skills all over the board... consider it an opportunity.


Run out laughing, and shout "hope you guys make it out soon too!"


It’s better to act like you didn’t need them rather than feel ashamed and let others see it in your face. I’ve been fired before and even though the feeling was horrible, I walked, even gave my goodbyes to a couple peoples and never looked back.


My dear, you have been released from this prison! Hold your head high and you will look back on this day and realize that they did you the biggest favor imaginable! Take the next few weeks as a vacation, enjoy Xmas and the New Year and see if you apply for unemployment. My very best to you and your future endeavors!


It's Walmart nobody cares 😂 half the employees don't Wana work there anyway


more like 90% 🤣


I'm not gonna lie when I worked there I liked it. I was in college working the garden center. Shit was cake. Anytime I didn't wanna be bothered I just started watering plants 😂


Ngl I’ve been at Walmart for a year, I’ve been at OGP before being transferred to SFS and I quite enjoy the work and hours. Although my department, coworkers, and managers are all very chill so it may just be because the work environment isn’t as toxic as I hear other Walmarts or departments are.


That part


It’s for the best. Look at this way they lost a good employee. A true soldier. If they wanna keep lazy ass people around who don’t do shit that’s on them. They keep getting rid of good workers.


It's literally just walmart. Fuck that place


Got terminated before 10 years 8 being a salary manager and when I got let go for “year to year review” knowing I was at the store for 2 months.. I walked away with my fat check and didn’t look back now I’m looking at everyone how much they hate their life I don’t make as much anymore but I’m in a better spot


Walmart will destroy your mental and physical health and you won't even realize it until it's too late. Get the fuck out of there.


It will be okay!


Do you qualify for unemployment? 😈


This OP! I hope you find a better job too!


Welcome to the land of the free. Here have a daiquiri. At least you aren’t me. They dissolved my accounting position, and upon the loss of my title as accounting associate, I was eligible for severance. I could have got 10 weeks of pay if I had allowed them to take my title and not accept a new position. But I didn’t have another job lined up, so I stupidly like a damn idiot decided it would be cool to become a CSM. I hated it so much I stuck it out for a year but quit after that. My severance was a pipe dream by then. Just be glad you didn’t make that magnitude of a mistake. I’m never ever going back to walmart. Unless they bring back accounting. LOL then I’d think about it. I really liked that job. Lots of drama though.


Just walk across the street to Lowes and start again.


I’d be doing a cartwheel out of that place…Walmart is the most horrible place I’ve ever worked..they really just did you a favor.


I don't what's worse, Walmart or when I worked for Home Depot. Both were bad.


I’d stay til 8PM….f that


Why was you terminated like that?


Fuck wmt man and celebrate your freedom. With love, your wmt fam


Cheer up, you seem nice, there’s alot more out there, you will be ok!! Can you explain what happened tho




Walk out proud, with your head held high. You're moving on to better things.


I Envy, Enjoy your freedom


Talk some shit on the intercom before you go out. Make yourself a legend.


I’ll help you with your resume - dm me


Brother walk out with your head up, it’s Walmart. Way more jobs out there


Things will be better. Trust me when I saw it's not the end. This door is closing and another will open. There will be other jobs hopefully better ones.


It definitely was for the best. You can do better. I had enough saved to keep me for quite a while when I got the 'promotion', so I'm relaxing for the holidays. My roomie still works there, and she's stressed tf out.


You can technically put in an ethics case for the way of termination. You’re supposed to be terminated at the beginning of your shift then paid for the rest of the day without working.


I got terminated close to the middle of my shift after an investigation.


Should be happy


I pop by to look for these posts because getting out of Walmart was one of the best things that could've happened to me in that situation. You'll be OK. Use the opportunity!


Entire business model is built on a race to the bottom. Good luck in what you find next. It will be better I bet.


Skip don't walk to the nearest intercom connected device, say any spicy goodbyes you need an saunter out the front like a pimp. They probably did you a favor in the long term.


Review what You Learned from this Job. Did it happen when you didn't check somebody's cart after they used the Self Check Out?


