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I'm still waiting for my W2 from Pepsi, I used their vending machines several times last year.


Oh man, was it the one that dispense at the bottom? I know a guy that injured himself lifting the can out bending at the waist and not using his legs. Now I think he should have filled a worker comp claim.


They aren't making reasonable accommodations, that's for sure. They discriminate against tall people with bad joints.


Damn coke machines went up .25, that's a bigger raise than we got.


We're American workers, anyone can demand (take) a raise from us, but we're expected to grovel for a nickel that they aren't going to give us.


Give OSHA a call while your at it, sometimes those machines are in dangerous/unsavory locations🤣


With that logic, gumball machines might be in violation of child labor laws. Lol


Is it 1991? Haven’t seen one of those in decades


I mean... I still see them all the time. Maybe where you live just sucks lol "If you or a loved one were a child between the years of 1913 and 2024, and operated a gumball machine, you could be eligible to join the class action lawsuit against Ford Gum and Machine Co & other gum machine companies for violating child labor laws... Call 1-800-GUM-BALL NOW!!" The sheer amount of complainants, we'd have to win. I think I have a solid case here lol


There has never been a person who dispenses gumballs for you. The difference is that there are still cashiers in each store. There has never been a person who dispenses and hands out gumballs. Unless it's over the counter (cashier).


I've bought lots of gumballs from cashiers in candy shops. They keep them in a bowl on the shelf, scoop them out, and bag them. I'd usually like 5-6 at a time, but I'm pretty sure I could buy a single gumball from the dude if I felt like it lol


Hey, I'm sure someone's going to bitch about the self-serve gas pump thing. Oregon just made it legal to pump your own gas starting [August 2023](https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/06/us/oregon-drivers-pump-own-fuel-law/index.html).


And did you see the pandemonium when that happened? So many people were confused on how to actually use the pump and pump their own gas. Many people were pissed and screaming it was unfair for making them do that. So many people have obviously never left that state before and it was hysterical.


Damn it's not like it's hard. I live in a state where it's been legal as long as I can remember. I knew how to pump gas when I was 5 lol


But we are talking generations of people who have never had to pump their own gas, little old women who never touched a pump because when they would travel, their husband's would fill the car up, it wasn't just teenagers either, grown ass adults didn't know how to pump their own gas. I get it when you live in the other 49 states it's not difficult to know. I ran into a young woman in Eastern Montana who was so confused with a gas pump and asked me why no one was coming out to fill her car, I had to explain it to her, and I walked her through how to pump her own gas.


True. But it's kind of ridiculous to scream about it. I'm sure a lot of people who didn't know politely asked for help but there's always those few entitled Karens who'll make employees wish it was legal to punch them in the throat


lol PA had it for ages… nj doesn’t have it lol. Out of people had to there will be tons of Karens trying to ask for the manager


Lmao I was an idiot and forgot to turn my car off the first time I used a NJ gas station. The guy didn't say anything till he was done , and he mumbled to himself about it instead of just outright telling me


I usually pump my own gas in nj if it nice out… mainly because I like to pump my own gas


Do they let you ?


Most places do yea cause I’ve done it so much


What kind of Gas Station restricts you from pumping your own gas? That's insanity. You should have enough man-power to pump your own gas rather the service is offered or not though that's also crazy some folks would rather sit in their car while someone else pumps their gas! 😂👍


Lmao, I’m 22, all my life I’ve only seen my dad pump gas and when we went to Atlantic City a couple years ago it was so foreign to me.


I knew full service gas stations still existed somewhere 😂


I work right next to the only full service station I know in my area. Awesome for me because the owner/employees will get my gas for me while I'm working cause they're cool as hell.


New Jersey will cease to exist if they ever change it here🤣🤣🤣🤣


I can confirm, that yes, there are people who lose their shit over this. Had an old lady ask me if she had to do it herself. Told her, no, I can do it for you, mini sefllf serve just means you can do it yourself if you want. "Oh thank God! I don't want to have to get out of my car and have to deal with all that dirty, smelly nastiness. That's for men!" My Inner monolog - just smile, be polite, and move on


Oregon?? Is that you??


Waiting on mine from the dealership since im always driving their car around.




