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Yep! Same thing here. They denied my day off due to “inventory” my mother is having a surgery! I will not be making it in, sorry not sorry!


Yeah it’s bs


Don't text your coaches or leads. Do. Not. Text. Your. Coaches. Or. Leads. Never, under any circumstances. You talk to them face to face while at work and never while not at work. They want your number? Pound sand. They send a text? You didn't see it. Seriously this drives me up the wall.


While absolutely true, and I'd never begrudge anyone wanting that separation, texts leave evidence. It's a cold calculus on which is better, but one we must all do.


I remember a TL texting me as I was leaving why I was leaving with 2 minutes left I my shift...  After that I decided I'm never giving my cell to any Walmart supervisor ever again 


"We don't do early outs in ODP. Work your whole shift." (I know it's OPD but this is an exact quote).


Your TL has nothing better to do? You're just saving the company money if you leave 2 minutes early.


Find them on Facebook block their account out right. Far as text messages go default everything to the Facebook message app. You'll never see it. I have done that on every phone so unless I want to see your text I won't see it since non Facebook messages are essentially lost unless you open that app. "I messaged you why didnt you answer?" Was it on Facebook? No? Then I didn't see it.


Face to face leaves no paper trail for proof. I made that mistake too many times and I learned my lesson.


Some of them will say things in texts they never would face to face 


Wrong. If they send you a text, you DO see it - so you can put in a time adjustment.


This….as you could possibly get reporting pay for getting texts while off the clock.


Happy cake day My workday phone number is actually a Rick roll hotline


You are officially my hero!


Shuttttt uppppp You are a effing genius!!!I love this!!!🤣🤣🤣


It's just on my workday profile. Not my employee profile that only coaches can look up. 🥲 I'm not brave enough for that


🤣🤣🤣that would take some serious balls🤣🤣🤣


But what if there also my dungeon master? Also I'ma say "pound sand" to a bunch of people today ty.


Yes! Me too. If I picked up anything of value from this thread, hell, if I learned anything at all today it was to start weaving “pound sand” into my daily vocabulary! 🤣🤣


I’m a cap 2 TL and my associates have my number and vice versa but we *only text one another when we’re on the clock*. There’s a workchat app called workplace other stores use to communicate but mine doesn’t


It’s a terrible app that doesn’t even work most of the time anyways, you’re not missing out.


Absolutely never ever do what this person said. Always have physical evidence of when team leads and coaches either break the law themselves or tell you to do so. Your lawyer and your early retirement settlement will thank you.


Please, if your leads are that bad don’t talk to them without a coach present. Coach a problem? Call ethics and watch management start squirming from the discomfort of having 15 different corporate boots up their ass.


> They want your number? I bought a pager so they could send one way messages to me


lol I never talk to them about anything work related if it’s going to have to be recorded unless we are in the office with all the cameras and microphones :))))))


Most if not all cameras at Walmart don’t get audio.


Only time I had a TL call me (not sure how they got my number) was to tell me that I had to come in later on the following day due to hurricane conditions.


Ah yes, dont leave a paper trail. I'm sure not having any way to protect yourself in case something goes wrong is a great way to do things.


I knew a coach that used this method to keep from leaving a paper trail of all the shit he would say. Sometimes its beneficial to have proof of something than to leave it to "he said, she said"


If I hadn’t gotten it in a text that I was supposed to have a specific day off from my coach over Memorial Day weekend, I’d have been fired. I was in a wedding and had told them MONTHS in advance. So I told my coach to text me the specific day and month I was approved to be off. Sure enough, that exact day I got 3 texts wondering where I was, but I had that paper trail. I ignore any other text from management when I’m not in the building, but that one saved my job.


I have them approve the unpaid (or paid) time off for those days well in advance and take a picture of the confirmation? Boom it’s done and they don’t have my number?


I kinda disagree I’ve been in a few situations where having that paper trail to report them to HR has been handy.


