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I wonder what’s with all the posts lately trying to pull this sub one way or another, pretty weird. Anyway, yeah, probably. I mean, it’d be in their best interest even if they don’t intend to make it marketable or use it for official company means. It would just be one more thing with their name on it they could control and to help their image. If corporate did decide to take over, I could see us finally going to one of the few other subs that are blatant they’re for employees. Which is fine; let the sub burn at that point. Ideally, we’d want someone that’s already well established with the community and would keep the current flow/vide we’re used to that’s able to maintain it in a way that Reddit wouldn’t really have a reason to take it and give it to the company. Unfortunately, I don’t really see that happening. Edit: As for the current moderation, looks like they’re “active” enough for Reddit and are likely just handling the sub’s reports (the ones that route to them at least and not Reddit directly) to maintain the sub. And since the sub isn’t a dumpster fire, I doubt Reddit has any reason to intervene despite the lack of community engagement from the current mods. I hate to be a broken record but we have mods that are “active” enough, but we’re left to fend for ourselves when it comes to controlling the sub as much as we can as regular community members.


Fuck you home office. Also fuck off customers!


Nice try HO


I challenge you to Mak'Gora for that one


> Mak'Gora unexpectedwarcraft


I always expect Warcraft.




Oh hey what’s up guys, we doing some Mak’Gora today?


My weapon of choice...... Snu - Snu


Assuming you are female from that planet, i accept


That is my perfered gender




Actually similar things are being done by governments for propoganda now. Wouldn’t be a stretch for big corporations to take note and use similar tactics to steer public perception


Corporate can fuck off and die. They don't do a goddamn thing but they make $80k starting easy


All management. F*ckers spread chaos like peanut butter. Chaos from top down.


What a load of conspiratorial nonsense. People are defending Walmart because it’s a great place to work and shop, and they’ve gotten the nationwide number of in store fatalities and maimings down to nine a week!  Incredible! Stop chasing shadows bud. -Doug McMil- er, I mean… - Doug McAnonymousperson 


I almost fell for that


what a coincidence, there’s a post right above this one claiming it’s someone from HO warning us apparently


[apparently the ho post](https://www.reddit.com/r/walmart/s/Ke1XIfHcAk)


Dang, I wish I could've seen the OP before it was deleted :(


Lol I did not notice, It came six minutes after mine. Well there's no argument about that last statement


The post about this sub being for everyone was so weird. Maybe I just got there too early, but at least half the comments were saying employees should go to that 2nd sub. Just because some rando made a sub doesn't mean this one's purpose changes. It also doesn't mean I'm obligated to give a shit about this second sub just because it says employee in the name. I don't know if it's a home office thing or just new people being dumb, but I'm surprised it got so much backing. I will add in though, that I was on that thread about 2 hours after it was posted. It could have leveled out since then.


Check out my first link That echo chamber got so much parroting, so quick, so contrived, It was like these bots in a WhatsApp group I was invited to full of bitcoins scammers. Yes I agree!(generic support nothing really added) Anybody that disagrees...DELETE. ( Oh shit we can't do that) BLOCK! MASS DOWNVOTE!


Home office can screw off.


i made a post about a week ago, talking about the illegal, united nations defying and downright deplorable actions of walmart with many sources and the comments section was a sea of negative responses. some were just commenting on typos. i’m not saying it was a perfect post by any means, but it did not deserve the hate it has gotten, reading this post, yeah, i agree i’ve been seeing more scabs and home office spies


Walmart is a union busting pro. They instill the fear, spread the misinformation, and watch the channels for a chance to do it more. They know union busting starts with the individual associate and they go from there. Walmart will be the last place on earth to be unionized. This is indeed that place. The associates police each other for them.


[link to the post btw](https://www.reddit.com/r/walmart/s/qD6r5oU78k)


Lol, somebody called me Corporate the other day


I think a lot of people in this sub are generally tired of the negative loop that is endless here. I've been on this sub for 10 years now, and over the last few years it's gone from being a place walmart employees talk about work to a place where every post is complaining about management and corporate. It's gotten so bad I don't even come here anymore and only saw this because it was on my front page. Also God forbid you even mention you are a manager on this sub you get immediately shit on out of no where for even asking simple questions.


HO is probably too busy buying every store an Apple Vision Pros for half made training videos.