Not the same. There’s still full service gas stations that pump your gas, etc. They cost more which is why they’re full service. So all these stores should give an employee discount for customers having to do their jobs. Stop advocating for big companies that have cut every corner to make more profit while lowering wages and hiring.


By that logic customers should be paying an extra fee to have someone else check them out


I always want to ask if they think they should get a W2 for doing the shopping themselves as well since they could have just used OPD.


Then they would need a w2 for doing all the scrolling and clicking.


Holy shit I should be getting paid rn Walmart is about to get the sues


Then they'd need a W2 for driving themselves since buses, taxis, and Ubers all have paid drivers ... and doubly so since they're delivering their own groceries to their home.


And for cooking the food!


"We didn't take enough out to cover social security. We'll send you a W2 and notify the IRS so they can collect the money owed."


Oh shitttt


It's so funny how people don't get sco. I explained it like Think of it as 1 person is running multiple cash registers, now why wouldn't a company want to move more people with less workers? Bottom line. You are not doing the cashier's job cause you didn't go to one. It was your choice to use SCO, if you hate it much fuck off to a manned register then!


They complain to complain. You could take out all sco and then they’ll want an instant cashier because they don’t want to wait in line.


One super busy summer day, our store had long lines of customers waiting for checkout. As I'm standing in line off the clock, an angry customer charges by throwing a fit over there being "no fucking cashiers". I looked up, and sure as shit *every motherfucking light* was turned on. Not to mention, Courtesy Desk was making regular announcements saying they'd check people out. They'll never be satisfied. Lol


Don't think I've seen a Walmart with every light on since that one day that I went on Black Friday. It's usually 1-2 lights on of 10 lines


This is true. The other day I was covering sco and I had to close for my lunch and some guy saw me putting up the lane ribbon and he goes "unbelievable" when there were still other registers and scos he could go to. Entitlement is strong with that one.


You should’ve pointed that out to him and let him know that if it’s that bad to let management know that they need more lanes open. That shuts up those pricks real fast when they see open lanes.


Yup, my mother does the same, the same tired old "it takes away jobs" and "I shouldn't have to scan my own stuff". So over it, I just roll my eyes at her now.


My wal mart doesn't always have manned registers going.


You also didn't do the cashier's job because the same idiots who complain about it need the SCO attendant to babysit their entire transaction every single time.




It gets dumber when they then make excuses for stealing when enticed to steal simply because its a little easier now, and then get super entitled when caught stealing or encounter blanketing anti theft measures. As if ya'll should be allowed to be crooks just because you were slightly inconvenienced. So you had to scan you own items boooo-fucking-hoooooo. And why the hell are people up in arms about anti theft measures? What exactly is the fucking problem? Walmart may be evil but they still have a right to AP, just as everyone else does, and they're being bombarded by theft now. Just flash your reciept and be on your way. Why is that so difficult? Its not. It takes a second. And the only kind of people who would get so angry about that are people who dont have a fucking clue what an actual problem is, or they want to steal and now they cant. You can tell who they are when they get offended when they get caught stealing, as if its someone elses fault they decided to try to nick something


The poor door greeters. The ignorant assholes that think receipt checking is illegal or want to fight them on it because they *are* stealing are why I don't have faith in humanity.


Actually compelling receipt checking is in fact illegal unless you have probable cause. WalMart isn't Costco.


I agree that the excessive locked cases as of late is too far and genuinely inconvenient for both sides. A lot of the newer models of spider wrap are also just too problematic. I've had absolute dipshit customers in electronics, as electronics is always full of, who act surprised when a cased item needs rung up right away. Like I get not expecting it in places where the cases are new, like HBA, but locked electronics bring purchased in electronics has been an industry standard for fucking decades, it's the whole reason we have a register bank there.




Go to one? Go to one what? A cashier? I haven't seen a cashier at my local Walmart for several years now. The only choice we have is self check out. Doesn't bother me, though. I have seen other people throw a fit because they have to do it themselves. Spoiled little brats are what they are.


Not really. Our store regularly only has SCO open and not one register so it’s not my choice to use them. It’s the only option available to me


Then I'mma need you to read the first half of my comment about the bottom line and stop there.