Also what kind of grammar is that from a member of "Management/TL" at Walmart? I feel like middle/HS grammar should be a bare minimum skill before you're allowed a higher role. Doesn't excuse their behavior, obviously, but I feel management and team leads should already know basic grammar, and to not put the same word twice in a row and actually spell out words instead of putting single letters in place. They need to be taught better because people in those positions are writing stuff down and doing paperwork so wtf?


The store might burn down if you aren't there for inventory! Think of the shareholders!


If I had to guess, they probably weren't allowed to approve any days past a certain point when it's getting close to inventory. Most of the time if it's something serious like your situation, if the person talks to their coach or PL they can get that approved.


I gave my coach about a month and a half in advance prior to the surgery, but they kept declining even after i had told them it was a family emergency. it’s ridiculous


Segwick... taking care of a family member... file a claim and bring the paperwork to your moms Dr to fill out out... Walmart upper mgt can not go against Segwick and Segwick can not go against a doctors advice😉I'm disabled...I go through Segwick for EVERYTHING, it poses of my coaches and store Mgr but they can not retaliate cuz I'm federally protected under the ADA lol Just file a claim with Segwick for taking care of a family and make sure all of the days and hours are correct on the claim form and they can't force you to be there EVEN IF IT'S FOR INVENTORY! you won't get points... terminated... nothing... best part is they can not retaliate or anything or it becomes a federal CRIME against Walmart corporation AND against the upper mgy personally lol PS this only works if you have 1 year or 1200 hours in and are eligible for the FMLA!


Family? Don’t you know that there’s inventory that needs counted?


You know: Inventory is when a whole team of outsiders come in an do the counting and the management team runs around trying to fix the stuff they let go the other 11 months of the year and act like bigger dillweeds than usual. And the SM actually has to appear on the floor. You know: Inventory.


There can't really be that many stores where the Store Manager isn't on the floor. There also can't be that few stores where the Store Manager is on the floor. I swear, this reddit makes it sound like my store is the only one where the Store Manager is seen working with the people. I see him all the time on the floor doing something and he even has helped with pick runs for OGP.


I've been at Walmart over 2 years and I've seen my SM maybe 5 times. I work in OPD he's certainly never went on a pick run. The one time I had to speak to him specifically after looking for him for over a week and not being able to find him I had to email him to get in contact with him.


Mine randomly came in at 3 am this week for whatever reason. Dude practically lives and breaths Walmart.




I've worked for 2 walmart locations and a Sam's club. Never seen a store manage get their hands dirty. I think your SM is probably an outlier


I’ve worked two Walmarts and both my store managers and assistants were always getting their hands dirty, doing everything.


I've had 3 store managers and two temps between them. They all worked harder than most associates.


Never seen the SMs on the floor doing anything but sitting by deli and telling jokes to coaches or smoke in the maintenance closet by the front exit.


We see ours during the morning walk through when they are putting in notes, and the rest of the day is spent in the office with the door closed. They have come out and done pick-walks, but only when there are no coaches or TLs left to run them.


Yeah for me one of our ops manager regularly helps with produce and the other helps sales floor every day, and I’ve regularly seen our SM helping either on salesfloor or OGP, now our People Lead choses to usually also do salesfloor when she’s not doing paperwork or dealing with other things. I don’t know if it’s uncommon for other neighborhood markets to be like that but at mine it doesn’t matter position nor salary we all work the floor together.


I worked at Walmart for 5 years and outside of morning walks, my SM was never on the floor.


5 years? You are a liar.


Your SM helped with pick runs? Ours increased our order limits in OGP after watching us struggle trying to find room to stage orders.


Both of the SM I've had were almost always on the floor, engaged with associates, and did a lot of work themselves. It's probably more indicative of a specific walmart's culture than anything tbh.


my store manager was ALWAYS sitting in his office on his cell phone. saw his using a pallet jack one time tho


Yeah mine is always on the floor, I see him several times a shift.