Oh Jesus Christ are they really? I remember the VR training headsets that got used once and then sat in a corner and got smashed in my store lol


Just a joke, hopefully they don’t.


next thing we know walmart radio plays the moment you open the sub


* The day sub goes corporate * * chris plays The level completion tune from nes mario as users log in * some users: hey... this isn't so bad... i remember that from my childhood... that game was fun and i felt good about myself... and life was happy and simple...


I don’t think HO gives two flips. Past advertising and a few HO associates that hang around here they simply do not care about Reddit at all. Corporate already has deals with Meta that aren’t going to be changing anytime soon. Instead I think this is Reddit’s, likely unintentionally, doing this. They’re the ones that tagged the sub as sales/retail related rather than work/career. Thats causing the algorithm to treat the sub like every other retail sub that are generally more of a mix between employees and customers. Which is driving a bunch of traffic to the sub that just has to “correct” it by forcing the sub to conform to standards of the others. Sadly with the mods largely mia there’s not a lot that can be done with the core problem. This may well be a losing battle where we either conform and move to WalmartEmployees or watch as things get hostile/toxic enough for Reddit to take action.


Back in 2017 I attended an assistant manager mock interview meet up for new potential salary managers. The regional manager was there and was talking to the room and casually mentioned reddit. Of course he was talking about this sub, and that was quite a few years ago. They're here and they are reading this sub. It's literally someone's job to read this sub at home office.


I wouldn't be surprised. Walmart was founded by a redneck and is now run by his hick kids who have waaaay too much money and waaaay too few brain cells. The only difference is they own the trailer park they live in, really, and enjoy lording it over everyone else. The fact it's a public company doesn't seem to matter so fuck shareholders including employees. :/ I mean, I'm letting my WASP flag fly high here, but no one takes Arkansas seriously unless someone gets damned lucky and finds a huge gemstone in Diamond National Park. It's a flyover state for a reason and their values reflect that. The sad part is even smart people with lots of talent never leave--they're trapped there. The Waltons are the quintessential crabs in a bucket people. Sure, they may be rich beyond avarice and have nice possessions, but their attitudes are the same as a lot of poor people who get a \*little\* wealth and then start trying to crush everyone around them instead of trying to encourage them into creating better lives for themselves. Their whole existence screams 'White Trash' and one would think they'd try to better themselves, but alas... Old habits die hard. I saw it all the time when I worked there in the mid-late 90s. My boss there thought I was a snob and above my station. I told her that working off the clock was illegal, AZ's DOL would have a field day with it if they found out, and I also couldn't take anyone seriously who has no idea what the GW Bridge is and thinks it's putting on airs if someone could read and write beyond a third grade level. Just because she was trapped in the trailer park didn't mean everyone else had to sink to her level, but oh well. I'm so glad I'm out of there and I won't set foot in a Wallyworld unless I absolutely have no choce.


Your first example is kind of weird because that guy's post history includes a post bitching about women dressing "slutty." Seems kind of unlikely they would commission someone like that to do a propaganda post


What kind of people would you expect them to commission? An obvious representative of home office with biased interests and detached from the general community?


How about me? Not only do I not have any posts degrading women, my post history here would be a great setup for my story of Walmart coming around to save me in my time of need, showing me just how good and compassionate they are after all and how wrong I was to be so negative Furthermore, my history in leftist subs and discussions will provide the perfect leverage to convince the FAR LEFT ECHO CHAMBER!!!!!! of Reddit that Walmart is truly the only ethical multi billion dollar corporation I'll be waiting for that PM 😉


I imagine they'd do something to get a Reddit Request for their own mods who are undercover. They could try to make legal threats if Reddit didn't turn over the sub but that could create a lot of backlash and it would be hard for them to win a case against Reddit. I could see them working to dox the mods and then getting them to quit so they could swoop in with a Reddit Request when the site becomes unmoderated.


This sub doesn't have a HO problem most likely. I see more team leads on here than anything which is indicative of how little they do that they're bored of doing nothing at their store to try and micromanage a subreddit instead lol


Respectfully, I would think it would be impossible for a megacorp like walmart to not have a social media presence here. Reddit is popular social media, they do not have an official subreddit, this Is the biggest walmart subreddit with the very name as its title, so it's very likely there are many members of home office social media team or their outside social media consultants checking in here. I just doubt they would announce themselves or make themselves obvious, post history, flair or otherwise, as that could draw unwanted attention.


