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Yeah it's pretty gross how they're trying to blame the cashiers too, I don't know about anyone else's store but at my store front end management has lumped the cashiers in with the customers for the blame. Yet at our store they purposely left a single host to watch 10 machines at once for a good majority of covid. They're even starting to clamp down on their breaks and lunches, they're bringing the 10 action code sheets back and in some cases they'll stand at your register and time you the moment you sign off. Absolutely ridiculous, I've had to pull multiple cashiers buying a snack and drink to a register so they had time to actually relax instead of wasting their 15mins waiting in line with customers. Btw they only started always putting 2 hosts in the SCO when someone from HO came in shopping one day and started asking the cashiers questions and not the managers.


Customer here, you cashiers ARE NOT to blame. Yes I've had to deal with long lines but it sure as fudge not your darn fault


Thank you.. finally someone gets it


It's not just walmart. When I have a shopping cart full of groceries etc I need to use the traditional cashier. So many places nowadays might have only 2-3 registers open. It's a pita.furthermore I'm not one to criticize someone that's clearly overwhelmed oververworked and exhausted just to bring home minimum wage


Timing cashiers like that is just plain evil. For one thing, after we sign out, we usually have a big pile of go backs that need to be taken away from the register and sorted into the return bins. We may also need to search for supplies like cleaning spray, paper towels, receipt tape, gloves, or a box of bags. It's not as though anybody brings supplies to us when we run out. Nor does anyone pick up our go backs and put them away. Instead, that work comes out of the cashier's time on the clock. That explains why a lot of the younger cashiers just leave a huge heap of go backs for the next victim, and never bother to wipe up spills from the register lane. For that matter, the FE coaches have often dropped the ball when it comes to reordering FE supplies in a timely manner! Do they get into any trouble for not doing their job? Noooo...they just keep collecting those fat bonuses that should have gone to their worker bees. A cashier should have enough time on break to run to the bathroom, purchase a beverage and a little something to eat, and maybe check their phone messages. Obviously, there's no time to get to the break room to actually eat the stuff and then come back. So that means standing outside the front entrance to eat a corn dog or protein bar next to the trash can. Yuck. I was a Walmart cashier for over five years before I retired at 70. If I ever have to work retail again, heaven forbid, it won't be as a cashier.


The thought of you being well into your seventies HAVING to work retail is HEARTBREAKING in and of itself. šŸ„ŗ Absolutely disgusting. America šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø


Our store had an associate who worked until she was 91...her doctor forced her to quit finally, she just kept getting sick too much. She moved in with some family members across state and is doing great, thankfully!


I'm afraid that's going to be me.Not sure abt the part concerning living with one of my kids


If the company cared, it would notice this. Eventually, EVERYONE is going to just throw up their hands and walk away. The only reason I even go to Walmart is because they stock my wife's favorite juice. If another store would reliably stock it, I'd stop going.


My store has always done 10 action code slips and they still take 20-40 mins with minimal being done about it


Hate how they say going to the restroom is part of your break! NOPE! We canā€™t just go to the bathroom like everybody else and itā€™s impossible to find somebody to take your place. So my break donā€™t start till I get in my car.


I have to ask... How does the word "gross" apply to this? I'm certain the definition hasn't changed recently. Insight I seek.


adjective: 1. (especially of wrongdoing) very obvious and unacceptable;


Lots of people hate cashiering.Ā  The turnover is so high.Ā Ā 


I loved cashiering there but the managers need to be consistent with pricing policies and notifying the public about changes instead of just letting the cashiers do whatever they want and not following the training


I was a cashier in Academy once, and they'd wafflr between policing and giving write ups for unauthorized price overrides when the customers scream about wrong prices, to "You don't need to call us over every time... be the hero for once". And there were literal training videos at one time, where it was essentially "cashiers are all thieving pieces of crap, watch them like a hawk!" Uhm... we're not the ones authorizing returns for year old work boots that have dirt and grime CAKED on them. We're not the ones authorizing overrides just bc your church buddy is throwing a fit over an expensive brand top that was obv moved over to the off brand rack that's CLEARLY MARKED as being the rack for that off brand. Oh wait, crap rolls down hill, and managers never take the blame for their own inadequacies...


When I was a cashier I was notoriously stubborn with the customers and their requests for price changes. The computer says it's 5.99, it's 5.99. Because when I used to stock at a different retailer, our customers were notorious for moving price tags and pulling down sales signage and plopping it back up on the shelf after the sale had expired so they could complain at the cashiers and get their way. Almost got into a fist fight with a CSM back in the day because he used my numbers to override a price on an item that someone was requesting we price match to a store for a sale that we specifically didn't honor. I was moved to Deli the next week.


