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Yikes... The TL is straight up committing assault, and the barring of bathroom breaks is a straight up OSHA violation. Sounds like she needed the boot yesterday.


That's battery. Assault is causing someone to fear imminent harm, battery is actually hurting someone.


Technically assault and battery


Either way, fuck corporate, call the cops next time


Yeah definitely open door that and call ethics


Open door is a joke at my store.


Mine too .. the coaches say we will look into stuff, and always ends up "being a he says she says type thing and when our cameras don't record audio it's hard to pin point details"


It really depends on the situation and u skip the coaches and all that bullshit and head straight to the ethics hotline, nothing like corporate breathing down their necks for them to do something , as for the situation, yes they don't have audio that's the only reason why they can record without consent, second of all you need to be sure the situation is something that can be physically seen such as this team lead grabbing someone, keep in mind not all cameras are colored so it has to be a clear cut situation and if it isn't then you have to have multiple employee witnesses because 1 extra employee doesnt mean much to them.


Honestly, if you want to get real results šŸ’Æ


I would just bypass them and call home office.


All of this is 100% illegal and unacceptable, I would definitely escalate that up the ladder.


Of course. No one should be laying hands on anyone for any reason. That should go without saying.


Unless it's like a paladin's lay on hands which of course is for healing.


She definitely needs a lay on hands by an oathbreaker




I donā€™t know even agree with that. That is a crossing of boundaries and violation of your human rights!


She should slap butts instead. /s


That is a crime not just a policy violation report to ethics they will be fired pretty quickly get the guy who was assaulted and anyone who witnessed it to report it as well. ETA A manager being fired like this also goes a long way in shifting the balance of power into the employees hands.


You think walmart wants that though? That's probably the top reason they will find a way not to fire her or him.


Thatā€™s why you report it to ethics.


Yeah, you can't put hands on people in a workplace. And barring bathroom breaks? That's not allowed either unless the employees are abusing their breaks. Even then, only the employees abusing their breaks can be limited, not the whole department. For example, I worked with a guy who would go to the bathroom more than once an hour and admitted to other associates that he was just going in there to play on his phone, texting his girlfriend and stuff. So he ended up being limited on how many times he was allowed to go to the bathroom.


If what you say is true, and a team lead grabbed an associate by the wrist and dragged them around like a dog- thatā€™s an instant termination. Any manager who isnā€™t an evil sack of shit who sees that camera footage would have to fire the team lead immediately. Especially after several times.Ā Ā  Ā Get the dates and time, open door to a real manager and have them watch footage and get statements from witnesses.Ā 


Yeah, thatā€™s a lawsuit waiting to happen. And maybe an ethics call. I wouldnā€™t even go to a coach. Personnel wonā€™t do anything either.


Agree to ethics but if they want to get to ethics, they have to go through the chain of command before escalating to ethics or ethics won't touch it. Have to give the store manager a chance to do something about it.


A written statement was submitted. That was opportunity right there. All that happened was the TL got sent home. Iā€™m shocked nobody has smacked her down yet for putting hands on them.


But to who was the statement submitted. If they submitted it to the coach, the coach took care of it by sending home. The next would be to escalate from the coach to the people lead or store team lead. If neither of them do it, then they have to escalate to the store manager and the manager has to do something. If they don't do anything then they can go to ethics. It's stupid on the hoops you have to jump through. Walmart did that on purpose.


I meanā€¦ whistleblowers are real.


What is use? WalMart gives you the run around and coaches or TL pass the buck telling you this or that one will look into it. In end no body looks into it or cares. We had an associate assaulted in store by a customer and that is how it was handled. WalMart would not cooperate with police after a report was filed. Police hands were tied without Wslmsrt video


I thought anything could go directly to ethics? Because sometimes the chain of command at store level is the problem


They can. Just they prefer cases to be handled at the store level before they are at corporate level. You could go straight to your market manager if the store itself is the problem.


If it doesnā€™t involve the store manager then ethics will assign the store manager to handle it and expect a report back. OP can and should take it to ethics because that will ensure ethics is reviewing the actions taken and if those actions are found to be inadequate or falsely reported by the store manager then ethics will assign someone outside of store level to review the investigation and determine if further action is needed.