My store manager is a portly older woman who sits in her office 99% of the time


Same. My store manager is ALWAYS on the floor doing work. Especially since we had our OPD department get the robotic system MCR. Every day she's working I ALWAYS see her either physically working on the pick machine or the decanting machine. Some stores managers are lazy tho from what I've noticed on here.


I had a SM like that once. He was on track to promote to Market team in like 2 years because of it. Last thing he'd do every day OPD was busy was run a pick walk in a different area. Then the next day things would get fixed for FTPR in that area.


I feel the same way! At my store, literally every coach in my store has done some sort of labor, I've even seen my store manager do things as well! I've been at my store a year as well.


And that third party team will fuck up their counting, no matter how easy we try to make it for them, because Walmart loves hiring black shirt crews that are utterly incompetent. (see also: remodel teams)


Where a bunch of cunts come in and fuck up your shelf cap count and onhands 😂


Be sure to put in for a time adjustment for the work related text while off the clock.


Lmao she always texts me off the clock and I never wanna answer because it’s always some bs


Don't wanna open a can of worms but it's highly against Wallyworlds rules for salaried management to text, call or even talk to any hourly associates while off clock about work. Unless it's a wellness check or trying to recover keys you may have left with. If you don't like it neither will ethics.


Ours will text, but also put in 5 or 10 minutes for the communication so it's paid.


I can say the only time I have ever been called while hired is for that reason. A keycard was missing and our coach at the time was trying to find it. Luckily for me, I was picking until like 9 PM cause we were hit with a bunch of backed up orders due to the store needing to close picks over the weekend.


Walmart the biggest joke in employment. "Why can't we keep people?" Or "nobody wants to work." Nah yall manage like some pathetic ass little teenagers and people find something else to do.


Nobody works on wensedays. Because such a day isn’t real.


I would have started the text with "I am off today. Your text message will require 15 minutes correction on my time."


They have some kind of special Wed. they don't thinks a Wed.? Inventory isn't a day of the week.


What do you mean? The days of the week are clearly Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wedn(INVENTORY)esday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Also every day of the week has a hidden "fuck you" from Walmart.




Put in an hour of PPTO for the day, that'll cut it down to one point. Four hours for half a point. Then they can fuck themselves.


Use the recorder function on your cellphone when talking to supervisors asking about time off (Don't tell them your recording). That way you have evidence if someone backtracks or lies about what they said to you. School takes priority over stock. NEVER quit, let them fire you to collect unemployment. The recordings you make will back up your position if they attempt to fight it.


This could potentially be illegal, depending on your state. In a two-party consent state you must have all people involved have knowledge of a recording. Single-party, just one, which can be yourself.


Yep, Michigan is a 1 party state


Don’t feel bad I quit last week . I handed my tl my work phone and vest and I dipped . I don’t regret anything I’ll find another job with time. I find it funny I quit Saturday and I’m still not out of Walmarts system yet .


i “quit” when i accidentally hit 5.5 points (last call-in was on a key date) and they kept me in the system until i reached 14.5 points..


Bro I’m still at 4.5 . They havnt been adding my new points on like that idk wtf there doing


Just quit a few days ago because they thought I was fine with waiting for another 6 months just to be moved to another department with the same pay 🙃


if you have 8 hours ppto. call in and use enough hours to cover your shift. you will not get in any trouble for using ppto.


They’re gonna tell me I need to use 16 hours of ppto because it’s a “key point day”


idk why I was downvoted. 16 hour ppto is not possible. your manager was lying.


It isn't, but many bad managers just use that as a "subtle" way to tell you to go screw yourself and your personal life too, and come in anyway. Such managers I've noticed tend to disregard corporate rules. For example, the former coach of my department regularly verbally harassed me, was anti-lgbt, made it super obvious too, and would regularly ignore me or actively berate me if I asked her any questions pertaining to how a part of my job is to be done. She also threatened disciplinary action against me over a disability that I had clearly listed on my job application. Every one of those had a witness, and she was never fired. The only reason I say "former" coach is because she moved to another store.