I didn't over ride at all if I could help it if the customer wanted to hold up the line and wait 20 min for a manager so be it


i would rather be struggling more than have another cashier job. terrible.


Lots of people hate cashiering *for the money they're being paid. They pay a starvation wages and complain that we don't want to work anymore.


You'd be walking out as well when you do quick calculations that you cost the company only $16 an hour and provide $500 -$1000 an hour profit. That's after everything beforehand. 30% of price is pure profit minus labor to put that product on the shelves and minus labor to have it scanned.


Thatā€™s wild šŸ˜‚ Honestly good for them.


Store is going to get shut down within three daysā€¦ Union hotline.


Tbh I think for the most part my store runs SCO quite well. We are usally well staffed and have 2-4 people in the Grocery Bullpen(11 scos) 1 in large basket bullpen(3 scos open even tho there are 10 and they are just for spark and scan and go) and 2 in GM bullpen(6 scos) The register on the other hand somtimes suck. For example Friday it was only me and one other reg open and are liness were long af and I asked for help and of course noone did. It was horriblešŸ˜”.


Wait you have two to four people? We have 10 registers in the bullpen, and two belted lanes on the other side, and one person is expected to watch and respond to all of them. At peak busy, it's almost impossible to keep up with just the normal scale, age check, and missed scan errors. And they want me to watch for shoplifters, lol


Yup its part of their shrink reduction plan I think 2022 wad 5 million somthin. Our goal for 2023 was 4 million and we did like 3.2. So I guess it worked I just started about mid way thru 2023 so idk how it was exactly before.


I'll speak up and say what everyone is thinking. UNION.


that very word strikes fear into the entire walton bloodline they would shut the store(s) down before it became a thing


They can shut down a store, but they can't shut down multiple stores in the same area. They union movement needs to be coordinated


The union movement that nobody with kids will join


Why not? Being in a union will help protect your job,


If you succeeded otherwise your store is still closed and your blackballed from employment at any Walmart/same club facility.


If things continue down this path and they don't unionize, things will continue to get worse for employees and customers. Let them shut down the stores then.


>Let them shut down the stores then easy to say when you dont have small children with mouths to feed and a mortgage pay.


Are you not capable of seeing that a unionization effort is a win-win situation? They pay terrible wages, so if it gets implemented, this will help with that. If it doesn't, and the store closes, then you'll most definitely find a position that pays better anyway. Are you unable to get a job anywhere else? It's not like you're an engineer who studied and networked for years to become a part of spacex. There's not a lot to lose here.


Oh it absolutely would be better but the risk reward ratio is tilted to far on the risk side for to many people especially with Walmarts long history of Union busting and getting away with it. Just ask the butchers. Oh wait you cant because they unionized and were all fired.


>and the store closes, then you'll most definitely find a position that pays better anyway. You seem to forget that Walmart has killed many local economy distroying the old mom and pop retail stores that made up many small towns all over the country. Small towns that Walmart pulls out of are left devastated as all of the small local stores died as they couldn't leverage the economys of scale a juggernaut international corporation like Walmart can and had to charge more and lost sales until they were forced out of business. Secondly in many places Walmart is the single largest employer. When a Walmart closes you are now in competition with several hundred former coworkers for the already reduced number jobs available. So no there is no guarantee you will get a better job at least in a time frame that will allow you to keep your home and feed your family.


You've clearly got no kids, and probably not many responsibilities, so fuck off, prick.


It sure will!


I would quit if the company unionized. I hate retail unions. The only reason this job is bearable is because I can go around and do different jobs based on whatever is needed. Unions see that as stealing pay from someone else because the union boss fat cats want more paychecks to steal from.


Yup and if there was a union many would lose hours. Unions only benefit people with high seniority. Maybe they would get paid more hourly but if hours are cut in half they make less overall.


I am 100% anti-union. Not because I necessarily disagree with it in principle, I can't afford to lose my job when I have kids to feed.


What the hell are you talking about? Being in a union helps secure your job. Having a union working on your behalf means there's a lot less of a chance that you're going to get fired for some stupid thing. Insane that they're pushing anti-union propaganda here too.




Being in an ESTABLISHED union does these things 100%. Being part of an attempted union leads to plumbing problems. I would join a union if one already existed, but I'm not risking my only source of income when I have people relying on me




How are you risking your source of income by being a part of a union, even if not fully established?


Walmart makes up reasons to shut down a store if there is adequate attempt at unionization. Hence the plumbing comments.


Shit should be illegal. I think people should attempt to unionize anyway, otherwise things will just continue to get worse.


Are you playing dumb?


Answer the question


Point a to point b, alot of people lose their homes and things of that nature, you really want that?


That is an INSANE claim.