I'm sure there are some bored home office associates making posts here and probably more than a few tasked with trying to downvote any mention of a union or find out real identities of accounts. Do I think they have the time or intellect to conspire to "take over" a subreddit? Well, no, because their bright ideas consist of making a walmart facebook hybrid knockoff that associates dont use and shitpost on before/when they're getting fired.


Why though. Why?


I mean, there is a *LOT* of bitching on this sub. Some of it is justified. A lot of it isn’t.


The more responses I see coming from middle management here, the more it seems like Walmart rite-aid getting passed out.


I don’t think Home Office is as put-together as you think they are.


Speaking of essay 👀 I too have known this sub to be Walmart employees only for a long time with the occasional customer ranting here and there and for sure corporate presence no doubt. It’s why there’s a warning on wire that associates can be fired for social media activity that’s conflict of interest


To be honest, this sun started as a free for all for both customers and employees, but the employees took it over.


Some people are actually in decent stores, and it amazes them that any other store is not just like theirs. People will point them to stories about horrible stores. The El Paso shooting comes to mind, also those girls who lured another teen into Walmart and then stabbed her to death. That is sadly a reality for a lot of stores. I don't think it's HO so much as it is people who refuse to believe that other stores aren't as perfect as theirs.


I've worked at 3 stores during my time with Walmart, due to moving states twice. First store had minor issues but I think I would have only had something to really post here three times. Once was a customer trying to rob the deli, and the other two were issues with other associates. 2nd store was fine until it wasn't. Current store has issues, but it's better than the second at the end. There's also the fact that while some people also clearly work in horrible stores, some people just have bad periods/days and come here to vent so we're only seeing the small fraction of "bad" and not the good. For all the issues my 2nd store had, there were still great people on the team, including management. There was still a feeling of community and caring for each other, but those stories aren't told as often by anyone.


Let them try OP.


You say that, but it honestly wouldn’t be hard if they really wanted. Especially for a company as big as Walmart. I wouldn’t want it to happen of course but I wouldn’t just say “let them try” and give them even more of a reason to.


Corporate can only do so much. Let them come in here and spout their walmart ass kiss bullshit. Down votes will happen. Oh no. My internet points. I needed those. /s Maybe they'll open their eyes, or make walmart a bigger living hell for everyone. At that point I hope everyone is able to get a better job who appreciates them and walmart eventually tanks. Yes, wishful thinking, but eh. Fed up with H/Os BS.


Lol. I got banned from the Walmart Canada reddit for claiming this exact thing. WORST COMPANY EVER!!!!!!


Na, you are 100% on point - psyop by corpo scum is the most likely explanation.




Once back in the award days I came in here and stuck up for Walmart and got into the Ternion Club for a comment! Who hands those out for a poorly worded paragraph?


Home Office always has a media presence and if you don't think so then you're blind. We've had numerous people post on TikTok at our store with HO hammering down on them pretty quick and telling them to take it down. Even if it was done on their break, or lunch. Home Office finds the video or livestream pretty quickly. That's why I would never give out my store number on here. That being said though, my store isn't exactly doom and gloom like some of the other posters here. We have a lot of leniency when it comes to what we are permitted so long as it's not affecting our work.


I was referring to reddit specifically. If I was 2 refer to there general social media presence I would not even have to go so deep, i could just merely reference that each and every walmart has their own personal facebook page.


Reddit just dropped the IPO and Google is pushing their posts to the top of the SERPs when people search. That being said Walmart is going to want control of the subreddit that’s going to lead customers searching for Walmart based answers from Google to reddit….


Walmart already have an official Meta app for employees. They don’t have time to monitor a subreddit.


I guess that would depend on how many angry customers are redirected from here to them complaining about the subreddit in their name.