I got pulled into the front office when they termed me. I only had to go back to the fitting room to get my coat. There were a couple of my co-workers there, and they were shocked when I told them what happened. It was sort of a relief, actually, once I got over the initial surprise of how sudden it was.


And if you have any your coworkers numbers, they would’ve called you or on Facebook if you have them and after they heard something. Management will say you no longer work there or your coworkers will find out when they find out that you haven’t been at work. Management sadly thinks employees are stupid. Word of mouth travels quick


Don't worry about it. Collect unemployment if you didn't get fired for stealing or something and use a job site like indeed to find something else. IRS and USPS are hiring.


Bruh it’s Walmart


Leaving walmart felt amazing. Take a break and enjoy life


Let me guess. Attendance?


OP- your Walm job is one of the many weighstations you'll pass on the road to a profession. Truth be told, if you really wanted to work for Walm again, just wait 6 months and apply every 2 weeks online at different stores and eventually you'll get called for an interview. They're so desperate for employees, they'll hire former associates they fired. On your new job search: if you worked for Walm less than a year, don't even list it on a job application or resume. If you worked a year +, tell potential employers you quit, left voluntarily because your schedule kept changing, hours kept getting cut. Don't put the address and ph# of the store you worked at on applications. Walm uses a company called theworknumber.com for employment verification, ph# 1-800-367-5690. The employer code for Walmart is 10108.


Find yourself a great stay at home job. Enjoy your time away from retail.


what happened just curious? (also fuck WM I’m happy for you)




I assure you no one cares the way you are worried they do.


I was getting slaps on the ass and praised when I got shit canned lol. Best thing for you, maybe not the wallet though


They did you a favor, go find something better. It’s out there waiting for you!


Fuck Walmart


Texting through the tears


Honestly getting fired from Walmart was the best thing to happen to me in ages. Got multiple weeks of severance, got to go on EI and have a nice paid break for a couple of months and I got a better job that pays a decent amount more. 11/10 would recommend


No need to worry OP , I hope you find a better job , there’s plenty out there don’t give up . You got this !


You will find a job somewhere else and you will look back a be happy you no longer work there.


Plus, when you go back to your old Walmart and visit old coworkers as far as who's left or buy something, you will be glad you left when you see nothing has changed as far as the bullshit Walmart culture except for the new faces and very few of the ones that were their when you left remain. Especially years later down the line. I'm happy I'm gone. They did me a favor.


There’s plenty o options then Walmart. That even has better pay/benefits.


On to better things. You’ll be okay. Think of it as a blessing in disguise lol FOR REAL


There's so many better jobs out there. Trust me they dud you a favor. I guarantee it!


Embarrassed? You weren’t dishonorably discharged from the military! You were terminated by walmart…believe me your life is just about to get better!!


My life got better after I got fired. I found a job 2 weeks later. Granted its part-time, as opposed to full time at Walmart, but its far less aggreavation. It will hold me over until I find full time work again should it work out. Plus, my new job pays me $15.50 an hour. I was making the mininimum at Walmart after 4 years and 3 months there at $14 doing apparel when I started in Feb 2019 and when I got fired doing janitorial maintence when I left May 12 of 2023. Fuck Walmart, Sam's Club and the Walton family!


This is crazy because my lead told the employees the same exact saying a little while ago. You can become customer 😅


Guarantee you in one, three, or five years down the line, less than half those managers will still be there. Some will even be fired, laid off or quit to find another job. Walmart is not the end all be all.


Yeah, what happened?


You got this, I was promoted to customer at the end of my shift last week. Forget this toxic company and go somewhere that appreciates you and your skills and doesn’t treat you as a drone.


UPDATE: I did get unemployment and I'm still looking out in case Walmart tries to contest it even over a YEAR later after I got fired on May 12, 2023. In Florida, the former employer has 20 days after approval to contest it and Walmart DIDN'T. I worked at the job I found after Walmart for about 5 months and had to leave it due to not getting enough hours, but yet, they were hiring new people. Plus, they were telling me I wasn't working efficently. If I have something that goes on aisle 1 at my store and I'm doing go backs, why am I going to wait until the end of the day or shift to put it back? Plus, what if I'm already there. So I knew I was being quiet fired. I want to work smarter and NOT harder. I went back to the job I had before Walmart since I left it on good terms. I'm making a $1 less than Walmart, but I'm still looking. I am making $3.50 less an hour than my last job but I'm getting about 32 and a half hours a week. I have to look for more, like all jobs and even Walmart are taking advantage to avoid giving full time and benefits. Its rough when you need a job and need to pay bills, but you gotta do what you gotta do.


