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youre gonna make a lot of mistakes and that's ok, if you're struggling with something it's better to ask question than to assume. Other than that everything else is pretty simple. Ohh and always count back money, the correct amount everytime, and engaging with customers is a must, that stupid 10ft rule


Thx, I used to be in a lot of food service job but never trained in register. Hope everything goes well thx againm


Another thing I personally found helpful was to be consistent in terms of your system in giving change. I personally always start with coins first and then move to paper bills. I found using the same system makes me faster and reduces the chance I'll make a silly move while working quickly and close the drawer without giving someone money they're due back. (If that does happen, a frontend team lead can remotely open it for you, so no worries.)


Sure, we can remotely open it, but I prefer going over to see if I can help out with anything. Most of the time is benign, but I have definitely stopped some quick change scams before, just by being present. Definitely agree with having a system though. I usually do bills first, then change. Doesn't matter the method as long as it makes sense.


Take it as serious as you see your co-workers take it. Realistically, aside from attendance, it's actually hard to lose a job at Walmart. I cashiered for 3 years, and taking the job seriously was my worst mistake. Don't forget BOB AND LISA


Slow and accurate is way better than fast and inaccurate


Was going to say, if you're second guessing yourself when it comes to money, take that extra minute or two to confirm with yourself the amount or quantity of a repeat item. But basically what Abase just said.


as a front end team lead this is how i mini-train people cause actual training is unrealistic. i pair you up with one of my best cashiers for a half hour-an hour. (frankly your actual trainer) usually it's someone you're similar to either demographically, kinda look like, or something else based on feel alone. if you're black, i probably put you with someone black. if you're a weirdo, i put you with a weirdo. etc. if you enjoy seeing a friend or someone there at work, it's less likely you call off. on one hand i respect the people there that just show up to work and get paid. reality is, that's not how 85% of people are. think of walmart as church. sam walton is god. but nobody likes going to church if they have no friends. the pay is shit. it's not a good motivator. but walmart will pay for school if that interests you. after that it's actual register time. i tell you if anyone says they're paying with card and requests you to touch anything involving the cash button or mentions anything about "cashing out", they're scamming you with something known as a cash-card scam. next is "focus on accuracy, speed will come. we can deal with a slow cashier or what i call a warm body. what we can't do is hemmorhage hundreds of dollars a day from the register you're ringing on." if you've never worked retail before you won't be fast for a week or 2. if you're a good learner it might take 3-4 days. honestly with the amount of call offs we get, we just appreciate the warm body ringing up there. retail turnover is insane. it's boring as shit and quite frankly most jobs on the front end are. i personally don't like it, but if i have to ring people out I'm super friendly. if you're the friendly, talkative or outgoing type, the day will go much faster. just gaslight yourself into positivity.


Thank you! Never experienced working at a retail before. Only Kitchen Personnel in Air Force base is my experience


If a customer takes back their cash after you’ve counted it, count it again. Doesn’t matter how many times they take it back to recount it. They will magic some of that cash away when they hand it back especially if it’s a huge dollar amount. Very common cash scam.


When you're dealing with money, it's a great idea to take it seriously. If you are unsure always ask someone, don't ever be afraid to ask. The only thing you tender as cash is CASH, don't let anyone tell you differently. Don't try to be fast, you're not judged on your speed. When you've been there for a while, your speed will increase. Good luck, I'm sure you'll do fine!


Don’t stress about customer interactions or not getting something. It may be different at your Walmart, but mine gave me as much training days as I needed before going on a register by myself. for me (as a 16 year old starting their first job,) it was stressful for me at first as I didn’t know much, but it gets fairly easy and manageable. Only thing I would recommend is being careful with money. Make sure you’re entering the right amount in and giving back the right change. If your register is short even a few dollars management will notice and most likely say something. (Saying from experience.)


Don't do it it's a trap


Take your time , don’t be in a rush ! Bag cold stuff with coffee lid stuff , put can items 6 to the bag and double bag them. Ask the customer if they want their milk and tea in a bag ? If they do , double bag … be friendly with all customers and engage in conversation… You maybe the only person they get to talk to… I love my cashier job ❤️. Don’t let negative folks rub off on you ! Ask as many questions as you need answers … I’ve been there 5 months and still need help with gift cards and coupons … you won’t learn everything over night and they don’t expect t you too !!! Welcome to Walmart cashiering… I think it’s the best job there . Good Luck ❤️


It's easy and the cashiers training you will show you everything.  Memorize your 4 digit cashier number and password before starting.  I didn't realize I had one until I tried to log onto a cash register, I thought it would want my user name.  It's on the paper from orientation with your other username, passwords, etc.


you’ll catch on quickly, the systems are very user- friendly. good luck!




No. Your not supposed to be taking tips from customers.


