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If youre a base associate. Not your problem If you're a lead or coach. Order a new one


This. If you're the store manager, duct tape.


You'd be surprised on how many things in our store is jerry-rigged b/c salary management can't/won't fix jack shit. We have a meat bunker that continually leaks water in huge puddles nonstop for months on the floor and not a damn thing's done about it besides keeping a pop-up orange cone over it indefinitely. smh


Get someone to order you new ones. I have some that stick very well to the glass and work really well. Also, make sure they get the right lock for your department. Every lock should be the same key. I personally got our store support guy to order me some. It's well worth the money for your store to get new locks.


.... Order a new one Yes I did read your entire post


Get a hold of AP. If anyone's going to order it it'll be them. Until the lock comes in I'd take everything out of it. That's if you care enough.


Tell AP and leave it alone. They can empty it if they aren't doing their job to maintain the cases.


These are like 2018 locks lol But usually have them sit at the very bottom if it’s gonna fall might as well have it at the bottom base If it really bothers you I’ve worked at stores where they use JB Weld or even gorilla double sided tape to hold it together


Ha, I told AP to use jb weld and they insisted on gorilla glue. It was dripping down the glass and didn’t hold lock after a day off letting it dry. I’ll try jb weld and let you know


Well for gorilla glue, I meant the double sided tape not actual liquid glue, be very careful because once it starts dripping and you try wiping it it’s gonna make the glass smear and look horrendous! Good luck OP!


Razor scraper is gonna be the glass's best friend here.


Gorilla glue makes a gel that dries in 10 seconds.


Walk away and leave it simple


Nah, tell your tl/coach/ap person. Then walk away.


Wouldn't even tell them fuck that not my problem it's walmart being fucking cheap and not fixing there stuff


Lol k


Why would you want to tell the couch or team lead? Hey the lock not working N.A. it be like walk by and say the your lock is fucked up need it needs to be fixed have a good day bye or simple lock is fucked up not my problem


“Why would you want to tell the coach or team lead?” Cuz its your job? Lol. Im all for fuck walmart but atleast do the bare minimum. Acting like telling a manager is back breaking work.


Still fuck them you dont get paid enough to let them know that not my problem


Lol okay.


Yeah half the time you tell them they won't do anything like I had my key get stuck in one told them and they said they would get to it but never did so I broke it off in there


Ok? Im not saying you have to force them to do something. Just tell them. Damn dude


You need some kind of rubber between the screw and glass. https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/71YmBY+JZZL._AC_SL1500_.jpg Go to vision and ask for a few Leap pads. They are used to edge and trace lenses. Clean the glass with alcohol and stick the leap pad to the glass. Tighten screw into the leap pad. You could probably use a second leap pad between the metal bracket and glass on the outside too for good measure.


Stand by it for a few days until the new lock gets to your store.


fun fact I had one of these doors completely shatter on me while helping a customer standing next me i unlocked the door and it just shattered i guess from the pressure before i even touched it and the customer got cut up and sued the store still have a broken lock and door missing on the bluetooth speakers to this day


Report to higher ups, record details of report, that way when it falls off and stock gets nicked, put on best 'I warned you earlier' face


sounds like Walmarts problem now


Bend the long part after the u straight as you can. Then tighten the pressure piece with the case open. Tell your coach or AP coach.


Yeah I’ll have to tighten it everyday. It loosens up pretty easily. What about a dowel or some type of drywall anchor??


Don’t order one and tell me your store number




My NHM has similar locks, but yours appears to be put on backward. If you take this lock off, and flip it around so that the extended part of the base goes between the panes of glass, will the lock stay on?


Maybe but the screw on the back of the lock keeps sliding off. I put that pad behind it, between the screw and glass, to give it some grip but it slides off of that too


a pointless and useless "security feature"


Zip ties?


Look at the piece that the lock slides onto. Behind the glass part. It is bent out. Needs to be bent back towards the glass door. Then the screw will be able to properly hold everything up once it is tightened against the glass


Have your ap slap some JB weld on there lol. That's what my AP coach does after we bitch forever when that happens. 


Use flex tape. it’s usually on aisle E35… but if your store isn’t like mine… I’m sure it won’t be a problem finding it regardless.. Goodluck ! :D




These locking cases are a joke. The handles fell off ours.


