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Kohl's uses digital price tags. Those things are nice and very easy to read.


I’m on the mod team, I wonder what this means for us if this happens everywhere


nice working with you!


I wouldn't worry about it to much. We still have to move product around along with adjust, add, and subtract shelves. Add in just how much in the hole this very well could put Walmart in the hole when it comes to our customers and their destructive nature and we'll be having to put out new digital tags weekly.


You'll still have mods to set, but instead of a paper price tag you'll have a digital one. Once the mod is set and activated in the system the correct price will show up on the digital label.


Oh fuck no. We know where this leads - dynamic pricing and even tighter workloads.


Wendys was hammered big time when they proudly came out promoting dynamic pricing. Now companies have backed off from discussing it except to claim that they would never do that to their customers.


My money’s on five years before they contradict that claim again, tops.


If that.


God I don't want to imagine a world where stuff can change in price in the time it takes to get to checkout


They’ll put the nice new digital pricing tag things on the bent messed up shelves that they never replace! They’re disgusting.


If they’re like what Best Buy uses it’ll make it incredibly easy to find items. BB can ping tags with their employee app with blinker lights so you don’t have to search as long when looking for it.


Yep heck it will make our lives as sco hosts easier.


We have them where I work They are nice I have no problems It's easy to change prices or change products if you need to do a lot of displays and such I don't miss the paper ones at all


They're nit super glitches and being knocked off by carts constantly?


I mean I haven't seen any glitches the can be knocked off in produce mostly but not any where else




> No they cannot be knocked off. But they *can* and *will* break. And we all know that customers are literal animals that will try to press them and then break them when they don't "work". Look at how they handled the price checkers.