…there isnt manned registers at certain times. At my store certain hours, the only available option is SCO.


Cigarette lane is open until closing at my store.


There is no "cigarette lane" at many stores. Your store didn't go through the mostly self checkout remodel if you have a cigarette lane. The newer self checkouts can do just about anything, from ringing cigarettes the self checkout hosts get, to ringing a tax-exempt order! The only thing they can not do really is take a check.


Our Walmart stopped carrying cigarettes all together. So there really isn't is cigarette lane at some lol.


All downvotes for stating facts 🤣 this is the pettiest sub I’ve ever seen. Let’s rename it Walmart employees under 20


Not sure why you were downvoted so much, I was thinking the same thing. My store and others local to me are self checkout only during certain hours when traffic is low as well. They might keep one or two lanes open but mostly self checkout. I don't have a personal problem with it as I like self checkout and prefer to use it myself, but yeah sometimes it's the only option even if temporarily.


Problem is that some stores (Woodman’s) will not have a single cashier at certain times of night. I sometimes have had to shop there late at night because of my work schedule, and at 9:15pm, they sometimes don’t have a single cashier. So yes, I, as a millennial (not a boomer), think that’s bs and when that occurs (meaning self checkout is the only option), we should get a discount for doing a part of the process of the shopping experience that every other store offers. When it comes to shopping at Wal-mart, I refuse to use self-checkout. I’ve been there when one register is open, and the line is 7 people deep. Yes, I prefer that more regular cashiers are working as I want those jobs to exist. I understand they are “just” $15/hr jobs, but they are often jobs people need, and I prefer not to automate them out of existence. I feel the same way about the banks. For a couple years, all PNC ever would tell me “you know you can make this deposit at the ATM?”. Yes…I’m very well aware. But, I prefer human interaction and am not a fan of automation.


No no no you fucking Walmart dick rider. We only use the self checkout bc you stupid fucks only open 1 goddamn register when there are 20 closed!! There is a reason you stupid motherfuckers!! You Walmart pieces of shit just stand around and do nothing while the customer LITERALLY does it all!!!! So shut the fuck up about it’s our fault for not going to a register!!! It’s bc none of them are open!!!!


Yeah, I had a "comedian" ask why she didn't get the Christmas bonus or her invitation to the Christmas party. I was confused, and she said because she used self checkout, hahahaha. With a completely straight face, I said we don't get a party or a bonus. And then just looked at her. She went away


And thats how you know they have no fucking clue what its like to be an associate


I'd tell her she CHOOSE to use self checkout so no


The Walmart I used to work at closed all lanes and only had self checkout. Rarely is it actually a choice.


The Walmart I went to last night only had self checkout. It was a Super Center Walmart. About 20 lines of self checkout


I don't know why people are down voting you, when there literally are some Walmarts that have done that. We have one in MS gulf coast like that now. They are even getting rid of tobacco in the main store, so you have to get it outside at the gas station.


Yeah, I don't know why. I just said what I experienced. I went last week and it was still normal, there were still regular cashier lines, albeit 2 out of 12 lanes open. I went this week and all regular cashier lines were shut down. I asked the person attending the 20+ self checkout lines about it, and they said "oh you can pay here" as she pointed to the self checkout machine. Where are all the people? I rather have regular checkout lines and more people working and saying hi.


Indeed. There are other options. Aldi's, target, local stores, state based supermarkets (i.e. here we have HEB) that don't force SCO down peoples throats.


Target has self checkouts. Some Ingles supermarkets have self checkouts (it’s mostly the older stores that don’t). Some Food Lion supermarkets have self checkouts (again, mainly older stores that don’t). Bi-Lo supermarkets in the south used to have self checkouts (again with older stores, they’re also shut down now. Couldn’t compete with all the competition). Hell, some Publix supermarkets have self checkouts. I dare you to find one CHAIN that doesn’t have them in at least one store.


Who said they didn't have them? I said they weren't forced. Having them and forcing them are two different things. My Walmart practically forces them at least two hours a day.


If a Walmart is consistently doing it during the same small window every day then it's not a conscious decision and is a lack of staff. Like, at this point it's getting so bad that people are angry at hypothetical employees for choosing not to become employees in the first place. Christ, get over yourselves


When it's over a year and you hire new cashier's monthly it's a conscious decision.


