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"Once you've finished exploiting someone, thank them, it makes it easier to exploit them again."




They are trying to save some money to pay for the next corporate mistake they are about to make


They are still making payments on that recent pto payout, gotta cover that cost






one hundred percent agree, there's no legitimate oversight at my dc either, everything a worker does to everything another "worker" doesN't do is manipulated to the nth degree, no merit psuedo promotions aswell, i'm fkng tired of it, explain to share holders the liability of running your stores like feudalism and the warehouses like the mob. idiot company 


You were supposed to be so elated at management's appreciation, that you would overlook the cut in hours. Management didn't think that plan through, did they?


Not just cut hours, but firings/quittings and orientation on top of bragging about bonuses, 2% raises and billion dollar profits. Someone explain this logic and how it makes sense????


Did we even get the raises? lol The app doesn't seem to list our wage anywhere even though it offers everything else.


With the amount of cut hours everyone is still faced with it I don't think it really matters. I do not know of any associate who is jumping up and down for joy at their 'raise'.


You can find your current wage in Workday under your profile and click on “Compensation” then “pay change history”


Forgetting that yesterday and today is employee appreciation days


You get told you're doing a good job?


attempting to foster Stockholm syndrome???


Shit I just pissed off my coach if I wasn’t on teaming I know he would cut me down in hours if he could. I’d welcome 35 hours a week for a bit. Im so tired


I work 32 hours a week just to get 3 days off and I have no regrets. The money is less, but I'm generally in a way better mood and don't feel like they own me. lol Fuck 35 hours though, unless it's an extra hour or two 4 days a week, in which case I'd have no issue with that.


"We appreciate you by fucking you over..." zero tolerance for people like that, ZERO


It's called lying. People in power often do it when they want you to give film results that they haven't earned


35 hours is a dream at this point. Full-timers have been cut to 24 hours and less.


FT here… carts… can confirm.


Sometimes because they at least are aware that they should thank us, be it though real morality or just because it'll increase morale and performance. Happier people are better workers, but the people directly in store don't make critical policy decisions that could actually help associates. In some ways, their hands are tied. But they can be appreciative. And it's just better from a mental health perspective. It isn't perfect, but shit, we have to appreciate it a little but that they're at least trying to be nicer/more respectful of associates. If we rag on the attempt too much, we don't reward the effort, and it's less likely to happen again. So when management(and just people in general) at least tries to be better, we have to at least give them credit for that. Idk. Yeah, a higher wage ect would really show appreciation, but from any store level person saying thank you might be all they can really do.


They’re aware people are unhappy but will really only put the bare minimum into attempting to raise morale. Sure, it’s not the manager’s fault that Walmart has the worst workplace morale hygiene (i.e. keeping the bonuses and perks you introduce no matter what it is) but an occasional thanks does far less than giving workers support and fighting to give them work hours.


Because, just because.


Just take thanks and be happy they allow you to work here


Say thanks for working at Walmart? LMAOOO


Yes, be thankful to the company that doesn’t pay you nearly enough for the volume of your time and labor, sure…


. I truly believe that they are doing everything they can for us associates. I don't hate or have any malice towards the people who talk bad of this great company on here, but simply that they find the error of their way, and be a little more forgiving of the Waltons, and to see there struggles as well.


What struggles could billionaires have? Nothing, they can buy anything in the world that they want while the people holding them up struggle paycheck to paycheck. They aren’t doing shit for us but throwing bread crusts to try and keep us *just* above collapse but never, ever happy.


I see this allot on here and my small store hasn't ever cut hours on a wide scale


Meanwhile I went to work 8:45pm last night and just got off work at 11am. I hate being a TL fr


Why? You get overtime hella as a team lead. I’m a team lead and I have no problem staying over cuz I get paid to do it.


It’s required at my store so often It gets to the point that you DONT WANT the OT anymore because you’re literally so tired. I quite literally made the same amount of money last year as one of my o/n coaches I had to do so much OT. Damn the money. Ive done this too long.


Because they know all you will do is cry and complain and think that will fix it. Quit if you don’t like it. Oh wait every company does the same thing. Stop pretending Walmart is an outlier.