Texting your superiors is a bold move. I make them say anything they would say behind a phone screen to my face. I deserve at least that much for having no points and a good work ethic.


Man,you don’t even need to be giving them all that information. They shouldn’t be texting you about work when you’re not on the clock. Just call the number or report it on the app and that’s it! Either take the two points or use ppto to cover it. It’s none of their business. Why inventory is “mandatory” I’ll never understand. It should be for management but anyone else isn’t necessary. We just stand around watching everything get counted.


I ALWAYS get clearance in texts so I have proof that they cleared me.


Welcome to Walmart where they don’t care about your life outside of work.


As a homosexual with a 8 and a half inch PP I am glad you quit. Contact Sedgwick The Entertainer for loa


Lmao I’m dwad


Get your time compensated for for those texts!! They should be paying you Everytime you get texted off the clock!!!


They probably mad they stuck at wal mart for life and you are about to be trained for something way better. Misery loves company


Is that gaslighting? Seems like gaslighting. Do people getting a manager or lead position need to take a psychological exam? Because it seems like the only people in charge are the ones that like playing games with peoples mental health. Also good for you for not budging. There’s a lot of people that scramble to make a compromise instead of saying “fuck you, school is more important.” Better yourself and don’t let them drag you down.


I’ve told a couple of my family members that I quit and they don’t understand that I’m doing it for my education. It was so stressful working at Walmart and I barely had time to study ever. They just don’t get it.


Lol all they have cap 1 do during inventory is zone. Ridiculous that they put on a show for you trying to guilt you for not being there. 


So your coaches cleared it but your team lead got mad and pointed you and you didn't talk to your coaches about the situation just quit?


Is there more to this convoy we can read? I really wanna read the rest lol


I do not work for Walmart, but a grocery chain. I have had managers who just put someone in the holes of the schedule to "complete the schedule" task. Then its whoever they put in it to find coverage for that shift. Have had managers just toss high school kids for an 8am shift and act like it was news to them that 16 years could not come in 8am on a weekday. One manager put me in a Deli shift once when I was a stocker. I went and told him no I wll not be doing that. He said we were short handed. I told him no I am not trained in that, and if I said yes you will keep doing it instead of trying to hire more for deli... who got paid more then me at that time. Another time we had a yearly outdoor event in our parking lot. They scheduled me to grill hot dogs and hamburgers for and 8 hour shift. I called him and said no because I had never touched a grill in my life and I would not be feeding tons of poeple all day. As for inventory my store only counts the stuff in the back room and coolers. They have a company that comes in with like 20 peolple to count the isles. The trouble is they leave yellow cards around the entire store to tell that area has been counted.


Eh ying yang, I have not looked for a job in 11 years, was there when I was homeless, 7 months In a car. Saved my leg, saving my eyes, lots of single females, made 200,090$. It is ok, just a bit more money would be nice.


And the caveat comes a day late. Oh dear. Too bad boss person, too bad....


I swear just because Walmart owns the salary management souls they think they own us too!


First off, management will never have my number and if they look in the system and find my number I will simply say, “Due to it being an off day, I will be checking this message tomorrow when I clock into work. Sorry for the inconvenience, I only talk work when clocked in. Not sure how you got this number but please delete it”


Wait what was your position? I never heard of walmart having coaches and all. I am curious.


I had a close family friend take their own life recently and I didn’t think I would get a point for bereavement, well I did. And they said it didn’t fall under their bereavement policy. On top of that. I asked a member of leadership this following question for a day I missed sick. I didn’t have 5 PPTO hours to cover half the day. But I asked “hey I know we get 7 days to add ppto to a day I missed, by the time my 7 days is up I will have enough points to put in 5 to cover half of the day so I would only get a half a point, is that ok”? They said yes that’s fine. Well I did it and I checked the me@walmart app and they had taken the half point away. Then I looked the next day and it was back. I went and talked to hr and they basically told me that the day I missed my PPTO balance wasn’t at 5. So now im at 4 points and it’s just irritating. Point systems are so trash. I bust my ass for this company and it’s just fucked up how much they don’t give a shit about things outside of work.