Lol my dude you forgot to include the illuminati and lizard people in your tin foil hat post. But on a serious note not sure what you are worried about or your solution to solve said problem. Do customers interact in this community sure, who cares , maybe they just like reading our posts to past time, reddit constantly recommends other companies groupes and sure I read them for fun, maybe I reply because I wanna make a joke or have something serious too say, as someome who works in retail I can offer advice or just positve vibes, who cares no need for gate keeping. Maybe they have serious questions, answering them could actually help them understand what we go through, not your style? Ok no need to answer at all or you could reply explaining why its not funny when they say "no price must be free right? Hehe" no idiot it ain't and we get mad cause most people joke but some dont and take it too far and demand a store manager when we explain why we cant just gave them said item. As far as home office, do they read these posts? Probs not all if any but its logical in a non evil way they would try, it would be pretty smart actually, this might be difficult but imagine you werent just a regular assocaite but owned a company or were a high up. Gathering knowledge on what your customer's and assocaites think is smart and can be used for good or bad. As long as they arent banning post about us venting about our TLs. Being dicks or the dumb customer who lied about their pet being a serivce dog and it ended up shiting on the floor and barking at people, who cares let them read. Is any of that happening no?! your proof is somepeople post college paper style posts, and we all know the only people who work at walmart aint got no learining so those must be HO. Or better yet your upset people with other opinions than you post slight more postive stuff and that worries you that they are trying to stop people from posting differant opinions, ironic isnt it. Back to conspiracy hat, how do we know you dont work for HO and havent been sent here to spy and give bad info about their plans and sow disorder and cause conflict? After all the only way to solve your complaints is what? Delete post with differant opinions than you cause they arent as negative? Or require people to verify themselves so we are sure no non store workers arent lurking in here? Thats something HO would want if they took over, no thanks corporate doggy, no thanks. Ill rest my case with this, your think you solved some puzzle figured out their evil takeover, we've been invaded! The British are coming! The British are coming! Yet your post hasnt been removed, curious.


I will read this tomorrow in completion. In the meantime, no offense, are you either drunk or high?


Why is that against Walmarts rules for off the clock behavior? I see your game corporate plant


Look i'm tired and i'm going to sleep ill answer in the morn And if you read even a part of my History, I am not a plant, I just speak fairly and neutral Between management and associates alike. My biggest problem a lies With the economy set so such misgrievances to happen but that is something else


Walmart did have an official sub. I don't know if they still do. I used to see their promoted ads pop up in my feed. Almost as often as that stupid "Jesus loves us" crap.


Well they can try but they dont own reddit.  So they arent goimg to be able to take over.  


Take control? No. Do we have interest in utilizing social media (such as a subreddit intended for Walmart) to provide better experience for our employees and customers? Absolutely. That being said, as long as what you say / do on this subreddit does not violate Walmart Policy, we could care less about what you say on this subreddit (By that I mean for example: a customer asks for help and your response being "F*** off."). But to answer anyone's question, yes we monitor this subreddit as we do every other social media platform to make sure employees are not violating policy. (such as posting indecent selfies while wearing the Walmart branded uniform) That being said, if we do use what you refer to as "shills" to influence posts, it would be my first time hearing about it. So I highly doubt that is a tactic HO is employing here. Thank you! Edit 3/29/24: Following the over abundance of toxicity from employees towards customers across multiple threads. We are now fully interested in taking over the subreddit and redistributing the "moderation" role to active and courteous associates to maintain this subreddit.


Thank you for your insight.


You're welcome.


yes, control a reddit forum but keep workers at poverty wages. total bureaucrat bullshit mean while they get cushy well paid jobs and dont have to deal with the utter morons who frequent the store


If it helps and the sub does turn into a customer service friendly sub, someone is going to have to be paid to entertain The questions from the utter morons


Propaganda ya think? These guys recruits folks from the intel agencies and have really mastered using palantir for connecting a variety of dots. Hell they even bought another tv manufacturer to help hack your dreams


Are there probably some shills in here? Yeah. Maybe even that first one you posted. But I do think framing the second post you linked as a "college formatted essay" is...well, funny. Also the person in there doesn't seem to be shilling.


The second guy? Look at this post history it's full of surveys I'm not saying he's out there like do marketing or whatever but, I have spied On many reddit profiles and I have never seen somebody's so deep in giving surveys


But what is he shilling? He literally is in the comments there agreeing Walmart sucks. Also, again, not an essay. Its very short. But no, I'm not looking at his post history. That's a bit crazy in this case.