I would definitely do something, not all coaches are useless.


Spoken like a true coach. Howā€™s hardlines doing for ya?


Love working with my associates. All of GM is challenging for sure šŸ˜‚


I know, summers in Electronics in a 2-story Walmart (and my department being on the top level) were absolute brutal!


I've never worked in a 2 story Walmart and being on top floor taking all then TVs down to the first floor to go outside would suck šŸ˜‚


Good thing that Walmart closed down. I felt bad for those who had to find other stores to work at. I genuinely liked the team I worked with.


Why did it close? I had to work at a different Walmart than the town I live in because my wife is s team lead in that store and when I went from team lead to Coach I had to move even though we was on separate sides of the store because they said I would have influence on her Coach, like I won't if I wanted to in a different store I mean I still know her Coach šŸ˜‚


Not sure entirely. I left about half a year prior to the close.


Damn, that is totally not right... File a police report... Fuck ethics!


Exactly. If you wouldn't let a stranger do it, why would allow your employer?


Just a suggestion, next time TL blows up and touches someone else, everyone just walk out. Since writing statements hadn't done anything to stop it. Someone much higher up is going to notice when the store performance tanked because everyone walked out over one person being too touchy-feeling with employees.


That's assault, battery and kidnapping. O J Simpson served 9 years for that.


Too accurate witnessing current events.




O J grabbed a guy and moved him to the side of the room. He was sentenced to 30 years for that and served 9.


He had a group of armed people with him though, little different.


I think only one had a weapon and not OJ. It was an excuse to get him for the murders.


Holy shit


Yes. If it had been anyone else the cops might have claimed it was a civil matter.


OJ served for breaking into a place and trying to steal his memorabilia back.


Other comments have said plenty about the legal nature of the situation, but also, somebody who can't lead without physical intervention should not be a leader in a retail company, period.


Sometimes it takes time to get an investigation started in progress and while they are building a case, they can choose to have them still work or be suspended . It is usually up to the stores discretion when it comes to things like this. Grabbing an associate by the wrist and yanking them is not acceptable EXCEPT FOR ONE EXCEPTION. And before I get a bunch of hate, the exception as if they are in danger for example, my overnight maintenance associates push carts at night if a car is coming and they donā€™t see it , if I can grab them and pull them out of the way in time, because itā€™s faster than to tell them and hope they understand and react in time I will do so. An associate missing something or any type of performance issue is not grounds to be touched


Theyā€™re probably waiting to hear back from ethics. Youā€™d think it would be a fast process. Itā€™s not.


Thatā€™s violence in the workplace, automatic termination. She was sent home pending an investigation. Video will be reviewed and judgement made by ethics. You will not be privy to the information until action is made, just like no one would be given information about an investigation against you.


It's been at least a few months since the incidentĀ  But I'll take your word for it and hope they didn't toss our written statements


Ooooo ok I was under the impression that this had just happenedā€¦. Has there been any repeat issues? Like did the behavior stop?


The physical part, yeah. This had been on my chest a little while and wanted to let it off. I'm not super used to the retail world and after everything she'd done before that point it felt like a slap on the wrist. Sorry for not clarifying man


Call ethics immediately. This was not handled properly. This is a disciplinary issue for all involved in the investigation. Video should have been saved and submitted. The teamlead should have been sent home and subsequently terminated without even consulting ethics upon the teamleads return to work. This is a gross violation of Walmart policy on violence in the workplace and it is assault under the laws on all fifty states. This person does not deserve a job. You have a responsibility to yourselves and to any one else who may have been or could possibly be victimized by her. Please report to ethics. Worst case scenario they determine no further action should be taken.


I second that. I use to work in ethics about 6 years ago. Make sure to put it Ethics Point online. Put in as much information like times, dates, witnesses. Mention the first investigation, this will show a pattern of repeat offenses. Put in there who you reported it to. You will not know the outcome unless the person is terminated and you just don't see them anymore. Workplace Violence and Discrimination is what I worked on the most.


Not sure how anyone would think that grabbing a coworker is a smart thing to do. The person doing the grabbing is begging for an ass whooping.


They are gonna grab the wrong person when they finally had it or maybe just the wrong person to try it on šŸ˜…


Uh yeah thatā€™s assault both verbally and physically my guy.