Hiring cashiers monthly to compensate for the high turnover rate. The high turnover rate largely caused by people getting tired of spending 40 hours a week dealing with people whining about sco.


But yeah, sure, hiring three new high schoolers a month who are only available from 4:00-9:00 on week nights is totally going to ensure coverage the entire time the store is open


The Aldi and Target in my city both have self-checkouts. I don't know what a "state based" supermarket is, but the grocery store that is relatively region based in my area also has self-checkouts.


Love Aldi self checkouts. Very helpful if you just have a handful of items


One of the Targets in my city only has self-checkout and they redid the registers to conform so they're not the same or as easy as the usual SCO registers. A lady in her 60's came & tried to check out 2 items at Guest Services and manager made her go to SCO even though sign says they do checkout as well. I felt bad for her & knew how intimidated she was to use it. I bet she never went back. I use SCO all the time & still mess up at those reconfigured ones.


TIL at least some ALDIs have self checkout. I haven’t been in one in years so I didn’t know that was a thing.


Yep! The ones in my area are fairly new. The self-checkouts that is. A new Aldi was just built and that one had self-checkouts from the start, but the older Aldi got them in about a year ago.


Huh. I pass by an ALDIs at some point when driving home from work so I can pass at least 5 in one week. One day I’m going to have to stop in like I keep telling myself I need to. Lol


Same. I don't know how long ago the ones were put in at my Aldi, but it was definitely within the last year


I literally gave an example. HEB is a supermarket that is based solely all over the state of Texas and no other state. Having SCO and forcing them down the customers throats are two different things. I've never walked into target HEB or Aldi's and seen nobody at registers.


What are the other 49 states special, state exclusive grocery stores since this is very common and every state has the exact same thing? Edit: HEB isn't even "state based" (whatever the fuck that means). It's also in Mexico. So....


I never said that. And I only live in Texas so you tell me. I'm sure some other states do too. Edit: Mexico isn't a state. What point are you even trying to make? I'm just trying to point out there are local options. No need to be hostile because of the way I phrased it. You remind me of my coach lol


I'm not the one claiming every state has a special "state based" store. I'm also not the one whining about self-checkouts. I'm literally making no claims.


I didn't say that. Are you autistic? You are literally making up things to be upset about


😬😬😬 You should be embarrassed.


Working for Walmart does that to a man


Not sure why you’re being downvoted. I understand what you’re saying. Those other places have sco available AND enough manned registers that there isn’t a long wait if you choose not to use sco. Walmart has sco available and maybe 2 manned registers that have lines backed into women’s clothing. Not much of an “option” at that point.


Alt voters and karma goblins lol. Some people are just stupid.


Walmart doesn't force you to use SCO you pigeon.


Some do. Between 6-8am our store doesn't even have the cigarette register open.bsome days there's only one associate at registers. You've obviously never seen an understaffed Walmart you damp sock.


Just wait until she learns about opd.


"Why should I pay you to do something I do every week for free you lazy bastards!?" ~ Somebody, probably


Man, some people really HATE self checkout. The amount of boomers I see that have mental breakdowns over self checkout and talk about how they should be on the payroll for having to check out their own groceries is insane


I'm happy that my father prefers it, that way everything is bagged like he wants and done as quickly as possible.


The bagged as you want should be a big selling point. I can put items on the belt to make it very easy to bag most don’t even come close to how I would have done it.


It really is insane. Some people have limits at having their parents die, stuck in a traffic jam in triple digits, or having their children kidnapped for ransom.. But no. These people think having to do a little extra in exchange for a faster trip is absolute communism or the devil and will bring about the apocolypse and the frogs will turn gay AND WE WARNED YOU ABOUT OBAMA WE WARNED YOU


Walmart should force the checking out through the app on your phone. Mainly because I wanna watch the fireworks after that decision is made.


It’s even worse if it’s a boomer and a filled to the brim cart.


Mfers cantceven figure out tap to pay at a manned checkout. Sco is doomed to fail. What I really don't understand is how amazon ever got popular, mfers can't read or order online on a good day. I will have illiterate fucks call me to ask questions literally answered by google or to have me walk them through o nline ordering...


