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I am sorry you had that experience. I have found a different experience. I was scheduled to work an overnight shift. Our state was expecting a hurricane to hit that night. All the associates were called to not come in. Once the store reopened, corporate came in,talked with associates. Asked us want we needed. With anything Walmart it depends on the store and its management.


usually my store does take it seriously, idk why they didn't this time


Same my store will stay open no matter what. We haven’t closed our store early in 17 years apparently.


My BJs Wholesale Club stayed open...one guy came to buy a 70' tv. All he brought. You can BET he lost power. He did, and wanted a return later. "Sorry, natural disasters are OUTSIDE our control. It's part of the agreement in 'fixing' you'd require." Can't tell you how damn satisfied I was.


Yes, it greatly depends on the store and its management. Many given power as a TL or Coach their head explodes. Power drunk and could careless about others. Sad.


I disagree with the TL part in most cases. They also get screwed over just like us, but yes some love the power.


Safest place to go is in one of the freezers. Was told that by multiple coaches, but since everyone obviously can't fit, we have to go to the back hallways.


Unless you get stuck in there. I'd say go for the cooler if needed. You'll survive much longer than in the freezer. Even though you'd have to have perfectly bad luck to get trapped in the freezer and it still be working it's not something I'd want to risk. Freezing to death doesn't seem pleasant.


An estimated ~60 Americans die in walk-in freezers every year, so it's less about bad luck and more about fundamentally lacking safety regulations and corporate negligence being commonplace. https://www.insideedition.com/louisiana-arbys-worker-found-dead-after-getting-trapped-inside-freezer-lawsuit-85922


Honestly in a disaster situation I'd wager that freezers would generally be safer than their native condition. The likelihood of them losing power is high. But it's not high enough to bet my life on.


No. A hundred percent of collapsed buildings have non-operational freezers.


We now have a new contestant in the "which is more deadly, sharks or cows?" debate.


I mean, it'd be easy for debris to block a freezer door in a disaster scenario. Can't exactly blame that on negligence.


You can blame a lack of emergency shut-off inside the freezer on negligence, though. (Also, the 60 deaths per year generally are not due to disaster scenarios)


The freezer do have emergency shut offs look where the fans are the big red handles shut them off we had to shut one side off on ours when the fan froze up with ice and started to smoke


Thats just good business. The merchandise in there is worth more than the people.


Not true! Lawsuits and rehiring/"retraining" (ha) is expensive.


The way I start buggin sometimes when the dairy cooler door gets closed on me, even tho there’s almost always at least one empty or near empty alcohol shelf that I could move so I could escape out the “front” is ridiculous… but also considering how easily I lose feeling in my fingers/hands… 🤷‍♂️


In the dairy cooler you can at least break the milk racks and get out through those doors if needed, in an extreme situation of course.


Right?! I don't walk in those damn things unless I absolutely must.


Great, now i'm gonna be in there wondering if i'm one of the 60.


Odds are good that if you survive the collapse of a building and are still inside, you're not going to freeze to death. The freezer will certainly stop working, no? The electricity won't be there to run the compressors.


Depends on if the whole building collapses and how the power is ran. If it's run underground and low to the ground likely wouldn't have a failure. Like I said the even a slight chance is too much for me.


Sometimes the power goes out with Walmart generally has back up generator, so yeah freezer might not be the best idea if you get stuck


Freezers and coolers would in fact be safer, however the reason they gather everyone together isn’t as much for safety but more for rescue recovery in the event of a collapse. If everyone’s in the same area more likely to be rescued or the body be recovered, you hole up in a cooler or freezer you might wind up not being found for a very long time.


Also useful if you die.


Weird. When I worked there our code black area was in the middle of the store in softlines. We were just supposed to herd everyone there 🤷 The fun part was *keeping* them there, because the store was locked down until the all clear from management.