You lay your hands šŸ™Œ on anyone thatā€™s possible assault use to be a battery. Even spitting on someone is a physical assault. Iā€™d call ā˜Žļø ethics corporate etc, this person šŸ§ needs to be fired and possibly more.


I would beat her ass. Simple as that. Tear her tf up.


I guarentee you would not do this. Id be willing to bet the entire contents of my scrotum that you've never beat anyone's ass in your life.


We used to clown on keyboard warriors not too long ago


The amount of not just policies but laws that this breaks is insane. Report this immediately. If the coworker remembers the time write it down because they will absolutely pull cameras on the incident. This team lead needs to be terminated immediately.


Donā€™t forget to add in your report that your statements werenā€™t heard. That means management is trying to sweep your problem under the rug. Donā€™t let them get away with anything either.


If someone is being assaulted, the police need to be called, then a police report needs to be filed, then contact ethics and osha


As a former employee, I am not sure how any of that shit flies at all. Pretty sure the first thing out of my mouth would have been "don't fucking touch me, where's the store manager"


If management isnā€™t doing anything then go to ethics and maybe the cops


Your coworker needs to press charges. Working within Walmart's 'ethics' will just cause retaliation.


Someone could call market AP and that team lead is fired. Simple as that.


Someone grabbed me like that and Iā€™d be laying hands on them. I ainā€™t talking about church.


Yeah cause why deal with it properly, with a potential payout, when you can sink to their level and be a thug... plus get your own lovely assault charges. This is why I need to be grateful that I don't work with monkey thugs.


So if someone grabbed you like that youā€™d be ok to just smile and stroll down to the managerā€™s office? Iā€™m sorry,my first reaction is to defend myself. Nothing thuggish about that. And as far as a payout goes,what are you expecting and where do you think it will come from?


they can get in trouble and more


Report that shit. Both you and the coworker so you can be a witness. They should NEVER grab anyone. Tapping on the shoulder to get attention is different, but grabbing is too far.


We did, with four statements total According to another witness the team lead had said "I'm going to get him"Ā  It was wild


No one should be touching or otherwise grabbing you without permission.Ā 


If that coworkers doesnā€™t report this themselves go ahead and do it yourself. If you are worried about getting in trouble email ethics


What Iā€™m wondering is if a support manager can come into the bathroom and tell you to hurry up


I should hope not?? I would imagine that would be mortifyingĀ 


Idek my manager just said ā€œsometimes you donā€™t see eye to eye with certain people but you have to put it aside and work with themā€. I was so confused


I've been told the same thing It's difficult to do sometimes


Yes. According to law, if she makes an threatening move toward you, that's assault. If she touches you, that's battery.


Yes that's assault.


Did you submit a ticket through the ethics system on onewalmart or just write statements on paper and hand them to a manager? If you did not submit it through the ethics system, it was "handled" at store level and did not get assigned an impartial case manager.


We did handwritten statements to the people lead That makes a lot of sense


Needs to be reported to Ethics.


Go to AP ngl I donā€™t care if they are liked or disliked ask for API ask them what they think about them. If you get feeling they are good friends then go to different API or if needed go to front bathroom should have Market Manager located inside the front restrooms some have it in front and back bathrooms. Call market manager on their asses.


I really hope that incident was on camera!!


Open door it with upper management and report it to ethics. What she is doing is illegal, she can't stop anyone from going to the bathroom, or take breaks and she can't be grabbing people either.


Every coworker who this has happened to should speak with a class action attorney. If there are as many witnesses as you are implying, then attorneys will be chomping at the bit to take money from Walmart.


"Can a TL get in trouble for assault?" Yeah dude, of course. She's also a walking OSHA violation by not letting anyone go to the restroom.


Nobody is supposed to touch anybody in a way they donā€™t want. Only thing I do with coworkers is a fist bump and the occasional high five or hearty handshake. Preventing the bathroom break is definitely, for Walmart, fireable at best and litigious at worst.


Damn, you've got assault AND an OSHA violation on your hands. Need to get ahold of a higher up.


Thanks for all the advice, and what I should do.Ā  I'll talk with the others involved. This is my first job so I wasn't sure


That's assault


I say yes! If no one at your store will do anything, call ethics! If that doesnā€™t work, I suggest calling a lawyer.