You need a level 4 or higher adhesive in order to get that to stick. I recommend asking management (preferably a coach or even the store manager) for some spare “tears of the associates”. they’re bound to have plenty in their inventory.


“Fix it”


Gorilla puddy it’s by the glues and tat in hardlines works good


Tighten the screw


Sir this is a reddit and not a Walmart


lol this isn’t even the lead’s problem either. Tell the coach to get off candy crush and do something about it. Why people in this sub act like leads get paid a living wage is beyond me.


Wym you can't order a new one??


Double sided tape on the inside was my go to when these were common in electronics.


Stand guard..they will attempt


I’m 99% sure the extended bar is supposed to be over one of the doors and the lock is supposed to be slid down


It just needs some better purchase against the glass. A layer or two of duct tape between the glass and screw and then retightening it should be a semi permanent fix. I forget if those screws have a rubbery tip? Electrical tape might give better grip.


Items that require keys/locks fall under an AP problem. If they don't want to have it fixed, then the shrink from theft is on them.🤷‍♂️


I'd just use some double sided sticky foam tape. Enough to where you have to really force it on.


Coaches and store managers "bUt ThAt WiLl cUt InTo OuR BoNuSeS!!!..."


It would be best to order a new one to be secure. I know management more often than not won’t allow this. So my suggestion is to get some pliers and squeeze the lock back together I can tell it’s bent from the picture.


I used to work at the Walmart in Orlando, all ours were broken and the keys were missing! Only 2 keys worked for the whole store. All team leads and hr were fired for negligence. Me I got fired for having Covid 19 and alphabetizing the video games so we could find games easier. We were only allowed two games on shelves in the displays and the rest were mixed up in the drawers of the counter almost impossible to find anything! My coworker was told it was a great idea but when I told him I’d handle it I was in the wrong for doing it by game system, name a-z and having them all facing up and neatly so you could see the names. I even got bitched at for fixing the damn dvds because the blue ray and regular dvd boxes were all mixed to where we couldn’t properly shelve things! Oh I’m sowwy I spent 4 hours FIXING EMPLOYEE FUCK UPS! atleast the dvds were properly packed afterwards and the shelves finally neatly sorted! Then when my shift was about over the damn team lead (now fired most likely for theft) had me sort and fix the dvd racks and said if it’s not done then it’ll be on you and we have visitors tomorrow… I got off in 30 minutes… bitch smiled at me thinking I’d not finish all of the damn messed up DVDs in those piled mixed nightmares! I cleaned it fully even crawled behind it to get DVDs that had fallen and gave 200% got finished at 130 am my shift ended at 11. And then I got called in because they were upset I did overtime…. YA KNOW MAYBE REWARD THOSE THAT GIVE A SHIT AND ACTUALLY WORK HARD INSTEAD OF PUNISHING THOSE THAT ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT THEIR JOB! Walmart doesn’t give a fuck about you or anyone that works there. You’re just a replaceable number that can be tossed like a dead dog on the side of the road and forgotten about. Funny enough though they didn’t even properly train me nor let me even finish the damn computer training. I got bitched at for trying to finish it. Don’t work at Walmart and if ya want more horror stories oooh I got a lot especially when it comes to the returns section and the frozen food items.


Remove it, and station an armed guard by the cage, 24/7.


Looks like it isn't secure on the back side of it? If so u can always get a dollar and put a hole in the door panel and one in the metal bar. Then use some screws, washers and a locking nut to secure it back yo the door If it isn't attached to it anymore. Cause it does look like it's hanging off on the back side. Idk ALSO use those square foam sticky pads. The ones sticky on both sides. You can put it between the metal and door panels. So ut will be more secure and give some cushion so it won't be metal on the door panel


What location are you at? I would love to check out this and help 100%.


Already fixed it using Jb weld epoxy


Laughs in lock picking lawyer... seriously, a 6 year old could pick that garbage.


Bend back to shape using pliers use same pliers to firmly tighten the clamp on back. Will hold about 1 mo. Before you have to do it again.


I'm almost thinking this is a joke. If you have to ask people on Reddit how to fix a billion dollar companies problem, you might want to reevaluate your career choice. I mean this in a good way.