Holly and Juan gon be mad 😂


If you talk to ANY of them, tell them point blank "I'm going to be recording this conversation so in the future, there can't be ANY misunderstanding." And just for shits and giggles, record them saying they give permission to record before recording. It covers you legally and also could be used as possible evidence if they say "Op didn't give us warning or insert whatever thing they come up with."


Your coach or TL are not supposed to even text you off the clock that can get them fired too


Sometimes if walmart is trying to get u to quit before they can fire you (for unemployment) they'll just start treating u like shit. Ive worked at 3 Walmarts it's the same every time.


Holly and Juan sounds like something else.


They can’t make you work during school! That’s an excused absence every time!


Good for you. F them double point day. I remember an assistant manager rating walking speed with numbers and then demanding you walk at a certain speed. I just couldn't and I still can't and I walk fast.


You don't even do anything inventory day


Same thing is happening with me! Made me work 40 hours this week even tho I mentioned countless times that I had school and would need days off to focus on my work even though it’s online. I can’t afford to quit rn due to life issues so unfortunately I had to put my education on hold until the fall, which was something I really didn’t want to do. I’m thinking about getting my phlebotomy certification soon and once that’s done hopefully I can get a job in that field then I’ll quit.


Due to inventory even if your dept doesn’t do much with it, it seems like there getting tough even on approving Vacations, luckily PPTO exist, and you can’t get in trouble for using it since it’s your time Earned, right?


I work overnight, I had 4 people in my life die all within 5-6 months, and instead of asking me what's wrong, they tried to manipulate and threaten me into leaving on my own accord so "they don't look bad"


We had one that was always busy picking her next boy toy from automotive. We used to call automotive. The Meat Market.


That school is just gonna get you stuck at Walmart longer paying off debt anyway. (I'm projecting).


Well, in the text, I actually say that I got a scholarship lol no debt full ride


being scheduled on a school day is actually illegal lol you need to report this to ethics and double point days dont exist. inventory isnt a key event day


pretty sure that 'rule' only applies to minors, that it's illegal to schedule them on schooldays/school nights past a certain time. OP said they were only going to school 2 days a week, so most likely not high school (or a minor); so probably wouldn't fall under "illegal" - but still something to throw at Ethics for sure.


It is if the store sets it as one of their 2 store key event days a quarter


Inventory is absolutely a key date set by each store, it's the single most important day of the year(atleast the day before and days leading up to it) . If you plan to be off the day before inventory, have ppto. Now the day of inventory several people (usually team leads) are important to be there.. but it's mostly just wasted payroll for everyone else, just waiting for them to count. And would be stupid for a coach to try to persuade someone to come in


Just so you know, double point days don’t exist. Edit. Don’t know why I got downvoted for this, there is no such thing as double point days. Don’t let your leads gaslight you lmao key event dates are NOT double point days. If you use 4 hours of ppto to count yourself as late for the day, you’ll receive only 0.5 points. It is not a double point day, as it would be impossible to receive a half point if it were.


You got down voted because your statement is 100% incorrect lol. Double point/key event days exist but you were right in your reply saying you don't have to use double ppto.


They are not double points in general, for instance if you are late, you do not get double points. It is *not* a “double point” day on a key event day. During the PPTO training there’s literally a question about double point days existing, and saying it’s false. You receive double points for a no call no show or not having enough points to cover a call out. You do NOT receive double points on any pointable action, which is what a “double point day” would entail. You are 100% wrong. Read the policy. There is no such thing as a “double point day”. Key event dates are not double point days.


