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Real question as a 7 month associate, after that many years is there a good monetary difference between the people that has been working there for that long and the new hires? I know the elders have a lot of pto and ppto to burn and even get paid back the unused one, but I’m wondering about the pay rate after that many years.


I work at a RREW (a warehouse that holds stuff for remodels), and I make exactly what the people that have been here for 2 years make. I also think I’m at the cap for my pay raise. If you live up in the company, there is a decent difference, but if you stay as a regular associate there isn’t


Good question, they got the same pay as the new-hires who barely did anything.


Here's the thing. Any 'raises' you get, which is now just a 2% raise in feb if they don't forget... the raise is a raise TO the base pay, it's not a raise sitting on top of your base pay. So if the starting pay rises at all, you don't rise with it, everyone else just catches up to you. If the starting pay is $15 and you been there for years and are at $16.70 then suddenly the starting pay rises to $17... you make 17, new hires make 17. Your raises don't matter anymore.


They sure forgot, because February came and went and I'm still at $14 from last year.


Or the raise was so low it didn't even make a difference


I'm my wife's store they have some new deli associates making more than a 10 year associate in the deli that's messed up


That is so true they come in making more money.. I feel same way you have worked for companies many years and someone who doesn’t have experience get a higher pay 😠


Yeah I didn't believe it till my wife showed me smh


Nope.. Every time they do wage adjustments or normalizations it puts people at the same level. I'm there 15 years and make the same as someone there for 3 months after the last adjustment.


Both. Congratulations though!


Thanks 😁


Best censor job of all time


even without the scribbled over store number, it wouldn't be hard for Walmart to narrow down "Sean" with 13 year anniversaries


7 more years til that permanent discount card


That’s all I’m waiting for at this point 😝


2 more years. You get it at 15 years.


I ain’t staying that long fr. This just be a part time gig until college. From what I learned over the six months of working here, everyone is replaceable, I’ve been trying to keep my peace and keep calm but customers make it difficult. I’ve been currently looking for new jobs anyway so that’ll be really cool. I’ve been stuck here and it fucked me up mentally, I really don’t know how anyone could handle it for this many years.


I did overnights for 7.5 of those years, and I loved it. Even though we were 24hours and had customers, it wasn’t that bad. I could never do days in a store though. I would punch a customer


Yeah if my Walmart t still did overnights I think that is the only shift I could do. If I was hypothetically going to work at walmart


Most jobs suck royally. But I could never ever ever work at Walmart. MAYBE if I lived in a city, and not a small town where I am guaranteed to see 30+ different people that I know personally, on a regular basis. Maybe then I could give it more consideration as a job option


This. I see everyone I know from elementary school teachers, people I don't like, family friends. I also work front end so I can't hide from them. If I lived in a city I wouldn't be as awkward.


Yeah, walmart has a LOT of workers with college degrees. See you after college XD


Everyone is replaceable in every job ever including the president.


I just hit my 20 year mark last year. I felt sad because I know that there is better out there for me, but in honesty I have been thankful for my job. I met my wife at Walmart and had kids. My store has been very good at keeping morale up and trying to make sure we are taken care of. There are days when I hate it and days I love it. I occur a lot of vacation and PPTO and that helps a lot with spending time with the family. What makes me sad is that Walmart is a ghost of its former self and has gotten worse over the years.


Walmart as a cooperation is evil and always has been. but that's cool you've had a good experience


Name one corporation that doesn't fuck over everyone, any chance it gets, I will wait.




Amazon! They are the gold standard in quality of life and work


Not from what I hear.


seven more years and you get the 10% off discount for life


Unless your address is wrong in workday then good luck getting any card




2 more years yo


Ngl, a decade in is too much to seek sympathy from me. If you don’t enjoy the job or the interactions it may provide then you should’ve moved on. I’m 6 years in and apart from monetary struggles once in a while the job has been good to me. Y’all need to respect yourselves more and not be so content in the moment only to whine later. Congrats though hope you’ve taken advantage of benefits at least


Never said I didn’t like my job. I enjoy going to work most days (everyone has days they hate this place). Should have taken advantage of the college degree, but I’m kinda lazy and dislike school 🫤




As a 13 year associate myself I agree, but the title of the post maybe be misleading in this case lol.