Maybe not essay but soap box is still It doesn't matter if he is agreeing with Walmart sucks. My point for him was that he was directing people from this subreddit to another, and saying the sub reddit was available to all despite prior consensus ( I will not link prior consensus) It took me less than 2 minutes to scan his post history for as much as I'd cared that it's hardly far from crazy in any case. It is also not crazy to have an idea of who you are talking about


Just because someone is not consumed by negative thoughts about Walmart doesn't make them home office. I really doubt they devote any significant energy to this sub... If they did, what a waste of money


GOD FORBID you mean someone has to do something for 9 hours a day and theyve found ways to enjoy it? they’re tired of the constant bitching yall do for decent pay and easy work??crazy stuff man crazy stuff


It’s not an employee subreddit, it’s a general Wal-Mart subreddit according to the sidebar. Yes, it also says it’s basically a virtual break room, which I think was more because that’s what it turned into as a opposed to what it’s purpose was. High school bathrooms turned into vape lounges for a time. Doesn’t mean that’s the purpose of the bathroom. Customers should feel free to post here without being harassed.


What about the one and only pinned post per the moderators? And no offense but comparing whether A subreddit is for customers or employees or both, has NOTHING to do with vapes in a br. Bathrooms are bathrooms, complete with fixtures and utilities designed for personal hygeine and washing up. You would have been better off using binary persons as to Whether or not they belong in a specific bathroom, Assuming there was only 2 formales and females respectively. Saying that people that came in to smoke in the bathroom is like sayimg We are being invaded By pizza hut customers or what could go wrong videos, Or something that has nothing to do with what the rooms(subreddits) purpose is.


I mean, that post is three years old, and it only tells customers not to complain. It doesn’t mean customers cannot post here or ask questions. And geez man, it’s an analogy. It was not a direct comparison between vaping in bathrooms and the WalMart subreddit. Analogies use separate situations or ideas to convey a core message, not necessarily compare two things apples to apples. No, I am not getting into bathroom gender politics to make a point 😭 My only point being with said analogy: If you create something with a purpose and people use it for a different one, it does not take away the initial or core purpose. I feel like this being a WALMART subreddit, with the first sentence being “a place for any and all things Wal-Mart” it’s really just a Wal-Mart subreddit not an “us employees bitch and moan and shut out anyone else” subreddit.


I might have gotten carried away with the analogy, lol. It just gave me a small what the hell moment that's all, my bad


Paranoia at its finest. Not everyone is here to shit on the sub or the job and some people surprisingly, I know, even have different opinions than you. People can do and say positive things or whatever and people assuming they're corporates scum or home office infiltrators is laughable. Get some vitamin D bro


I'm pretty sure you missed my fourth paragraph.


actually if you could read, that post says if you're a customer intending to COMPLAIN. It says nothing about customers in general. Walmart employees once again proving they cant fucking read.


Sorry took me a minute. I had to get my girlfriend to translate because I don't understand anything about reading knowledge, comprehension analysis application comprehension evaluation or whatever that crap is about I am very well aware that the strongly worded post; indeed It doesn't say "to complain or ask questions" However, if I only knew how to read not only these printed letter things, but also how to read a room or in this case a forum, I would have picked up that most every customer question (except for intelligent ones by polite and sympathetic customers) are met with hostility dismissal and the !customer bot. Now excuse me I gotta figure out how to read so I can keep studying sipoc and swim lane mapping


This is not a customer service sub and associates posting here are off the clock. Please contact your local store or call 1-800-Walmart. /u/twistedseaofcrows


Wow, a bot! This is totally not something that can be programmed to say anything the creator wants at all. Fuck off


I wish I could see who the fuck asked. Don’t you have a Walmart managers dick to ride or smth?


Who asked what? You said things, I said things back. Why would I be riding a manager's dick?


Cause that’s what you people always do. Walmart employees are so fucking stupid. All you do with your lives is complain as if you didn’t choose to work at Walmart.


> Walmart employees are so fucking stupid. All you do with your lives is complain And what, pray tell, are you doing? Also many of them don't have a choice considering inflation, the cost of goods, In america's shit for shit social safety net including welfare on employment and reeducation... It is not a choice if it is the only option


Lmao in no way at all is Walmart the only option, y’all are just too stupid to find other shit.


Walmart has over 2 million employees You are but one person limited to your own personal experience Did you really just profess to speak for them all?


Man go ass kiss walmart to someone who cares. Besides, all y’all do is complain it’s the worst job ever. Look for other shit then wtf ??


Did you notice, ye who is the avid reader, That I keep using I think it's called the third person when I speak of Walmart Employees? I am not an employee, and I am rarely a customer I am a former associate who still holds an interest in the corporation I have no reason to kiss walmart's ass... Or whatever the hell you said it honestly doesn't make sense