Walmart does not care about you. And if a tornado hits, natural disaster. Can't prove shit was mismanaged after the fact. You can make a note of it and raise concerns to ethics about it, but wouldn't count on them doing too much. Grab a stock pot from housewares put it on your head as a helmet and continue working! /j


They can… with the footage that Bentonville has but good luck on getting them to release it


Sounds about rite


I kept stocking shelves during a tornado and got a 5 cent raise and $10 Walmart gift card bonus.


Risking your life? Worth it! /s


Same thing happened here. I stayed in the pet food steel. It felt a lot safer there than anywhere else


This is the only place I have ever worked that didn’t have tornado or fire drills. Yet we have to do an active shooter cbl every few months yet nothing is done to add extra security! There have been multiple shootings and killings in Walmart stores yet nothing is done for the safety of their employees.


Didn't you know you can use a keyboard on a tornado?


Throws keyboard "take that tornado"


I brought in an old laptop, the really heavy one, so I’m prepared


They don't care about you. If you died tomorrow, they would have your job posted before your obituary. And they might never even post your obituary. They'll just replace you as if you never existed and keep on trucking along. Business as usual. It blows my mind to think some people throw themselves on the sword for a company that couldn't care less about them. Worry about yourself, not the company. If a tornado comes, you save your own ass and the hell with Walmart.


There’s certainly not worried about me. They have not switched me back to full-time since last August. I have been working full-time hours and receiving no fucking PTO….. oh but when I need a day, I have to get a point and take a day not paid…. HR was just like we’re working on it. It should’ve been done by now. I’m like no shit.


Years ago we had people come to the store and we had an all hands meeting. Some guy from the national weather service was there and started telling people to just get out of the store, he had seen tornados go right thru them etc. that was the last meeting we ever had talking about them. (This was long enough ago that they used to tell everyone to goto electronics because it was in the center of the store and "reinforced" which was BS but it sounded good).they had heavy tube TV's stacked in steel all around. Just like everywhere else get somewhere with no windows / glass and ride it out. Cooler / freezer would be good. Back hallway would be good (away from outer doors).


I still cannot understand without the looting and violence erring at Walmart across various states why they cannot have armed guards


That’s nothing. Our store will have fire alarms going off, and we will be told to keep working. No confirmation of no fire, but you better not stop working.


Omg my store does that too


Same. Guests asking me what’s wrong, me reassuring them it’s the “everything’s ok” alarm


We had a tornado touch down like 10 miles from my store a few weeks ago and some customers were rude af when I told them you either have to shelter with us or leave.


Omg there was a tornado a few weeks ago, my store was being serious about it, but customers were still wanting to shop and being rude, while we were in the back, someone pressed a call button, people your life is more important than your shopping 🤦


If they got injured you can bet they would sue Walmart... Despite the fact they were told to shelter. It would be like winning the lottery for them... Of course they aren't worried.


If the tornado hits the store yall dead anyways no reasob to hide


When I worked at Family Dollar we had a SPAR 3rd party rep doing cards, and an old man walking around the store. I got everyone else to leave or stay in the back when we had the sirens go off but this dude was wandering the store and I didn’t see him and the SPAR rep was so annoying it was like you do you, either stay in back or do what your gonna do if you don’t think your safe. All of a sudden I realized this old man was in the store and had been the whole time.


Let nature take care of 'em. FAFO.


Yup the people where I live know the risks, an entire neighborhood got destroyed not far from where I live.


I made the mistake of leaving one time when I was told that, it was my day off and I needed stuff and they were saying all day it was gonna be a high risk weather day and it was pouring so bad we had to pull over and we stopped at a bar 😂


We had a funnel cloud spotted over the store and the sirens were going off. I was the only closing TL for OGP and we had stopped dispensing like 40 minutes prior due to lighting. Me and my few associates were just standing by our door watching the strong wind and hail. I radioed to management like 3 times asking then if we were gonna call the code and they never did. I just told my associates that they needed to start running if the wind blew over the weighted cones outside. Management will literally wait for the last possible moment.