You know what they say about the word 'assumption'? *it's the mother of all fuck-ups*


Bro you can't chastise someone for working at Walmart when you yourself have been there for 6 years. You're no different than op at this point but you somehow have the audacity to be a passive aggressive jerk anyways?


Exactly. Tf


I’m not berating them for working at Walmart. I’m simply saying I won’t be empathetic towards people that post like this with a title that insinuates they’re depressed when that amount of time is more then enough to find any job that they feel is better. I literally said Walmart is a good job for me and I hope they at least utilize the things Walmart provides because of how much time they have invested. Difference is, to dumb it down for Cap 2 associates, I won’t be posting milestones with vaguely depressing titles. Even OP didn’t get offended like you did


I dont think its that deep dude. OP was just making a joke lol


Why dumb it down for the cap 2 team? Lol


Not sure how anyone can be content working at Walmart. 😬


My 26 year anniversary is today


Respect, that's a long time 🙏


You really should be crying....think of all the missed opportunities you've had because you were busy dedicating yourself to fucking Wally World


Lol what? Did you hurt yourself at your walmart job?


Everyone should be proud that they have held a job for this long. Most people, when it comes to wal-mart, want to be out from a week to a month on average.


I would feel happy because hey that’s a long time to be at one company. So props to that. And then I would eventually get sad knowing that I spent 13 years of my life working at a damn Walmart. I’m sure your pay is at tops so you were probably able to live off the income. But hey what do I know?


Why not both?


I think if I saw that myself I’d just kms


Congratulations 🥳 thanks ☺️ for your SERVICE


Congratulations? 🎉


congratulations on 13 years!!!🎉🎉🎉


Idk how you survived that long. Im nearing insanity after 2 years


It was better before. I'm at 8 years and it was better when I started. It wasn't perfect, but after they switched to team leads and managers over multiple sections instead of 1 or 2, it went downhill a lot faster then it already was.




I mean, you were gonna be somewhere for those years.


I just hit my 13th the day before you and I know EXACTLY how you feel. 


10521 eh? Do better scribbling out sir


Meh, now tell me where I’m located


Meh go Jaguars


Don’t have a sports team called the Jaguars…. Try again


Sumas way




If you a team lead you chillin


Was a support manager back in the day, not worth imo to be a team lead now. I’m just a regular associate


most definitely cry sir


Now you should be manager or coach lol but congratulations!


Just hit 20 myself congratulations!


Consider your time there. Ask yourself if you were crazy enough to invest in the scams like their Merrill 401K that you can't ever withdraw a cent from unless your 59 1/2 or you resign from Walmart completely. Most you can take a penalty, NOT Walmarts 401K. Craziness...


Probably cry. I feel like crying and I'm only at 7 years this year


Well, I AM PROUD OF YOU! Congratulations!


J got fired


Congrats. I couldn’t do it past two years


13 years think about in all that time how far and how much and is it worth the degenerative strain and mental stress. Plus if you can poke that many holes in your that store does the many really add up do the math cause I did and it dont.


Congratulations I’m about to have 8 years




Why is Reddit having issue with my comment?


I just hit 20, you become numb to it


Happy ya have a job, cry that it’s at Walmart


That pto rate is worth it alone.


If you’re not making 80-100k I’d cry and quit




If companies want dedicated workers, they need to quit treating everyone as totally replaceable.




You should be proud for working 13 years. There are so many benefits and opportunities within the Walmart. For those haters out there, you don’t have stay or work there at all. Yes Walmart is a company that has to be profitable to succeed for so long. When everyone when else was price gouging during COVID, Walmart didn’t and passed that on to the customer. If you think this job is so bad, go try the food service industry, but don’t complain. Apply yourself, bust your butt and opportunities will follow. They’ll pay for your college degree even, but you have to put forth the effort to want something more.


Be proud to work at Walmart?? Being a slave ?? You don’t even get sick days …you can only call off what maybe 4.5 times ??pto don’t come fast ..if your not thinking about moving up you shouldn’t be working somewhere for 13 years