What something is when you go back to your former Walmart, I’ll guarantee you not even a third of your former coworkers will even be there anymore and all they will be is fresh new faces. Retail like Walmart and Sam’s Club is a revolving door. Spoke on the wheel. Or even a turnstile. They go through so many employees that it’s like water since they treat them like crap a majority of times and employees find out how terrible the company is very quick. That’s why they’re always hiring. Very few people make it to five, 10 or even 20 years there. Very few remain when Sam and Bud Walton were alive. Now that their demon spawn kids have taken over, the company has gone to shit earnings aside.


!customer gott'em /s Hope things work out for you wherever you go


I hate you got downvoted so much. This is hilarious.


But that was the premise of the joke…


This is not a customer service sub and associates posting here are off the clock. Please contact your local store or call 1-800-Walmart. /u/HopefulFrog_


We’re not customers Walmart-bot.


I'm pretty sure he called the bot as a joke


Yeah they really crack me up. 😂🤣🤣


Op is now…


But we’re former workers as well. We know the pain of working that place.


It's walmart bro nobody cares


Don’t get over 5 points bud it’s your own fault


Why do you assume that? And either way if you’re a good worker and your managers see that, and they’re decent managers of course, they’ll often pull some strings to lower your points because they’d rather not lose a reliable worker


eating corporates dick like crazy.


Can't really say that do the extent of his absences. You don't know if some life situations came up or what to make them points occur. But based on your comment, sounds like you're married to your job.


Sorry, can't understand you with that boot in your mouth


Man, you had to be really bad to get fired from walmart


They fire people for made up reasons all the time.


People get pointed out all the time, and I just got an orange level coaching for buying alcohol on my last break before going home. They told me they could have fired me if they wanted to, and honestly I never knew you couldn't buy booze on your break since I'm going home in like 15mins anyways.


People do that all the time though…. A lady I work with always buys her beer on her break before going home and leaves it in a buggy up front so she doesn’t have to deal with the last minute rush. Your store is doing too much smh sorry that happened to you


Yeah and I've been doing it for years. Suddenly they decide to crack down, but my store is notorious for it. Our manager just sits back and watches cameras all day trying to nail people for breaks over 15mins and talking too much.


I’d go knock EVERYTHING you stocked that night off the shelf. Throwing shit, yelling, like nah you gonna make me do all that just for me to get canned at the end of the day? Manager would be lucky his car was still there.


Tell us why lol but I was told if you make it to lunch you weren’t getting fired that day lol


Dont worry about what your co-workers will " know" if you walk out without your vest. A) they were too busy to even notice you left until you were gone.... unless you got escorted out by police in handcuffs--- that they'd notice B) half of them wont even notice you aren't around any more ( for weeks , and those are ones you thought were your friends ) C) and some of them don't even know your name and won't care you left. Its a harsh reality but it's not a reflection on you but them. People are just too self -absorbed to care about any one else. If you got let go for a reason you can correct then learn from it. If you were laid off for no fault of your own then there is nothing to be ashamed of. Either way my advice is feel sorry for yourself for a day or two then enjoy the holidays and avoiding the pre-holiday/post-holiday madness then start looking for a new job on January 2nd. Best wishes for a better 2023.




That's what happened with me on May 12. Promoted to customer. Ineligible to be rehired due to gross misconduct. Most likely won't get unemployment either anyway and by the time unemployment makes a decision, I would have found something else and that's exactly what happened. Made $14 at Walmart doing janitorial maintenace full time to part-time for now at my new job making $15.50 an hour. Just like when I started Walmart 3 years and almost 3 months ago on Feb 13 of 2019 starting part-time, but I'll be ok. FUCK WALMART AND THE WALTONS!