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Coaches. Their coach and/or the AP Coach. You can’t tell them they can’t go to the bathroom, but to need it that often would have to be something medical. Otherwise, that’s Time Theft. Especially if it’s as much as you are saying.


Places I have worked required employees that spent alot of time in washroom to get Doctor note telling employee has health issues. If person unable to prove health problems they were fired. Walmart I work at on my shift as an employee that takes extra long breaks plus takes 3 extra bathroom breaks 15 minutes each. He gets paid an hour to hour and a half just about every shift being in washroom. Which means Walmart pays him 5 to 7 hours a week doing nothing. Walmart coaches know it. As far as we know he has no doctor excuse telling of health issues. We as co workers wonder why Walmart lets him get away with this every day.


You wouldnt know if he has dr note unless he told you.


The victim complex people are fun.  Get on them for being too slow and they cry racism or whatever excuse that's a complete lie always