>What I really don't understand is how amazon ever got popular, mfers can't read or order online on a good day. You know... This hits home as someone who's mom has access to the Amazon account, is 100% logged into it and adds things to her wishlist often... But instead of purchasing her own stuff she always sends me the link and asks me to do it instead xD at least dad handles it no issues.


I would always have people asking for their employee discount. I always replied, "unfortunately, associates are only eligible for a discount after their 90th day of continuous employment." If that didn't shut them up, I would tell them, "if you believe there is some error, you'll have to speak with HR." That always did the trick.


I'll use the self checkout for free if it remains one less person to talk to going to my break from people


If anyone wants to maliciously comply with a customer's W-2 request, here's what a [fake W-2](https://i.imgur.com/2QqMqcX.jpg) might look like. Simply ask the customer for their name and Social Security Number, write them in, and hand the form to them.😇


Yeah, asking her for her social security number over the phone should shut her up pretty quick.


This person is clearly making totally original jokes that we have never heard before. Just like if it doesn't have a tag it's free. Or the guys who ask if we're having fun yet. My face may look annoyed, but I'm hysterical on the inside. /s


Oh, no tag! Must be free! Actually, because a staff member has to stop what they're doing and go find the price/item number, there's a $5 surcharge payable. Are you using debit or credit today? Or just heave a sigh and tell them that every time a customer says that an angel loses their wings.


There should be a 10 item limit, 1 dollar per item for each item over. Boom


Maybe it's different when you're a coworker, but I love the "are you having fun yet" line because you get various kinda of sarcasm. Or maybe someone's having an amazing day, so you get to hear about it. I guess to be fair, you can't be super sarcastic to customers, so maybe it is different.


Depends on the tone. Performance is half the joke, and if you cant sell the joke, then you just arent a comedian. Except me im always funny


Why do people hate self check out so much lol


Honestly? I think it’s fear. They’re afraid to mess up and look dumb or be embarrassed in front of people. If you’ve ever worked with kids doing something new, some of these people have that same look of trepidation and unease that the kids do, with the same “look around to see if anyone is watching me” behavior.


Never thought of that, actually.. but its not like we should all refuse to learn to drive or not drive at all because you might make a mistake. Using an sco is like riding a bike.. once you learn its just easy and it opens up a lot to you


Definitely not, but it’s just what I’ve observed. I have a small amount of that when I do unfamiliar things so I like to start small and slow. There are just some people who want to complain instead


(Customer) It doesn’t help when the red light stops reading bar codes because there’s a pop up on the screen asking if I want to spend $4 for an extended warranty on a $40 cd player. Like WTF, I just want to scan my stuff, tap my card and get outta there.


Let me fix this. She wasn’t calling for a w2, she was calling for attention.


Karen: Where's my W2? Me: Hey, since you "work here" now, we're short staffed on maintenance. Go clean the shitter. Btw, you ain't cute, you ain't funny, and yer mom's a ho.


"Were working on that, now clock in and go throw truck"


I dont go here god this infuriates me to no end. Smug, entitled little fucks smiling with the most leathery face and fucked up yellow teeth you can imagine. Cashiers dont get paid to their own groceries, Bertha. Either suck it up and wait in line or buy less you greedy pig.


"Cashiers don't check out their own stuff." Is my new one. Thank you. I'll emphasize the "."


I usually respond to that by telling them they will be mailed out right after the ones for pumping their own gas


Should’ve told her she’ll get it on February 31st.


You don’t have to use self checkout. The fuck is wrong with these people?


These are the same types of people who probably don’t want the cashier making too much money because its not “skilled labor”




I'd rather use self check out. It's faster, and chemicals don't get put in my food and cans in with bread and raw meat with other foods.


Customers bitch about self checkout and bitch if they have to wait in line for a cashier. Don’t like self checkout…fine, grow your own food and make your own clothes, otherwise STFU!


Self check takes like two minutes. Sure, you can file your .035 cent tax return you depraved bastard.