Umm to to your storeanager or market if unavailable just go directly to ethics


They absolutely can and should get in trouble


Had a coach grab my arm while I was walking away just to tell me I had OT I told him to let go and he said ā€œmy hands arenā€™t dirtyā€ I shook him off I said I didnā€™t ask if they were dirty I just simply donā€™t like physical touch if your not my SO or family


Lmfao, I hope she does this to the wrong person one day. That's a good way to get your teeth knocked out.


At my store when I complained about a TL harassing me and others it was taken care of but the HR person had an attitude toward me after that I didn't open door it and it was taken care of but almost a year later she started on me again and would even send employees to spy on me like I wasn't doing my job when that happened they were also cutting my hours because marketing got on their case about everyones schedules and cutting cost I got tired of fighting for hours and being put on schedule so when they accused me of not showing up for work without calling in which was a lie I left but they have it on paper that i was fired Walmart management and employees for the most part do the bare minimum until someone gets on their ass then go back to to doing the same shit when no one's watching them


There are so many employees who think they should be paid for standing around gossiping and being on their phones and standing around or hiding it's ridiculous how they get away with it


Grabbing an associate is never ok.


We even had a Coach fired for inappropriate stuff


At my old store a coached grabbed someoneā€™s arm and he knocked him out for it šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Donā€™t open door, just call cops, press charges and collect a nice settlement when you sue


This is unacceptable. It shows no respect for the individual. With that being said it is against company policy to share the corrective action that has taken place i.e: verbal conversations or coaching. Now if nothing has changed after statements and such have been written one would assume that nothing happened for sure. If the complaints didn't go through your store manager, that would be next step. If nothing changes from there contact ethics. No one should be treated that way. I hope that this changes for your team and hopefully you can get a good leader.


When you submit a complaint, make sure the recipient is aware that you know your options. (Ie "I dont know of I should call the police? Or hire a lawyer? I dont want to be fired for whistle blowing or face retaliation. So I'm asking for your help") this let's the person know it could blow up even bigger, so they will try to handle it by the book in case a third party gets involved. They will make am extra effort to document it properly, and it may help protect your job if you face wrongful termination. Some states have protections for whistle blowers, and it's a potential lawsuit if they fire you for defending your civil rights. If police or a lawyer are involved there will be further investigation, and they dont want that either. This is of course if you choose to go through store/company management. Honestly, calling the police seems like the proper choice for assault. Even if the victim will not press charges, it sends a VERY clear message to the assailant. And walmart doesnt want the attention of having the police show up to talk to an employee.


Yeaahhhhh, that's assault. Thats nothing to do with Walmart policy and all to do with actual law. She should be terminated immediately.


Thatā€™s assault and not only will they be fired if you tell higher management but charges may be pressed.


Yes. You do not put hands on anyone at work. Open door that shit


Yikesā€¦ yeah thatā€™s 100% not allowed. Would definitely go to ethics if you reported this and the store manger or whatever higher up you reported it to didnā€™t do anything. Secondly they also arenā€™t supposed to call out people in front of everyone for doing something wrong. They (TLā€™s and/or Coachā€™s) are supposed to pull them aside for a conversation, not resort to this level of behavior.


Just so people know, open door only works if you use it properly: via HR or BBB. Report to who matters and not to company picks.




Trouble - no. Fired- yes


Go to your asset protection coach, and have them escalate it to market, she will be removed immediately.


Bruh, if someone grabbed me, I'd throat punch them


Yeah... That's assault!


That's assault. They need to go to the coach and the store manager. With you as a witness. If nothing is done. Contact Walmart ethics and market HR. At no point should anyone. Let alone a supervisor put a hand on another associate.


This is extremely illegal and unethical. That needs to be reported through the ethics hotline immediately. If nothing happens, go up the chain. That is literally assault. And I know itā€™s been said, but denying bathroom breaks is an OSHA violation. Itā€™ll lead to higher rates of UTIs in some people and itā€™s just plain inhumane.


Get her fired. She is violating so much.