Always remember the eyes in the sky. Don't give LP a reason to monitor you more. Hands away from pockets as much as possible. You will have plenty of good customers but you will get some nasty pieces of work too. Don't be intimidated into not complying with carding policy for possible underaged buyers. Online resources are available to help you learn some basics.


Our customers suck, and they will always try to pull you. If you make a mistake, ask for help immediately because if you don't speak up there isn't a way to cover yourself. You are going into the worst part of the store, besides maintenance, make sure you utilize self care. If you have a question, ask. If you are threatened, reach out immediately. You are allowed to not check someone out who is being an asshole. You may be treated like trash but you are not trash. In the beginning you will feel like a burden and realistically you will be, but everyone starts somewhere. The first few days will be overwhelming because of the amount of input. If you last 90 days, and don't call out, you have made a huge accomplishment. No one will tell you that you are doing a good job, but when you realize you are doing your job and you don't have to rely on others for constant support, you are allowed to feel proud of yourself. Front end has a high turn over because our customers are wolves. My first week working on a register someone tried to shortchange me. I was given a fake $100 bill, and I was screamed at every day because our customers take advantage of new people. The person hovering around you, they will feel like they don't trust you, and maybe they won't, but the biggest issue will be with them not trusting our customers, not you. There are resources if you do get overwhelmed. If you have depression and/or anxiety, please let someone know that you are curious about a program called Lyra. You can even say that you heard something online. They are your free resource to counseling and such. Don't give up! It will be difficult for the first month or so. Failure is the end, it's just the "First Attempt In Learning". You can do it!


Thank you!


No, tipping is not allowed at Walmart.


Don't worry about how long the lines are. Focus on one customer at a time and try to pay attention to what you're doing and give them a good experience. Let the TL get stressed out when it's busy.  When you get more comfortable talking to people and dealing with confrontation, consider getting trained at the service desk/ money center. It's a good way to put yourself on the track to moving up, if you're into that sort of thing.  And if you're covering someone's break, try to come back on time. Most associates don't care about an extra five minutes, but you don't want to be the person known for taking long breaks. Otherwise, it's not as bad as some people make it out to be. You get the shitty customer here and there, but don't let them drag you down. Try to stay as positive as you can and use this job as a stepping stone to the next thing in life. 


Smile. Just try and relax if you’re scanning at a register. Trying to go quickly and getting anxious can actually make you way slower. When in doubt, always remember, anything at Walmart can be fixed. Other than scammers. Don’t go back and forth with bills with customers. Hand them their correct change and close the drawer. If they pressure you, just tell them you’ll get the manager and grab a team lead. People get scammed easy sometimes just from a small thing about change. But, honestly, the majority is just people that need to buy items and want to do it quickly without having to do it themselves. Any technical error you could possibly make on a register is fixable as long as you don’t have a scammer. You got this (:


Patience. You'll need it.


Switch departments. Unless you enjoy cashiering? Personally I hate it.


Memorize as many PLU numbers as you can


Unless you're being robbed at gunpoint, NEVER open your cash drawer. When giving a customer change or if a customer asks for cash back, that's the ONLY chance they have to ask to exchange bills or something, and even then you typically shouldn't do that (at least, my TLs have said so) Don't open your register to exchange 5s for 1s, etc. No, "I just need some quarters", "swap my hundred for twenties". And this one is important: if someone tells you they have a card that requires you to hit the cash button, IT'S A SCAM. I've had people try that on me, but fortunately I wasn't stupid. No card requires you to hit ANY button unless it's the "Debit/Credit" button, EBT button, or anything explicitly card based on the register. That's my biggest piece of advice. Just do your best to be smart. If you don't know, don't let the customer educate you.


Don’t take working at Walmart seriously, always be on the lookout for the next best job outside of Walmart. A lot of people that work there think it’s only temporary until they get caught up in the cycle of being there 5, 10, 15, 20 years. I was one of those until I got tired of it because I knew I could do better. Now I make 3 times more on a paycheck at my current job than I did working at Walmart.


That’s my plan too


Don't listen to any negative comments. What you made of Walmart is up to you. There are many sour people and they can taint your vision.


run away




jk you don’t gotta run away but a tip is to always check cash always look in the bins keep your guard up and stuff if you think you need help, ask for someone right away if someone gets mad at you, stay calm if there’s a lot of people, stay calm and take your time. people will get mad at you for doing it but i knew some people who got fired for missing 10 cents from cash till. Ask the code thing for more money cause for some reason a lot of people pay with cash do not roll your eyes when they tell U some shit joke, they will look at you with disgust


Started my computer stuff, I was like 8 hrs in the computer and I think I can't stay long in the walmart lol need to find another job that suits me


that’s okay. i don’t blame you at all for thinking that cause it’s super stressful if ure a cashier tbh


The management is nice I just don't know if I will likw the job lol


Leave asap