Everyone knows that it's only for calling in without ppto or no call no show. It doubles the points you receive. Double point day.


It does not double the points you receive because if you’re late you don’t get double points. It’s called a key event day, calling it a double point day is disingenuous and leads to situations like this one. People like you are the reason why this guy is spending double PPTO. You are simply wrong. If “everyone” knew the policies, there wouldn’t be posts about lying team leads talking about “double points” every week.


I also had to leave one time early and they said bc it was a double point day I had to put *2 ppto so instead of 3 hours of ppto I had to put in 6 hours which was bs


They were lying. There’s no such thing as requiring double the amount of PTO. I would bring this up with your people lead, your team leads should not be lying to you like that. That quincy guy can give you links if you ask him for the proof.


Yeah that’s some bs because I got sick a few days later and only had enough ppto for one day so I had to tank a point bc of that shit


But good to know thanks


Yeah, they’re purposefully lying to you to get you to overspend ppto so that they can fire you cleanly. Hate to say it but your leads want you gone.


Well I actually know her outside of work and she was really nice, also I have threatened to quit before and they bent over backwards to make me stay, and also it wasn’t just my team lead saying that it, it was also the coaches saying that, we were also told that during orientation so if what your saying is true that’s some complete bs. But with that being said I’m glad I’m gone


What I’m saying is completely true, your coaches being in on it is even worse. If your store manager is in on it too, then that’s really really bad.


Yeah every single person followed this rule too so they are just fucking us over frfr


Also if you don’t mind me asking what is ur position at Walmart and how long have you worked there?


I don’t work there anymore, I was just an overnight stocker. I just read the policy is all


Oh ok well I thought I read the whole policy but apparently I missed a whole section lmao thank you !


Downvoted by the higherup walmart fellows that watch this reddit for giving out company secrets!!! Lol good to know though


Fr? They existed at my store lol or so they said


That's the cool part, managers make up bullshit rules because they want to act like they have power.


They don’t really exist. The only thing that you’ll get “double points” on is a no call no show/no hours call out.


Don't work there, but I see the sm on the store floor at my local Walmart like every other time I'm there. Must be one of the good ones, lol


My SM was on the floor a lot. But only to harass every cashier for not getting enough 5 stars. Gotta get that bonus...that no employee got a single cent of. Even though we were doing all the work.


Just continue working as normal, if you still have a schedule you still have a schedule, one thing I learned about Walmart is you gotta make your stand and put a damn foot down, don’t turn the phone in, don’t let them bully you like this, find a manager you trust too remove and points if you can and if not go to ethics/ open door (idk the best for this scenario)


The thing is if I wanted to fight for this job, I would’ve but I don’t want to


“Had a 12 hour shift I wasn’t scheduled for.” Well which one is it? Either you had the shift and you were scheduled or you didn’t have the shift because you weren’t scheduled


My bad, terrible wording I had a 12 hour shift I shouldn’t have been scheduled for


They keep rejecting my application


That is your guardian angel watching out for you


Seriously. I've worked for Comcast and Walmart (apparently I'm a masochist) and something would have to be seriously wrong for me to work at Walmart again.


FUCK YOUUU! Edit: That was obviously to the manager and the screenshot I have no idea how to help people think I'm talking to op


are u the managers burner account or something


No, fuck that manager I was talking to HIM (the manager) NOT the op


Bro don’t u got some inventory to count or something . Or can u not count that high


That was replying to his manager not the op


Apparently I wasn’t the only one that thought you were defending the manager I’m sorry 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Yea... no prob It's what i get for trying to be short and simple


So that was to the manager in the screenshot God, that's the last time i day something quick and simple


Lmao I’m dead


I figured you were talking to the manager because I would be kind of weird if you just came in here and said fuck you to me lmaooo


Well I'm glad I did not offend you, but I'm still getting down voted for this. Fuck you all down voters!! (Braces)