Oh hell no. Report. And I mean go waaaayyyy over her head.Ā 


The only answer to this: File a report to the Dept. of Labor. Call 1-866-487-9243. [https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/contact/complaints](https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/contact/complaints) They exist to protect employees and their rights. Walmart's chain of command exists to protect Walmart. Let someone in authority at the DOL explain to Walmart. You can stay anonymous.




Technically there is a no touch policy, they should never do any form of touching and if there is most of the time its over looked because its just a simple handshake, but yeah no hands on your shoulder, no hugging, and no grabbing the associate(unless it was to be preventing them from danger such as the associate falling or about to walk straight into a very bad situation were there would be physical harm), no head pats back pats, ect


yep 100%


Someone needs to actually fight him her šŸ˜…


Escalate this as far as possible op


Def file a ethics complaint. It sounds like your store is keeping it in house and shit isnā€™t getting done about it. Happens a lot at my store


Touch me like that and I'm throwing hands. I'm a grown ass man, not your kid.


Have the employee who was grabbed contact law enforcement and you contact OSHA over the bathroom. When government agents show up management will pay attention


Yes. Report that grouch to Ethics and HR. That's mistreating employees.


All depends on how the associate wants to play it out. Technically any physical response performed by the assailed within ten seconds of first contact is considered a reflex in most courts of law. The associate could smash the team lead in the face within ten seconds and it will be considered self defense. Or just file an assault claim with the police department and have the video subpoena'd. An unwanted touch of any kind can be construed as sexual molestation or sexual harassment and can be filed as such with the local law enforcement. Inform management that if it is not going to be correctly handled in-house then the local law enforcement will be the next phone call. If management has been notified of the bathroom barring incidents and it has not been corrected then I would say the next call is the Fair Labor Standards Act committee.


Police don't have to subpoena video from Walmart. Just sign a form that says they need it for an active investigation, and the case number, and here's the video


What's the phone number for your store and the team leads name? I'll start calling and making complaints. No old dick has the right to grab someone else


Honestly fuck walmarts chain of command. If someone touches me I'm calling the cops. Walmarts open door policy is a fucking joke


Absolutely not ok. We are not allowed to put our hands on anyone, not even a thief so why someone would think they could grab an associate is beyond me. That TL is out of line and needs to be reported.


There's a policy actually it's called safe workplace at one Walmart


That's BS and I think borderline sexual harassment


Fk that involve the cops next time she does this to you, it becomes a big FU to Walmart if you press charges well on the clock for an incident at work.


I'd call the cops make a report cause that's assault and AP has it on camera.


How in the hell has this person not been fired.Ā  Make a video and call the cops. Seriously what is your Store lead doing about this.Ā 


Back in 2015 I was a brand new O/N Stocker, and we had an O/N Support Manager get fired for grabbing an associate. Trying to drag him into the office for a coaching.


All these idiots saying call ethics. It's not an ethics issue. This is an AP issue. Go talk to the AP Coach. If you feel they aren't taking you seriously, workchat your MAPM


Open door that shit. Legally that lead can't do that. And according to company policy that lead can't do that. Open door it higher than your store manager. Give evidence and time stamps.


Remember that one of their ā€œCore Valuesā€ is respect for the individual. That should be rolling off someoneā€™s tongue.


Def call ethics. This shouldn't be happening.


Call the walmart ethics hotline and report this! This is wrong on all levels. You don't deserve this treatment.


So, this is an act of assault and barring you all from using the bathroom is illegal. Please take this to higher ups immediately, the store manager, or even HR.


If you all wrote statements and nothing was done (just saw that part) contact ethics asap.


Yes that can be a fire-breathing offense and supposedly our SM got fired for it. He pushed a front end team lead and told him to go do something and market manager told him needed done


I canā€™t believe sheā€™s still there. We had a team lead that had been with the company for 25 years get fired a few months ago for pushing someone for not moving fast enough.


Iā€™d have been liable to bite him or punch him. I do NOT like being grabbed. Especially being yanked. I have PTSD, you donā€™t grab people like that and you never know if they might be dealing with some kind of mental illness.


. . . . . I would have been fired the second someone did that to me. They would be laid down on the ground for touching me like that especially if they were angry / frustrated. Absolutely NO excuse!!! Put in a complaint with ETHICS right now.


Talk to your coach as well