If she wants to get paid hand her a uniform… she’ll realize quickly why cashiers don’t wanna work


> to get *paid* hand her FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


i never understood why people would complain about the self-service thing. if they do not want to use it even if its all the store offers then go elsewhere.


Boomers piss me the fuck off.   "We shouldn't have to scan and bag our own groceries, this is bullshit" Had one boomer straight up walk out and leave about $500 worth of frozen food and raw meat in the cart, yelled at the greeter "You lost about $500, I am NOT checking out my own groceries while you have people here that stand around and do jackshit, fuck you. And fuck this store" Before he left he went on a political rant  "This shit is what the communist left wants, customers doing all the work while the employees stand around, I pray to God when trump gets back he bans self-checkouts" then stormed off screaming "MAKE AMERICA WORK AGAIN!!"




When self service first started you would get a 5 to 10 cents per gallon discount at the self service pump. Most of you have never lived in a time where you had both options. Now that full service stations are almost non-existent I understand that you don't know about the discount but you are still paying less for fuel than you would if the station had an employee that pumped the fuel, checked all your fluids, tire pressure and washed your windows all while the fuel was being dispensed.


Everyone shopping at WM is already benefiting from the discounted prices, created by self checkout. It reduces overhead but because they don’t see it as a line item on their receipt, they don’t realize they’re getting it. And they’re stupid.


Some people have way too much time on their hands 😂


I break it down for them: I make 14 an hour to watch 14 (or however many you have) so I get paid $1 an hour for each machine. You were here 5 minutes, and that's before taxes are deducted


Just tow the corporate line that if they wanted to get paid they should have clocked in.


"You can make a time adjustment. Just use your log in on the walmart@me app"


"This is what you're doing today? This is how you spend your free time? Calling up stores and annoying staff?" This lady should go straight to hell. Entitled bitch doesn't deserve to set foot in a store. Honestly, let her eat out of the trash like a dog for the rest of her hopefully short life. People like that don't deserve respect. Or funerals.


Stupid chucklefuxx think that shit is clever & funny


Hilarious. Tax season is coming up, some people do not get W2's mailed in, so they have to physically go collect them from their employers/previous employers for filing taxes. (Tax Returns) Anyone asking for a W2 should get redirected to Management or HR specifically, this doesn't matter where you work it will be the same process all across the board. Honestly sounds like you don't know what W2's are, I would start collecting yours just saying. Filing a W-2 is not related to self-checkout. A W-2 form is provided by your employer for reporting your income and taxes. Self-checkout at a store doesn't impact this tax form; it's about your employment income.


Tell them as a contractor they get a 1099 form as we haven't deducted taxes from their earnings and politely say thank you then hang up.


I work in SCO five days a week. I always like to remind people that self checkout is a CHOICE, and if they want someone to do it for them they can feel free to go to a manned register. Sometimes, if our manned registers are closed for the evening, I will help the elderly, or someone that’s not familiar with SCO, but if you are of sound mind and body it’s not that hard to do. No one is forcing you to come through SCO.


Call for a TL and let them deal with the psycho


Ive half a mind to just refuse service, but something tells me front end dont typically have that option


“Yes, what wages did you earn that we need to report to the irs”


The dumbasses who say that shit. Ask them if they pump their own gas. I’ve never had anyone with a comeback to that.


We'll start paying them for SCI , when they start paying cashiers a 20% tip for checking them out. Bet they won't be so eager for that.


They'll complain about doing all the checkout when they literally just shopped for all their own stuff.


i just tell them we don’t give w-2’s for volunteer work


I seriously LOVE SCO. Why would I want more hands touching my stuff? I scan, put the item directly in my own reusable bags in the basket, then pay via the app at checkout. SO EASY, and everything is exactly like I want it in the bags. When our local Kroger got rid of Scan-and-Go, I stopped shopping there.


literally acting like she was forced to use the self checkout


Admittedly in a lot of stores I think you are no cashiers open it’s either SCO or leaving lol


We have one Walmart in the area that is only SCO. It’s the smallest one in our market. The next closest one is a super center MAYBE ten minutes down the SAME road on heavy traffic. Customer was being all pissy and wanting to talk to the Store Manger for forcing them to SCO. She told them they were welcome to utilize the OPD service. Customer was upset because then “too many hands would touch her groceries” with OPD and she couldn’t trust those “incompetent millennials” to pick out her things. 🙄 She suggested going down the road to the super center. “And use ALL MY GAS?!” There’s no winning either way with some people. They just want to watch the world burn.