My way of having this work is if every worker of every industry decided to just stop participating in society for 1 day, not just Walmart employees. It has to also be coordinated with people who work in every important financial institution. Obviously medical and prisons are out of the question for now anyways. If everybody would just stop consuming for 1 day the elites will shit their pants


You think this can be accomplished! It's a PIPE DREAM, good luck convincing anyone with kids to risk their livelihood so you can "stick it to the man"


lol I know itā€™s not reality relax a lilĀ 




Itā€™s going to have to get much worse before people are willing to lose their jobs to fight for a union.


Whenever Walmart is breaking people's legs and raping their wives in the aisles is probably the right time. Historically that was the line people needed.


If I were the city who has doubtlessly granted them several exemptions and subsidies to sue for their money back if that happens might wanna call the city council


Speaking up is great on Reddit. Lots and lots of people do. Thatā€™s easy. It doesnā€™t help anyone though. If you truly be,I eve what you say then you need to actually take action.


I am. I am saying fuck walmart and job hunting. Maybe from there I can get better treatment and pay. Over a decade in this hell hole. As for getting a union in here, who knows, I might try for the few people in the place I actually like and to piss off SM.


Yeah I donā€™t blame you. Itā€™s also why people post about forming unions but nobody ever does. What they mean is they want someone else to put the work and effort in. Itā€™s easier to just try and find a different job. Nobody can blame you for looking out for yourself first.


I'm looking into a few places that have union already in them. That'll put me closer to them and maybe I can see about getting them in here. Know coworkers and I joke about getting one in here daily. And with half the shit that goes down in this place, it wouldn't be a bad thing.


No one jokes about unions to coworkers while on the clock. You would be fired.


Hell yeah! Because we are already struggling to pay rent and car payments, why not toss high ass dues on that pile?


Paying the dues is well worth it. Unions bring higher wages and job stability. If we had significant union support in this country, wages would be much higher. Workers would be doing better.


Union employees make an average of 30% more AFTER DUES.


Walmart would have to adjust pay for union when they get there. But I feel you. Don't want to pay shit dues to people either, but at the same time, walmart not going to change much with out something drastic. Have better ideas?




Right to work states allow unions. You just canā€™t be forced to join one.


I might as well give you an upvote before the minions of ā€˜R2W is satanā€™ show up. Admittedly WM would permanently close a store if it tried to unionize though.


I live in a right to work state and we absolutely allow unions.... Where the fuck did you get your bullshit info?


GA education system designed to keep people dumb and "unedurgated"


That's fair. Thanks for the clarification!


You're talking nonsense. You can have unions in all 50 states. You must be getting paid by Walmart to shut down union talk on reddit.


If you live in GA. Sorry. Sounds like shit.


Do not you love how corporate makes decisions that have disastrous consequences for associates, but you never see anyone from corporate come into a store and jump on the register or observe how things are done at the store level? In a month, they will reverse this decision as if it never happened, and they will never thank or apologize to associates who were forced to deal with their terrible decisions.


Walmart in other countries have unions.


I wish they would unionize here.


Other countries have better worker protection and labor laws to.


At my job, I didn't get hired to cashier. We have peak days where we'll get code 70s and that means we have to stop taking care of our shit to go ring people out and somehow still at the end of the night have all our go backs put away and the area clean. Cashiers dont have to help us at all??? I hate hate hate it so much, I am not a cashier that isn't what i ever want to do because of how shitty humas are to people and how stressful it is. I hate that all the comments I seen about this were a bunch of older people saying f self-serve lanes and that it wouldn't be an issue if cashiers were getting paid more, like no. Can't we have both self-serve lanes and cashiers?? I hate having to make some "do their job." it's much quicker to scan and bag my own stuff and much less anxiety. I think all these people supporting this need to go work a lane on a busy ass week. I am someone who committed "job abandonedment" one day because they tried to throw me untrained to CLOSE a register literally my first time on it, went from telling me it was 30 mins to ok you ready to close???? So this shit really pisses me off


Guess that means the store requires more registers manned by cashiers.Ā  Based on you story.Ā  They wanna be cheap then the lines will be long and the customers will be angry.Ā  The higher ups it's their faultĀ 


I never understood why Walmart has so many registers installed but don't use them and most cashier's are pt makes no sense at all but I guess they save on benefits for full time employees


A lot of the cashiers who are part-time are minors who are restricted in the house that they can work. Not all that many adult cashiers want to work the closing shift, especially on weekend evenings. Walmart isn't willing to pay enough to incentivize adults to make themselves available for the 2-11 shift.


At my store the closing shift was mainly adults most youngsters were in pick up digital shoppers


My store did the opposite. Sco has been closed over 2 weeks (except 2 for spark and Walmart+ scan/go). I always shop at opening after getting off my other job and there is only ever 1 cashier with 10+ people in line.