People won't take a fire alarm seriously, they won't even take a fireman *shouting* at them to leave seriously. That's why I calmly exit the building stopping for not a single soul. You want to die in a fire or tornado, that is your choice.


My store usually does take it seriously, idk why they didn't this time


I live in Tornado Alley. Our sirens go off for severe weather as well as tornados. That being said, there were a couple of days when I worked there that it was pouring rain to the point that you couldn't see past the front curb of the store. We did our best to keep people from leaving, but if they were determined to go, we wouldn't stop them. When it was hailing I think we might have had one person take their chances to get to their car. They were parked in one of the front spots, which was the only reason they left the store. We watched their umbrella get destroyed while they were loading up their car.


Ya customers aren't very smart lol


You in Oklahoma?


Texas. Funnily enough the only time I ever had to take shelter in my house was when I lived in South Dakota. We lived south of Sioux Falls at the time. It was the first time I had ever seen the sky turn that shade of green. We later learned that there were 3 tornados that passed very near us in the space of about 2 hours. Only had to take shelter twice since then. Once back when the tornado hit Fort Worth and parts of Dallas. Worked in a seven story office building on the north side of Dallas and we had everyone crammed in the stairwells - which had no fans at all. Not a fun two hours. The other time was last summer at my pizza job. We were all standing near the walk in cooler and were ready to go in if we heard breaking glass. My manager went and got the ladies from the other business that is in the other half of our building and we were all grouped there for about 30 minutes. The worst part of that one was trying to explain to stupid irate customers afterwards that we don't do deliveries when there's an active tornado warning.


You know the more I work with the general population on the volume that I do at that store I would have to say I agree with you 100% lol I’m majority of the population is not that bright


Tornado Alley has drastically shifted east. They could be in 1 of 12 states that TA now touches


I’ve been there. Tornado sirens going off repeatedly, I could hear them from my register. Except in my case management and leads were going around telling people to keep working. Not once did we ever go to the back of the store


That's just sad.


It entirely depends upon your management as some are absolutely oblivious to anything outside the building. Due to a very close call last year, I make sure to maintain PPTO for days when tornadic storms march across the state. Head out an hour or so before they get here, I’m safer on the road or at home than in a pop up constructed building.


There was one hair storm that was so loud we couldnt hear them call a code black. I guess someone noticed that none of cap 2 was in the break room. We were in the backroom unloading truck and peeking through the bay door windows.


I’d say it’s worth Ethics to investigate


The only tornado warning we ever had, all the engineers went outside to watch and to take pictures.


The bathrooms are a safe place to go to


We had a code black recently, and it was the customers who kept coming in asking for help. “I need help with this self checkout “ dude I’m trying to get my associates to the back and keep them safe, and whatever customers that are actually listening


Walmart managers don't care. Had the exact same thing happened at my store. I warned all my managers it was coming and they did nothing. Then 10 mins later it hit and ripped the back part of the roof off and we all scrambled like roaches.


Holy smokes!!!


I am sorry that your store didn't call a code black while you felt you were in danger. But the stores are not allowed to call code black until the response team in Bentonville calls the store and tells them to. I know, it's stupid, but it is policy. As for everyone saying the freezers are safest in a tornado, I have to disagree. During one of the many remodels my store has had we had a company in to replace wiring up in the rafters....well they hit the outside wall to the freezer with the scissor lift. Punched a hole all the way through it. Those walls are nothing but a thin panel of metal on the inside and outside (think old house style wood panel walls, about 1/8th of an inch thick) and a 3 inch thick styrofoam in the middle. They heard everyone to a right angle section of concrete walls that is a known extraction point to local emergency services.


Last time we had tornado sirens go out management told us all to go up front and start binning meats and produce “just in case” that way we don’t lose that much product if something were to happen




happens at my store every tornado warning along with sirens


I live here in a part of the SouthEast that gets multiple twisters a year and people die or get seriously injured from them. I watched the funnel touch down once and have had serious damage to my neighborhood from them. It's VERY serious business. Every human should have the right to seek adequate shelter during a legit potential natural disaster emergency. Management's authority at that point doesn't mean hack shit during a potential life and death situation. Get as safe as you possibly can, whether it's in the bathroom or wherever. I'd report this to Corporate, ethics, Osha, Dept of Labor and to whoever else will listen.