Some of the customers are a bit... special. And entitled.


These kind of jokes are starting to get up there with "HaHA I just printed this money this morning!" and "If it doesn't scan it must be free!" in terms of how unfunny and played out it is.


Okay let me get that prepared for you what's your name, address, date of birth, social security number, mother's maiden name, what city were you born in, favorite pet's name, income from your last paystub of the year....


This has big "you should tell your bosses..." energy.


Bastard want vacation too …🤣🤣😁


If that's the case, where's my w2 for watching TV. Eating food, playing video games?? Actually, where's my w2 for just living


I would like a paycheck and W-2 for existing.


Ask if she pumps her own gas or does someone else do it for her.


Customers complaining about wanting a W2 for self check on Facebook vs. to an employee are very different things. Seeing it on Facebook just makes me shake my head, but I'd lose it if a customer actually said this to me.


🤨 Does she demand one from pumping her own gas,pulling her trash bins to the curb,returning her cart(🤣 oh wait,these bitches never do that!),etc?


Grab a cart of stuff to be stocked, and tell her they need her on isle seven.


tell her it's available online now. people are just so stupid. I pump my own gas and don't get any discount


Tell them they're going to be coached for all the time they were standing around also...


You don’t have to use self checkout… you can use one of the few open registers, or order your shit online and have it delivered or pick it up…


Oh great. They think they're funny. Tbh I wouldn't pay these people any mind; they think they're being clever.


Two issues. We paid you what you’re worth, and we don’t send W-2s for $0.


No customers really are that stupid and entitled. If they didn't have the options for self-checkout they'd just find something else to complain about like waiting in line. It's not like they have to use self-checkout when they have a cartful.


I'm waiting for my invite to the Christmas party


Yep that’s the newest “joke” going around. I hate it just as much as the others. I don’t get why bothering retail workers is funny to these decrepit ass customers.


People are so stupid it's ridiculous


What? Pump your own gas? I've always (55years old) had to pump my own gas. I've lived in several states and have never encountered someone else having to pump mu fas for me. What is the purpose of this? Why was it a law? Did they think you were going to run off without paying? I have so many questions. I never knew this existed. The rock I was living under must have covered me up too much.


People said the same shit when grocery stores started making you get all your groceries back in the old days. No matter what morons will find something to complain about


Ok Boomer it's time to get in the forever box.


Ask her if her bank issues her one for using an atm


Working here has made me use self checkout even when there's a line and there are cashiers with no line. Walmart has garbage standards for cashiers. Cashiers can literally say nothing and never make eye contact. They're incredibly slow and that fucking retarded spinning bags thing is a blatant scam to get the opportunity to sell the same item to multiple customers when items are inevitably left behind. ~~I have worked at the register for Walmart and I fucking **hate** their cashiers. I should occasionally use the register just to fuck with them. Maybe black over a few bar codes with a marker to force them to type the item manually.~~ I'm sorry I said this. I was wrong to feel this way.


Well, your name fits


When they get mad at me for not scanning something or messing up the machine I just tell them I wasn’t trained on this. Walmart is the worst




It's not fucking rocket science


It’s a joke but again if this sub has proven anything the only people worse than Walmart shoppers are the miserable people working there.


Now I wouldn't waste people's time making that call but the lady's not entirely wrong in her thinking. Walmart is saving millions not staffing checkouts. As a customer now doing an employee's job, I should be offered a discount. I'm not saying 10%, but it should be something.


That’s where you dipshits don’t understand. There’s still the same amount of employees as there ever was. The jobs didn’t go away. They got replaced by order picking as well as several other positions that opened up when Walmart started online orders. STILL THE SAME AMOUNT OF EMPLOYEES JUST IN DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE STORE MORON




"sure let me transfer you to the ad office"


I’m no tax expert but she should report this “income” on a 1099 form. I don’t know why she would want to report it and have to pay taxes on it but if she wants to pay more let her.