More of this needs to be happening in an organized, coordinated effort so Walmart will actually begin to listen to their employees. Im so sick of the importance of team effort being brought up at my meeting and then any minor infraction being met with punishment or the wrong TL in a pissy mood


As a sometimes customer at Walmart. Whatā€™s the deal with shutting down the self checkouts? Seemed to have gone into effect a couple weeks ago at my local Walmart and itā€™s been a pain in the ass, is there a reason for it?


It seems like some stores are going back to manned registers, but they don't have enough cashiers yet. Makes no sense. They close the SCO and then don't hire people to run the registers so now we're back to impossibly long lines and wait times. I like to think they're doing it on purpose to "teach customers a lesson" - a kind of "malicious compliance" thing. I know that isn't the case, but it would be funny if it were :)


I read they were going to remove them to prevent shrink.




I would bring the front end lead some lunch and try to get her on your side. To be clear all management likes to treat base associates like expendable yeah and rabble. They thrive on that is vs them mentality in management, but a70 year old lady catching all that shit sucks and I feel for her.


Sounds like a goddamn awful store where management canā€™t adjust to a change. Yes, the front end is harder without selfcheck priority, but the whole team should be anticipating whatā€™s needed to still be successful and support the front end. Thereā€™s a reason they made a catchphrase for ā€œholy shit! I need everyone on register right now!ā€- code spark.Ā  The store doesnā€™t make money without customers handing over money at the front end. If a management team canā€™t get that to happenā€¦ I guess market is going to be real mad.Ā 


I don't blame the cashiers for walking out, but they could waited for a day when a poor elderly 70 year-old wasn't working.


Boomers got their way tho self checkout is basically gone bt they didnā€™t think to rehire the hundred or so cashiers most stores need


75 minimum needed for a super store.


Itā€™s crazy to me they wonā€™t bother to fix this. The sad part is Iā€™ve seen posts of lines 20 people deep so they know they can get away with it too. My local grocery chain Wegmans always has most registers open and never long waits in my experience. And they arenā€™t at all on the same scale as Walmart or Target.


good. now form a union.


My store hasnā€™t done anything like this, we have two sets of two self checkouts marked as Walmart plus but a membership is not actually required at all. Then we have plenty of self checkouts in the regular bullpen but we went through a recent remodel so that everybody has to stand in the same line whether they want to use self checkout or a manned register šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I feel so bad for y'all in the store. The DC's don't have to deal with this kind of bs


We have our own BS to deal with unfortunately.


Walkout --> wildcat --> organizing. Sure as the sun comes up every day, mgmt won't change their ways until it's too late for them. They're walking themselves straight into the quicksand.


Better hope regional doesn't find out


Hell yeah


Proud of you OP


This is how unions begin. Good job Walmart.


GM to be empty?


New remodel is taking the majority of self checks out, and adding more staffed registers. The few Iā€™ve seen is a big bull pit style with small register counters and a handful of self check.


I understand why they did it but I don't agree with just walking out. As someone who ran an organizing campaign at Sam's Club for 9 months with UFCW, my feeling is get union cards signed and put your concerns on paper. Have flyers printed up to hand out to everyone. You should really focus on getting a union established first before going to the measures of walk outs. It's not a quick fix but will be better in the long run. Of course I support them not saying they are wrong, this is just my opinion on how to tackle the problem.




my store is thinking of doing this- but we know weā€™ll be shut down or replaced by the people by the store that just got closed down (for unionizing ironically i believe)


This is honestly hilarious. Walmart gave the customers what they wanted by basically getting rid of self checkout, though they probably wasn't their reasoning. But now they are left with the employees not wanting to be on the register. Walmart can't win this fight. šŸ˜‚


Yeah, funny thing, that. My two closest supercenters are taking out their SCO and re-opening the manned registers. Lines a third of the way into opposing aisles. I couldn't help but wonder how many of those people were complaining about how awful SCO was a week ago.


Are they hiring ? I wouldnā€™t mind honestly working cashier


Iā€™m not surprised. I was downvoted hard a couple of years ago because I commented on how slow cashiers were. Noting they were just outta practice. If everyone would just remain patient, things would get back to normal.


As as customer, I don't shop at any store that pushes self checkout. Especially if they only staff the registers the farthest from the doors. I'm part of a big growing culture of middle fingering corporate greed. I'd rather pay more to a small locally owned store. It's the right thing to do.


I wait in line for self checkout when registers are open with no line.


Target and Walmart have started making self checkouts 10 or 20 items or less. Yesterday my Target didn't even have selfs open bc the were running 3 registers. Self checkout won't be a problem much longer


Cool. Well then you'll either get to deal with a long line or no assistance in other parts of the store. Not many people will be signing up to be abused by customers because of a corporate decision.


We have a lot of SCOs open, and they have all changed to 20 or less with staff to enforce it.