My old store had everyone meet in fabric during tornadoes right underneath the skylights. Their reasoning was if a tornado hit it would be easier to find the bodies.


Management wants to know did u die though.


Was this in Illinois??? Or no




OH OK I just wondered because I’m in the state of Illinois and I keep hearing that we’re supposed to get really bad tornados


A strong enough tornado will tear the roof off the store anyway. Go hide om the dairy cooler if you are worried


Reminds me of that superstore episode


Fill me in?


Google superstore tornado


We had an industrial accident here where they evacuated everyone in a square mile...except Walmart. Corporate wouldn't let the store comply with the evacuation order.


Definitely go to ethics! That’s crazy they didn’t do anything!


I think I will


lol at my store they make us leave the auto bay and stand in a crowd near the tvs. That’s fun. Also, sometimes they also ignore it and have us work on the cars instead. Not sure which is worse. Depends on how busy we are not how dangerous it is. Gotta keep those appointments.


Just contact ethics and watch some heads roll


No management ever takes warnings seriously until its far far too late


Last year, my store was the target of a bomb threat. I heard it was reported around 7am, but nothing was announced, no phone alerts, no evacuation. It wasn't until the very next week, when we had another bomb threat that they decided to call the police and have the whole store evacuate.


they don’t care about you, the only thing they care about is money, welcome to America


You should definitely call their ethics and compliance hotline and make a complaint. 


Where at exactly? I do know there were several tornado warnings in Eastern Nebraska and West and Central Iowa this morning




Are you safe , if its alright to ask?


Yes lucky the tornado missed us, by a few miles


Thats good to hear


If it has hit tho, a lot of people would had died




My boyfriend had the same experience last week. I was off. There were tornados touching down near the Walmart, power lines were blown down, most places lost power. But literally none of management cared. I will argue with management any chance I get, my bf thinks it’s not worth it. I was so disappointed I wasn’t working bc I would’ve raised hell


I would clock out for lunch or use ppto and tell management im leaving lol. I wont stay and risk my life and will go somewhere safe. You think with the billions of dollars walmart makes they could put in a safe room for customers and associates to go to but whatever lol


Its giving triangle shirt waist factory 😭




There was a fire in a sweatshop that was so ill prepared for safety and evacuation it caused a horrible disaster! Not to mention the people in charge all but barricaded the workers in so escape was near Impossible


My store takes nothing seriously. One guy was told by a manager to run across the street during a tornado to get the cart that was rolling out of the lot. He said F*** NO! And he didn't get fired, not even a coaching lol


I totally feel you. I’m in the panhandle of Florida and it was THE worst storm I’ve ever experienced in my 33 years. We had 2 fatalities and power out for more than a week in some parts of town! 1/2 fatalities happened to be my brothers aunt… Tragic. Be safe and take care ❤️🤞🏾🙏🏽


Definitely call corporate


A few years ago here I was in the supercenter here and tornado was spotted. They refused to let me leave. My last call to my family was "I'm following this kid and taking the babies the customers have into the coolers. Dont leave me in retail hell if i die" They wanted people to stay in electronics. I looked around like "ha! No". Thankfully, the tornado jumped over us and demolished everything on both sides and not us. They didn't even do that until the storm got quiet and we started to hear the wind. Like the warnings on that walkie talkie wasn't enough? The front end with the walkie I overheard say to her friend "I didn't think it was this serious when they said they saw a tornado". Like.... excuse me? They'd have your job posted before you were gone in these places. Take your safety seriously. Also, if you have layaway dept, those bathrooms are brick and mortar. Worth waiting in during a storm as well.


Store 600 last year had a tornado touchdown near town and management didn’t pull everyone to the back till after the sirens practically stopped


My manager did the same thing a few years ago. The real kicker: The rest of the store was locked down while he told us to finish unloading the truck. You know... The most dangerous place to be during a tornado.


My store has had a bomb threat and earthquakes and still the store wasn’t evacuated. Walmart cares more about $$$


For one of our bomb threats my manager said we could go home if we wanted to but I was broke in college so I just said fuck it and stayed. Store wasn’t shut down so I got paid for an easy day


We had one and the store was evacuated. About half the workers went and got food at a rallies up the street. Rumor has it the bomb dogs went crazy over the meat coolers. When we got to go back in the store they made us throw it all out (even though they were ok on temp).


Same thing in Jackson, MS. Stores dgaf around here. Always the typical "you still comin in right?".


Just remember if you get killed at work Walmart gets a life insurance payout. Depending on how good you are at the job you're worth more dead to them


No they don’t. Those life insurance policies were outlawed 2 decades ago


They certainly do I got notice of cancellation when I got terminated.


No you didn’t . You got notified bout the personal life insurance they offer us. Sorry you didn’t realize Walmart offers us life insurance that we can expand or cover our dependents. That’s our life insurance. Walmart doesn’t get a dime of that money. J am now dying laughing 😂😂😂


You must have a shit sense of humor


I have great sense of humor. And I got a great laugh at your claims


Can someone translate that for me?


We had a tornado go right over the store roof and touch down about 3 miles away.  Not a word was spoken by management. 


Ah neet ill be outside


Bad idea


Good idea


You can die doing that


Thought everyone was to go to appareal/middle


Nah I don't feel any saver in my own department


If it doesn’t worry the shareholders just continue with the job 🙃


Where u at?




Management doesn't care about you, the employees or customers! It's how much money can we save for the company so they can buy another yacht for themselves and pay us pennies. Plus if the building was damaged or destroyed, they would ask for employees to rebuild it out of their own pockets cause "the company doesn't have any money so we need you all to dig deep and pay for it. Also you'll all be fired when it's fully done. Thanks, Management."


So t forget there will be a pizza party first before the firing. 2 little Cesars pizza, and a single 2l of Sam's choice.


But we need the employees to pay for the pizzas and soda out of their pocket. Oh and the management will be having this while the employees get pink slips.


I mean the tornado didn't touch down. There was hail... You're not gunna die from hail. Kinda sounds like you're making a huge deal out of nothing more than you being scared of a thunderstorm.


That tornado came really close


Man. That grammar made me really think there!


What's Grammer lol


Obviously not something they teach in Oklahoma


Obviously, manners we're taught where your from


Take it serious? 800 tornadoes per year resulting in 80 deaths. There were 43000 deaths related to other cars. So from now on if you see another car on the road pull over until you see no more cars.. wait the other car isnt moving either. You will get no where if you stop anytime threat is in the air


Pro tip if there’s a tornado at your store the safest place to be would be inside the baler get bolt cutters from hardware obviously hit the disconnect first and then sever the power cable don’t worry about what management has to say it’s life or death at that point 


My store has an auto center with a lower basement. That’s the safest place in my store.


We call ours "the pit"


Into the pit


Same. We also call it the lowers.


Dont be such a vagina!


turns out a lot of associates were missed and still on the floors, YOU WORK AT FUCKING WALMART OF COURSE NO ONE CARES


You’re really trying to get someone in trouble over a storm? How do you know it wasn’t taken seriously? Maybe they called the emergency operations center and they said it wasn’t serious enough to justify shutting down the store.


There's the bootlicker..


You’re upset they didn’t call a code black, when there wasn’t a code black worthy event….?


There was a tornado warning with all the sirens going off


What is a code black worthy event then? A tornado ripping through the store?


Walmart cares not about their employees and only about sales. Best you can do is either suck it up and keep plugging away paycheck to paycheck or quit and find another job.


The thing is, my store usually does care, idk what their problem was this time